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Improving Automatic Viscosity Monitoring in The Lab

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Improving Automatic Viscosity Monitoring In the


The viscosity of a lubricating oil is perhaps its most important physical property. Among other
factors, it determines the dynamic load that may be supported, what the lubrication film thickness
will be, and what the flow rate will be under a given pressure. Designers of machinery specify a
viscosity or “viscosity grade” which must be used in their equipment. The specification comes from
a combination of design parameters such as bearing loads, machining tolerances and the required
rate of heat removal.

Because of its importance, viscosity is one of the

fundamental properties that should always be
measured in any used oil program. Most commercial
oil analysis labs use a variation of ASTM D445 to
determine the kinematic viscosity of used oil samples
at 40°C, 100°C or both. ASTM D445 requires that the
oil sample be drawn in a capillary viscometer tube,
which is immersed in an oil-heating bath at the
prescribed test temperature. The time taken for the oil
to flow under gravity back through the narrow
capillary section is used to determine its kinematic
viscosity (Figure 1).

While ASTM D445 is an accurate, reliable method of

determining the viscosity of an oil, many commercial
oil analysis labs modify this method to allow for faster
sample analysis. This is of particular importance
considering the method requires at least 10 minutes
of heating in the oil bath, and at least five minutes to
flow through the capillary tube. Many of the larger
commercial labs typically test 500 or more oil samples
per day. To provide adequate throughput, these labs
usually use automatic viscometers, based on ASTM
D445. These instruments are designed to allow for
much faster analysis times, while providing similar
accuracy to the manual method outlined in ASTM

In addition to determining the kinematic viscosity, the

other viscosity-related property of lubricating oil is the
viscosity index (VI). The VI is a number without a unit
that characterizes the viscosity vs. temperature
relationship of the lubricating oil.

An oil’s VI is normally determined from viscosity

measurement at both 40°C and 100°C using an
algorithm outlined in ASTM D2270. Sometimes used
oil analysis labs will provide this number from a new
oil specification, without actually making the two-
Figure 1
temperature measurement and calculating the VI. In other cases, viscosity is measured only at
one temperature and then a viscosity for another temperature is calculated using the new oil VI,
again based on data provided from the new oil specifications. This calculated viscosity can be
inaccurate and misleading and therefore is not reliable. The assumption is that the VI has not
changed, however, certain contaminants, not to mention shear down of VI improvers, can change
an oil’s VI. This makes the extrapolated procedure potentially inaccurate. In fact, measuring
viscosity at two temperatures and calculating the oil’s VI can be a useful indication of certain
problems and/or conditions, particularly in engine oil samples. Accurate viscosity measurement at
two temperatures is crucial to determining the actual VI. Used lubricants present some challenges
in this respect due to the contaminants they contain. For example, a sample can leave behind
deposits on the walls of the capillary tube that affect subsequent measurements. In other cases,
water in the oil can cause erroneous measurements. When using an automated viscometer, there
is also the possibility of an instrument malfunction going undetected.

The vast majority of automatic viscometers in use today measure each sample only once. The
main reason is that it is not cost effective for the laboratory to run every sample twice to
crosscheck results, because this doubles analysis times. By making only one measurement, the
lab is in effect relying on the accuracy of the instrument. While these instruments are accurate
when conditions are ideal (for example with new oils) when measuring used oil, particles can
collect on the viscometer tube walls, shifting the calibration. When a viscometer tube is out of
calibration, it will deliver consistent but inaccurate results. To counteract this, most labs will run
periodic quality control (QC) samples to verify calibration. When this QC check fails, all samples
back to the previous QC check should be remeasured. However, what happens when a temporary
condition presents itself: one that corrects after a few more samples have been run?

A large particle or filter fiber can partially plug a tube for the next several samples. However, if that
particle is flushed prior to the next QC check, how can the lab know there was a problem with
some of the measurements since the last QC check? Likewise, a sample may contain water or
other contaminants that are not easily flushed by the cleaning solvent. In this case, it may take
several cycles to properly clean out that viscometer tube. The samples run in the meantime can
have inaccurate measurements, which again would never be picked up by QC samples unless a
quality check is run every couple of samples. If any other conditions occur, a situation may arise
where a highly accurate laboratory viscometer can generate a viscosity measurement that is off by
several percentage points.

To counteract these problems, a new type of automatic viscometer has been designed by
Edmonton, Alberta-based Dare Instruments. The Trivisc, recently introduced by Dare, is one of
only a few automatic viscometers specifically designed for used oil analysis. The instrument
utilizes multiple sensors to derive three unique measurements on each oil sample. The sensor’s
unique, two-piece design allows the viscometer to detect slight inconsistencies caused by
calibration shift, partial blockages, water or entrained gases. Comparative analysis allows a
confidence factor to be generated. When this result is greater than a set limit, the test is
considered valid and the viscosity accepted as accurate. In the case of a low confidence factor,
the sample may be retested or the measurement parameters may be adjusted. This built-in quality
control check happens automatically on every sample tested.

To cost-effectively measure viscosity at two temperatures and calculate the VI, commercial labs
need an accurate, high-speed instrument. The Trivisc instrument can provide rapid turnaround,
allowing more than 90 viscosity measurements, at two different temperatures. Adaptive, automatic
cleaning algorithms ensure that minimum time and solvent is required between samples. Wide-
range viscometer tubes are utilized so that tubes do not need to be changed. On new oil, relative
standard deviation (RSD) repeatability ranges from 0.24 percent to 0.50 percent above normal
viscosity ranges with an accuracy of 0.5 percent.

At this level of accuracy, commercial oil analysis labs now can have the rapid throughput of the
highest quality automatic viscometer with comparable repeatability and reproducibility of the
stringent ASTM D445 procedure.

For more information, visit Dare Instruments at http://www.dareinc.com.

Issue Number: 200303

Practicing Oil Analysis

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