Application: Steel Wire Armour cable BS5467 (SWA) is a hard-wearing power cable, with mechanical protection, de-
signed for the supply of mains electricity. SWA is suitable for indoors and outdoors, in cable ducts or directly buried in
the ground. Multi-core steel wire armoured cable can also be used for auxiliary control.
Technical Data:
Core Identification
1 Core: Brown
2 Cores: Brown, Blue
3 Cores: Brown, Black, Grey or Brown, Blue, Green/Yellow
4 Cores: Brown, Black, Grey, Blue
5 Cores: Brown, Black, Grey, Blue, Green/Yellow
Part No. No. Conduct Cable Cross Actual Overall Gland Cleat Nominal Resistance
Cores or Cross Section Armour Diameter Size Size Weight of
Section Area Area Cross (mm) (kg/km) Copper
(mm²) (mm²) Section Conductor
Area (Ω/Km) at
(mm²) 200C
6942X 1.5 2 1.5 114.93 15 12.1 20S 5 302 12.1
6942X 2.5 2 2.5 145.19 17 13.6 20S 6 346 7.41
6942X 4 2 4 169.63 19 14.7 20S 6 410 4.61
6942X 6 2 6 198.46 22 15.9 20 7 499 3.08
6942X 10 2 10 254.34 26 18.0 20 8 648 1.83
6942X 16 2 16 326.69 42 20.4 25 9 978 1.15
6942X 25 2 25 455.94 42 24.1 25 10 1290 0.727
6942X 35 2 35 426.17 60 23.3 25 10 1500 0.524
6942X 50 2 50 522.53 68 25.8 32 11 1890 0.387
6942X 70 2 70 660.19 80 29.0 32 12 2450 0.268
6942X 95 2 95 860.05 113 33.1 40 14 330 0.193
6942X 120 2 120 1023.02 125 36.1 40 16 4020 0.153
6942X 150 2 150 1212.42 138 39.3 40 18 4750 0.124
6942X 185 2 185 1568.50 191 44.7 50 20 5800 0.0991
6942X 240 2 240 1884.79 215 49.0 50 T9 7280 0.0754
6942X 300 2 300 2246.87 235 53.5 63 T9 8750 0.0601
6942X 400 2 400 2732.59 265 59.0 63 T10 10700 0.0470
Red shows SWA too small to be used as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
Regulations (but may comply by calculation).
Black shows SWA adequate to use as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
The information contained within this datasheet is for guidance only. Please note the actual cable dimensions may
very due to manufacturing tolerence.
Part No. No. Conduct or Cable Cross Actual Overall Gland Cleat Nominal Resistance of
Cores Cross Sec- Section Armour Diameter Size Size Weight Copper
tion Area Area Cross (mm) (kg/km) Conductor
(mm²) (mm²) Section (Ω/Km) at
Area 200C
6943X 1.5 3 1.5 124.63 16 12.6 20s 6 330 12.1
6943X 2.5 3 2.5 156.07 19 14.1 20s 6 390 7.41
6943X 4 3 4 183.76 20 15.3 20s 6 464 4.61
6943X 6 3 6 216.31 23 16.6 20 7 568 3.08
6943X 10 3 10 298.50 39 19.5 20 8 866 1.83
6943X 16 3 16 366.25 45 21.6 25 10 1152 1.15
6943X 25 3 25 510.45 62 25.5 32 11 1800 0.727
6943X 35 3 35 615.44 68 28.0 32 11 2230 0.524
6943X 50 3 50 637.62 78 28.5 32 12 2490 0.387
6943X 70 3 70 813.92 90 32.2 40 14 3290 0.268
6943X 95 3 95 1074.67 128 37.0 40 16 4440 0.193
6943X 120 3 120 1281.25 141 40.4 50 16 5470 0.153
6943X 150 3 150 1625.15 201 45.5 50 18 6930 0.124
6943X 185 3 185 1946.83 220 49.8 50 20 8350 0.0991
6943X 240 3 240 2383.27 250 55.1 63 T9 10400 0.0754
6943X 300 3 300 2844.87 269 60.2 63 T10 12600 0.0601
6943X 400 3 400 3481.91 304 66.6 75 T11 14600 0.0470
Red shows SWA too small to be used as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
Regulations (but may comply by calculation).
Black shows SWA adequate to use as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
The information contained within this datasheet is for guidance only. Please note the actual cable dimensions may
very due to manufacturing tolerence.
Part No. No. Conduct Cable Cross Actual Overall Gland Cleat Nominal Resistance of
Cores or Cross Section Armour Diameter Size Size Weight Copper
Section Area Cross (mm) (kg/km) Conductor
Area (mm²) Section (Ω/Km) at 200C
(mm²) Area
6944X 1.5 4 1.5 143.07 17 13.5 20s 6 365 12.1
6944X 2.5 4 2.5 176.63 20 15.0 20s 6 438 7.41
6944X 4 4 4 211.13 23 16.4 20 7 532 4.61
6944X 6 4 6 274.51 36 18.7 20 8 764 3.08
6944X 10 4 10 349.49 43 21.1 25 9 1013 1.83
6944X 16 4 16 411.66 49 22.9 25 11 1360 1.15
6944X 25 4 25 597.98 70 27.6 32 12 2160 0.727
6944X 35 4 35 725.47 78 30.4 32 12 2690 0.524
6944X 50 4 50 803.84 90 32.0 32 14 3130 0.387
6944X 70 4 70 1115.71 131 37.7 40 16 4500 0.268
6944X 95 4 95 1365.03 147 41.7 50 18 5600 0.193
6944X 120 4 120 1741.45 206 47.1 50 20 7400 0.153
6944X 150 4 150 2073.94 230 51.4 50 TC9 8780 0.124
6944X 185 4 185 2514.79 255 56.6 63 TC10 10630 0.0991
6944X 240 4 240 3115.75 289 63.0 63 TC11 13390 0.0754
6944X 300 4 300 3715.75 319 68.8 75 TC12 16290 0.0601
6944X 400 4 400 4788.19 452 78.1 75 TC14 19800 0.0470
Red shows SWA too small to be used as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
Regulations (but may comply by calculation).
Black shows SWA adequate to use as protective conductor. Taken from table 54G in 17th Edition of the IET Wiring
Part No. No. Conduct Cable Cross Actual Overall Gland Cleat Nominal Resistance of
Cores or Cross Section Armour Diameter Size Size Weight Copper
Section Area Cross (mm) (kg/km) Conductor
Area (mm²) Section (Ω/Km) at 200C
(mm²) Area
6945X 1.5 5 1.5 143.07 19 13.5 6 390 12.1
6945X 2.5 5 2.5 176.63 22 15.0 7 465 7.41
6945X 4 5 4 211.13 25 16.4 7 579 4.61
6945X 6 5 6 274.51 40 18.7 8 820 3.08
6945X 10 5 10 349.49 46 21.1 9 1090 1.83
6945X 16 5 16 411.66 72 22.9 10 1400 1.15
6945X 25 5 25 655.64 88 28.9 12 2100 0.727
6945X 35 5 35 808.87 100 32.1 14 2580 0.524
6945X 50 5 50 1133.54 144 38.0 16 3850 0.387
Part No. No. Conduct Cable Cross Actual Overall Gland Cleat Nominal Resistance of
Cores or Cross Section Armour Diameter Size Size Weight Copper
Section Area Cross (mm) (kg/km) Conductor
Area (mm²) Section (Ω/Km) at 200C
(mm²) Area
6945X 1.5 5 1.5 143.07 19 13.5 20S 6 390 12.1
6947X 1.5 7 1.5 181.37 20 15.2 20S 6 470 12.1
694/12X 1.5 12 1.5 295.44 39 19.4 20 8 780 12.1
694/19X 1.5 19 1.5 386.88 45 22.2 25 9 1000 12.1
694/27X 1.5 27 1.5 559.62 70 26.7 25 10 1500 12.1
694/37X 1.5 37 1.5 660.19 78 29.0 32 12 1800 12.1
6945X 2.5 5 2.5 176.63 22 15.0 20S 7 465 7.41
6947X 2.5 7 2.5 229.54 24 17.1 20 7 600 7.41
694/12X 2.5 12 2.5 393.88 45 22.4 25 9 1000 7.41
694/19X 2.5 19 2.5 555.43 70 26.6 25 10 1540 7.41
694/27X 2.5 27 2.5 739.85 84 30.7 25 12 1950 7.41
694/37X 2.5 37 2.5 896.82 94 33.8 32 14 2350 7.41
The information contained within this datasheet is for guidance only. Please note the actual cable dimensions may
very due to manufacturing tolerence.
This table above is in accordance with Table 4E4A of the 17th Edition of IET Wiring Regulations
1. Where is it intended to connect the cables in this table to the equipment or accessories designed to operate
at a temperature lower than the maximum operating temperature of the cable, the cable should be rated at the
maximum operating temperature of the equipment or accessory (see Regulation 512.1.5).
2. Where it is intended to group a cable in the table with other cables, the cables should be rated at the lowest of the
maximum operating temperature of any of the cables in the group (see Regulation 512.1.5).
This table above is in accordance with Table 4E4B of the 17th Edition of IET Wiring Regulations