Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3
Converting common units of measure from larger unit to smaller unit and vice
versa: liter(L) to milliliter (ml).
A. Preliminary
1. Drill
a. 10 × 10
b. 30 × 2
c. 20 × 4
d. 30 ÷ 2
e. 100 ÷ 50 (Possible answer)
a. 100
b. 60
c. 80
d. 15
e. 2
Very good.
2. Review
Let the pupils answer the problem.
Very good.
3. Motivation
(Possible answers)
(possible answers)
- To avoid diseases.
- To reduce pollution.
Yes, very good it is necessary to keep
our environment clean because we need - To reduce trash.
to get fresh air, reduce pollution and most
- To get fresh air.
of all this will help us to live healthy and
better lives.
Is that clear?
B. Developmental Activities
- Expiry date
Very good. - Ingredients
- Nutrition facts
- Serving size
Today, we will use empty bottles.
2. Discussion
1 liter = 1000ml
½ liter = 500 ml (The pupil will observe quietly)
¼ liter = 250 ml
- One liter is being transferred to
Very good. the two empty bottles.
- It has 1000ml.
Very good.
2 × 500 ml = 1000 ml
Given; four - 250 ml bottle of water
One (1) liter empty bottle
= 1 liter
Very good.
Very good.
Example 3:
What is asked in the problem? - Five (5) liters are there in 5000 ml.
Very good.
Let us solve the problem.
(possible answer)
Given: 5 liters of juice Solution:
3000 ÷ 1000 = 3
milliliter =?
Therefore, 3 liters of powder milk is equal
Solve: to 3000 ml.
5 × 1000 = 5000
Group 2:
- To convert liter to milliliter, multiply
the number of liter by 1000.
Materials: Four – 250 ml bottles of water
and empty bottle that can hold 1 liter of
- To convert milliliter to liter, divide
Direction: Pour the water from the four
250 ml bottles to a 1 liter of water. the number of milliliter by 1000.
(possible answers)
1. 6 L
Very good.
2. 3 L
3. 1 L
4. 8,000 ml
5. 4,000 ml
Very good.
4. Generalization
Very good.
Very good.
C. Application
Direction: Convert milliliters to liters; vice
1. 3 L = ____ ml
2. 5 L = ____ ml
3. 6 L = ____ ml
4. 2000 ml = ____ L
5. 7000 ml = ____ L
Very good.
IV- Evaluation
1. 6000 ml = _____ L
2. 3000 ml = _____ L
3. 1000 ml = _____ L
4. 8 L = ______ ml
5. 4 L = ______ ml
Very good.
V- Agreement