Siemens Demand Flow
Siemens Demand Flow
Siemens Demand Flow
Siemens Demand Flow maximizes General information / customer On projects where energy costs average
efficiency, increases nominal challenges €0.14 per kWh, investment payback periods
capacities, and simplifies plant This energy saving application guide is have been less than 2 years.
operations of water-cooled chilled
one in a series of energy efficiency docu-
water plants.
ments created by Siemens to highlight Demand flow is a unique optimization
the energy saving potential in data centers. application for water-cooled, central chiller
This guide contains standard applications plants that automatically optimizes the
that can be used independently or as part plant given the varying load conditions
of an overall program of measures to save throughout the day and throughout the
energy and reduce costs. The applications year.
range from simple algorithms commonly It is an energy solution with proven savings
found in cooling systems, ventilation and for all types of facilities and especially for
air-conditioning plants to advanced moni- critical environments such as data centers
toring and performance contracting to and industrial processes.
help implement these measures.
Demand Flow controls and sequences the
Demand Flow™ operation of the entire chilled water plant,
Siemens has developed a patented and including the chillers, condenser water
proven chiller plant optimization technol- pumps and the chilled water supply pumps.
ogy that produces 20% to 50% energy It optimizes temperature and pressure
savings with rapid investment payback set points for chilled water and condenser
while reducing long-term maintenance water while controlling pump and fan
costs and extending the life of the plant speeds to maintain the optimal energy
equipment. balance.
Because of its balanced approach to all
The technology combines many improve- components of the chilled water system
ment measures used in the past but it does not generate savings in just one
achieves savings with a new, balanced, area or utilize more energy in another
holistic approach that has a dramatic area, like other solutions that have been
effect on the energy consumption of the presented to the industry in the past.
entire chilled water system.
Essentially, it optimizes all energy-con- The solution uses variable speed pumping
suming components controlled by the on both chilled and condenser water flow
system algorithms, independently of load and resets pumping on both chilled and
and in a manner that simplifies system condenser water flow, based on load and
operation. Investment payback periods of a patented Variable Pressure Curve Logic
1 to 5 years are typical for projects where (VPCL).
energy costs average €0.08 per kWh.
Estimated savings potential
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 >70%
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Building Technologies Division available, which do not always have to be present in individual cases. The required
International Headquarters features should therefore be specified in each individual case at the time of closing
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