Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2018 / 0000173 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2018 / 0000173 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2018 / 0000173 A1
US 20180000173A1
( 19) United States
(12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No.: US 2018 /Jan
0000173 A1
TSAUR et al. . 4 , 2018
(43) Pub . Date :
(54 ) MASK WITH A SOUND - TRANSMITTING Publication Classification
STRUCTURE (51 ) Int. CI.
(71 ) Applicants :GARRY TSAUR , Rowland Heights, A411 13 / 11 ( 2006 .01 )
CA (US); TING -HUA WANG , GIOK 11 /18 (2006 . 01)
Taichung City (TW ); FRANK TSAUR , CPC . ............. A411 13 / 11 ( 2013 .01); GIOK 11 / 18
Rowland Heights, CA (US); NANCY
TSAUR , Taichung City ( TW ) ( 2013 .01 )
(72 ) Inventors: GARRY TSAUR , Rowland Heights , (57) ABSTRACT
CA (US ) ; TING -HUA WANG , A mask is provided with a sound - transmitting structure ,
Taichung City ( TW ) ; FRANK TSAUR , which can transmit the spoken sound to the outside of the
Rowland Heights , CA (US ); NANCY mask without removing the same. The mask comprises a
TSAUR , Taichung City (TW ) mask body and a sound -transmitting structure, wherein the
mask body is provided with the sound - transmitting hole , the
(21) Appl. No.: 15/196,733 sound -transmitting structure comprises the sound film and
the sound inside the mask may be clearly transmitted to the
outside of the mask through the sound -transmitting hole and
(22) Filed : Jun . 29 , 2016 the sound- transmitting structure.
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US 2018/0000173 A1 Jan. 4 , 2018
MASK WITH A SOUND - TRANSMITTING stopping foreign materials, each stratified structure provided
STRUCTURE with a plurality of small holes for enabling the inflow and
outflow of the air . The mask may filtrate aerosol particles ,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION germs, viruses and pollen as a protective screen for the
human body ,but the multilayer and porosity of the structural
1. Field of the Invention feature of the mask may absorb partial sound frequency like
[0001 ] The present invention relates to a mask provided the sound -absorbing cotton . Therefore , when one speaks,
with a sound transmitting structure , which may transmit the answers a phone especially, with a mask , there are only two
spoken sound to the outside of the mask without removing situations : (1 ) Removing the mask for talking on the phone
the same. but giving up the protective function of the mask ; (2 ) talking
on the phone with the mask but partial sound frequency is
2. Description of the Prior Art absorbed by the mask so that the sound can not be clearly
and completely transmitted to the phone , making the talk
10002 ] There are many reasons for wearing a mask . The content heard by the other people unclearly .
mask may prevent foreign materials from entering the [0008 ] The inventor has suffered from this contradiction
human body via the mouth and nose and protect the human for a long time. Therefore , an important topic that the
body from the harm caused by air pollutions, germs and present invention wants to solve herein is how to design a
allergens. mask which may clearly transmit the spoken sound without
[0003] In resent years , due to the mutation of influenza influencing the protective function thereof such that in the
viruses, the immunity of the public to influenza viruses has case ofwearing a mask , the wearermay make himselfheard
decreased . If people with weak immunity suffer from flu , it clearly while doing the action of talking on a phone .
may result in serious illness and even death . Wearing a mask
may hinder external and internal spraying spittle , thereby SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
reducing the transmission of diseases such as flu . Therefore , [0009 ] The present invention is designed to provide a
it is one of the methods for protecting oneself from being mask with a sound - transmitting structure . The mask com
infected by diseases when taking the public transportation or prises a mask body and a sound - transmitting structure ,
going to crowded places such as a hospital. In a hospital, in wherein the mask body is provided with the sound - trans
order to avoid the cross infection , it is imperative for mitting hole, the sound -transmitting structure comprises the
doctors, nurses, patients , and family members of patients to sound film and the sound inside the mask may be clearly
wear a mask for protecting themselves as well as others . transmitted to the outside of the mask through the sound
[0004 ] With the industrial progress, industrial activities transmitting hole and the sound - transmitting structure .
such as motor vehicles burning fossil fuels and power plants [0010 ] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
generating electricity all will produce particulate matters ent invention , the mask body is a single - layer or multi-layers
such as aerosol particles , atmospheric particulate matters , structure .
aerosols , and hazes , making the air pollution problem [0011 ] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
increasingly serious . These particulate matters may be ent invention , the sound - transmitting structure may be dis
inhaled into the respiratory system , the blood system and posed outside the mask body , inside the mask body or
even the nervous system and are considered to be associated between the inner layer and the outer layer of the mask body .
with diseases such as asthma and lung cancer, influencing [0012] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
physical health greatly . To avoid inhaling noxious gases, ent invention , the number of the sound -transmitting struc
hazes or other hazardous matters . It is necessary for motor ture is one or more .
cyclists , pedestrians and traffic polices to wear a mask . [0013] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
Wearing a mask may filtrate particulate matters such as ent invention , the sound - transmitting structure may be fixed
aerosol particles and prevent the same from entering the on the mask body by sealing .
human body. [0014 ] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
[0005 ] The pollinosis is an anaphylaxis caused by pollen ent invention , the sound - transmitting structure may be stuck
as the allergen , which mainly brings out the anaphylaxis of to the mask body by gum .
eyes , nose , respiratory tract, digestive tract, skin , and the [0015] To realize the above-mentioned object of the pres
like. People suffering from serious allergic asthmamay even ent invention , the sound -transmitting structure may be
die from suffocation . In pollen season , most people with the clamped to the mask body by a bracket.
allergic constitution will protect themselves by wearing a [0016 ] To realize the above-mentioned object of the pres
m . ent invention , the materials of the sound film comprises
[0006 ] Now , it is the times of cellphone popularization . paper, tiffany , silk , aluminum , titanium , polyethylene
Almost every people has one for work as well as the terephthalate (PET) , polyethylene naphthalene (PEN ) ,
interactions with family members and friends, and may use polyetherimide (PEI), polyurethane (PU ), polyaryletherke
the cellphone for communication whenever and wherever tone (PEEK ), thermoplastic polyurethanes ( TPU ) , and the
possible . However, it is not uncommon that one needs to use high polymer material.
the cellphone while in an environment that needs to wear a [0017 ] To realize the above-mentioned object of the pres
mask . ent invention , the number of the sound -transmitting hole is
100071. The basic function of the mask is stopping the air one or more .
pollutants, PM 2 . 5 , pollen , dusts and the like in the envi [0018 ] To realize the above -mentioned object of the pres
ronment outside the mask while allowing the air to enter the ent invention , the mask comprises the lint face mask , the
mask for the breath of the user. In order to realize such a N95 mask , the surgicalmask , the activated carbon mask , and
function , the mask needs a stratified structure for enabling the paper mask .
US 2018/0000173 A1 Jan. 4 , 2018
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS mask body 1 and the sound - transmitting structure 2 for the
[0019] FIG . 1 is a schematic diagram of the present transmission of the sound . The sound - transmitting structure
invention , illustrating a mask with the sound -transmitting 2 comprises the sound film , wherein the sound film , also
structure , wherein the sound - transmitting structure is sealed known as the vibrating diaphragm , is made from ventilate
materials and will vibrate with the air vibration caused by
to the mask by ultrasonic wave . the sound , thereby transmitting the sound to the other side of
[ 0020 ] FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram of the present the sound film . As the mask is provided with the sound
invention , illustrating a mask with the sound -transmitting structure which comprises the sound film , when one speaks,
structure , wherein the sound -transmitting structure is stuck the sound inside the mask may be completely transmitted to
to the mask by the gum . the mouthpiece of the phone , the microphone and the like
[0021 ] FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of the present outside the mask , as shown in FIG . 6 . The materials of the
invention , wherein the sound- transmitting structure is sound film are paper,tiffany, silk , aluminum , titanium , poly
clamped to the mask by a bracket. ethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene naphthalene
0022] FIG . 4 is a schematic diagram of the present (PEN ), polyetherimide ( PEI), polyurethane (PU ), polyary
invention , illustrating a surgical mask with the sound -trans letherketone (PEEK ), thermoplastic polyurethanes ( TPU ),
mitting structure , wherein the sound - transmitting structure is the high polymer material or othermatters thatmay transmit
disposed within the three -layer structure of the surgical the air vibration .
mask .
[0023 ] FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram of the present Embodiment Three
invention , illustrating a N95 mask with the sound -transmit
ting structure , wherein the number of the sound -transmitting [0029 ] With reference to FIG . 3 , The mask comprises a
structure is one or more . mask body 1 . The sound - transmitting structure 2 is clamped
[0024 ] FIG . 6 is a schematic diagram of the application of to the mask body 1 by an inner and external bracket 6 . One
the present invention , or a plurality of holes 101 are provided at the clamping area
[0025 ] FIG . 7 is a schematic diagram of the present of the mask body 1 and the sound - transmitting structure 2
invention , illustrating a mask with the sound -transmitting for the transmission of the sound. The sound -transmitting
structure , wherein the sound -transmitting structure is not structure 2 comprises the sound film , wherein the sound
positioned at the center of the mask . film , also known as the vibrating diaphragm , is made from
ventilate materials and will vibrate with the air vibration
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE caused by the sound , thereby transmitting the sound to the
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT other side of the sound film . As the mask is provided with
[0026 ] The present invention is exemplarily illustrated by the sound -structure which comprises the sound film , when
but not limited to following embodiments . one speaks, the sound inside the mask may be completely
transmitted to the mouthpiece of the phone, the microphone
Embodiment One and the like outside the mask , as shown in FIG . 6 . The
materials of the sound film are paper,tiffany, silk , aluminum ,
[0027 ] With reference to FIG . 1, the present invention is a titanium , polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene
mask provided with a sound -transmitting structure and the naphthalene (PEN ), polyetherimide (PEI), polyurethane
mask comprises a mask body 1 . The sound -transmitting (PU ), polyaryletherketone (PEEK ), thermoplastic polyure
structure 2 is sealed to the outside of the mask body 1 by thanes ( TPU ), the high polymer material or other matters
ultrasonic wave . One or a plurality of holes 101 are provided that may transmit the air vibration .
at the sealing area of the mask body 1 and the sound
transmitting structure 2 for the transmission of the sound . Embodiment Four
The sound - transmitting structure 2 comprises the sound [0030 ] With reference to FIG . 4 , The mask body of the
film , wherein the sound film , also known as the vibrating
diaphragm , is made from ventilate materials and will vibrate surgical mask generally has a tree -layer structure . From
with the air vibration caused by the sound , thereby trans outside to inside , a first layer of the surgical mask 102 is a
mitting the sound to the other side of the sound film . As the waterproof layer that repels sprinkling water and spraying
mask is provided with the sound - structure which comprises spittle ; a second layer of the surgical mask 103 is a steril
the sound film , when one speaks, the sound inside themask ization layer that has electrostatic filtering bacteria and a
may be completely transmitted to the mouthpiece of the third layer of the surgical mask 104 is a water accepting
phone, the microphone and the like outside the mask , as layer that may absorb saliva . The sound film is disposed
shown in FIG . 6 . The materials of the sound film are paper, between the first layer 102 and the second layer 103 of the
tiffany, silk , aluminum , titanium , polyethylene terephthalate surgical mask or between the second layer 103 and the third
(PET), polyethylene naphthalene (PEN ), polyetherimide layer 104 of the surgical mask and sealed to the mask body
(PEI), polyurethane (PU ), polyaryletherketone (PEEK ), by ultrasonic wave . One or a plurality of holes 101 are
thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU ) , the high polymermate provided at the sealing area and the sound-transmitting
rial or other matters that may transmit the air vibration . structure 2 for the transmission of the sound . The sound
transmitting structure 2 comprises the sound film , wherein
Embodiment Two the sound film , also known as the vibrating diaphragm , is
made from ventilate materials and will vibrate with the air
[0028 ] With reference to FIG . 2 , The mask comprises a vibration caused by the sound, thereby transmitting the
mask body 1. The sound-transmitting structure 2 is stuck and sound to the other side of the sound film . As the mask is
secured to the inside of the mask body 1 by gum . One or a provided with the sound -structure which comprises the
plurality of holes 101 are provided at the bonding area of the sound film , when one speaks, the sound inside the mask may
US 2018/0000173 A1 Jan. 4 , 2018
be completely transmitted to the mouthpiece of the phone , and a sound film , wherein the sound inside the mask clearly
the microphone and the like outside the mask . The materials transmits to the outside of the mask through the sound
of the sound film are paper, tiffany, silk , aluminum , titanium , transmitting structure .
polyethylene terephthalate ( PET), polyethylene naphthalene 2 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein themask body
( PEN ), polyetherimide (PEI), polyurethane (PU ), polyary is a single -layer or multi-layer structure .
letherketone (PEEK ), thermoplastic polyurethanes ( TPU ), 3 . The mask according to claim 1, wherein the sound
the high polymer material or othermatters thatmay transmit transmitting structure may be disposed outside the mask
the air vibration . body, inside the mask body or between the inner layer and
the outer layer of the mask body.
[0031 ] The mask may be provided with one or more (FIG . 4 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein the number of
5 ) sound -transmitting structures. The sound -transmitting the sound -transmitting structure is one or more ,
structure may be located at the center of the mask . And 5 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein the sound
because the mouthpiece of the cellphone may cling to the transmitting structure may be fixed on the mask body by
left or right side of the face, the sound - transmitting structure sealing .
may also be selectively disposed at the left or right side of 6 . The mask according to claim 1, where the sound
the mask (FIG . 7) . transmitting structure may be stuck to the mask body by
[0032 ] The above -mentioned detailed description aims to gum .
specifically illustrate the practicable embodiments of the 7 . The mask according to claim 1, where the sound
present invention , but the embodiments are not for limiting transmitting structure may be clamped to the mask body by
the patent scope of the present invention and all equivalent a bracket.
embodiments or modifications made without departing from 8 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein the materials
the spirit of the present invention shall be contained within of the sound film comprise at least one of the following :
the patent scope of the present invention . paper, tiffany, silk , aluminum , titanium , polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) , polyethylene naphthalene (PEN ),
[0033] The plentiful effects above -mentioned meet the polyetherimide (PEI), polyurethane (PU ), polyaryletherke
lawful patent requirement for novelty and inventiveness . tone (PEEK ), thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU ) , and the
The inventor files an application according to law and high polymer material.
earnestly urge honorable Office to approve the patent appli 9 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein the number of
cation of the present invention as an encouragement thereof. the sound -transmitting hole is one or more .
1. A mask for enhancing sound transmission , comprising 10 . The mask according to claim 1 , wherein the mask is
a mask body and a sound - transmitting structure , wherein the selected from the group consisting of the lint face mask , the
mask body comprises a porous stratified structure for N95 mask , the surgicalmask , the activated carbon mask , and
enabling the inflow and outflow of air , wherein the sound the paper mask .
transmitting structure comprises a sound -transmitting hole * * * * *