United States Patent: (45) Date of Patent: Aug - 28, 2018
United States Patent: (45) Date of Patent: Aug - 28, 2018
United States Patent: (45) Date of Patent: Aug - 28, 2018
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U . S . Patent Aug. 28,2018 Sheet 1 of 15 US 10,058,209 B2
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US 10 ,058 ,209 B2
HIGH EFFICIENCY SELF -HEATING cial product, the complete self-heating package comprises
CONTAINERS additional components relative to non -self- heating forms,
some practical means must be provided for installation of
PRIORITY STATEMENT UNDER 35 U .S . C . $ the heater and any ancillary components . And those means
119 & 37 C . F .R . § 1 .78 5 must work within the general framework of how things are
done in conventional filling and packaging operations. An
This non - provisional application claims priority based end to end self-heating package product solution that incor
upon prior U . S . Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. porates an understanding of the requirements for package
62/413 ,481 filed Oct. 27 , 2016 , in the name of Brendan filling and assembly operations will streamline manufactur
Coffey, Krzysztof C . Kwiatkowski, and Brent C . Ford 10 ining while reducing capital needs and production cost.
TAINERS ,” the disclosures ofwhich are incorporated herein selfThere
is a need , therefore , for a comprehensive end to end
heating package solution that addresses the needs of
in their entirety by reference as if fully set forth herein .
fillers , brands, and consumers . The solution must provide
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 product functionality to maximize the consumer experience
while minimizing disruptive features and processes to maxi
Modular heaters that assemble into the base of containers mize performance and efficiency in commercial implemen
to heat food and beverage contents contained therein to tation . The consolidated elements of the product solution
serving temperature are known in the art. For example , must be integrated with conventional packaging technology
issued patents and pending patent applications describe a 20 to be experienced by a consumer via a novel, intuitive CUI.
compact modular heating element that inserts into the base
of a beverage can or other container with technology related SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
to the present invention , including: U . S . Pat. No . 8 , 864 ,924
titled “Solid -State Thermite Composition Based Heating Embodiments of the present invention incorporate a set of
Device ;" U .S . Pat. No. 9 ,055 ,841 titled “ Package Heating 25 components built around a modular solid state heater to
Apparatus;" U .S . Pat. No. 8,555 ,870 titled “ Package Heating enable self -heating functionality to be applied in standard
Device and Chemical Compositions for Use Therewith ;” beverage cans processed and assembled on conventional
U .S . Pat. No . 9 ,500 ,389 titled “ Thermally Regulated Self- filling lines . This new format for a self-heating beverage
Heating Containers;" and U . S . patent application Ser. No. package provides a comprehensive end to end self-heating
12 ,570 ,822 titled “ Package Heating Apparatus and Chemi- 30 package solution addressing the needs of fillers , brands, and
cal Composition ,” all of which share at least one inventor in consumers for more immediate and universal applicability .
common with the present application . More specifically , a cylindricalmodular solid state heater
These heater elements efficiently store chemical energy in is integrated into a beverage end panel that also includes
contained solid state chemical reactants and are simply special breachable seals. The end panel is seamed onto a
activated by a user to promptly release thermal energy . The 35 filled conventional 2 - piece beverage can to provide a her
thermal energy is transmitted through the wall of an imme metic seal. A consumer user interface (CUI) in the form of
diately adjacent container to uniformly heat the interior a specially designed plastic lid apparatus snaps over the edge
contents . The features and functionality of the heaters of the can . The CUIhas molded in cam structures that, when
described in the foregoing patents and applications are the cap is rotated by a user, sequentially engage the heater
incorporated herein . 40 and then the breachable seals to initiate the heater and open
A compact modular solid state heater can be the engine of the heated beverage package .
fast, efficient package heating. For facile commercial adap - The foregoing has outlined rather broadly certain aspects
tion, this component is best integrated into an end to end of the present invention in order that the detailed description
product solution that can readily be delivered to consumers. of the invention that follows may better be understood .
As the end - user of the product, consumer requirements may 45 Additional features and advantages of the invention will be
include: ease of use , reliability , safety , and cost. These and described hereinafter which form the subject of the claimsof
other essential functionalities should be embedded in the the invention . It should be appreciated by those skilled in the
heated package , and the consumer user interface (CUI) so as art that the conception and specific embodiments disclosed
to create a positive user experience . may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing
Intermediate stakeholders in the complete end to end 50 other structures or processes for carrying out the same
self-heating package solution include the brand companies purposes of the present invention . It should also be realized
identified on the containers to distinguish and market the by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions
product that incorporate the technology into their product do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as
portfolio , as well as the fillers and co -packers who must set forth in the appended claims.
process and assemble the packaged product. Brands, in 55
addition to satisfying their consumers ' needs are also con BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
cerned with flexibility and ease of implementing the tech
nology . For example : can the technology be applied to For a more complete understanding of the present inven
multiple package sizes and shapes , is it customizable for tion , and the advantages thereof, reference is now made to
specific heating regimens (portion type and size , end tem - 60 the following descriptions taken in conjunction with the
perature , speed of heating ), etc . ? In order to enhance their accompanying drawings , in which :
image with consumers , they also seek product implementa - FIG . 1 is an exterior view of a one embodiment of a
tions that enable differentiation and compelling branding complete self-heating beverage package with a lid -mounted
With respect to commercial implementation , brands, fill - CUI;
ers, and co -packers desire a compatibly engineered manu - 65 FIG . 2 is a partial cutaway view of the package shown in
facturing solution with minimal disruptive impact on their FIG . 1 illustrating that the external lid -mounted CUI is
existing supply chain operations. Given that, for a commer - coupled to an internal heating structure;
US 10 ,058,209 B2
FIG . 3 is a diagrammatic cross -sectional view showing “ heater ” means and includes any device in which reac
the internal components of a filled self-heating container tants react to generate heat.
with a lid -mounted CUI; As will be apparentto those skilled in the art, many of the
FIG . 4 is view of a composite assembly as may be suitably self -heating packaging components are depicted herein
joined with a conventional can body to incorporate all of the 5 without each and every element required for full function
heating and CUI functionality ; ality , such as , for example, devices shown without detailing
FIG . 5 shows an exploded view of the assembly of FIG . features formechanical engagement. In each case the depic
4 broken into three major sub - assembly components ; tion is intended to show the functional aspects of the heater
FIG . 6 is a view of one embodiment of a seamable end for a better understanding of the invention and should not
suitable for attachment to a conventional can body, and able 10 necessarily be construed as including all of the elements of
to accommodate the heater and CUI components; a fully operational device .
FIG . 7A through 7D is a diagrammatic illustration of an It should be noted that in the description and drawings ,
assembly sequence whereby the seamable end of FIG . 6 is like or substantially similar elements may be labeled with
fully incorporated onto a filled can body; the same reference numerals. However, sometimes these
FIG . 8 is a cross sectional view of one embodiment of a 15 elements may be labeled with differing numbers, such as, for
modular solid state heater ; example , in cases where such labeling facilitates a clearer
FIG . 9A is a upper perspective view of one embodiment description . Additionally , the drawings set forth herein are
of a CUI for actuation of a self-heating package; not necessarily drawn to scale, and in some instances
FIG . 9B is a lower perspective view of the same embodi- proportions may have been exaggerated to more clearly
ment of a CUI for actuation of a self-heating package; 20 depict certain features . Such labeling and drawing practices
FIG . 9C is a side view of the same embodiment of a CUI do not necessarily implicate an underlying substantive pur
for actuation of a self-heating package; pose . The present specification is intended to be taken as a
FIG . 10A is a depiction of one embodiment of the whole and interpreted in accordance with the principles of
underside of a CUI for actuation of the heater in the initial the present invention as taught herein and understood to one
rest position ; 25 of ordinary skill in the art.
FIG . 10B is a depiction of one embodiment of the FIG . 1 and FIG . 2 show one embodiment of the present
underside of a CUI for actuation of the heater in the invention wherein self-heating functionality is incorporated
actuation position ; into a two -piece aluminum can , the most widely used metal
FIG . 11 shows one embodiment of a formed shutter that package format for beverage applications. The designation
may be used in a breachable seal; 30 “ two - piece ” refers to the two metal components : (1 ) a
FIG . 12A shows a depiction of the upper view of one thin -walled cylindrical can body 101 which , as shown in
embodiment of the seamable end with a deep drawn heater FIGS. 1 and 2 , may be decorated by a painted or applied
cavity and breachable seals ; label and ( 2 ) a seamable end , often with an easy - opening
FIG . 12B shows a depiction of the lower view of one pull tab ; the two pieces being joined by seaming into a
embodiment of the seamable end with a deep drawn heater 35 hermetically sealed package . The seamable end is not visible
cavity and breachable seals ; in FIGS. 1 and 2 , as it beneath and covered by a shaped
FIG . 13A illustrates the breaching of a seal by over- plastic cap that constitutes the CUI 102 , as shall be further
rotation of a cam lobe of the CUI; described . The exterior wall of an internal heating element
FIG . 13B illustrates the open position of the breached structure 201 seen in the cutaway view of FIG . 2 is mounted
container; 40 to the underside of the seamable lid . The heater is thus in
FIG . 14 illustrates features of an alternative embodiment proximity to the CUI 102 via which it is operated .
of a CUI; and Metal beverage cans are produced in a wide variety of
FIG . 15A through 15C is a diagrammatic illustration of an sizes and shapes, for which it would be challenging to
assembly sequence whereby the heater and CUI are installed customize a universal heating solution . However, while can
onto a filled and processed beverage can . 45 body diameters and heights vary greatly , the seamable open
neck of most can bodies are often formed to be compatible
DETAILED DESCRIPTION with one of a small number of the most commonly used
standard seamable end sizes . Thus , it is a particular advan
The present invention is directed to an apparatus and tage that embodiments of the present invention can be
method for providing an efficient self-heating package with 50 integrated into standard - sized seamable end closures and
an improved CUI. The configuration and use of the presently thus be readily applied in the widely used two-piece can
preferred embodiments are discussed in detail below . It format. The heater output is readily scaled to different can
should be appreciated , however, that the present invention sizes and temperature rise targets by changing the length ,
provides many applicable inventive concepts that can be diameter, or contents of the heater body components , for
embodied in a wide variety of contexts other than devices for 55 universal applicability . Alternative embodiments of the pres
heating food and beverages. Accordingly , the specific ent invention may be applied in three -piece can formats .
embodiments discussed are merely illustrative of specific FIG . 3 shows a diagrammatic cross -sectional view of an
ways to make and use the invention , and do not limit the embodiment of a self -heating two -piece can with a lid
scope of the invention . mounted CUI 102 further illustrating the major functional
In addition, the following terms shall have the associated 60 elements of the device as they appear in relation to each
meaning when used herein : other in a filled beverage can . As before the exterior enve
" consumer user interface ” or “ CUI” means the externally lope of the package is bounded by the can body 101 and the
accessible structures and devices whereby a user may oper- CUI 102. The can body is partially filled by a beverage to be
ate or engage with the self-heating package ; heated 302 , for example coffee . A cylindrical heater module
" container" means and includes any receptacle in which 65 301 contained in a cylindrical well extending from the
material may be held or carried , including without limitation underside of the seamable lid 304 down along the centerline
a can , carton , bowl, jar or other receptacle ; and of the can body 101. By design , the thermal output of the
US 10 ,058,209 B2
activated heater module 301 is centered within the liquid to including the wall of deep drawn cavity 201 are coated with
be heated 302 and furthest from the external surfaces of the a thin layer of a polymer lacquer to prevent corrosion and
body 101 , 102 for high thermal efficiency. contamination of contents .
Note that the heater module 301 itself is not in direct FIGS. 7A through 7D illustrate an assembly sequence as
contact with the fluid to be heated 302 being fully enclosed 5 would be carried out on an automated beverage filling line
within a cylindrical pocket 201 of a specially formed seam whereby the seamable end of FIG . 6 is incorporated onto a
able closure . As with conventional can ends , the seamable filled can body. FIG . 7A shows a clean and empty can body
closure of the present invention provides a continuous as it enters the line. FIG . 7B shows the can body now
boundary completely sealing the interior contents of the can partially filled . Note that the fill level must be reduced
away from the external environment, all around the perim - somewhat relative to an unheated beverage can to accom
eter of the seamed joint 303 between the end and the can modate the heater volume displacement. The slender form of
body 101. However, unlike the generally flat structure of a cylindrical heater of some embodiments of the present
conventional closure , the metal-walled envelope of the pres - invention allows a volume reduction of just 10 - 15 % in a
ent closure encompasses a deep drawn cavity 201 for 15 standard can body . FIG . 7C shows the unseamed lid being
housing the heater module 301 . positioned down onto the body hook of the can . A mecha
FIG . 4 show a three -dimensional view of the exterior of nism for synchronous lowering of the lid as the filled cans
a composite assembly that encompasses all of the self move forward on the filling line can accommodate the
heating and CUI components and functionalities described extended length (relative to a standard easy open end ) of the
herein . Viewed in this way , FIG . 4 . represents a fully 20 heater cavity without reducing filling line throughput. Once
engineered , complete , and self-compatible solution . Effec the seamable end is positioned on the can body , the standard
tively a beverage brand wanting to implement CUI con seaming operation may be applied , resulting in the com
trolled self-heating into a standard beverage can would pleted assembly shown in FIG . 7D . After seaming the
replace their standard end - closure with the assembly of FIG . heatable can is hermetically sealed and can be handled or
4 . This assembly usefully encapsulates the add - on compo - 25 post -processed in the standard way for non -heated cans .
nentry and costs for self-heating and delineates where FIG . 8 is a cross sectional view of an example modular
brands can otherwise use standard supply chain components solid state heater assembly. A metal walled canister 801 is
( for example cans) and processing operations (for example filled with a solid -state reaction mixture 802 . Various solid
filling and seaming ) . Thus , a beverage brand already in state reaction chemistries may be used to provide a compact,
market with a non - self-heating product does not require a 30 lightweight, powerful heat source . The energy content and
customized can and is able to make use of their existing the heating rate are configurable via adjustments to the mass
package format and filling line. or composition of the internal fuel mix for use with different
FIG . 5 shows an exploded view of the assembly of FIG . portion types or sizes . Although other formulations could be
4 broken into its three major sub - assembly components : the used , an example heat- generating formulation is a mixture
seamable end with heater cavity 501 , the heater assembly 35 containing 15 - 25 % aluminum , with particle size of 2 - 30
301, and the CUI 102 in relation to a conventional can body microns, 20 - 30 % silicon dioxide, 25 -45 % alumina , and
101 onto which they may be assembled . Each of the com - additives and reaction aids such as potassium chlorate ,
ponent sub- assemblies will now be further described . calcium fluoride, and barium peroxide .
FIG . 6 shows a 3 -dimensional view of an embodiment of To initiate the thermal reaction inside the heater, the
an aluminum seamable end with a heater cavity suitable for 40 reactant mixture 802 may be ignited near its upper surface
attachment to a conventional can body. The seamable clo - by various means known in the art such as , for example ,
sure serves multiple essential functions in the present inven - expelling a reactive " starting fluid ” from a blister onto a
tion including : hermetically sealing the container, housing reactive starting pellet in response to a force applied by the
the heater, and engaging with the heater and CUI compo - user via the CUI.
nents. The heater cavity of the seamable end may be 45 Referring again to FIG . 8 , an upper metal walled canister
produced from a food grade compatible aluminum alloy in 803 is positioned over the lower canister 801 containing the
a deep draw transfer press. The thin metal wall of the deep fuel mix 802. The two canisters are loosely coupled such that
drawn cylinder beneficially provides surface area for effi- they may slide relative to each other in response to a force
cient heat transfer. applied between the upper 804 and lower 810 ends of the
When applied as the lid of a 2 -piece can , the seamable end 50 assembly . As shown in FIG . 3, when the heater module 301
must also incorporate some physical means of opening the is installed in a heated package , the lower canister surface
can to access the heated beverage contents, since the central 810 is immediately adjacent to the bottom of the seamable
deep drawn cavity generally precludes a conventional pull closure heater cavity and the upper canister surface 804 is
tab easy opening structure . Appropriate means for breaching adjacent to an actuation mechanism 401 on the underside of
the end closure will be described when discussing the 55 the CUI 102.
function of the CUI. Other specific features, for example a Referring again to FIG . 8 , a reactive starting pellet 807 is
retaining groove , 604 , or breachable seal 603 may be formed embedded into the upper surface of the compacted fuel
into the seamable metal end as needed for securely latching oxidizer mix 802 and a starting fluid filled blister 808 is
or otherwise engaging the heater module or CUI, as will be positioned above this starting pellet 807. In a pre - actuation
described when discussing those components. 60 rest position , a raised pip 809 at the center of an interior end
Referring to FIG . 6 , the seamable end has a formed edge plate 806 of the upper canister is held a small distance away
curl 601 around its perimeter. As understood to those in the from the upper surface of the compressible fluid filled blister
art, the interior underside of the curl is lined with a sealant 808 . When a user causes the upper canister 803 and lower
material, the form of the curl and the sealant designed to be canister 801 to be pressed a defined distance closer together,
mating surfaces for seaming onto the body hook feature 65 the raised pip 809 directs a crushing force to expel the fluid
around the open neck of an unseamed can body . In accor - contents of the blister 808 onto the starting pellet 807
dance with industry practice , all interior can metal surfaces, thereby initiating a heating reaction .
US 10 ,058 , 209 B2
It is desirable to provide a responsive means of moder- facilitate gripping and rotating the CUI, which action is used
ating the heating process to prevent overheating of the in various embodiments of the present invention to initiate
package assembly or the food or beverage products and the heater and open the can .
protect users against burns. Methods of accomplishing pas- As previously described the heater is inert until actuated
sive thermal control previously described in U .S . Pat. No . 5 by a user applying a compressive force to the heater assem
9 ,500 ,389 titled “ Thermally Regulated Self -Heating Con - bly. While the user force could be applied by directly
tainers ,” may equivalently be applied to the heater assembly pushing onto a flexing CUI, embodiments that use a rotating
described herein , by arranging for a passive thermal control action of the CUI to drive a plunger mechanism offer a
material to be adjacent to and in thermal contact with the 10
number of advantages. FIGS . 10A and 10B illustrate how
heater module reaction chamber . rotation of the CUI may be coupled to a cam mechanism on
Referring once again to the embodiment of FIG . 8 , some the underside of the CUI to force a vertical displacement of
portion of the interior volume 805 of the upper canister 803 a plunger to actuate compression of the heater. A cylindri
can be filled with passive thermal control materials . The cally arranged cam ramp 931 formed into the underside of
closely coupled metalwalls of the upper canister 803 and the 16 the CUI is opposite a cam ramp on a movable plunger 930 .
lower canister 801 provide good thermal contact and enable In the initial rest position shown in FIG . 10A , the plunger
heat transmission between them . In the event of internal 930 is retracted with its lower surface 940 adjacent to the top
overheating , dissipating steam generated from the passive of a heater assembly 301. Rotation of the plunger is pre
thermal control material away from the heated package vented by lobes 919 around its sidewalls that engage with
removes significant energy from the system to produce a 20 vertical channels in the wall of the heater cavity . Thus as
cooling effect. shown in FIG . 10B , a partial clockwise rotation of the CUI
The heater assembly construction should therefore pro - causes cam ramp 931 to progressively force the plunger 930
vide for steam vapor or other interior gasses to be emitted down a fixed distance to compress and activate the heater
gas streams. Referring back to FIG . 8 , the end wall 804 and assembly .
the interior end plate 806 of the upper canister 803 may both 25 A cam mechanism may beneficially provide mechanical
contain channels or vents to allow safe and gentle release of advantage to reduce the force the user must apply in com
excess pressure when passive thermal control is activated . parison to a direct push . The cam motion can be designed to
Venting channels may also be present in the CUI. In addition start the heater assembly with just a fractional rotation , for
to passive thermal control materials, the upper canister may example 45 angular degrees of the plastic lid . For more
contain other insulating , odor absorbing materials (for* 30 intuitive ease of use , visual indicators of the degree of
rotational movement may be incorporated into the CUI to
example activated carbon ), particle filtration layer(s ) (for provide user feedback of the state of initiation . Mechanical
example fiberglass or ceramic mat), or thermal diluent détentes may also be included in the CUI to allow only
materials. Emergent gasses may be filtered through a porous
insulator to remove particulates . unidirectional rotation and provide tactile feedback as to
35 when the appropriate range ofmotion for heater actuation or
FIG . 9A shows an upper view of one embodiment of a other actions have been completed . The indicators incorpo
consumer user interface (CUI) for actuation of a self-heating rated into the CUI can also be used for tamper evidencing ,
package , FIG . 9B shows the underside of the same CUI, and enabling a user to tell if the heater has been started and/ or if
FIG . 9C shows a side view of the same CUI. One principal the can has been opened .
function of the CUI is to provide a means for a user to 40 Additionalcam lobes may be arranged on the underside of
initiate the heater. In a two - piece can embodiment in which the CUI, that in combination with certain breachable seals
the heater occupies the central portion of can end , a lid installed in the can end , enable a user to open the can and
mounted CUI can be configured to open the can to access the access the heated beverage contents by continuing the
heated beverage through a pour aperture 902 in its surface .
degree of rotation of the CUIbeyond the position for heater
The CUI component may also serve several addition func- 45 actuation .
tions described herein . The breachable seal is comprised of a shaped aperture in
The CUI takes the form of specially designed plastic lid the end wall of the closure that is resealed by bonding a
apparatus that snaps over the edge of the can , with multiple formed shutter over the aperture to create a liquid tight seal
structural features molded into its upper, lower , and side between the can end and the shutter. FIG . 11 shows one
walls to achieve various functions. The CUI may be injec - 50 embodiment of a formed shutter . The shutter may be formed
tion molded from polypropylene or other food grade poly - from a rigid aluminum foil similar to that used in forming
mer, which beneficially provides thermal insulation between the can end , or molded from a food safe plastic . The shutter
the heated metal can surface and the consumer of the heated materialmay be coated with or laminated to a thermoplastic
beverage contents . As shown in FIG . 9A on its outward film to provide a heat activated adhesive seal.
facing upper surface , functional features can include a pour 55 The shape of the shutter generally follows that of the
aperture 902 and pour spout 905 and flat central region 903 aperture , but with a larger footprint to provide a boundary
where marketing or instructional information may be dis- region 970 all around its perimeter suitable for bonding to
played . the interior end wall of the closure . The bounding perimeter
As shown in FIG . 9B , structural features that may be of the shutter 960 is generally flat while the central portion
incorporated into the lower surface of the CUI may include: 60 965 is raised such that it may protrude through the aperture.
an undercut lip 911 for snapping onto the seamed edge bead A living hinge structure 974 may be incorporated into an
around the top of the can , as well as flexible plastic fingers extension 972 of the shutter. This extension also bonded to
920 for gripping onto the heater cavity in the lid . The lower the end surface will retain the shutter when the seal is
surface may also include a plunger mechanism 915 for breached .
initiating the heater, as well as cams (not shown in this view ) 65 FIG . 12A shows an upper view of a seamable end 501
for opening the sealed can . As shown in FIG . 9C , the with a deep drawn heater cavity and two breachable seals ,
sidewalls of the CUI may incorporate knurling 904 to the larger seal 977 being the pour aperture and a smaller seal
US 10 ,058 ,209 B2
944 providing a vent opening for air to aid in pouring of the Additional features and advantages of the invention will be
beverage. FIG . 12B shows a lower view of the same described hereinafter which form the subject of the claims of
seamable end. the invention . It should be appreciated by those skilled in the
FIG . 13A illustrates the breaching of a seal by over - art that the conception and specific embodiment disclosed
rotation of a cam lobe of the CUI. As the lid 102 is rotated , 5 may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing
the breaching cam 704 pushes against the raised portion of other structures or processes for carrying out the same
the rigid shutter 703. The applied force debonds the perim purposes of the present invention . It should also be realized
eter seal between the can end 701 and the planar bounding by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions
perimeter of the shutter 702, allowing the shutter to be do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as
separated from the metal lid . set forth in the appended claims.
FIG . 13B illustrates the open position of the breached
container with the pour aperture 710 of the CUI lid bounded
by an internally extending sidewall 712 is in alignment with We claim :
the breached shutter opening in the can end 711 . 1 . A can end for a two-piece container , comprising :
In alternative embodiments , the shutter may be comprised 15 a seamable can end having an upper surface , a lower
of a thinner, more flexible aluminum foil laminate planar surface , and a formed edge curl around its perimeter;
structure stretched over and bonded around the aperture. In a breachable seal positioned over an aperture in the can
these embodiments , the breaching cam may either breach the end ;
seal by piercing the foil or pushing against it to debond it, a heater affixed to the lower surface of the can end ;
thereby opening the container 20 a consumer user interface includes a cam that sequentially
FIG . 14 shows an alternative embodiment of a CUI in engages the heater to initiate an exothermic reaction
which the heater operation and breaching functions are and also sequentially engages the breachable seal to
operated using an interior mounted lever structure 1401 create a passageway through the can end .
rather than rotating the cap by its edge 1408 . A rotating 2 . The can end for a two - piece container of claim 1 ,
aperture cover 1402 is flush with the surface of the CUI, and 25 wherein the heater is cylindrical and the center line of the
may optionally be reclosed after opening. A removable heater is affixed to the lower surface of the can end in the
security tab 1404 indicates whether the package has been middle of the can end .
initiated or opened . The lever may be engaged by a détente
3 . The can end for a two-piece container of claim 1,
1405 to provide visual and tactile indication of the heater wherein
initiation position. Additional indications and instructions 30 the heater consists of a heater assembly inside a
may be provided by changing graphics in a user window . heater cavity .
4 . The can end for a two -piece container of claim 1 ,
FIGS . 15A through 15C illustrate an assembly sequence wherein the can end is attached to a body of a container by
whereby the heater and CUI are installed onto a filled seaming the formed edge curl to the body to form a hermetic
beverage can . Relative to a conventional filling line, addi Seg
tional equipment is needed to complete this operation , 35 S 5 . The can end for a two -piece container of claim 1 ,
however the consolidated , integrated device structure mini wherein the breachable seal comprises a formed shutter that
mizes the number of components and assembly steps
required. The heater assembly may be first followed by is removably sealed to the lower surface of the can end
installation of the CUI, or they may be pre -assembled prior around the aperture 's perimeter and, as the consumer user
interface is rotated , a breaching cam pushes against a portion
to installation and installed as a single unit. On filling lines , 40 of the shutter thereby debonding the shutter from the lower
filling and seaming of beverage cans is often followed by
thermal processing operations such as retort or pasteuriza surface .
6 . The can end for a two - piece container of claim 1 ,
tion . The heater assembly and CUI can be installed pre - or wherein
post - thermal processing with suitable engineering accom us removablythesealed
breachable seal comprises a foil laminate that is
to the to the lower surface of the can end
modations .
The foregoing has outlined rather broadly certain aspects around the aperture 's perimeter and, as the consumer user
of the present invention in order that the detailed description interface is rotated , the foil laminate is pierced .
of the invention that follows may better be understood . * * * * *