Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2016/0367149 A1
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Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2016/0367149 A1
US 2016/03671 49 A1 Dec. 22, 2016
FEVER DETECTOR WRIST BAND and will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon
examination of the following, or may be learned by practice
FIELD OF THE INVENTION of the invention. These advantages and features of the
0001. The present invention relates generally to non present invention will be more readily apparent when con
invasive systems to determine physiological conditions of a sidered in reference to the following description and when
person. The present invention is more particularly directed taken in conjunction with the drawings below.
to a wrist band with fever detection capabilities. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0007 FIG. 1 is a top perspective view of a fever detecting
wrist band device as per an exemplary non-limiting embodi
0002. As the world becomes increasingly connected and ment of the present invention; and
mobile, people travel frequently from one part of the world 0008 FIG. 2 is a bottom perspective view of a fever
to another. In the process they might carry germs of com detecting wrist band device as per the exemplary non
municable diseases with them affecting other people who limiting embodiment of the present invention.
come in their contact. With recent outbreaks of epidemics
like Ebola, which caused a wide-spread panic with strict DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
travel restrictions to and from countries identified as high INVENTION
risk by WHO for communicable diseases, such as Guinea
and Sierra Leone, it becomes increasingly necessary to 0009 Construction and working of a fever detecting wrist
identify people who may have been affected with a com band device as per the present invention has been explained
municable disease requiring immediate attention or could be henceforth using exemplary non-limiting embodiments of
on the verge of falling sick. Usually a simple yet reliable the present invention with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2.
indicator of many communicable diseases is fever. However, 0010. As per an exemplary non-limiting embodiment of
it often goes unnoticed till the body temperature gets really the present invention, the fever detecting wrist band device
high indicating significant spread of disease. If this change 100 comprises a band 110 made of a flexible material or
in temperature can be identified quickly, preferably at the compound, such as silicone rubber, which can regain its
onset, it ma help in faster response in terms of initiating shape despite getting stretched multiple times for prolonged
countermeasures which in turn may result in faster recovery periods of time. The wrist band 110 helps a user to wear the
of the patient as well as more effective containment of the fever detecting wrist band 100 on either of the wrists of the
spread of the disease. user. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that several
0003. Similar requirement exists in the high risk coun materials and compounds known in the existing art, having
tries, many of these on the African continent, where not just desired properties, can be used for the wrist band 110. In an
the local population but people involved in the relief efforts embodiment of the present invention, the wrist band 110
are also always at high risk due to being in constant contact may have an outer cover of flexible or semi-rigid material
with potential patients. What complicates the problem fur durable and strong enough to withstand climatic conditions
ther is lack of power sources which makes it extremely as well as wear or tear due to daily use, Sweat, etc.
difficult to use Sophisticated machines for detection, espe (0011. The fever detecting wrist band device 100 also
cially in rural areas where most of the potentially affected comprises a fever detection device 120 attached to the wrist
population lives. Even using battery-operated portable band 110. The fever detection device 120 comprises a
devices often prove difficult due to the need of frequent thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) material. Such as cho
replacements. In many areas even procuring new batteries lesteric liquid crystals or ferroelectric liquid crystals, which
may prove difficult. can change color from a color A to a color B, through a series
0004 Apart from the issue of power, another issue which of colors in between, and Vice-versa in response to a change
makes operating these systems difficult in these areas is the in temperature. For example, at a room temperature Xa TLC
storage (protection from rain, Sunlight, etc.) and regular material may have a green color which slowly changes to a
maintenance requirements as procuring new parts and avail yellow color as temperature increases, and finally turns red
ing qualified repair services is again difficult and costly. when the temperature crosses a threshold temperature Y. It
Even storing and travelling with simple, mercury-based will be apparent to those skilled in the art that several TLC
glass thermometers may prove difficult for the relief per materials known in the existing art, having desired proper
Sonnel as these are quite Susceptible to shocks and can easily ties, can be used in the fever detection device. Further, the
break releasing toxic mercury which in turn can pose health initial time taken by a TLC material to change color corre
hazards. sponding to an initial change in temperature may depend on
0005 Clearly, there is a requirement for a device which the specific properties of the TLC material which can be
is low-maintenance, durable, doesn’t need power to operate, tabulated from observation and used as an initial pre-defined
can be used with minimal training and should be easy to time threshold references.
carry around and store. Such as device should be useful to 0012. The fever detection device 120 also comprises a
the relief personnel to keep an eye on their temperature casing 130 with a transparent top surface 140 to encase the
while working in the affected areas and should allow them TLC material. The casing 130 should preferably be thin at a
to use the same device with potential patients, as a backup bottom section 210 of the fever detection device 120 to
to the existing devices being used in the field. The present allow the encased TLC material to gather body heat when
invention provides such a device with the aforementioned the bottom section 210 is put in contact with skin of a
features. person. In an embodiment of the present invention, this thin
0006 All the advantages and features of the present bottom section 210 can be protected by a partially remov
invention will be set forth in the description which follows, able insulating cover, using various means known in the
US 2016/03671 49 A1 Dec. 22, 2016
existing art, so that the thin bottom section 210 can be become the outer surface and the bottom section 210 of the
exposed to the skin of the person only when required. In fever detection device 120 would come to the top, and
another embodiment of the present invention, the entire keeping the bottom section 210 in contact with the forehead
casing 130 might be removed. The casing 130 preferably of the person for an initial pre-defined time threshold to
should also insulate the fever detection device 120 from all allow for any possible color change.
the sides which are not in contact with the skin of the person 0020 Various modifications to the above described
else the ambient temperature fluctuations might cause a invention will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art
change in color of the TLC material, in case the person is and the general principles defined herein may be applied to
working in a very hot environment, Such as that of the other embodiments and applications without departing from
African continent, and this might give a false positive the spirit and scope of the present invention. Thus, the
identification of the user running a fever. In another embodi present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodi
ment of the present invention, the casing 130 will insulate ments described, but is to be accorded the widest scope
the fever detection device 120 from all sides, when not in consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein.
use, to ensure the ambient temperature fluctuations do not Therefore, the scope of the invention is to be determined by
cause a change in color of the TLC material, in case the the terminology of the above description and the legal
person is working in a very hot environment, such as that of equivalents thereof.
the African continent. What is claimed is:
0013 The following section explains a preferred method 1. A fever detection system comprising:
of use of the fever detecting wrist band device 100. When a a fever detection device, wherein the fever detection
user wears the fever detecting wrist band device 100, the device comprises a thermochromic liquid crystal mate
bottom section 210 of the fever detection device 120 comes
in contact with the skin of the user which allows the encased rial; and
TLC material to gather body heat of the user. Once an initial an attachment device, wherein the attachment device
pre-defined time threshold has passed, depending on the allows the fever detection device to be removably
attached to a user.
TLC material used, the TLC material will either change 2. The fever detection system of claim 1, wherein the
color to one of the pre-determined colors corresponding to attachment device can be a wristband.
one of the temperature ranges, as per the TLC material
properties, or will remain in the same color. If the TLC 3. The fever detection system of claim 2, wherein the
material doesn’t change color, it would indicate that the user wristband comprises a flexible material, wherein the flexible
does not have fever at the moment. However, if the TLC material allows the wristband to regain shape despite getting
material changes color it would indicate that either he has a stretched multiple times for prolonged time periods of use
fever or he is about to have fever as the body temperature is by the user.
close to the fever temperature. Now as the user wears the 4. The fever detection system of claim 2, wherein the
fever detecting wrist band device 100 regularly, while work wristband comprises an outer cover of a material durable
ing or otherwise, the color of the TLC material might change enough to withstand climatic conditions, bodily fluids of the
at any point of time in case the body temperature of the user user, and wear and tear due to daily use by the user.
increases indicating the user has or is about to have fever. 5. The fever detection system of claim 1, wherein the
0014) A non-limiting example of the above can be a fever thermochromic liquid crystal material changes color to a
detecting wrist band device 100, where a TLC material used pre-determined color in response to a change in temperature.
can have one of these three colors: 6. The fever detection system of claim 1, wherein the
(0015 1) Green: this is the color of the TLC material at thermochromic liquid crystal material changes color to a
or below body temperature of a user pre-determined color in response to a change in body
(0016. 2) Yellow: this is the color of the TLC material temperature of the user.
when the body temperature of the user is in a tempera 7. The fever detection system of claim 6, wherein the
ture range close to a pre-determined cut-off temperature fever detection device further comprises a casing, wherein
indicating fever the casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal mate
(0017 3) Red: this is the color of the TLC material rial, and wherein the casing insulates the thermochromic
when the body temperature of the user is at or above the liquid crystal materials from temperature changes.
pre-determined cut-off temperature indicating fever 8. The fever detection system of claim 7, wherein the
0018 Now, when the user wears the non-limiting exem casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal material in
plary fever detecting wrist band device 100, then after an a partially removable manner.
initial pre-defined time threshold the TLC material would 9. The fever detection system of claim 7, wherein the
stabilize in terms of colors and would have one of the three casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal material in
colors, Green, Yellow or Red indicating the corresponding a completely removable manner.
state of the body temperature. Even later, during the regular 10. The fever detection system of claim 5, wherein the
use of the fever detecting wrist band device 100, if the body thermochromic liquid crystal material changes color only
temperature of the user changes the color of the TLC after the thermochromic liquid crystal material has been
material would in turn result in a change of color indicating exposed to a change in temperature for a pre-defined time
onset of or having fever. This will quickly give an indication threshold.
to the user to seek medical help at the earliest. 11. The fever detection system of claim 6, wherein the
0019. The user might also use the fever detecting wrist thermochromic liquid crystal material changes color only
band device 100 to quickly check if a person other than the after the thermochromic liquid crystal material has been
user has fever or not, by twisting the wrist band 110 inside exposed to a change in body temperature of the user for a
out, such that the inner surface of the wrist band 110 would pre-defined time threshold.
US 2016/03671 49 A1 Dec. 22, 2016
12. A fever detection system comprising: 18. The fever detection system of claim 16, wherein the
a fever detection device, wherein the fever detection casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal material in
device comprises a thermochromic liquid crystal mate a completely removable manner.
rial, wherein the thermochromic liquid crystal material 19. A fever detection system comprising:
changes color to a pre-determined color in response to
a change in body temperature of a user, and a fever detection device, wherein the fever detection
an attachment device, wherein the attachment device device comprises a thermochromic liquid crystal mate
allows the fever detection device to be removably rial, wherein the thermochromic liquid crystal material
attached to the user. changes color to a pre-determined color in response to
13. The fever detection system of claim 12, wherein the a change in body temperature of a user after the
thermochromic liquid crystal material changes color only thermochromic liquid crystal material has been
after the thermochromic liquid crystal material has been exposed to a change in body temperature of the user for
exposed to a change in body temperature of the user for a a pre-defined time threshold; and
pre-defined time threshold.
14. The fever detection system of claim 12, wherein the a wristband, wherein the wristband allows the fever
attachment device can be a wristband, and wherein the detection device to be removably attached to the user,
wristband comprises a flexible material, wherein the flexible and wherein the wristband comprises a flexible mate
material allows the wristband to regain shape despite getting rial, wherein the flexible material allows, the wristband
stretched multiple times for prolonged time periods of use to regain shape despite getting stretched multiple times
by the user. for prolonged time periods of use by the user, and
15. The fever detection system of claim 14, wherein the wherein the wristband comprises an outer cover of a
wristband comprises an outer cover of a material durable material durable enough to withstand climatic condi
enough to withstand climatic conditions, bodily fluids of the tions, bodily fluids of the user, and wear and tear due
user, and wear and tear due to daily use by the user. to daily use by the user.
16. The fever detection system of claim 12, wherein the 20. The fever detection system of claim 19, wherein the
fever detection device further comprises a casing, wherein fever detection device further comprises a casing, wherein
the casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal mate the casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal material
rial, and wherein the casing insulates the thermochromic in a removable manner, and wherein the casing insulates the
liquid crystal materials from temperature changes.
17. The fever detection system of claim 16, wherein the thermochromic liquid crystal materials from temperature
casing encases the thermochromic liquid crystal material in changes.
a partially removable manner.