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(12) Li
United States Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US 10 ,273,054 B2
et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 30 , 2019
(54 ) COLOR -CHANGING CONTAINER WITH (56 ) References Cited
(71) Applicant: SKY 2000 INT' L CO ., LTD ., Tainan 8,790 ,759 B2 * 7 /2014 Frankhuisen ........ B65D 25 /205
428 /35 . 7
( TW ) 9 ,597 , 825 B2 * 3 /2017 Schmidt ................ B29C 43 /222
10 ,029 ,841 B2 * 7 / 2018 Gaines ........... B65D 75 /04
(72 ) Inventors : Kun -Che Li, Tainan ( TW ) ; Jung -Chih 2011/0192750 A1 * 8/ 2011 Kokin .................... B65D 1 /265
Chen , Tainan ( TW ) 206 / 459 . 1
2012 /0061261 A1* 3 /2012 Hsu ................... B01D 53 /261
(73 ) Assignee: Sky 2000 Int'l Co., Ltd., Tainan ( TW ) 2012/0267277 A1 * 10 /2012 Frederick ............. A45C 3 /001
206 /459 . 1
206 /459 . 1
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this 2015 /0307250 A1* 10 /2015 Sokol ......... A45C 11/00
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 206 /484
U . S .C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . (Continued )
(21) Appl. No.: 15 /680,387 Primary Examiner — Bryon P Gehman
(22 ) Filed : Aug. 18 , 2017
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Rosenberg , Klein & Lee
(65 ) Prior Publication Data A color - changing container with two -dimensional and/or
US 2019 /0055064 A1 Feb . 21 , 2019 three - dimensional pattern is disclosed , which comprises a
container body and at least one two - dimensional and / or
(51) Int. Ci. three - dimensional pattern film . The material for making the
B650 25 /20 ( 2006 . 01 ) container body is mixed with a thermochromic powder, a
B29C 45 / 14 (2006 .01) photochromic powder or the combination of thereof, making
B29L 31 /00 ( 2006 . 01) the color of the container body change along with the
(52 ) U . S . CI. temperature change of the content or the brightness change
CPC ...... B650 25 /205 (2013 .01 ); B29C 45/ 14688 in the environment. The two -dimensional and/ or three
( 2013 . 01 ); B29C 2045/ 14696 ( 2013 .01); B29C dimensional pattern film comprises a grating layer set on one
2045 / 14704 (2013.01); B29C 2045/ 14713 surface of a transparent layer, and a pattern area printed
( 2013 . 01); B29K 2995 /0021 (2013 .01); B29L partially on the other surface of the transparent layer and
2031/ 712 ( 2013 .01) coated by a glue layer . Therefore , after the two -dimensional
(58 ) Field of Classification Search and /or three -dimensional pattern film is combined to the
CPC .... B29C 45 / 14688 ; B29C 2045 / 14213; B29C container body, the container body is not only has the effect
2045 / 14696 ; B29C 2045 / 14704 ; B29K of color change , but also has the different pattern changes in
2996 /0021; B29L 2031/712 ; B65D 25 /20 ; different angle or layer of the two - dimensional and/ or three
B65D 25/205 ; B65D 85 /00 dimensional pattern .
USPC ........ ................ 206 /459. 1
See application file for complete search history . 10 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

here 232
SS1231 12
US 10 ,Page
273,2054 B2

(56) References Cited

2016 /0194132 A1* 7 /2016 Davidson .............. B65D 85 /72
206 /459 . 1

* cited by examiner
atent Apr 30 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 5 US 10,273,054 B2

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FIG . 5
US 10 ,273 ,054 B2
COLOR -CHANGING CONTAINER WITH sional pattern film comprises a transparent layer, which has
TWO - DIMENSIONAL AND /OR a first surface and a second surface corresponded to each
THREE -DIMENSIONAL PATTERN other , a grating layer set on the first surface , at least one
pattern area partially set on the second surface , a glue layer
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION set on the second surface whether that second surface has the
pattern area or not, and a connecting transparent layer
Field of the Invention attached between the glue layer and the outer surface of the
sidewall of the container body.
The present invention relates to a color-changing con According to an embodiment of the present invention , the
tainer. More particularly, a color -changing container with 10 pattern area is filled with a pigment in its whole pattern
two - dimensional and /or three -dimensional pattern is dis range to form a first color layer; or the pattern area is not
closed . filled with a pigment in its pattern range to form a first blank
Description of Related Art layer ; or a part of the pattern area is filled with a pigment in
15 its pattern range to form a first color layer and another part
of the pattern area is not filled with the pigment in its pattern
Please refer to FIG . 5, which is a three -dimensional
exploded view of a color-changing container according to a range to form a first blank layer like hollow state .
prior art. A general commercial thermochromic container 3 According to an embodiment of the present invention , the
is made from a plastic material, which plastic material is first blank layer is inside the first color layer .
added and mixed with a thermochromic powder, during an 20 According to an embodiment of the present invention , the
injection molding process, making the whole container has outline and / or the line of the pattern area is filled with a
the thermochromic effect after the injection molding pro - pigment to form a second color layer, and an area that
cess. non - second color layer corresponded to the second color
When the container 3 is loaded with the content, the layer in the pattern area is not filled the pigment to form a
thermochromic material added in the plastic material during 25 second blank layer like hollow state .
molding process produces the color change effect due to the The advantage of the color-changing container with two
temperature of the content. dimensional and /or three - dimensional pattern is as followed .
However, the existing thermochromic container 3 is made After the two -dimensional and /or three- dimensional pattern
from the plastic material, which mixed with a certain per - film is combined to the container body, the color of the
centage of thermochromic material, by the integratedly 30 container body is changed along with the temperature of the
injection molding process. Accordingly , in order to reach the content or the brightness in the environment. Especially ,
uniformity color changing, the use percentage of the ther- with the combination of the color-changing container and
mochromic material must be reached more than a certain the two - dimensional and/ or three - dimensional pattern , the
amount to make the thermochromic material spread uni- differenttwo- dimensional and/or three -dimensional patterns
formly in the whole thermochromic container 3. But it 35 are displayed on the surface of the container body ,making
causes that the use amount of the thermochromic material the change effect of the color -changing container more
remain high , increasing the cost of the color - changing diverse , thereby catching customer 's attention and increas
container 3 . ing the economic benefits .
Besides, the existing thermochromic container 3 is inte
gratedly injection molded by the plastic material added with 40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the thermochromic material, so the overall container is color
changed together, without other color change effect. The FIG . 1 is a three - dimensional exploded view of a color
effect of color change is simple and cannot attract custom changing container with two - dimensional and/ or three -di
er ' s attention . mensional pattern according to an embodiment of the pres
45 ent invention ;
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG . 2 is a three -dimensional perspective of a color
changing container with two -dimensional and /or three -di
Accordingly, the object of the present invention is to mensional pattern according to an embodiment of the pres
provide a color -changing container. More particularly, com - ent invention:
bination the color-changing container with the two- dimen - 50 FIG . 3 is a side sectional view of a color-changing
sional and / or three - dimensional pattern , when the container container with two - dimensional and /or three -dimensional
body is color changed , the change effect of the color pattern according to an embodiment of the present inven
changing container is more diverse via the different display tion ;
of the two- dimensional and /or three -dimensional pattern , FIG . 4 is an enlarged top sectional view of a color
thereby catching customer' s attention and increasing the 55 changing container with two -dimensional and/ or three -di
economic benefits. mensional pattern according to an embodiment of the pres
For the above object, a color - changing container with ent invention ; and
two -dimensional and /or three -dimensional pattern com FIG . 5 is a three -dimensional exploded view of a color
prises a container body and at least one two-dimensional changing container according to a prior art .
and/ or three -dimensional pattern film . Thematerial for mak - 60
ing the container body is mixed with a thermochromic DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
powder, a photochromic powder, or the combination of PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
thereof, making the color of the container body change along
with the temperature level of the content or the brightness Please refer to FIG . 1 to FIG . 4 , which are a three
level in the environment. The container body comprises a 65 dimensional exploded view , a three- dimensional perspec
bottom and a sidewall extended upwardly along the periph - tive , a side sectional view , and an enlarged top sectional
ery of the bottom . The two -dimensional and/ or three -dimen - view of a color- changing container with two -dimensional
US 10 ,273 ,054 B2
and /or three -dimensional pattern according to an embodi- layer 232 of the pattern area 23 , making the pattern change
ment of the present invention . of the color -changing container more diverse. Furthermore ,
The color-changing container with two-dimensional and / the first blank layer 232 is inside the first color layer 231 .
or three - dimensional a pattern comprises a container body 1 Besides, the outline and /or the line of the pattern area 23 is
and a two - dimensional and/ or three -dimensional pattern film 5 filled with a pigment to form a second color layer 233 , and
the area that non -second color layer 233 in the pattern area
The container body 1 comprises a bottom 11 and a 23 is not filled with the pigment to form a second blank layer
sidewall 12 extended upwardly along the periphery of the 234 like hollow state . When the color of the container body
bottom 11 to form a container with an upward opening . The 1 is changed , the color change effect of the container body
material for making the container body 1 is mixed with a 10 1 is not shown at the position that corresponded to the
thermochromic powder, a photochromic powder, or the outline and/ or the line of the second color layer 233, but the
combination of thereof, making the color of the container color change effect of the container body 1 is shown at the
body change along with the temperature change of the position that corresponded to the hollow second blank layer
content or change along with the brightness change in the 234 . The foregoing color mode set in the pattern area 23 can
environment. 15 be shown on the two -dimensional and /or three dimensional
The two-dimensional and / or three -dimensional pattern pattern films simultaneously , or individually , or partially .
film 2 is a thin sheet and is combined to the outer surface of
the sidewall 12 of the container body 1 . The two -dimen What is claimed is:
sional and /or three - dimensional pattern film 2 comprises a 1. A color-changing container with at least one of a
transparent layer 21 , which has a first surface 211 and a 20 two -dimensional pattern and a three - dimensional pattern
second surface 212 corresponded to each other, a grating visible thereon , comprising :
layer 22 set on the first surface 211 , at least one pattern area a container body, comprising:
23 partially set on the second surface 212 , a glue layer 24 set a bottom ; and
on the second surface 212 whether that second surface 212 a sidewall, extended upwardly along the periphery of
has the pattern area 23 or not, and a connecting transparent 25 the bottom ; and
layer 25 attached between the glue layer 24 and the outer at least one of a two - dimensional pattern film and a three
surface of the sidewall 12 of the container body 1. The dimensional pattern film , comprising :
material of the connecting transparent layer 25 is the same a transparent layer , comprising a first surface and a
as that of the container body 1 , such as PP or PE . During the second surface opposite each other;
making process of the container body 1, the two-dimen - 30 a grating layer, set on the first surface;
sional and /or three - dimensional pattern film 2 is put in the at least one pattern area , defined by at least an outline
mold and then is injection molded together to combine to the printed on the second surface ;
container body 1, making the connecting transparent layer a glue layer, on the second surface and the pattern area
25 be a connection medium and provide protection to the thereon ; and
pattern area 23 without damage by the high temperature . 35 a connecting transparent layer, attached between the
Accordingly , the color - changing container of the present glue layer and the outer surface of the sidewall of the
invention is color changed along with the temperature level container body.
of the content or along with the brightness level in the 2 . The color-changing container with at least one of a
environment, but also coupled with the different angle two- dimensional pattern and a three -dimensional pattern
changes of the two -dimensional pattern and/ or the different 40 visible thereon according to claim 1 , wherein the pattern
layer changes of the three-dimensional pattern on the two- area is filled with a pigment in an entirety thereof to form a
dimensional and /or three -dimensional pattern film , making first color layer ; or
the changes of the color - changing container more diverse . the pattern area is not filled with a pigment within the
Please refer to FIG . 1 . Each pattern area 23 is filled with printed outline to form a first blank layer ; or
a pigment in its whole pattern range to form a first color 45 a part of the pattern area is filled with a pigmentwithin the
layer 231. Accordingly , when the color of the container body printed outline to form a first color layer and another
1 is changed , the color changed effect of the container body part of the pattern area is not filled with the pigment
1 is not shown in the position that corresponded to the first within the printed outline to form a first blank layer; or
color layer 231 of the pattern area 23 , only the two a part of the pattern area is filled with a pigment within the
dimensional and/ or three - dimensional pattern of the first 50 printed outline to form a first color layer, another part
color layer 231 in the pattern area 23 is shown . of the pattern area is not filled with the pigment within
According to another example of the present invention , the printed outline to form a first blank layer, at least
the pattern area 23 is not filled with the pigment in its pattern one of a part of the outline and a line in the pattern area
range to form a first blank layer 232 . When the color of the is filled with another pigment to form a second color
container body 1 is changed , the color changed effect of the 55 layer, and an area which is disposed in correspondence
container body 1 is shown in the position that corresponded with the second color layer in the pattern area is not
to the first blank layer 232 of the pattern area 23 . According filled with the pigment to form a second blank layer.
to the other example of the present invention , a part of the 3 . The color -changing container with at least one of a
pattern area 23 is filled with the pigment in its pattern range two - dimensional pattern and a three- dimensional pattern
to form a first color layer 231, and the other part of the 60 visible thereon according to claim 2 , wherein the first blank
pattern area 23 is not filled with the pigment in its pattern layer is inside the first color layer.
range to form a blank layer 232 like hollow state , if the color 4 . The color -changing container with at least one of a
of the container body 1 is changed , the two- dimensional two -dimensional pattern and a three - dimensional pattern
and/ or three -dimensional pattern is shown at the position visible thereon according to claim 3 , wherein the material
that corresponded to the first color layer 231 in the pattern 65 for making the container body is mixed with a thermochro
area 23 , and the color changed effect of the container body mic powder, a photochromic powder, or a combination
1 is shown in the position that corresponded to the first blank thereof.
US 10 ,273 ,054 B2
5 . The color-changing container with at least one of a visible thereon according to claim 1, wherein a part of the
two - dimensional pattern and a three - dimensional pattern pattern area is filled with a pigment to form a first color
visible thereon according to claim 2 , wherein the material layer, a part of at least one of the outline and a line in the
formaking the container body is mixed with a thermochro pattern area is filled with another pigment to form a second
mic powder, a photochromic powder, or a combination 5 color layer, and an area disposed in correspondence with the
thereof. second color layer in the pattern area is not filled with the
6 . The color -changing container with at least one of a pigment to form a blank layer.
two - dimensional pattern and a three - dimensional pattern 9 . The color-changing container with at least one of a
visible thereon according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of
the outline and a line in at least a portion of the pattern area 10 two -dimensional pattern and a three -dimensional pattern
visible thereon according to claim 8 , wherein the material
is filled with a pigment to form a color layer, and at least a for making the container body is mixed with a thermochro
portion of an area external to the color layer in the pattern
area is not filled the pigment to form a blank layer. mic powder, a photochromic powder, or a combination
7 . The color- changing container with at least one of a thereof .
two- dimensional pattern and a three -dimensional pattern 15 10 . The color- changing container with at least one of a
visible thereon according to claim 6 , wherein the material two - dimensional pattern and a three - dimensional pattern
for making the container body is mixed with a thermochro visible thereon according to claim 1 , wherein the material
mic powder , a photochromic powder, or a combination for making the container body is mixed with a thermochro
thereof. mic powder, a photochromic powder , or a combination
8 . The color- changing container with at least one of a thereof.
two -dimensional pattern and a three -dimensional pattern

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