United States Patent: (21) Appl - No .: 16 / 120, 651
United States Patent: (21) Appl - No .: 16 / 120, 651
United States Patent: (21) Appl - No .: 16 / 120, 651
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US 10 ,Page
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US 10 ,350 , 109 B1
FLEXIBLE ADHESIVE PHYSIO TAPE WITH chloride ( SOC12 ) and cobalt (II ) sulfate heptahydrate ; etha
COOLING PROPERTIES noic acid and sodium carbonate or other suitable water
activated enthothermic reactants . The tape includes a strong
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION adhesive such as zinc oxide .
5 In a second dry embodiment, the third layer is imple
Field of the Invention mented as a powder or crystal.
The tape could be constructed with multiple layers of
The present invention relates to tapes and bindings. More pre -made reactant strips that are stacked or glued onto each
specifically, the present invention relates to therapeutic other and separated by a barrier breakable by hand. The tape
physio and kinesiology tapes and bindings. 10 could have segmented lengths of endothermic reactants to
allow for the tape to be cut at various lengths without cutting
Description of the Related Art through a layer of reactants .
Physio tape (aka kinesiology tape ) is a tape that is used for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
treating athletic injuries and a variety of physical disorders. 15
Physio tape is conventionally a thin , stretchy, elastic cotton FIG . 1 is a perspective view of a roll of thermal tape
strip with an acrylic adhesive . Therapeutic physio tape can implemented in accordance with the teachings of the present
be used to treat inflammation as well as a wide variety of invention .
musculoskeletal and sports injuries. Physio tape may be FIG . 2 is a sectional end view of the tape depicted in FIG .
manufactured to emulate human skin in both thickness and 20 1 .
elasticity to allow the tape to be worn without binding,
constriction or restriction of movement. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
Physio tapes generally provide support. However, thera
pists are likely to appreciate that there is a need in the art for Illustrative embodiments and exemplary applications will
a tape that provides support as well as thermal properties 25 now be described with reference to the accompanying
such as heat or cold . drawings to disclose the advantageous teachings of the
U . S . Patent Application entitled flexible ADHESIVE present invention .
PHYSIO TAPE WITH THERMAL PROPERTIES filed Jun . While the present invention is described herein with
28. 2018 by J. Fladoos. Ser. No . 16 /022 ,569, the teachings reference to illustrative embodiments for particular applica
ofwhich are incorporated herein by reference, discloses and 30 tions, it should be understood that the invention is not
claims a physio tape that provides support as well as thermal limited thereto . Those having ordinary skill in the art and
heating properties. access to the teachings provided herein will recognize
Accordingly, a need remains in the art for a physio tape additional modifications , applications, and embodiments
that provides support along with thermal cooling properties. within the scope thereof and additional fields in which the
35 present invention would be of significant utility .
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG . 1 is a perspective view of a roll of thermal tape
implemented in accordance with the teachings of the present
The need in the art is addressed by the flexible adhesive invention .
kinesiology /physio tape of the present invention adapted to FIG . 2 is a sectional end view of the tape depicted in FIG .
provide thermo -dynamic cooling . In a most general embodi- 40 1. As shown in FIGS . 1 and 2 , the present invention is
ment, the inventive tape includes flexible adhesive kinesi- flexible adhesive kinesiology / physio tape adapted to pro
ology or physio tape with thermal cooling properties includ - duce cold from and endothermic reaction . In the preferred
ing : a first layer of flexible adhesive high quality porous embodiment, the inventive flexible adhesive kinesiology or
fabric ; a second layer of flexible self-adhesive or skin physio tape 10 with thermal cooling properties includes a
adhesive high quality porous fabric ; and a third layer of 45 first layer 12 of flexible adhesive high quality porous fabric ,
flexible endothermic material, sandwiched between the first a second layer 16 of flexible self-adhesive or skin adhesive
and second layers . high quality porous fabric ; and a layer 14 of flexible endo
In the illustrative embodiment , the tape is a sheet of high thermic material, sandwiched between the first and second
quality porous fabric with a blend of cotton , latex or nylon layers 12 and 16 respectively . The third layer 14 is con
and the third layer is constructed with reactants effective to 50 structed with reactants effective to cause an endothermic
cause an endothermic chemical reaction . A breakable barrier chemical reaction .
separates the reactants so cooling can be initiated at any In a first embodiment, the reactants are dry , solid com
point by manually breaking the barrier. The third layer can pounds such as ammonium nitrate , calcium ammonium
be implemented with liquid , with sealed borders, or with nitrate , potassium chloride, ammonium chloride or urea. In
solid reactants that could be saturated or interwoven with 55 this embodiment, the tape is activated by breaking a barrier
reactants . separating water filled chambers and chambers with one or
Hence , in a first embodiment, the reactants are dry solid more of the above -mentioned dry compounds , allowing
compounds such as ammonium nitrate , calcium ammonium them to mix initiating an endothermic reaction .
nitrate , potassium chloride , ammonium chloride or urea and In an alternative embodiment, the endothermic reaction is
the tape is adapted for activation by breaking a barrier 60 effectuated with dry compounds using, by way of example :
separating water filled chambers and chambers with one or the reaction of barium hydroxide octahydrate crystals
more of the dry compounds, allowing them to mix to initiate with dry ammonium chloride ;
the endothermic reaction . Hollow chambers constructed of the reaction of thionyl chloride (SOC12 ) with cobalt ( II )
leak - proofmaterial hold and separate raw reactants enclosed sulfate heptahydrate ; and/or
in a flexible leak -proof container that will fit into each 65 reacting ethanoic acid with sodium carbonate
chamber. The reactants could include barium hydroxide Some of these reactions may not be ideal for the human
octahydrate crystals and dry ammonium chloride ; thionyl skin application but could be an option for wrapping the tape
US 10 ,350 , 109 B1
around a food or beverage container or any inanimate object squeezed by a user, ruptures and releases a mix of chemicals
with the intention of it being cooled . leading to an endothermic cooling effect.
Layer 14 can be created as multiple layers saturated or Those having ordinary skill in the art and access to the
interwoven with the reactants or it can be implemented as a present teachings will recognize additional modifications ,
powder/ crystal form or liquid with sealed borders . 5 applications and embodiments within the scope thereof.
The inventive tape 10 may be fabricated by applying a It is therefore intended by the appended claims to cover
strong adhesive such as zinc oxide or other suitable adhesive any and all such applications , modifications and embodi
to a large sheet of high quality porous fabric 16 such as a ments within the scope of the present invention .
blend of cotton , latex and /or nylon .
Next, the top layer 12 , fabricated in the same manner as 10
the bottom layer 16 , is applied to the endothermic layer 14 . The invention claimed is:
The top and bottom layers 12 and 16 may be 97 % tightly 1. A flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape with
woven elasticated cotton with 3 % nylon fibers or imple - thermal cooling properties including:
mented with a ratio of cotton or nylon better suited for a a first layer of flexible elastic adhesive high quality porous
particular application . 15 fabric ;
In an alternative embodiment, a hollow section of the tape a second layer of flexible elastic self-adhesive or skin
10 could be provided and filled with a pre -made , plastic , adhesive high quality porous fabric ;
enclosed tube of reactants. This eliminates the need for the and a third layer of flexible endothermic material, sand
tape to be leak proof. This also simplifies the manufacturing wiched between the first and second layers .
process as the tape can be made with a hollow core and then 20 2 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
tubes can be inserted that are either filled with reactants that claim 1 wherein the third layer is constructed with reactants
cool or heat. Those tubes can also be filled with varying effective to cause an endothermic chemical reaction .
quantities depending on the desired intensity of heat or cool. 3 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
Structure of the Cold Tape: claim 2 further including a breakable barrier that separates
The tape may be constructed in multiple ways . The tape 25 the reactants so the cooling can be initiated at any point by
may be constructed to contain hollow chambers that can breaking the barrier.
hold and separate the individual reactants. 4 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
In accordance with the present invention , individual reac - claim 2 wherein the reactants are dry solid compounds such
tants can either be enclosed in a flexible , leak -proof con as ammonium nitrate , calcium ammonium nitrate, potassium
tainer that will fit into each chamber of the tape or the tape 30 chloride , ammonium chloride or urea .
can be constructed of leak -proof material so the raw reac - 5 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
tants can be placed directly inside each chamber. In either claim 4 wherein the tape is adapted for activation by
aspect , there will have to be a breakable barrier that sepa - breaking a barrier separating water filled chambers and
rates the reactants , so the cooling can be initiated at any chambers with one or more of the dry compounds, allowing
point by breaking the barrier. 35 them to mix to initiate the endothermic reaction .
The tape could also be constructed with multiple layers of 6 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
pre -made reactant strips that are stacked or glued onto each claim 2 wherein the reactants include barium hydroxide
other but separated by a barrier. Squeezing the tape by hand octahydrate crystals and dry ammonium chloride .
could break the barriers and initiate the endothermic reac 7 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
tion . 40 claim 2 wherein the reactants include thionyl chloride
Practical Uses and Temperature Ranges : (SOC12 ) and cobalt (II) sulfate heptahydrate .
Human use : Tape being adhered to the skin can 't be too 8. The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
cold as you want to avoid freezing and / or damaging the skin . claim 2 wherein the reactants include ethanoic acid and
Typical cold packs reach 3 degrees Celsius or 37 .4 degrees sodium carbonate .
Fahrenheit, but this range can be adjusted to desired tem - 45 9 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
perature by changing the chemical equation and reactant claim 1 wherein the third layer includes multiple layers
amounts . This adjustment can change the temperature range saturated or interwoven with reactants .
as well as length of cooling time. 10 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
Non -human use : Tape being adhered to an inanimate claim 1 wherein the third layer is implemented as a powder
object can be made as cold as needed depending on the 50 or crystal.
desired outcome. Practical uses are cooling warm beverages 11 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
or freezing water to produce ice in remote areas. Again , the claim 1 wherein the third layer is a liquid with sealed
reactants can be adjusted to obtain the desired temperature borders .
and length of cooling time. 12 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
Dimensions of the Cold Tape: 55 claim 1 wherein the tape is a sheet of high quality porous
In the best mode , the tape has a width of 1- 4 inches, a fabric with a blend of cotton , latex or nylon.
thickness of 1 - 5 mm and a length of 6 inches to any length . 13 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
The tape can be manufactured to have segmented lengths of claim 12 wherein the adhesive is zinc oxide .
endothermic reactants to allow for the tape to be cut at 14 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
various lengths without cutting through the container, pouch 60 claim 1 wherein the tape includes hollow chambers that hold
or layer of reactants . and separate the reactants .
Those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the 15 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
present invention is not limited to the fabrics and chemicals claim 14 wherein the individual reactants are enclosed in a
disclosed herein . Other combinations of fabrics and chemi- flexible leak -proof container that will fit into each chamber.
cals may be employed without departing from the scope of 65 16 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
the present teachings . For example , a plurality of small claim 14 wherein the tape is constructed of leak -proof
capsules may be provided within the tape which , when material .
US 10 ,350 , 109 B1
17 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
claim 16 wherein the tape includes raw reactants mounted
directly inside each chamber.
18 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
claim 1 wherein the tape is constructed with multiple layers 5
of pre -made reactant strips that are stacked or glued onto
each other and separated by a barrier breakable by hand .
19 . The flexible adhesive kinesiology or physio tape of
claim 1 wherein the tape has segmented lengths of endo
thermic reactants to allow for the tape to be cut at various 10
lengths without cutting through a layer of reactants .