Vlsi Design: III B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2019
Vlsi Design: III B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2019
Vlsi Design: III B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2019
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Write down the equations for Ids of an n-channel enhancement MOSFET operating in [2M]
Non-saturated region and saturated region.
b) Define stick diagram and layout diagram. [2M]
c) Explain about the constraints in choice of layers. [2M]
d) Mention the common techniques involved in ad-hoc testing. [3M]
Explain about clock skew.
e) What information from the targeted FPGA device is required in RTL synthesis?
Explain the nMOS enhancement mode fabrication process for different conditions of
b) Derive an expression for transconductance of an n-channel enhancement MOSFET [7M]
operating in active region.
3. a) Draw a stick diagram and layout for two input CMOS NAND gate indicating all the [7M]
regions and layers.
b) Explain 2 µm Double Metal, Double Poly CMOS / BiCMOS Rules. [7M]
4. a) Explain the issues involved in driving large capacitor loads in VLSI circuit regions. [7M]
b) Calculate the gate capacitance value of 5 mm technology minimum size transistor with [7M]
gate to channel value is 4 x 10-4 pF/mm2.
5. a) Explain about the following types of faults with suitable example: [7M]
(i) stuck at faults (ii) Bridge faults (iii) temporary faults
b) Explain the different categories of DFT techniques. [7M]
6. a) Write down the step by step approach for FPGA design process on XILINX [7M]
b) Draw and explain the basic architecture of FPGA. [7M]
7. a) Explain about deep submicron processes with suitable schematic diagrams. [7M]
b) Explain about the scaling limitation for low voltage, low power design. Give the effect [7M]
of scaling on various MOSFET parameters with necessary equations.
Code No: R1632043 R16 SET - 2
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the terms SSI, LSI, and VLSI with the number of transistors per chip and [2M]
b) Draw the stick diagram for CMOS Inverter. [2M]
c) What is sheet resistance? Derive the Expression for RS? [2M]
d) What are the approaches in design for testability? [3M]
Explain synthesis process.
What are the different types of power consumption?
Explain in detail the p-well process for CMOS fabrication indicating the masks used.
b) Compare the relative merits of three different forms of pull-up for an inverter circuit. [7M]
What is the best choice for realization in nMOS and CMOS technology?
3. a) What are the λ-based design rules? Give them for each layer. [7M]
b) Draw a stick diagram for CMOS logic Y= (A+B+C)Ꞌ. [7M]
4. a) What is inverter delay? How delay is calculated for multiple stages? Explain. [7M]
b) Two nMOS inverters are cascaded to drive a capacitive load C L=16Cg. Calculate pair [7M]
delay Vin to Vout in terms of τ.
5. a) What are the different faults found in combinational circuits? How can they be [7M]
b) Briefly discuss about Built-In-Self Test technique with a suitable diagram. [7M]
6. a) Give the steps in FPGA design flow with flow diagram and briefly discuss about each [7M]
b) Explain about the principle and operation of FPGAs. What are its applications? [7M]
7. a) Discuss about the various problems associated with low voltage VLSI circuit design. [7M]
b) Explain about estimation and optimization of switching activity. [7M]
Code No: R1632043 R16 SET - 3
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define Moore’s law. [2M]
b) Draw a symbolic layout of a two–input NAND gate. [3M]
c) Give the scaling factor for Maximum operating frequency (f0) in terms of different [2M]
scaling models.
d) What is meant by observability? [3M]
What are FPGAs?
What is switching activity?
Compare BiCMOS technology with other Technologies.
Calculate ID and VDS if kn = 100 μA/v2, Vtn = 0.6V and W/L =3 for transistor M1, in
the circuit shown below:
3. a) Explain with suitable examples how to design the layout of a Gate to maximize [7M]
5. a) Define the terms ‘failure’ and ‘fault’. Discuss the different fault models. [7M]
Code No: R1632043 R16 SET - 4
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Discuss the microelectronics evolution. [3M]
b) What is Vias? How to construct it in layout? [2M]
c) What is the need of scaling in MOS circuits? [2M]
d) Explain how function of system can be tested. [2M]
e) List out the commercially available FPGAs. [3M]
What is the need of interconnect?
What are the additional two layers in BiCMOS technology compared to others?
With neat sketches explain BiCMOS fabrication process.
Show that the switching speed of an enhancement MOSFET varies inversely as
the square of the channel length.
3. a) Give the design rules for the following cases with neat sketches: [8M]
(i) Polysilicon – polysilicon (ii) n-type diffusion – n-type diffusion
(iii) n-type diffusion – p-type diffusion (iv) metal 1 – metal 2.
b) Design a stick diagram for two input pMOS NAND and NOR gates. [6M]
(i) Cascaded inverters as drivers (ii) Super buffers (iii) BiCMOS drivers
6. a) List out the different configuration modes in FPGA. Briefly discuss about it. [7M]
b) How the pass transistors are used to connect wire segments for the purpose of [7M]
7. a) What is the different technical parameter issues connected with VLSI low power [7M]
and low voltage design? Explain.
b) With schematic diagrams explain about deep submicron processes. [7M]