Sta. Elena High School
Sta. Elena High School
Sta. Elena High School
MARCH 2020
Title Page i
Acknowledgements ii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
Research Design
Research Instruments
Summary Conclusion
This chapter contains the introduction and background of the study, conceptual
framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis of the study, purpose of the study,
significance of the study, scope and delimitations, definition of terms, and review of
There are a lot of reasons why students aren’t getting enough of sleep these days,
we have staying up late to watch tv or play video games, being on social media all night,
not the most important, part of our day. This vital biological activity gives individuals the
energy needed to perform even the simplest of tasks, such as walking, concentrating, and
conversing. Sleep serves to re-energize the body’s cells, clear waste from the brain, and
support learning and memory. It even plays vital roles in regulating mood and appetite.
Sleep is considerable as one of the significant factor of studying because it helps the
students to concentrate on their lectures. According to Huff post, it is the gateway to all
Without a good focus all aspects of your ability to think will suffer and will soon
important to get the kids on bed on time to ensure they get the sleep their minds and
bodies need. As a student, it seems like getting 8 hours of sleep is impossible. When you
have 6am classes, you should be up at 4am but in some cases the idea of going to sleep
before midnight just does not seem plausible. According to a medical director at the
University of Baylor Dr. Philip Alapat, students should attempt to get at least eight hours
of sleep at night because aside from your memory and focus, lack of sleep drastically
reduces one’s energy and tends to put people in a poorer mood and all of these factors
Most adults especially students need 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night for the bets
amount of sleep, although some people just only need as few as 6 hours or as many as 10
hours of sleep each day. Tutor Doctor asserted that when teens don’t get enough
downtime, they suffer from physical ailments, poor academic performance, mental
health, and behavioral issues. As teens get older, we tend to forget that their brains and
bodies are still growing and that they need more sleep than adults. A survey by the
National Sleep Foundation, they found out that 60% of high school students suffered
from extreme daytime fatigue which caused them to regularly fall asleep in class. They
attributed this to the average of 6.5 hours of sleep that the students were
getting. “Chronic sleep loss in children and adolescents is one of the most common – and
easily fixable – public health issues in the U.S. today,” said pediatrician Judith Owens,
The researchers have chosen the topic “Effects of Sleeping Time to the Academic
Performance of Grade STE Students SY 2019-2020” to find out the correlation between a
students’ sleeping time to their academic performance. This will help the students to
identify and to be informed about the effects of their sleeping schedule with their
performance in their class. It was designed to encourage students to seek healthier sleep
This research consists of three (3) parts that are interconnected and will play a
significant role, in the whole process of the research. The three parts are namely:
The Input includes the effects of sleeping time to the academic performance of Grade 10
STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) Students, the factors that affect the sleeping
time of Grade 10 STE Students , and the factors greatly contribute to the academic
The Process includes the searching for background of the study for an overview about
the research topic, brainstorming of ideas to know what could be the easiest way to
conduct the research, looking for review of related literature and studies as well as the
significance of the Study, it also includes identifying the scope and delimitations and of
The Output will be the correlation of sleeping time to the academic performance of
grade 10 STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering). students of sta. elena high
Piaget, J (1960)
cortex, such as attention and executive functions. Sleep deprivation adversely affects the
ability to perform cognitive tasks, but theories range from predicting an overall decline in
The Cognitive Learning Theory is a broad theory used to explain the metal
processes and how they are influenced by both internal and external factors in order to
Evolutionary theory of sleep, also known as the adaptive theory of sleep, suggests
According to this theory, all species have adapted to sleep during periods of time when
wakefulness would be the most hazardous. Support for this theory comes from the
comparative research of different animal species. Animals that have few natural
predators, such as bears and lions, often sleep between 12 to 15 hours each day. On the
other hand, animals that have many natural predators have only short periods of sleep,
suggests that people sleep in order to process information that has been acquired during
the day. In addition to processing information from the day prior, this theory also argues
that sleep allows the brain to prepare for the day to come. Support for this idea stems
from a number of sleep deprivation studies demonstrating that a lack of sleep has a
This study aims to determine the relation between the sleeping time and academic
performance of Grade 10 STE (Science, Technology, & Engineering) students from Sta
Elena High School S.Y 2019-2020. Further, it seeks to answer the following question:
What are the effects of sleeping time to the academic performance of Grade
10 STE Students?
What are the factors that affect the sleeping time of Grade 10 STE Students?
1. Ho: There is no significant relationship between the sleeping time of the students
Ha: There is significant relationship between the sleeping time of the students and
2. Ho: There are no factors affecting the sleeping time of the students.
Ha: There are factors affecting the sleeping time of the students.
Ha: There are factors affecting the academic performance of the students.
This study aims to analyze and determine the relation between the sleeping time
students from Sta Elena High School. Furthermore, the researchers want to determine the
correlation between the sleeping time of STE students with their academic performance
and also the factors that affects the particular sleeping time of the students.
The finding of this study could be used as reference for students to know the
effects of sleeping time to their academic performance. It will redound to the benefit of
the concerned people, not just to the researchers but also to the students themselves. This
This study will benefit the students through indentifying the effects of sleeping
time to their academic performance. The findings may help them know the relation of
This study will help the parents know the effects of sleeping time to the academic
performance of their child. This may serve as reference or basis that they can rely on
This research will benefit the community through the awareness of importance of
sleeping time that may have effects on the academic performance of a student.
This study may serve as sample basis for seminars or programs presenting
This study may be used as reference by the future researchers. This could help
This research was conducted at Sta. Elena High School. The researchers wanted
to know how the sleeping time affects the academic performance of grade 10 S.T.E.
(Science, Technology, and Engineering) students of Sta. Elena High School for the
academic year 2019-2020. This will be used to see if the sleeping time of students affects
The participant will be the grade 10 S.T.E. students which are 50 with a
population size that amounts to 76 students. A random will be used in this research. The
participants will be given a questionnaire twice to see the changes in their performance
when they sleep at least eight hours and when they did not.
Sleep is one of the most important part of our day. This vital biological activity
gives individuals the energy needed to perform even the simplest of tasks, such as
walking, concentrating, and conversing. It even plays vital roles in regulating mood and
appetite. As it serves to re-energize the body’s cells, clear waste from the brain, and
support learning and memory, sleep is very important to students in order for them to
catch up in school especially for STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) students
because of their 9 hour classes. This was supported by (Morgan, P. 2017) study entitled
‘The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on High School Students’. According to him the brain
generates two distinct types of sleep—slow-wave sleep (SWS), known as deep sleep, and
rapid eye movement (REM), also called dreaming sleep. SWS takes up most of the time
during sleep, characterized by large, slow brain waves, relaxed muscles and deep
breathing, which may help the brain and body to recuperate after a long day. After SWS,
REM sleep begins. In REM sleep, a dreamer’s brain becomes highly active while the
body’s muscles are paralyzed, and breathing and heart rate become erratic.
Based on Maren Maris study of ‘The sleep Deprivation’ sleep is not prioritized in
society, and often needs to be sacrificed by high school students. Multiple studies have
shown that present day high school students do not receive an optimal amount of sleep.
STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) students have grades to maintain in order
for the to remain in their program that is also a factor for them to sleep late so they can
do their homeworks and other tasks for diferent subjects. There are excessive demands
placed on teenagers, which prevent them from receiving the required amount of sleep that
they desperately need. Often, high school students stay up until the wee hours to study.
Time after time, students push academic requirements to the end of their schedule
because of extracurricular activities such as school clubs, sports practices, music
rehearsals, or work. Schools should start classes later in the morning to allow students to
get more sleep, as sleep deprivation not only inhibits academic performance, but hinders
the ability to drive and also negatively impacts an individual’s physical and mental
health. “The negative effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance for teens are
well-documented” says (Maris, M. 2018) in their article ‘Lack of Sleep Leads To Poor
Academic Performance’. It show that teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep. Without proper
sleep, memory and the ability to concentrate as well as higher cognitive functioning is
severely affected. This means that when your teen pulls an all-nighter to study for exams,
Chronic sleep loss in children and adolescents is one of the most common – and
easily fixable – public health issues in the U.S. today. (Owens, J. 2018) Lack of sleep
also reduces the efficacy of immune systems and that leaves students vulnerable to all the
illnesses they are exposed to at school. Missed school days also contribute to poor
academic performances. This statement was assisted by Dr. Philip Alapat, a medical
director at the University of Baylor, who suggested that students should attempt to get at
least eight hours of sleep a night so they can improve their immune system. It is much,
much easier to recall memory and stay focused when fully rested. (Alapat, P, 2016)
Aside from your memory and focus, lack of sleep drastically reduces ones energy and
tends to put people in a poorer mood. All of these factors negatively impact the way a
student achieves in the classroom. Aside from sleep, Dr. Alapat suggests that students
should study between the hours of 6-8, which are statistically the brain’s most alert time
period. He says to avoid studying in the early afternoons, as this time period is the
Alertness in school is very necessary because this is how you catch up the lessons
and happening, and not having this could cause a very unsatisfying performance in
school. Lack of sleep can also have a negative effect on how a child learns.
Overtired kids work more slowly because it's hard for them to remember what the
teacher just told them or what they just read. Their brains have a harder time
focusing, even interfering with the formation and recall of long-term memories.
(Gellner, D, 2018) They're more distracted, they may make more careless errors, and
they have a hard time focusing on class assignments and tests. And don't forget how
On the article written by Seren Segaren he claimed that most students probably
know that depriving themselves from sleep is bad, but nonetheless they’re willing to
sacrifice sleep and as a consequence, health, telling themselves it’s just for a short time
and they can soon start sleeping 12-hours a day once the semester draws to a close.
According to SiNews many college students generally don’t know what it means to have
a good sleeping routine. Due to class schedules that differ on a daily basis, part-time jobs,
extra-curricular and social activities, students adapt to irregular sleep cycles that can
seriously impact their academic performance as well as mental and physical health. They
tend to ‘make up’ for the lack of sleep by laying in bed on weekends or days off, but this
just makes the irregular cycle even worse. (Segaren, S. 2016). Additionally, going to
sleep and waking up at approximately the same time is as important as the number of
author on the paper. “Sleep regularity is a potentially important and modifiable factor
Moyad Shahwan claimed that sleeping is a natural repetitive state of rest for the
mind and body which is essential to life. Sufficient sleep is extremely important for one’s
mental and physical health. But sleep loss is a remarkable problem in modern society.
(Shahwan, M. 2015) The sleep–wake cycle, is driven by a circadian timing system which
is influenced by some factors such as physiological function, school and work schedules,
and many others. Most healthy adults need between seven and a half to nine hours of
sleep per night to function at their best. Sleep serves several different functions such as
growth and repair, learning or memory consolidation and restorative processes and all
academic life. A study with a healthy sample showed that sleepiness may have a
substantial adverse influence on general health and quality of life and it can be harmful to
students. (Hamed, H. 2015) The sleep– wake cycle of medical students is characterized
by insufficient sleep duration, delayed sleep onset, and occurrence of napping episodes
during the day. Sleep is clearly an important aspect of successful academic and personal
life in college, yet very little attention has been given to finding an appropriate sleeping
pattern. (Ajman, L. 2015) Staying up late combined with early morning awakenings for
school easily lead to insufficient sleep and accumulation of sleep debt during the school
According to Eric Artiges of Nature Report adolescents today sleep less and
During adolescence, sleep undergoes major changes: sleep duration and depth decrease,
and sleep shifts towards evening hours. A tendency towards eveningness becomes
evident during the adolescent years as a result of internal and external influences on brain
mechanisms regulating sleep and circadian rhythm. (Urrilia, A. 2017) Despite the
detrimental effects of poor and inadequate sleep on adolescent academic success and
health, evidence on the effects of long-term sleep habits on the developing adolescents’
claimed that sleep deprivation effects not only whether a student can stay awake in class
but how they perform as well. Recent studies have shown that adequate sleep is essential
to feeling awake and alert, maintaining good health and working at peak performance.
(Epstein, L. 2017) “After two weeks of sleeping six hours or less a night, students feel as
bad and perform as poorly as someone who has gone without sleep for 48 hours. New
research also highlights the importance of sleep in learning and memory. Students getting
adequate amounts of sleep performed better on memory and motor tasks than did students
deprived of sleep.” He added. Students who stay up late on school nights and make up for
it by sleeping late on weekends are more likely to perform poorly in the classroom. This
is because, on weekends, they are waking up at a time that is later than their internal body
clock expects. The fact that their clock must get used to a new routine may affect their
ability to be awake early for school at the beginning of the week when they revert back to
As reported by BC Heights, lack of sleep actually drops the amount of white
blood cells in the body. With a loss of white blood cells, the body’s immune system is
also taxed and less powerful. Sleep helps restore our immune systems and bodies, (BC
Heights, 2019) The role of sleep in one’s academic abilities is a bit more unique. As
not only necessary for survival, but for brain development and optimal mental processing
as well. The brain’s impairment due to lack of sleep can be caused from an array of
physical responses. As NINDS explains, “Some experts believe sleep gives neurons used
while we are awake a chance to shut down and repair themselves. Without sleep, neurons
activities that they begin to malfunction.” Without an opportunity to rest and regene
This chapter provides an abstract of research plan and strategy that was used in
conducting this research. This chapter consists the research method used, population and
sample size, research instruments, procedure of data gathering, and the statistical
treatment of data.
The researchers used the quantitative method in conducting this study since they
are determining the relationship of two variables. This method enables the researchers to
computational technique. In addition to this, the researchers used the causal research
design to determine the effects of sleeping time to the academic performance of Grade 10
STE Students from Sta Elena High School. The causal research design is used to measure
questionnaires to conduct the study. The questionnaires will enable the researchers to
fully conduct the objectives of this study. Subsequently, the researchers will examine the
gathered data and analyze it using a statistical treatment to determine the relation of the
technique where in a certain gathering of individuals is considered that best suit the
The simple random sampling type was specifically used to distinguish the grade
gives us a chance to pick our 64 favored respondents, which qualifies to the purpose of
the study.
Figure 1: Total of STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) Students and total
number of respondents.
The researchers used questionnaire and survey form as the data gathering
instrument. The researchers will design the questionnaire and survey according to a form
that will help the researchers gather relevant information from the respondents. The
questionnaire consists of twenty (20) questions, ten (10) for each subjects. The survey
After the questionnaire is constructed the researchers presents it to three teachers
(3) that will critique the content of it. Two (2) of them are teachers from the grade ten
(10) that are teaching Mathematics and Science in grade ten (10) S.T.E. students.
The researchers had chosen the Grade 10 STE Students from Sta Elena High
School as their respondents. They used standardized questionnaires to conduct the study
that has gone through the process of psychometric validation. The questionnaire is
composed of questions regarding their sleeping time and the factors that affects it, a 10-
item test for mathematics, and a 10-item test for science. The researchers went to the
rooms of the respondents to conduct the survey with the permission from their subject
teacher. After checking the questionnaires answered by the respondents, the researchers
The statistical treatment used in the study is Spearman’s rank order correlation
coefficient or Spearman’s rho. The researchers used this technique to measure the
Science, Technology, and Engineering students of Sta. Elena High School A.Y. 2019-
2020. Spearman’s rho is used to measure the strength and direction of association
between the two ranked variables. It is often used to evaluate relationships involving
ordinal variables and to determine the rank correlation of the following respondents.
The formula for the Spearman rank correlation coefficient when there are no tied ranks is:
Another option is simply to use the full version of Spearman’s formula (actually a
slightly modified Pearson’s r), which will deal with tied ranks: