CH340G USB To UART Interface Datasheet
CH340G USB To UART Interface Datasheet
CH340G USB To UART Interface Datasheet
1. Overview
CH340 is a series of USB bus adapters, that provides serial, parallel or IrDA interfaces over
the USB bus (note: CH340G supports serial interface only). The CH340G integrate circuit
provides common MODEM signals to allow adding a UART to a computer, or converting
existing UART devices to USB interface.
2. Features
• Full-speed USB interface, compatible with USB 2.0 interface.
• Operates with a minimum amount of external components: a crystal and a minimum of four
• Provides a virtual serial port for upgrading existing serial port devices or adding serial ports
to a PC.
• Supports all existing applications using serial ports without the need of changing existing
• Hardware full-duplex serial interface with internal FIFO. Baud rate range from 50bps to
• Supports common flow control signals RTS, DTR, DCD, RI, DSR and CTS.
• Supports RS232, RS422 and RS485 with external level shifting components.
• Uses CH341 driver.
• Supports 5V and 3.3V operation.
• RoHS-compliant narrow body SO-16 package.
Table of Contents
CH340G USB to UART Interface Datasheet
Disclaimer from DreamCity Innovations 1
1. Overview 1
2. Features 1
Table of Contents 2
3. Specifications 3
3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings 3
3.2. DC characteristics 3
3.3. AC characteristics 3
4. Pinout 4
5. Application Notes 4
5.1. Example: USB RS232 adapter 5
5.2. Example: Optically isolated USB to UART adapter 6
3. Specifications
3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Operating the chip at or beyond those ratings will cause the chip to malfunction, even
irreversibly damage the chip.
3.2. DC characteristics
Symbol Name Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
3.3. AC characteristics
Symbol Name Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
FCLK Clock frequency (at pin XI) 11.98 12.00 12.02 MHz