Central Air Conditioning Plants
Central Air Conditioning Plants
Central Air Conditioning Plants
The central air conditioning plants or the systems are used when large
buildings, hotels, theaters, airports, shopping malls etc are to be air conditioned
completely. The window and split air conditioners are used for single rooms or small
office spaces. If the whole building is to be cooled it is not economically viable to put
window or split air conditioner in each and every room. Further, these small units
cannot satisfactorily cool the large halls, auditoriums, receptions areas etc.
In the central air conditioning systems there is a plant room where large
compressor, condenser, thermostatic expansion valve and the evaporator are kept in
the large plant room. They perform all the functions as usual similar to a typical
refrigeration system. However, all these parts are larger in size and have higher
capacities. The compressor is of open reciprocating type with multiple cylinders and
is cooled by the water just like the automobile engine. The compressor and the
condenser are of shell and tube type. While in the small air conditioning system
capillary is used as the expansion valve, in the central air conditioning systems
thermostatic expansion valve is used.
The chilled is passed via the ducts to all the rooms, halls and other
spaces that are to be air conditioned. Thus in all the rooms there is only the duct
passing the chilled air and there are no individual cooling coils, and other parts of the
refrigeration system in the rooms. What is we get in each room is the completely
silent and highly effective air conditions system in the room. Further, the amount of
chilled air that is needed in the room can be controlled by the openings depending
on the total heat load inside the room.
There are two types of central air conditioning systems: Direct Expansion
(DX) type of central air condition plants and Chilled Water type of the central air
conditioning plants. In the DX system the air used for cooling the room or space is
directly passed over the cooling coil of the refrigeration plant. In case of the chilled
water system the refrigeration system is used to first chill the water, which is then
used to chill the air used for cooling the rooms or spaces.
Both these systems have been discussed in details; this article discusses DX
system, while the next one describes chilled water system.
Direct Expansion (DX) Type of Central Air Conditioning Plant
In the direct expansion or DX types of air central conditioning plants the air
used for cooling space is directly chilled by the refrigerant in the cooling coil of the air
handling unit. Since the air is cooled directly by the refrigerant the cooling efficiency
of the DX plants is higher. However, it is not always feasible to carry the refrigerant
piping to the large distances hence, direct expansion or the DX type of central air
conditioning system is usually used for cooling the small buildings or the rooms on
the single floor.
There are three main compartments of the DX type of central conditioning
systems (please refer the fig below):
To operate and maintain central air conditioning systems you need to have
good operators, technicians and engineers. Proper preventative and breakdown
maintenance of these plants is vital.