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Civil Questions and Answers - Surveying PDF

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Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Basic Surveying Terms

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basic
Surveying Terms”.

1. How many types of bench mark are there?

a) 3
b) 2
c) 5
d) 4
Answer: b
Explanation: Bench mark is an object bearing a marked point whose elevation above or below a
datum is known. The 2 types are the temporary and permanent bench mark.

2. The difference between magnetic north and geographic north is:

a) Dip
b) Strike
c) Declination
d) Bearing
Answer: c
Explanation: Declination is determined using the compass. The error is calculated and the necessary
addition or deduction is carried out.

3. In the triangulation method, the whole area is divided into:

a) Scale triangles
b) Triangles
c) Obtuse triangles
d) Well-conditioned triangles
Answer: d
Explanation: Well-conditioned triangles are those triangles with an angle less than or equal to 60o.
The plot is divided into such triangles, as it is the easiest figure that can be plotted and analysed.

4. A stone that marks boundary is called:

a) Merestone
b) Milestone
c) Metestone
d) Linestone
Answer: a
Explanation: If a stone is used to mark a boundary, it is called Merestone. If a tree is on the property
line, it is called a Line tree.

5. Which of the below is not a classification of surveying?

a) Marine
b) Basement
c) Astronomical
d) Land
Answer: b
Explanation: Based on place of survey, the classification includes land, marine and astronomical
categories. Basement refers to underground, no survey is performed there.

6. EDM stands for:

a) Errorless Distance Measurement
b) Electronic Direct Measurement
c) Electronic Distance Measurement
d) Errorless Direct Measurement
Answer: c
Explanation: To locate points, measure angles, distance and perform other surveying operations, an
EDM can be used. It gives all the details with a click of button. Total station is an example of EDM.

7. Plane and geodetic surveying are classifications of surveying based on:

a) Methodology
b) Earth’s curvature
c) Object of survey
d) Instrument
Answer: b
Explanation: Based on Earth’s curvature to be considered or not while surveying, plane and geodetic
surveying are there. Earth’s curvature is considered in geodetic and not considered in plane

8. _________ errors are small unavoidable fluctuation.

a) Random
b) Gross
c) Systematic
d) Mistake
Answer: a
Explanation: Those errors which are made while performing survey are called gross errors. These can
accumulate and finally lead to re-doing the whole procedure. Systematic error follows a consistent

9. Plan is a small-scale representation of a large area.

a) True
b) False
10. Which of the below is not a means of linear surveying methods?
a) Theodolite
b) EDM
c) Tape
d) Chain
Answer: a
Explanation: Theodolite is an instrument used to measure angular readings. It is used in angular
surveying. All other options are used to take linear measurements.

11. The term Gore is used to indicate:

a) Rectangular land
b) Perimeter of a land
c) Thin triangular land
d) A measure of distance
Answer: c
Explanation: Gore is a thin triangular piece of land. Metes and bounds are used to describe the
perimeter of the parcel of land. Mete is a measurement of distance.

12. An acre is equal to 107,639 square feet.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: An acre is equal to 43,560 square feet. A hectare is equal to 2.471 acres or 107,639
square feet.

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Chain Surveying

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chain
1. An offset is a _________ distance of an object measured from the survey line.
a) Lateral
b) Horizontal
c) Normal
d) Inclined
Answer: a
Explanation: Offsets are taken perpendicular to the survey lines. They are used to mark objects and
the lateral distance to them, using an offset rod.

2. Which of the below is not an instrument used to set right angles?

a) Cross staff
b) Site square
c) Optical staff
d) Prism square
Answer: c
Explanation: There is no instrument like an optical staff. Optical square is an instrument which
consists of circular box with three slits. Cross staff is a frame of the box mounted on a pole. Prism
square is an advanced version of an optical square. Site square consists of two telescopes set at 90os.

3. How many types of chains are used in chain surveying?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
Answer: b
Explanation: There can be 5 types of chains used for chain surveying. They are the metric chain,
Gunter’s chain, engineer’s chain, revenue chain and steel band or band chain.

4. Gunter’s chain consists of _________ links.

a) 500
b) 50
c) 1000
d) 100
Answer: d
Explanation: Gunter’s chain is also called surveyor’s chain and is 66ft long. It consists of 100 links,
each being 0.6 ft. Eighty Gunter’s chain corresponds to 1 mile.

5. The process of a location of intermediate points on a survey line is:

a) Aligning
b) Extending
c) Ranging
d) Offsetting
Answer: c
Explanation: Ranging is used to locate intermediate points. They are marked using ranging rods. It is
done when a survey line is very long and marks are required to distinguish the line.

6. The biggest of the survey line is called:

a) First line
b) Base line
c) Tie line
d) Main survey line
Answer: b
Explanation: The line joining the main survey station is called the main survey line. The biggest of the
main survey line is the base line, and other features are plotted with respect to this line.
7. Chain surveying uses the principle of:
a) Traversing
b) Chaining
c) Ranging
d) Triangulation
Answer: d
Explanation: Chain surveying is suitable for a survey of small areas. The area is divided into well-
conditioned triangles and triangulation is the principle used.

8. In how many ways can ranging be carried out?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: a
Explanation: Ranging is of 2 types – direct and indirect. Direct ranging is done using a line ranger or
naked eye. Indirect ranging is done when starting and ending points are not visible.

9. The book in which chain measurements are entered is called:

a) Field book
b) Record book
c) Study book
d) Chain book
Answer: a
Explanation: Field book is used to enter all the measurements done while surveying. It is an oblong
book of size 20x12cm and opens length wise.

10. How many types of cross staff are available?

a) 2
b) 5
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: The three types are open cross staff, French cross staff and adjustable cross staff. Open
cross staff has two vertical, opposite slits. French cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box. The
adjustable cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter, one placed on top of the other.

11. Survey stations may be marked on the ground using a:

a) Pole
b) Rod
c) Pointer
d) Peg
Answer: d
Explanation: Peg is a wooden block with a pointed edge to drive it into the ground. They are
generally 2.5-3 cm2 and 15cm long, with tapered end.

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Compass Surveying

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Compass

1. The direction of a line relative to a given meridian is called:

a) Bearing
b) Declination
c) Angle
d) Dip
Answer: a
Explanation: Bearing of the line gives its direction relative to a given meridian. It can be measured as
an angle using any angular measuring instruments.

2. How many types of a compass are used in surveying?

a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
Answer: b
Explanation: The two compass types used in surveying are Prismatic Compass and Surveyor’s
Compass. Prismatic Compass is most commonly used one for surveying.

3. ___________ bearing is measured in the direction of survey.

a) Primary
b) First
c) Fore
d) Front
Answer: c
Explanation: Fore bearing is used to indicate the angle measured in the direction of progress of the
survey. The angle measured in the opposite direction of progress of the survey is called back

4. In a reduced bearing system, bearing is measured from:

a) Nearest one (North or South)
b) South
c) West
d) North
Answer: a
Explanation: In reduced bearing system bearing is measured from the nearest one, North or South is
anticlockwise or clockwise direction. It aims at locating nearest bearing.

5. Prismatic Compass is based on the reduced bearing system.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Prismatic Compass functions based on WCB – whole circle bearing and surveyor’s
compass functions based on the reduced bearing system.

6. The bearing of line AB as shown below is represented in reduced bearing as:

a) N150o
b) E60oS
c) S30o
d) S30oE
Answer: d
Explanation: Reduced bearing involves measurement in shortest way possible. It is represented as S
30o E to indicate bearing of 30o in anticlockwise direction from South.

7. How many meridians are used in surveying?

a) 6
b) 8
c) 3
d) 5
Answer: c
Explanation: True, magnetic and arbitrary meridians are used. True meridian passes through true
North and South. Magnetic meridian passes through magnetic North and South. Arbitrary meridian
is used for rough purposes.

8. ________ is a term used that prevents the needle from pointing to the magnetic North in a given
a) Local attraction
b) Declination
c) Deviation
d) Local distraction
Answer: a
Explanation: While reading a compass, sometimes needle might be slightly deviated from magnetic
North. It can be due to any weather conditions, magnetic objects nearby. It has to be corrected to
get accurate readings.

9. ___________ line is the line drawn through points of the same declination.
a) Polygonic
b) Isogonic
c) Syngonic
d) Agonic
Answer: b
Explanation: Isogonic line passes through points of the same declination. Agonic line passes through
points of zero declination. Other options are invalid.

10. Which of the below is not a temporary adjustment of the prismatic compass?
a) Centring
b) Levelling
c) Focussing prism
d) Adjusting sight vane
Answer: d
Explanation: In a prismatic compass, the sight vanes are generally not adjustable. In surveyor’s
compass, it’s one of the permanent adjustments done.

11. How many types of variations in declination are there?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 2
d) 3
Answer: a
Explanation: The four types are diurnal (daily), annual (yearly), secular (periodic) and irregular

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Plane Table Surveying

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plane
Table Surveying”.

1. __________ instrument is used to sight to an object.

a) Compass
b) U-frame
c) Plumbing fork
d) Alidade
Answer: d
Explanation: Alidade is a straight edge with some form of sighting device. It can be plain (with slits)
or telescopic. It is kept on a plane table and objects are sighted.

2. How many methods of plane table surveying are there?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 1
d) 3
Answer: b
Explanation: There are four ways to perform plane table surveying. They are radiation, inter-section,
traversing and resection. First two are employed for locating details and other two for locating plane
table stations.

3. Plane table (PT) surveying is a __________ method.

a) Graphical
b) Linear
c) Circular
d) Angular
Answer: a
Explanation: In the graphical method of surveying, objects are sighted and taken down as drawings
(lines) on a paper. The line gives angle, distance of the object from the station.

4. Plane table is made of:

a) Metal
b) Rubber
c) Wood
d) Plastic
Answer: c
Explanation: Plane table is a well-seasoned wooden piece. It is polished and a smooth surface is
given on top. The middle bottom portion is threaded to attach a tripod.

5. Which of the below is used for levelling a plane table?

a) Plumb bob
b) Spirit level
c) Compass
d) U-frame
Answer: b
Explanation: A spirit level is a rectangular box, containing a small bubble inside it. It is placed on the
table, table is moved and fixed when the bubble is centralised.

6. Which of the below is not an advantage of PT survey?

a) Used for accurate works
b) Less costly
c) Field book is not required
d) Rapid method
Answer: a
Explanation: It is used only to locate a certain local object. It doesn’t give accurate results and can’t
be used for high precision works.

7. How many ways are there to orient a plane table?

a) 1
b) 3
c) 2
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: Orientation refers to the process of keeping the table to the position which is occupied
at first station. The point on paper and ground should match. It can be done by using through
compass and back sighting.

8. Plan table surveying uses the methodology of:

a) Triangulation
b) Contouring
c) Ranging
d) Traversing
Answer: d
Explanation: Traversing is a methodology where the number of connected lines are there whose
length is measured using tape/chain and angle using any angle measuring instrument. PT survey uses
this methodology.

9. A plumbing fork is used to __________ the plane table.

a) Focus
b) Centre
c) Orient
d) Level
Answer: b
Explanation: Plumbing fork is also called U-fame. It has a U-shaped frame which can be clamped
onto the plane table. The lower end has provision for suspending a plumb bob. It is used to centre
the table w.r.t station.

10. In the method of an intersection, only one linear measurement is made.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Only one linear measurement is made in the intersection method. Base line is the line
showing distance between two instrument stations. This method is also called graphical

11. Which of the below is not a method of doing resection?

a) Back sighting
b) Solving two-point problem
c) Solving three-point problem
d) Solving four-point problem
Answer: d
Explanation: There are four methods to perform the resection. They are using a compass, by back
sighting, solving two-point and three-point problem. There is no method as solving four point

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Equipment’s Used in Levelling

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers for Entrance exams focuses on
“Equipments Used in Levelling”.

1. How many chief types of levels are used in levelling?

a) 6
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2
Answer: c
Explanation: There are 4 chief types of levels used. They are Dumpy level, Wye Level, Reversible level
and Tilting level.

2. A levelling staff is used to establish:

a) Horizontal line of sight
b) Vertical line of sight
c) Location of points
d) Distance of points
Answer: a
Explanation: A levelling staff is a straight rectangular rod, with graduations, zero starting from foot of
staff. It is placed at the required point and horizontal line of sight from a level is made.

3. Dumpy level was originally designed by:

a) Fennel
b) Heerbrugg
c) Stanley
d) Gravatt
Answer: d
Explanation: Gravatt designed the Dumpy level; which consists of a telescope secured in two collars
fixed by adjusting screws.

4. How many categories of levelling staff are there?

a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
Answer: b
Explanation: There are 2 categories – self reading staff and target staff. Self-reading staff can be
directly read from the instrument through the telescope. Target staff consists of moving target
against which reading is to be taken.

5. Which of the below is used to make a line of sight horizontally in a level?

a) Foot screws
b) Levelling head
c) Telescope
d) Tangent screws
Answer: a
Explanation: There is a tube and bubble is enclosed in it. Using 3 foot screws, the bubble is
centralised. Once it is stable, the level is said to have maintained a horizontal line of sight.

6. A digital level reads a:

a) Target staff
b) Barcoded staff
c) Digital staff
d) Telescopic staff
Answer: b
Explanation: Digital level is an electronic level. It is set up on a tripod and it reads a barcoded staff.
All the details are fed into the memory of level and can be retrieved on a computer.

7. Which of the below cannot be used to measure vertical heights?

a) Self level
b) Aneroid barometer
c) Transit
d) Hypsometer
Answer: c
Explanation: Vertical measurement can be approximately taken using barometer and hypsometer.
These determine pressure difference at 2 elevations and results can be concluded from these.

8. How many types of self-reading staff are available?

a) 5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: There are 3 types of self-reading staff. They are solid, folding and telescopic staff.

9. Which of the below is not common in all levelling equipment?

a) Telescope
b) Level vials
c) Level rods
d) Tilting screws
Answer: d
Explanation: Tilting screw is found only in the tilting level. Using this, one can tilt the telescope to the
required angle, keeping the vertical axis.

10. Level vials can be of ____________ types.

a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 2
Answer: d
Explanation: Level vials contain a bubble, which is to be centralised to obtain a horizontal line of
sight. It may be of bulls-eye type (circular shaped) or vial type (tube shaped).

11. Abney level is a type of hand level.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Hand level is a hand held instrument. Abney level is one of these. It includes a
clinometer to measure vertical angles.

12. For accurate levelling __________ is attached inside telescope in an automatic level.
a) Alinometer
b) Compensator
c) Cross hairs
d) Double lens
Answer: b
Explanation: Compensator is also called stabilizer. It consists of 2 fixed prisms and it creates an
optical path between eye piece and objective. It results in exact positioning of the line of sight due to

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Methods of Levelling

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Methods of Levelling”.

1. How many methods are used in levelling?

a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: b
Explanation: The 2 methods are the height of instrument method and rise and fall method. These
are used to evaluate heights of various points.

2. How many types of levelling are there?

a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: c
Explanation: There are 4 ways to perform levelling. They are direct levelling, trigonometric levelling,
barometric levelling and stadia levelling.

3. Trigonometric levelling is also called:

a) Indirect levelling
b) Differential levelling
c) Fly levelling
d) Profile levelling
Answer: a
Explanation: In trigonometric levelling, the horizontal distance and vertical angle are measured from
the station to the object. It uses trigonometric relations to compute the vertical height of a point.

4. In _________ levelling, the first and last point are at a far distance.
a) Fly
b) Differential
c) Profile
d) Reciprocal
Answer: b
Explanation: In differential levelling, a number of inter-stations are located and then the instrument
is shifted to each station and the elevation is observed.

5. Stadia levelling is a modified form of:

a) Fly levelling
b) Differential levelling
c) Simple levelling
d) Trigonometric levelling
Answer: d
Explanation: Tacheometer principle is used to determine the elevation of points. Line of sight is
inclined and it is more suitable for surveying in hilly terrains.

6. The last reading taken from the instrument is called:

a) End sight
b) Free sight
c) Fore sight
d) Back sight
Answer: c
Explanation: Fore sight (FS) is noted as last reading and back sight (BS) is noted as first reading taken
from the instrument. Any intermediate points are noted down as intermediate sight (IS).

7. Reciprocal levelling is used when,

a) Flat terrain
b) Obstacles are there
c) BM not visible
d) Highway construction
Answer: b
Explanation: If the points to surveyed lie on opposite banks of a river, reciprocal levelling can be
used. It is done from both sides to eliminate chances of error.

8. In a hilly terrain, staff reading is more at:

a) Lower point
b) Higher point
c) First point
d) Last point
Answer: a
Explanation: In hilly terrain, the lowest point will give the highest staff reading. It is at a lower level
compared to others and hence has more height.

9. Which is the arithmetic check for the height of instrument method?

a) ∑FS + ∑BS = First RL + Last RL@
b) ∑BS – ∑FS = Last RL – First RL@
c) ∑FS + ∑BS = Last RL + First RL@
d) ∑BS – ∑FS = First RL – Last RL@
Answer: b
Explanation: To check if the readings are written properly, an arithmetic check is done. The sum of
back sight (BS) and Fore sight (FS) are subtracted. It should be equal to the difference of the last and
first reduced level (RL).

10. Which instrument is used in trigonometric levelling?

a) Wye level
b) Compass
c) Theodolite
d) Dumpy level
Answer: c
Explanation: Trigonometric levelling involves measurements that are angular and hence requires an
angle measuring instrument, like theodolite.

11. In levelling, error due to earth’s curvature is to be corrected using:

a) Cc=0.0673D2
b) Cc=0.0112D2
c) Cc=0.0136D2
d) Cc=0.0785D2
Answer: d
Explanation: Correction for earth’s curvature and refraction is to be applied. Cc is given by 0.0785D2.
Combined correction Cc – Cr is given by 0.0673D2.

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Contouring

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on

1. Contours can be found in a __________ map.

a) Political
b) Topographical
c) Physical
d) Thematic
Answer: b
Explanation: These are imaginary lines, which passes through points of same or equal elevations.
These are found in topographical maps to represent features like mountains, valleys, etc.

2. Contour Maps are not mandatory in civil engineering projects like road works, dams, canals,
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: To identify a suitable site for these projects, to study the nature of ground and slopes
and to make an estimate for earth work, a contour map of that region is required.

3. How many methods of contouring are present?

a) 5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: There are 2 methods of contouring: direct and indirect. In direct method, the points of
elevation are located physically and then plotted on the map. Indirect method uses contouring with
the help of grids.

4. Indirect methods uses how many methods?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 6
Answer: a
Explanation: The three methods are: method of a square (area divided into squares and grid point
taken), method of cross-section (cross sectional points taken) and tacheometric method (adopted
for very steep hills).

5. The commonly used squares in the method of a square is:

a) 10m x 10m to 5m x 5m
b) 10m x 10m to 15m x 15m
c) 5m x 5m to 20m x 20m
d) 5m x 5m to 10m x 15m
Answer: c
Explanation: The size of the square varies from 5m x 5m to 20m x 20m. These grid points are found
by levelling and then plotted on drawing sheets.

6. Which of the below methods is used for interpolating contour points between 2 points?
a) Arithmetic calculation
b) Using measuring tapes
c) Taking pictures of area
d) Using a theodolite
Answer: a
Explanation: There are 3 different ways to interpolate contour points between 2 points; arithmetic
calculation, estimation and graphical or mechanical method.

7. The contour interval is the same for all purposes.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: The interval is kept as 2m for large projects like highways, railways, etc and 0.5m for
earth work, building sites, etc.

8. The curves used for drawing lines between points in a contour line is:
a) Radial curve
b) French curve
c) C-curve
d) Inverted curve
Answer: b
Explanation: The contour points are first located. Corresponding points are joined by a smooth line
and for curves, a French curve is used.

9. Which shaped lines indicate the presence of a ridge?

a) V-shaped
b) U-shaped
c) L-shaped
d) S-shaped
Answer: b
Explanation: The contour line with U-shape, which has convexity towards a lower ground shows the
presence of a ridge.

10. The line which separates the catchment basin from the rest of the area is:
a) Ridge line
b) Dam line
c) Catchment line
d) Watershed line
Answer: d
Explanation: The area where rain water drains into the river is the catchment area of the river. The
watershed line is then marked. The area inside this line is measured in order to study flood levels.

Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – EDM – Total Station

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers for Campus interviews focuses on “EDM –
Total Station”.

1. How many types of EDM instruments are there based on wavelength?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 3
Answer: d
Explanation: The 3 types are microwave (Tellurometer), infrared (Distomat) and visible range

2. Which of the below is used up to a range of 100km?

a) Infrared
b) Microwave
c) Visible range
d) Ultra-violet
Answer: b
Explanation: Microwave EDMs can be used up to a range of 100km to locate the object. Infrared is a
commonly used type, with a range up to 3km.

3. A total station is a combination of:

a) EDM and Theodolite
b) Compass and EDM
c) Electronic Theodolite and EDM
d) EDM and electronic Compass
Answer: c
Explanation: Total station can be used to measure distance and angles. It employs an electronic
theodolite and an EDM to serve this purpose.

4. Which unit in total station processes data collected?

a) Data collector
b) EDM
c) Storage system
d) Microprocessor
Answer: d
Explanation: Microprocessor is the unit that processes the data collected and uses it to compute
various features like horizontal and vertical distances, slopes, elevation, etc.

5. The bubble in a total station is centralised using:

a) Tripod
b) Levelling screw
c) Tangent screw
d) Foot screw
Answer: a
Explanation: Total station is affixed on to the tripod. The legs of the tripod are extended/contracted
one by one till the bubble is centralised.

6. Which is the latest development in a total station?

a) High resolution
b) High accuracy
c) Robotic
d) Automatic
Answer: c
Explanation: Nowadays, robotic total stations are available. They can be operated from a distance
via remote control. It eliminates the need for an assistant staff man.

7. Which of the below is not an application of total station?

a) Crime scene investigation
b) Furniture manufacture
c) Mining
d) Archaeology
Answer: b
Explanation: Total station can be used to reconstruct the crime scenes, in mining to locate tunnels
and mines and in archaeology to record excavations. It is not used in the manufacture of furniture.

8. How many types of EDM are there based on the reflector type?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 4
d) 2
Answer: a
Explanation: The 3 types are active, passive and no reflector. In active type, power is required to
operate reflectors. In passive type, a prism reflector is used.

9. Total station can be used in meteorology.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: It is used to track hot air balloons for determining upper level winds. It is also used to
track ceiling balloons to determine the height of cloud layers.

10. What is the range of medium range EDM?

a) <5kms
b) 15-25kms
c) 5-25kms
d) >25kms
Answer: c
Explanation: There are 3 types of EDM based on the range of measurement. They are the short,
medium and long range. Short range is <5kms, long range is above 25kms.

11. Each point entered in a total station is stored in:

a) Hard discs
b) Electronic books
c) Data storage
d) Chip
Answer: b
Explanation: Electronic book works as a compact disc. Its capacity varies from 2000-4000 points
data. Data can be unloaded to a computer and then reused.

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