OnlineBrochure PDF
OnlineBrochure PDF
OnlineBrochure PDF
Digital Imaging
Systems for
Process Analysis
Measure Size
Enhance Using Split-Online
Process Control
Why Split-Online®? Why Split Benefits
Split-Online is proven! Since 1997, hundreds Engineering? Continuous, automatic, non-invasive
of systems and camera monitoring locations monitoring and measurement.
have been installed around the world. Split Engineering provides experienced
Technical decisions; operational effi- engineers who come to your site to design Facilitates Process Control
ciency and productivity; equipment and commission a system in a short amount ➤ Continuous output of process infor-
performance – all these can be related of time and will train your personnel how to mation available for integration into
to optimum conditions, be it rock frag- use and maintain the system. control systems.
mentation size, pellet size or agglom- ➤ Empowers engineers with near
eration moisture content. Profitability Experience counts. We know: real-time information at various
can be improved by optimizing any of ➤ Where to measure. points in the process.
these processes to maximize through- ➤ How to install the system so it ➤ Enables operators to adjust control
put and performance in the crushing, works properly and effectively. parameters before problems occur.
milling and mineral recovery circuits. ➤ How to set-up the image analysis
In the past, the lack of an easy, non- and calibrate the system using your Economical Data Acquisition
disruptive, economical measurement current lab sieve settings with famil- ➤ Objective, rapid, continuous and less
technique has meant that, in most cases, iar parameters. labor intensive than manual methods.
the process has not been defined in quan- ➤ How to train your personnel to uti-
titative terms. Now, Split-Online provides lize and maintain the system.
an economical alterative to manual sam- Mission Statement
pling and an objective measure rather Technical Support: Split Engineering creates customer
value through facilitating optimal and
than subjective qualitative estimates. ➤ Proactive development of the Split-
efficient mine operations by custom
Online system software. This developing and implementing the most
ensures that the system maintains technologically advanced techniques
state of the art technology. of image analysis. Split Engineering
➤ Experience with system information will maintain its reputation in the min-
integration to other expert control ing industry for exceeding customer
and process control systems. expectations through exemplary cus-
➤ Maintenance options for on-site tomer service.
service, software upgrades and
remote tech support with VPN
access for efficient systems service
and assistance, which saves time
and money. Digital Image Analysis Systems • Software • Service
©2010 Split Engineering LLC. Split-Online is the registered trademark of Split Engineering.