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CHAPTER 5: Design of other Hydraulic Structures


5.1.1 Introduction: - Significance & Types
Dam Outlet works generally Consist of Spillways & bottom Outlets (laugh – head). Both
serve the purpose of ensuring a safe passage of flood from reservoir in to the d/s river
reach. Spillways are usually situated at the top of the dam except tunnel Spillway. Bottom
Outlets are of small Capacity but Operating under high head.
Most spillway. Components comprise of Entrance channel, Control Structure, discharge
channel, terminal structure & Outlet channel.
Main factors influencing design of spillway are:
 Design flood.
 Type of dam – earth, rock, Concrete.
 Location of dam.
 Reservoir size & operation.
 For bottom outlets factors affecting are:
 purpose of the reservoir
 Sediment input & deposition.
Spillway may be classified in several way according to:
1) Function - Emergency
 Service
 Auxiliary.
2) Control
 free or uncontrolled
 Controlled or gated.
3) Hydraulic Criteria
 Over fall (overflow)
 Siphon.
 chute
 Shaft
 Side Channel
 Tunnel or orifice.

Apart from economics, main factor influencing the choice of Spillway for a given project
 Reliability & accuracy of flood prediction
 Seismicity of project site.
 Duration & amount of spillage
 Topography & geology.
 Dame type.
5.1.2 The Design flood & Other Important parameters Design flood
Selection of design flood depend on: A (m2)
- dam location I

- dam type
V (m3)
- availability of past records
The flow in the river depends on the rainfall. Rain fall can be transformed in to river flow
through hydrograph procedure depends on Catchments characters tics, meteorological
data etc. P.M.P. is taken for the design of spillway

P.M.P P.M.F. P.M.P UH flood routing PMO.

For establishment of P.M.F there are procedures

P.M.F is multiple of easily graspable return period flood.
Eq. P.M.F = 12 * Q2 or (2 years return period flood)
= (3 to 5) Q150 (150 “ “ “ )

eg Q150 = QA0.87 F0.23 P1.23 R1.17 (m3/s)

P.M.F should be reviewed periodically because Catchments meteorological

Conditions may Change.
In some cases of dams a cost- benefit analysis and economics evaluation may also be
used as a complementary measures.




Flood Routing.
To determine the spillway design discharge the inflow hydrograph must be converted to
outflow through flood routing.
Inflow routing Outflow.

Loop iterative method.

F (Spillway size, type, reservoir area).


Example from U.K. practice

Is maximum flood

The process is Simple
volumetric balance

A   1 ( h)  Can be solved
V   2 ( h)  graphically
 numerically etc.
or V  A.h.
O  F3 (h) 

 F4 (V ) 

 
I   .
v2  v1 I I
 1 2 
O1  O2 
t 2 2
2V2 2V
 O2  I1  I 2  1  O1
 t
O R  Other regulated outflows such as bottom outlasts, irrigation outlet, hydroelectric
poser etc.
Reservoir Sedimentation
Capacity of reservoir is lost as a result of sediment run-off in the river and deposition in
the reservoir. The Space (volume) occupied by deposited Sediment is called dead storage.
Loss of Storage is only one deleterious effect in reservoir Sedimentation, Others are.
 increase flood level u/s
 Retrogression of the river bed d/s of the dam.
 Elimination of nutrients Carried by Sediments & other.
Amount of sediment computation detailed Computation requires,
 Size (sediment)
 Reservoir size
 Character of sediment
 Shape.
 k
Wo Yv
W  OutgoingSedim ent
Wo  inco min g Se dim ent
L  Lengthofreach
Y  depth.
V  velocityint estrealh
K  Cmst f (tall vel. & reach)
n, trap efficiency curve can also be constructed based on observation in Sedimentation
tank. (ref. Fig.)

The curve has to be used in steps of years, as reservoir fills no trapping of sediments.
Half-life of the reservoir is the time required to fill half of the reservoir by sediments.


1. Capacity and volume of annual inflow must be in the same units of measure
2. The upper enveloping curve is to be used when inflowing sediment is highly
flocculated or coarse.
3. The lower enveloping curve is to be used when inflowing sediment is colloidal or
Various stages of deposition can be shown as follows.

1. deposition of coarse material (in

2. deposition of fine materials
3. local deposits due to density
4. bottom outlet.

Reservoir can be reserved by.

- Minimizing Sediment input in to the reservoir.
- Maximizing sediment through flow.
- Recovery of storage.
Example. In flow con Lent ration = 800 ppm
Volume of reservoir = 100 x 106 m3.
Annual flow = 900 x 106 m3.
Determine half-life of reservoir.
Assume porosity over this period = 0.4.

 800 
900  106   3 
Annual Sediment discharge    10  m3 / yr

 s  2650 kg / m3
900  103  800
For b   452830 m3 / yr
2650 (1  0.4 )

For 100/900 = 0.11;  = 89 %

vol. 50/900 = 0.05;  = 71 %  Average  = 80 % trap

vol. Settled = 452830  0.8 m3.

50  106
Time =  138 years. Is half-life.
45283  0.8
What can you do if you have much sedimentation - ?
- do nothing & account in design or
- Apply methods to reserve reservoir.
Cavitations: - phenomenon need to be accounted in large dams. It occurs when the
pressure of the flow of water falls below the saturated water pressure.

 
 p  pv  Cavitation occurs if  falls below  c  f (geometry,....)
 pv  10 m of H2o @ 100oc ; 6.5 m @ 90o & 0.5m @ 30oc.
s and  O m @ normal water temp.

Avoid P < 7 m vacuum or 3 m absolute.

It is a structure constructed to pass surplus flood water on the D/S of reservoir and Dam.

Essential requirements of a spillway

 The spillway must have sufficient capacity.

 It must be hydraulically and structurally adequate.
 It must be so located that it provides safe disposal of water i.e., spillway discharge
will not erode or undermine the D/S toe of the dam.
 The bounding surface of spillway must be erosion resistant to withstand high
scouring velocity created by the drop from reservoir surface to tail water.
 Usually some devices are needed for energy dissipation on the D/S side of

Spillway Capacity

The required capacity of spillway i.e., maximum outflow rate through spillway must be
determined by flood routing knowing:
(i) Inflow rate v/s time
(ii) Reservoir capacity curve (reservoir surface elevation v/s reservoir storage)
(iii) Discharge curve (out flow v/s reservoir water surface elevation).
However the required capacity of a spillway depends on the following factors:
(i) Inflow flood, I
(ii) Available storage capacity, S
(iii) Discharge capacity of outlet works, O
(iv) Whether gated or un-gated spillway
(v) Possible damage if a spillway of adequate capacity is not provided.
Note that large dam with inhabited area on the D/S side needs large protection. Whereas,
Small dams with uninhabited area on its D/S side needs limited protection.
Indians experience for fixing the spillway capacity is shown in the table below.
Class of Dam Gross storage (Mm3) Hydraulic head (m) Inflow flood for safety of dam

Small 0.5 to 10.0 7.5 to 12.0 100 years of flood
Intermediate 10.0 to 60.0 12.0 to 30.0 Standard Project flood (SPF)
Large > 60.0 > 30.0 Probable maximum flood (PMF)

However, floods of large or smaller magnitude may be used if the hazard involved in the
eventuality of a failure of a particular dam is high or low. A reservoir with larger storage
capacity will normally require a smaller out flow rate through the spillway. If the out
flows through the spillway are supplemented by release through the outlets then the
required capacity of spillway may be reduced. For gated spillway more water is stored.
By proper operation of gate higher heads may be developed so that greater out flow
through the spillway is possible to pass the flood.

Dam design flood inflow
Initial General Minimum standard Alternative standard

Category Reservoir standard if rare overtopping if economic study

is tolerable is warranted
a Reservoir where a breach Spilling long Probable 0.5 PMF or 10000
will endanger lives in a term average maximum year flood (take Not applicable
community daily inflow flood(PMF) larger)
b Reservoir where a breach: Just full 0.5 PMF or 0.3 PMF or 1000 Flood with probability
i. may endanger lives not in (i.e. no spill) 10000 year year flood (take that minimizes
a community; flood (take larger) spillway plus damage
larger) costs; inflow not to be
ii. will result in extensive less than minimum
damage standard but may
exceed general
c Reservoirs where a breach Just full 0.3 PMF or 0.2 PMF or 150
will pose negligible risk to (i.e. no spill) 1000 year year flood (take
life and cause limited flood (take larger)
damage larger)

d Special cases where no loss Spilling long 0.2 PMF or Not applicable Not applicable
of life can be foreseen as a term average 150 year
result of a breach and very daily inflow flood (take
limited additional flood larger)
damage will be caused
Reservoir flood and Wave standard by dam category (Institution of Civil
Engineers, ICE, 1978)

Where reservoir control procedure requires, and discharge capacities permit, operation at
or below specified levels defined throughout the year, these may be adopted providing

they are specified in the certificates or reports for the dam. Where a proportion of PMF is
specified it is intended that the PMF hydrograph should be computed and then all
ordinates be multiplied by 0.5, 0.3 or 0.2 as indicated.

Types of Spillway
Classification based on the time when the spillways come into operation
(a) Main or service spillway
(b) Auxiliary spillway
(c) Emergency spillway
Main or service spillway
Main spillway is the one which comes into operation and is designed to pass the entire
spillway design flood.
Auxiliary spillway
It is provided as a supplement to the main spillway and its crest is so located that it comes
into operation only after the floods for which the main spillway is designed is exceeded.
Thus it is provided in conjunction with the main spillway. Conditions favorable for the
provision of auxiliary spillway are the existence of a saddle or depression along the rim
of the reservoir which leads into a natural water way. On the crest of auxiliary spillway
instead of a control gate a fuse plug (earth dam or dyke) may be provided, which allows
the water surface in the reservoir to rise above the crest of spillway and is so designed
That when overtopped it automatically washes out thus releasing excess flood water.
Emergency spillway
It is also provided in addition to main spillway but it comes into operation only during
emergency which may arise at any time which may not have been considered in the
normal design of main spillway. Some of the situations which may lead to emergency
(i) an enforced shut down of the outlet works
(ii) A malfunctioning of spillway gates.
(iii) The necessity of bye passing the regular spillway because of damage or failure
of some part of the structure

(iv) Further an emergency may also arise if a recurring flood occurs before a
previous flood is evacuated by the main spillway and outlet works.

Emergency spillways are also provided in the saddles or depressions if available. It is

often provided as breaching section which is a portion of the dam with its crest lower
than the main dam and is so designed that it is washed out when the water in the reservoir
reaches a predetermined elevation. The breaching section is also called fuse plug spillway
Classification according to flow through the spillway
(i) controlled or gated spillway
(ii) un controlled or un-gated spillway
Classification based on the prominent features pertaining to the various component
of the spillway:
The various components of a spillway are
 Control structure,
 Discharge channel
 Terminal structures – energy dissipaters
 Entrance & outlet channels.
With respect to control structures discharge channel etc., the spillway is classified
into following types.
(i) Free over-fall or straight drop spillway
(ii) Over flow or Ogee spillway
(ii) Chute or open channel or trough spillway
(iii) Side channel spillway
(iv) Shaft or morning glory spillway
(v) Conduit or tunnel spillway
(vi) Siphon spillway
I. Free over fall or straight drop spillway
A free over fall spillway is the one for which the control structure is low height narrow
crested weir having its down face vertical or nearly vertical. The over flowing water may
be discharged as in the case of a sharp crested weir. Water, flowing over the crest, drops
as a free jet clearly away from the downstream face of the spillway. Occasionally the

crest of this spillway is extended in the form of an overhanging lip to direct small
discharges away from the D/S face.
II. Over flow or Ogee spillway
Overflowing water in this case is guided smoothly over the crest of the spillway and is
made to glide over the downstream face of the spillway.
The profile of the ogee weir is generally confined to the lower nappe that would be
obtained for maximum head over spillway. The control structure is a weir which is ogee
or S shaped.
The shape of such a profile depends upon the
The inclination of U/S face of the overflow section and
The height of the overflow section above the floor of the entrance channel.

The ogee profile should provide maximum possible hydraulic efficiency, structural
stability and economy and also avoid the formation of objectionable sub-atmospheric
pressure at the crest. The ogee profile may be categorized into three groups:

(i) Overflow dams with vertical U/S face

The following equation as given by U.S. corps of engineers may be used for finding
coordinates (X, Y) for the D/S profile

x1.85 = 2 (Hd) 0.85 y

Where X & Y are coordinates as shown in the figure and Hd is the design head.
For U/S profile following coordinates with origin at crest are recommended

(ii) Over flow dams with sloping U/S face

The D/S profile may conform to the following equation:

xn = K (Hd)n-1 y

Where: n., K are variable parameters which depends on the inclination of U/S face of the
dam. Hd is the design head. These are called standard “WES standard spillway shapes”
Values of constant K,n , R1,R2, a and b
Shape of U/S face K N R1/Hd R2/Hd a/Hd B/Hd
Vertical 2.000 1.850 0.5 0.20 0.175 0.282
3V: 1H 1.936 1.836 0.68 0.21 0.139 0.237
3V: 2 H 1.939 1.810 0.48 0.22 0.115 0.240
3V: 3H 1.873 1.776 0.45 0.00 0.119 0.000

The curved profile of the crest section is continued till it meets tangentially the straight
sloping portion of the overflow dam section (spillway).The slope of the d/s face of the
overflow dam usually varies in the range of 0.7(H):1(V) to 0.8:1 and is basically decided
on the basis of stability requirements. The location of the point of tangent depends upon
the slope of the d/s face, where the value of dy/dx for the curved profile and the straight
segment must be equal at the end of the sloping surface of the spillway. At the end of the

sloping surface a curved circular surface called BUCKET is provided to create a smooth
transition of flow from spillway surface to river.
The BUCKET is also useful for dissipation of energy and prevention of scour.
Radius R of the bucket may be obtained approximately by the following empirical
R = 0.305x10
Alternatively, R = P/4
Velocity of flow may be approximated from the relationship (Neglecting the friction
losses on the spillway surface.
V= [2g(Z+Ha-y)]1/2
Where, Z= P+Hd is the total fall from u/s water level to the floor level at the d/s toe
Ha = Head due to velocity of approach.
y = tail water depth
Alternatively USBR formula, V= [2g(Z- 0.5 Hd)]1/2 can be used.
U/S profile of the Weir Crest
(a) Vertical U/S face: The u/s profile should be tangential to the vertical face and should
have zero slope at the crest axis to ensure that there is no discontinuity along the
surface of the flow. The u/s profile should conform to the following equation:
y = {0.724 (x+ 0.270 Hd)1.85/(Hd )0.85 }+ 0.126 Hd - 0.4315(Hd)0.375(x + 0.270 Hd)0.625
Alternatively the u/s slope may be considered to consist of compound circular curve with
values of R1= 0.50 Hd and R2 = 0.20 Hd
The chord length up to R1 , and R2 is given as a = 0.175 Hd and b = 0.282 Hd
Discharge Computation of over ogee crest
The discharge over ogee spillway is computed from the basic equation of weir given
Q = Cd L H1.5
Where, Q = Discharge in cumec
Cd = coefficient of discharge
L = effective length of overflow crest in meters
H = Head of over flow in meters including velocity of approach head.

H = Hd + Ha
The discharge coefficient is influenced by a number of factors:
(i) Height of spillway above stream bed or depth of approach
(ii) relation of the actual crest shape to the ideal nappe shape
(iii) upstream face slope
(iv) downstream apron interference, and
(v) downstream submergence
(vi) Ratio of actual total head to the design head
(vii) effect of head due to velocity of approach
The effect of these factors is discussed below:
Height of spillway or Effect depth of approach
The height of spillway above stream bed or approach channel affects the velocity of
approach which in turn affects the coefficient of discharge. With increase in height of
spillway the velocity of approach decreases and the coefficient of discharge increases.
Model tests indicate that the coefficient of discharge becomes fairly constant when height
of spillway > 3.0 Hd, where Hd is the design head including the head due to velocity of
Various text books give a plot of Cd versus Hd which is reproduced here in the form of a
P/Hd Cd P/Hd Cd P/Hd Cd
0.0 1.7 0.1 1.875 0.2 1.97
0.3 2.025 0.4 2.06 0.5 2.09
0.6 2.12 0.7 2.135 0.8 2.15
0.9 2.16 1.0 2.17 1.5 2.185
2.0 2.195 2.5 2.2 3.0 2.205
4.0 2.210
In the table P is the height of spillway.
When u/s face is inclined the above Cd values gets multiplied by a factor from 0.995 (for
P/ Hd = 1.5) to 1.04 (for P/ Hd = 0.2)

Negative Pressure over spillway surface
(i) H> Hd the pressure on the crest will be negative (sub atmospheric) may lead to
cavitation. Model tests show that till H < 1.25 Hd there is no harmful cavitation effect.
(ii)H< Hd the pressure on the crest is positive. Lower nappe of the jet attaches itself to the
boundary. Also when H > Hd lower nappe may leave the boundary for some distance on
d/s face and may attach again as the air mass in between the boundary and the lower
nappe gets sucked out. This may lead to the vibration of the structure.
Avoid negative pressure as:
(i) It increases overturning moment at the crest

(ii) It increases the force required for lifting of the gates
(iii) It causes decrease in the capability for automatic control
(iv) It causes vibration which extends all over the structure. The vibration also
causes cracks in the mortar of stone lining of the crest.
Design ogee spillway for the following data:
(i) Height of the spillway crest = 100.0 m
(ii) Number of spans = 10
(iii) Length of each span (clear) = 12.5
(iv) Thickness of each pier = 3 m
(v) D/s slope of spillway = 0.8(H): 1(V)
(vi) Rock condition = good
(vii) Design discharge = 8500 m3/s
Design (i) Head over crest & coefficient of discharge
(a) Clear Water Way = 10x12.5 = 125
Let us assume Cd =2.21 maximum value
(b) Effective length of spillway = Le = L - 2[N Kp+ Ka]Hd
Cut water (90o) nosed piers are supposed to be used with rounded abutments.
Kp = 0.01 and Ka = 0.1 and hence Q= 2.21[125 - 2(9x0.01 + 0.1) Hd] Hd3/2
(c) By trial and error Head over the crest Hd =10.024
(d) P/ Hd = 100/ 10.024 = 9.976 > 4.0 Hence Cd =2.21
There is no effect of depth of approach or height of spillway
The effect of various other factors as given previously may be studied, reference may be
made to standard texts on the subject. The effect has been found to be negligible and
hence the value of Cd assumed remains unchanged.
(e) D/S profile
The profile recommended is X1.85 = 2 (Hd)0.85 *Y = 2(10.024)0.85Y = 14.188 Y

or, Y = X1.85 /14.188

The calculated coordinates of d/s profile are

Xm Ym Xm Ym
1.0 0.0705 7.0 2.5793
2.0 0.2540 9.0 4.1061
3.0 0.5380 11.0 5.9519
4.0 0.9159 13.0 8.1072
5.0 1.3841 14.28 9.6455

The slope of d/s glacis = 0.8(H):1(V)

Differential equation of d/s profile dy/dx = 1/0.8 = 1.25
d/dx [ X1.85 /14.188] = (1.85/14.188) X0.85 = 1.25
so, X= 14.28 and Y = 9.6455

(f) U/S profile R1 = 0.5 Hd = 0.5x 10.024= 5.012

and R2= 0.2 Hd = 0.2x10.024= 2.00048
b= 0.282 Hd = 2.827 a = 0.175 Hd = 1.754
Alternatively calculate the profile from the given equation.
Equation for u/s profile
0.27 Hd = 2.706 Hd 0.85 = 7.09 Hd0.375 = 2.373
0.126 Hd = 1.264 0.4315 Hd0.375 = 1.024
y = [{0.725 (x+2.706)1.85}/ 7.09] + 1.264 - 1.024 (x + 2.706)0.625
Calculation of Radius of Bucket
Total length of Water Way = Clear length + Thickness of Piers = 125 + 27 = 152 m
VY = 8500/152 = 55.92 m2/s
Hence, V = 55.92/Y = [2g(110.024 - Y)]1/2
Solving by trial Y = 1.21 m and V = 46.21 m

Then (V+6.4Hd+4.88)/(3.6Hd+19.52)

R = 0.305x10
Substitute values of V and Hd in the above equation R= 0.305 x 102.072 = 36.04 m
Negative pressure on crest
The maximum negative pressure on the crest is just on the d/s of gate and are less than
0.15 Hd= 0.15x 10.024 = 1.50 m which is less than permitted negative of 4.3 m of water.
Aeration To control negative pressure and consequently cavitation damage, aeration pipe
25 mm dia @ 3 m c/c along the spillway below the gate lip would be provided. These
pipes would be connected to the bigger size header pipe.
Height of Side Wall
Coordinates of Upper Nappe profile over a sharp crested weir are given in any book on
fluid mechanics which can be plotted over the spillway profile. Side walls should be
higher than the Upper Nappe by a margin of Free Board.
Chute Spillway or Trough Spillway
An ogee spillway is mostly suitable for concrete Gravity dam when the spillway is
located within the body of dam. For Earth & Rock-fill dam, a separate spillway is
generally constructed in a flank or saddle, away from main valley. Sometimes even for
gravity dams a separate spillway is required because of the narrowness of the valley. In
such circumstances a separate spillway may have to be provided. The trough spillway or
chute spillway is the simplest type of spillway which can be easily provided
independently and at low costs. It is lighter & adoptable to any type of foundation and
hence provided easily on Earth & Rock-Fill dam. It is also called at times Waste Weir. If
it is constructed in continuation of the dam at one end, it may be called a Flank weir. If it
is constructed in a natural saddle in the bank of the river separated from the main dam by
a high ridge it is called a Saddle Weir.

A chute spillway essentially consists of a steeply sloping open channel placed along a
dam abutment or through a flank or saddle. It leads the water from the reservoir to the
downstream channel below.the base of the channel is usually made of reinforced concrete
slabs 25 to 50 cm thick. Light reinforcement of about 0.25% of concrete area is provided
in the top of the slab.in both directions. The chute is some times of constant width but is
usually narrowed for economy and then widened near the end to reduce the discharging
velocity. Expansion joints are usually provided in the chutes at intervals of about 9to 12m
in either direction. The expansion joint s should be made water tight so as to avoid any
under seepage and its troublesome effects. Under drains are also provided, so as to drain
the water which may seep through the trough bottom and side walls. These drains may be
in the form of a perforated steel pipes. Clay tiles or rock filled trenches.

Slope of chute can conform to available topography leading to minimum excavation, but
the slope should be steep enough to maintain supercritical flow to avoid unstable flow
When a vertical curve is provided at a point where chute slope changes it must be gradual
& designed to avoid any separation of flow.
Control Structure or a Low ogee weir
As the trough spillway is provided in a flank or saddle the height of spillway depends
upon the natural level of bottom of flank.
If NPL > Natural level of bottom of flank,
Construct low ogee weir height h = NPL- natural level of bottom of flank.
If NPL < Natural level of bottom of flank, then excavate and provide a flat crest at NPL
Chute slope
Water spilling over the control structure (i.e., Ogee weir) flows through the chute channel
Minimum slope of the chute channel should correspond to a supercritical flow for as long
a distance as possible. After that slope is made as steep as possible without endangering
the stability or without getting into heavy excavations.
Side walls (called Training Walls)
Height not to allow any spilling over it. Height = Free Nappe + Free Board
Free Board = 0.61 + 0.4 Vm (Dm)1/3
Where Vm =mean velocity in the chute
Dm =mean depth of water in the chute
Walls in the vicinity of ogee weir should be made vertical in the later portion it can be
vertical or sloping.
Design of small ogee weir required as control structure for chute spillway
Equation for D/S profile with crest of ogee taken as origin is given as
XN = a (He)N-1Y
Table showing equations for D/S profile of low ogee weir
Value of Ha/He Range h/He a N
0.00 >1.0 1.852 1.780
0.08 1.00 – 0.58 1.869 1.750
0.12 0.58 –0.30 1.905 1.747

Coordinates of U/S profile should merge in a slope of 1:1
X/ He Y/ He Y/He Y/He
X/ He Ha/He =0.00 Ha/He =0.08 Ha/He =0.12
-0.020 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
-0.060 0.0036 0.0035 0.0035
-0.10 0.013 0.0101 0.0099
-0.012 0.015 0.015 0.0147
-0.140 0.0207 0.028 0.0199
-0.150 0.0239 0.0235 0.0231
-0.160 0.0275 0.0270 0.0265
-0.175 0.0333 0.0328 0.0325
-0.190 0.0399 0.0395 0.0390
-0.195 0.0424 0.042 -------
-0.200 0.0450 ------ -----

Radius of curve at toe = 2He

Design of Vertical curve of Chute
Avoid sharp convex and concave vertical curves, Provide flat curves where ever required.
Concave Curve Provided when the chute floor changes from Steeper slope to less steep.
Concave curves should be of large radius to minimize the dynamic force on the floor.
Force created due to centrifugal action R > (2γ d V2/pg)
Where V is the velocity, d is the depth of flow; p is the permissible intensity of dynamic
pressure exerted on the floor. R> 10d except at the toe of crest where R could be 5d.
Curve is made tangential to the u/s and d/s slope.

Convex Curve: Provided when the chute floor changes from Steep slope to steeper.
Convex Curve starts tangentially from the end of u/s sloping floor. It should be flat
enough to maintain positive pressure on the floor and thus avoid tendency of separation
of flow from floor. The convex curve is usually parabolic as given by equation
Y = {x tanθ} + {x2/ 4K (d + hV) cos2 θ}
θ is the angle of u/s floor just at the beginning of the curve
K is a factor of safety > 1.5
Horizontal curves
Horizontal curves may also be required if the alignment is not straight but takes a curve
as it may not be possible to have a straight trough. Curves should be quite gentle and in
order to account for super elevation in the curved portion of the trough bed should be
provided with a cross slope.
4. Approach channel of chute spillway
An entrance channel called approach channel trapezoidal shaped with side slope 1:1 to
lead the reservoir water up to control structure (low ogee weir). Friction head loss in
discharge channel = n2V2L/( R)4/3
One can calculate velocity and depth at different sections by applying that specific energy
above a certain datum remains constant and only losses are fricyion, turbulence,
transition and impact.
Entire chute spillway:
(i) Entrance channel
(ii) Control structure
(iii) Chute channel or discharge carrier
(iv) Energy dissipation arrangement at the bottom in the form of stilling basin.

Cutoff at upper end of spillway to reduce uplift pressure on paving. Cutoff at D/S end of
paving to prevent under cutting of paving. Further at U/S end of each panel a cutoff is
provided to prevent creeping of panels resulting from expansion & contraction due to
changes in temperature as well as to prevent flow of water from one panel to other along
the underside of the paving. A typical cutoff of this type is shown.

Drainage is necessary to prevent uplift from ground water or the water that finds its way
through the paving through the operation of spillway. If paving is on rock foundation,
drainage system consists of gravel filled trenches under the paving, with some times an
open tile drain imbedded in the gravel. The drains are either relieved at intervals through
the paving or collected into one or more trunk drain which carry the entire flow to an
outlet at lower end of the trough.
Side Channel Spillway
In a side channel spillway, the crest of the control weir is placed along the side of the
discharge channel. The crest is approximately parallel to the side channel at the entrance.
Thus the flow after passing over the crest is carried in a discharge channel running
parallel to the crest. Water flows over the crest into the narrow trough of the discharge
channel opposite the weir, it turns approximately at right angle and then continues in the
discharge channel.
The side channel spillway is usually constructed in a narrow canyon where sufficient
space is not available for an overflow spillway, and where there is neither a suitable
saddle, nor there is a availability of a wide flanks to accommodate a chute spillway. In
such cases, if a crest of length required for the flow to occur perpendicular to the crest is
provided, heavy cutting would be required making the cost of constructing a chute
spillway or an overflow spillway prohibitive.
The crest of a side channel spillway is usually an ogee- shaped section made of concrete.
Sometimes it consists of a flat concrete pavement laid on an earthen embankment or the
natural ground surface.

Saddle Siphon Spillway
The saddle Siphon spillway consists of an air tight reinforced concrete cover called
“Hood” or “cowl” provided over an an ogee shaped body wall to form a siphon duct.
Hence this spillway is also known as ‘Hood siphon spillway’ or ‘Hood siphon’.The top of
the body wall forms the crest of the siphon spillway and hence it is located at full
Reservoir level. The entrance and the exit lips of the hood are so shaped that siphon duct
has bell mouthed entry and exit. The inlet of the siphon duct is kept submerged well
below the full reservoir level so that floating debris etc., does not enter the siphon duct
and also the formation of vortices and drawdowns which might break the siphonic action
is avoided. The outlet of the siphon duct is kept submerged in a cup like basin which
forms a water seal so that air cannot enter the siphon duct from this end. However instead
a cup like basin a cistern may be created by constructing a low weir a little away from the
outlet on the downstream of the outlet. A small de-primer hood is provided above the
main hood and both these hoods are connected through an air vent. The inlet of the de-
primer hood is kept slightly above the full reservoir level.

At full reservoir level water stands up to the crest of the spillway and hence there is no
flow. When the water level rises above the full reservoir level i.e., above the crest of

spillway, water starts flowing over the crest and the inlet of the de-primer hood gets
submerged with the result that entry for air into the de-primer hood and the main hood
gets sealed. Thus air cannot enter from both the inlet and outlet of the siphon duct and the
air remaining entrapped in the top portion of the siphon duct above the sheet of the water
flowing over the crest is gradually sucked by the flowing water. As the air is sucked the
pressure drops to less than atmospheric in the top portion the siphon duct which was
having atmospheric pressure at the starting of the flow. Thus a difference of pressure
develops between the outside atmosphere and the air inside the siphon duct which creates
a suction pull and draws in more water over the crest. This in turn takes in more air along
with it which further increases the suction pull and draws in more and more water over
the crest. This sucking action which increases progressively and gradually creates the
necessary pull for the commencement of the syphonic action and the siphon duct start to
run full. The action of the siphon spillway from the moment the water just starts to flow
over the crest to the instant when the siphon duct starts flowing full is known as
‘PRIMING’, (or it is said to have ‘primed’). It may however difficult to expel the
entrapped air from the siphon since it has to be forced through the water in the sealing
basin and hence it may not get primed quickly. Moreover relatively large rise in water
level above the crest of spillway may be needed before it gets primed. To assist quick
priming many priming devices can easily be fitted along with the siphon.

The siphoning action once initiated will continue as long as water level in the reservoir is
above the full reservoir level. The operating head for the spillway is then equal to the
difference between water levels on the U/S and the D/S of the spillway. When the water
level in the reservoir drops to such a level that the inlet of the de-primer hood gets
exposed then the air enters the siphon duct and breaks the siphoning action thus stopping
the flow. This action is called de-priming of the siphon spillway.

Another form of saddle siphon spillway provided in the body of Dam is called ‘Tilted
Outlet type’. It has a vertical lower limb and hence the draught of falling water is enough
to cause priming and no other device is needed for its priming. However the outlet is
tilted upwards in order to develop water seal at the bend and thus facilitate early priming.
For De-priming air inlet pipe is provided.
Priming devices
The priming devices are used to speed up the priming of siphon spillway with relatively
small depths. Thus these devices are used to reduce the priming depths for spillway. The

priming devices create effective water seals which cause early priming of siphon
spillways. As such priming devices are also termed as water seals.
Name of some of these devices are:
(i)Baby siphon or Auxiliary siphon : (ii) Joggle or Tudel or Step
(iii) Hinged or Steel plate (iv) Clear over fall (v) Priming weir or over fall weir.
(vi) Provision of a cup type basin (vii) Provision of a tilted outlet

De-priming: De-priming is the reverse process of priming. It is the action of siphon from
the time air starts entering the siphon through the vents until the siphoning action
completely stopped. De-priming is carried out by providing de-primers. A deprimer is an
air vent and is provided to break the siphoning action when the reservoir surface is drawn
below it. If an air vent is not provided, siphoning action once initiated would continue till
the reservoir level is brought down to the level at the inlet which is provided much below
the normal reservoir level.

Discharge through Saddle Syphon

The usual siphon discharge formula is Q = CA (2gH) 0.5

Where A= Area of cross section at crown = L*b
Where L is the length of the throat and b is the height of the throat
H= Operating Head
= Reservoir Level - Center of outlet, if outlet is discharging freely.
= Reservoir Level -Down stream tail-water level, if outlet is submerged
C= Coefficient of discharge, the average value may be taken as 0.65

The discharge equation can be expressed in terms of radii of crest and crown
Let R1 = Radius of crest
R2 = Radius of crown
Consider any point P on the vertical section at the throat, and let its radius be r.
The L- section of the throat is shown.

Let V1 , V2 , and V be the velocities of flow at the crest, crown and point P respectively.
The flow through the throat is governed by free vortex flow for which we have:
V*r = constant
Hence, V1*R1 = V2 *R2 = V*r
Let h0 be the net operative head at the crest. This head is calculated after making due
allowances of all losses occurring in the siphon, h0 = H - Losses through the siphon.
Hence, V1 = (2gh0)0.5
V = V1. (R1/r) = (R1/r)*( (2gh0)0.5)
Consider a thin rectangular strip of thickness dr at P and let dq be the discharge through
this strip of unit length.
dq = V.dr.1 = (R1/r)*( (2gh0)0.5). dr
Hence, discharge q through the throat per unit length is given as

q =  dq = R1 (2gh0)0.5 dr/r between limits R1 and R2

or, q = R1 (2gh0)0.5 ln(R2/R1)
The total discharge through the siphon unit having throat length L is therefore:
Q = qL = R1.L. (2gh0)0.5 ln(R2/R1)
Applying Bernoulli's equation between throat and the outlet one can easily infer that the
pressure at the throat is always going to be negative. Besides the pressure distribution is
non uniform due to the curvature of stream lines and the pressure is lower at the crest
than at the crown. Keeping these in mind, the total drop of siphon structure should be
limited to about 6 m so that negative pressure does not reach the cavitation pressure.
Advantage The main advantages of the siphon spillway are
(i) Its automatic operation without any mechanical device ,and
(ii) Its ability to pass higher discharge at relatively low surcharge head resulting in
lower height of dam as well as less surrounding area to be acquired for
(i) It is an expensive structure and has limited capacity.
(ii) It has a serious disadvantage due to occurrence of sudden surges and
stoppages of out flow as a result of erratic siphonic action, thus causing severe

fluctuations in the downstream river stage.
(iii) A minor crack in the cover of the siphon would interfere with the siphon
Therefore the siphon spillway is always constructed in batteries so that entire
spillway is not affected even if cracks have developed either in one or few
(iv) The structure and foundation have to be strong enough to resist the vibration.
(v) There exists a possibility of clogging of the siphon due to debris and floating
(vi) Like other type of closed conduit spillways, a siphon spillway too is
incapable of handling flows appreciably greater than the designed capacity.
Hence, siphon spillways must be provided in conjunction with an auxiliary or
emergency spillway.
Volute siphon Spillway
It is a special type of siphon spillway. It consists of a vertical barrel or shaft bent at
the discharge end and opened out in the form of a funnel at the top. The top of the lip
of the funnel is kept at the reservoir level and a number of volutes (like the blades of a
centrifugal pump or turbine) are fixed in the funnel to induce a spiral motion to the
water passing along them. A dome supported on number of pillars, is placed over the
funnel. Over the main dome is attached a de-primer dome. The entrance end of the
deprimer dome is kept just at the reservoir level.

When the water level in the reservoir rises, it seals the air entry and sheet of water
enters the funnel from all sides. The spiral flow of water through the volute causes
suction which sucks all the remaining air and priming is thus achieved very quickly.
The siphon then runs full. When the reservoir level falls, air enters through the de-
primer dome, thus breaking the siphoning action.

Shaft Spill Way

In shaft spillway water enters a horizontal crest, drops through a vertical or a sloping
shaft and then flows to the downstream river channel through a horizontal or nearly
horizontal conduit or tunnel. A rock out crop projecting into the reservoir slightly

upstream of the dam would be an ideal site for a shaft spillway. Depending on the level of
out crop and the required crest level, a spillway may have to be either constructed or
excavated. The diversion tunnels if available can be utilized for discharge tunnels of
spillway. Radial piers provided on the spillway crest ensure radial flow towards spillway
and also provides support to the bridge connecting spillway and the dam or the adjoining
A shaft spillway with a funnel shaped inlet is called 'Morning Glory' or Glory Hole
spillway. One of the distinguishing characteristics is that near maximum capacity of the
spillway is attained at relatively low heads. Therefore a shaft spillway is ideal when
maximum spillway discharge is not likely to be exceeded. Because of this feature,
however, the spillway becomes unsuitable when a flow larger than the selected inflow
design flood occurs. This disadvantage can be got rid of by providing an auxiliary or
emergency spillway and using the shaft spillway as service spillway.
Depending upon the type of crest, the shaft spillway can either be standard crested or
flat crested. In a standard crested spillway, the water begins its free fall immediately
upon leaving the crest where as in flat crested spillway water approaches upon the crest
on a flat slope before beginning its free fall. The standard crested spillway would have a
smaller diameter crest since its coefficient of discharge is greater than a flat crest.
Therefore if the shaft spillway is to be constructed in the form of a tower, it would be
economical to have a standard crested spillway. However a flat crested shaft spillway has
a smaller funnel diameter and is therefore more advantageous when the spillway is to be
excavated in rock.

5.3 Bottom outlets
Bottom outlets are opening in the dam used to draw down the reservoir level. Depending
on the type of control gate (valves) & the position of the out flow in relation to the fail
water they operate either under pressure or free- flowing over part of their length.
Bottom outlets are also used to allow compensating flow for the d/s reach &to serve to
pass density (sediment laden) contents through the reservoir.
Large bottom openings serve as submerged spillways and their capacities can be used
during the dam construction.

In hydraulic engineering numerous devices like stilling basins, baffled aprons, and vortex
shaft etc., are known under the collective term ENERGY DISSIPATERS. Their purpose

is to dissipate hydraulic energy (convert to heat). These are also called downstream
protection works and occupy a vital place in design of spillways, weirs and barrages. The
problem of designing energy dissipaters is one essentially of reducing the high velocity
flow to a velocity low enough to erosion, abrasion of hydraulic structures, generation of
tail water waves or scouring. There are several methods of dissipating the energy of
shooting flow of water. They can be classified as below:
Hydraulic Jump type Stilling Basin
(i) Horizontal apron type
(ii) Sloping apron type
Jet Diffusion & free jet stilling basin
(i) Jet diffusion basin
(ii) Interacting jet diffusion basin
(iii) Free jet stilling basin
(iv) Hump stilling basin
(v) Impact stilling basin
Bucket type energy dissipaters
(i) Solid roller bucket type
(ii) Slotted roller bucket type
(iii) Sky jump Bucket type (trajectory or shooting or flip)
Energy dissipation process can be achieved in five separate stages some of which
may be combined or may be absent
(i) On the spillway surface
(ii) In a free falling jet
(iii) At impact into a Downstream pool
(iv) In the stilling basin
(v) At he out flow into a river

Factors affecting the design of energy dissipaters

(i) Nature of foundation
(ii) Magnitude of flood & their occurrence
(iii) Velocity of flow

(iv) Orientation of flow
(v) Depth discharge and its relationship at the site of structure
Last factor is most important. A thorough knowledge of its implications on the design of
energy dissipaters is a pre-requisite for the most efficient and cheapest type of structure.
For example the relationship of tail water depth and tail water depth play a crucial rule in
efficient energy dissipation.

Relationship of tail water curve (TWC) to Jump height curve(JHC)

The JHC may be related to TWC in five different ways:
Jump height curve (JHC) always above the tail-water curve(TWC)
This means that the depth of flow in the river in particular section is in sufficient for all
discharges for formation of jump at the toe of structure. The jump will try to sweep
across the apron at a high velocity and attack the bed down stream. The energy
dissipation can be achieved in any of the following ways:

(a) Lowering the floor level D/S of the spillway so as to make the tail water depth in the
stilling basin equal to jump height curve for all discharges. This may lead to three cases:
(i) Horizontal floor but depressed below the river bed level
(ii) A depressed floor but rising towards the Downstream end
(iii) A depressed floor but sloping away from the toe of spillway
(b) Stilling basin with baffles or sills at river bed level
(c) Stilling basin with a low subsidiary dam downstream.
(d) Bucket type structure---- If under the conditions of low tail water depth there is a bed
of solid rock which can withstand the impact of water, Ski Jump bucket energy dissipater
may be adopted. Such a device will throw the high velocity flow passing over the
spillway upwards so it travels some distance from the toe of the spillway before it falls
back and strikes the river bed. Here the energy is dissipated by the aeration of the jet and
impact of the water on the river bottom. Though some scour takes place, it is too small or
too far from the dam to endanger it.

2. Jump height curve always below the tail water rating curve

With higher depth of tail water, the tendency of high velocity flow is to drive under the
water and travel a long distance along the bottom and forming only a very imperfect
jump. The energy dissipater can be done in the following ways:
(i) Providing a sloping apron
(ii) Roller bucket type energy dissipater
3. Jump height curve above tail water rating curve at low discharges and below it at
higher discharges.
A horizontal apron in river level in this case provides an insufficient depth at low
discharges and extra depth for high discharges to form a suitable Hydraulic Jump. The
solution therefore, lies in creating artificially enough water depth to make the jump form
on apron at low discharges.
The following may be adopted:
(a) Stilling basin with a low secondary dam
(b) Stilling basin with baffle piers or some form of dentated sill
4. Jump height curve below the tail water curve at low discharges and above it at
higher discharges
The main condition to be met in this case is the provision of sufficient depth of tail water
for formation of jump in high flows.
Construction of a secondary dam or a sloping will serve the purpose.

5. Jump height curve corresponds to post jump depth for all discharges
Provide a horizontal concrete apron and stilling basin
(1) Stilling basins for Froude's number between 1.7 and 2.5.
For this case only a horizontal apron needs to be provided. As the flow in this case does
not have much turbulence usually no accessories are required to be provided. However,
the apron should be sufficiently long to contain the entire jump over it.
Length of apron = Length of jump = 5 Y2, where Y2 is the sequent depth.
(2) Stilling basins for Froudes number between 2.5 and 4.5

For this range of Froudes number Type I stilling basin has been found to be effective for
dissipating the energy of flow. The basin is provided with chute blocks. The length L of
the stilling basin may be obtained for different values of F1 from the following table:

F1 2 3 4 5
L/Y2 4.3 5.3 5.8 6
In this case due to oscillating jump being developed, wave action is produced which
cannot be entirely dampened. However in order to suppress the wave action the floor of
the basin should be so set that the tail water depth in the basin is 10 % greater than the
sequent depth Y2, this will also check the tendency of the jump to sweep out of the basin.

(3) Stilling basins for Froudes number higher than 4.5
For this case depending upon the velocity of incoming flow, two types of of stilling basin
have been developed as indicated below.
(a) When the velocity of incoming flow is less than 15m/s, Type II stilling basin have
been adopted. This basin utilizes CHUTE BLOCKS, BAFFLE BLOCK and an
ENDSILL. The size, spacing and location of the chute and baffles blocks are shown in
figure. The length L of the stilling basin and the heights h3 and h4 of the baffle blocks and
end sill respectively may be obtained for different values of F1 from the following table:

F1 5 6 8 10 12 14 16
L/Y2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8
h3 /y 1 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3
h4 /Y 1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Where Y1 and Y3 are initial and sequent depths

By providing the baffle blocks the length of the stilling basin is considerably reduced
because the dissipation of energy is accomplished by the hydraulic jump as well as by the
impinging action of the incoming flow against these blocks. However, the baffle blocks
will be subjected to large impact forces due to impingement of incoming flow. Moreover
on the downstream face of the baffle blocks usually suction or negative pressure will be
developed which will further increase the forces acting on these blocks. Hence, baffle
blocks should be properly anchored at the base. Further the floor of the basin will also be
subjected to additional load due to the dynamic forces created against the upstream face
of the baffle blocks, which should be considered in the design of the floor of the basin.
(b) When the velocity of the incoming velocity exceeds 15 m/s, TYPE III STILLING
BASIN may be adopted. In this basin only chute blocks are provided and instead of a
solid end sill a dentate sill is provide. In this basin baffle blocks are not provided because
(i) Due to high velocity of incoming flows these blocks will be subjected to
excessive large impact forces and
(ii) There is a possibility of cavitation along the downstream face of theses blocks
and adjacent floor of the basin due to large negative pressure developed in the
However, due to baffle blocks being eliminated in this case the dissipation of the energy
is primarily accomplished by hydraulic jump and hence the length of the basin will be
greater than that indicated for the TYPE II BASIN. The length of TYPE III stilling basin
may be obtained for different values of F1 from the following table:
F1 5 6 8 10 12 14
L/Y2 3.85 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3

Again in this case also in order to check the tendency of the jump to sweep out of the
basin the floor of the basin is so set that the tail water depth in the basin is 5% greater
than the sequent depth.
Bucket type energy dissipaters
Bucket type energy dissipaters consist of an upturned bucket provided at the toe of the
spillway. The bucket type energy dissipaters may be used only for overflow type
spillways. This type of energy dissipation becomes more economical than the method of
stilling basins when the Froude number F1 of the incoming flow exceeds 10, because in
such cases the difference between initial and sequent depths being large a long and
stilling basin would be required. Moreover the bucket type energy dissipaters may be
used with any tail water condition. However, this type of energy dissipater may be used
only when the river bed is composed of stiff rock. The bucket type energy dissipaters are
of the following three types:
(i) Solid roller Bucket
(ii) Slotted roller Bucket
(iii) Ski jump ( or flip or trajectory bucket)
The solid or slotted roller bucket may be used where the tail water depths are too large as
compared to the sequent depths required for the formation of the hydraulic jump. Both
these buckets remain submerged in tail water and hence these are also termed as
submerged bucket type energy dissipaters. The solid and slotted roller buckets are
discussed as under:
(i) Solid roller Bucket
A solid roller bucket consists of a bucket like apron with a concave circular profile of
large radius and a deflector lip as shown. When the water flows over the bucket the entire
sheet of water leaving the bucket is deflected upward by the bucket lip and two elliptical
rollers are developed as shown in the figure. One of the roller which moves in the counter
clock wise direction is developed on the surface of the bucket and is contained within the
region above the bucket. This is known as bucket roller ( or surface roller). The other
roller moving in the clock wise direction is developed on the ground surface immediately
downstream of the bucket, which is known as ground roller, the movement of the rollers,
along with the intermingling of the incoming flows causes the dissipation of the energy.

The upward deflection of water by the bucket lip creates a high boil on the water surface
and a violent ground roller. This ground roller continuously pulls the loose bed material
backwards and deposits the same against the lip of the bucket. Some of the materials may
move into the bucket, which may get trapped there and damage the surface of the bucket
by abrasion. Moreover due to severe surface boil the turbulent flow persists for a
considerable distance on downstream side thus resulting in the erosion of the river banks.
These drawbacks of the solid roller bucket are removed in slotted roller bucket.
Radius of the Bucket: R= 0.6 H/ *Hd
Where H/ = fall from crest of spillway to bucket invert in meter.
And Hd =Head over crest in meters
Vente Chow’s Formula R = 0.306 *10k
Where k = (v1+6.4 Hd +4.88)/(3.6 Hd + 19.5)
V1 = velocity of flow at the toe of spillway in m/s

Slotted Roller Bucket

A slotted roller bucket also consists of a bucket like apron with a concave circular profile
of large radius but it has a slotted (or dentated) deflector lip. In general the hydraulic
action of the slotted bucket has the same characteristics as that of a solid bucket. Thus in
the case of the slotted bucket also the same two rollers are developed. However in this
case the water leaves the lip of the bucket at a flatter angle and only a part of it is
deflected upwards. Thus surface boil is considerably reduced, and less violent ground
rollers occurs which results in a smoother flow on the downstream side. Moreover in this
case the bed material is neither deposited nor carried away from the bucket lip, also any
debris which might get into the bucket is immediately washed out through the slots.
However the performance of the slotted bucket is considerably affected by tail water
depth. At low tail water depths the bucket roller will be swept out of bucket and will
produce high velocity flow on the downstream side which will scour the river bed. On the
other hand when the tail water depths becomes excessively large the jet water leaving the
bucket will get depressed and drive to the river bed which will scour the river bed at the

point of impingement. Thus the slotted roller buckets are suitable only for a limited range
of tail water depths
A ski jump bucket may be used where the tail water depth is less than sequent depth
required for the formation of hydraulic jump and the river bed is composed of stiff rock.
The lip of the bucket is so shaped that the entire sheet of the water flowing over the
bucket is deflected as a free jet which falls back into the river channel at a safe distance
away from the spillway. Thus in this case energy is dissipated by air resistance, breaking
of the jet into bubbles and the impact of the falling jet against the river bed and tail water.
BUCKET INVERT level is decided mainly from the structural point of view. If the
power house is situated below the ski jump bucket, then the invert should be fixed higher
than the roof top of power house. In some cases bucket is lower than the tail water the
bucket invert then is so decided so as to provide a concrete cover of 1.5m to 3.0m over
the bed of rock. The pure ski jump or flip as it is often called is provided such that bucket
lip is always higher than the maximum tail water depth.
Bucket Radius has the same formula as the solid roller bucket.
Entrance and exit slope:
For the entrance slope, the steepest spillway slope that should be used is 4 vertical to 1
horizontal. The exit angle  is an important factor in determining the length of the
trajectory. Theoretically if friction, air retardation etc., are neglected, the formula to be
used to evaluate the horizontal component of the jet trajector
X= (Vo2/g) sin 2
Jet trajectory height is given by Y = h sin2 = (Vo2/2g) sin2
A judicious selection of exit angle is necessary; an exit angle of 30o to 35o is a good
choice. When the maximum tail water is lower than the bucket lip shape of the lip is kept
flatter for ease of construction. High sub atmospheric pressure at downstream lip has to
be avoided by aeration or provide a curved or sloping lip.

Energy Dissipation at Bottom Outlets
The flow from outlets occurs most frequently in a concentrated stream of high velocity.
Outlet may terminate below or above fail water level with or without value.
The design treads are either to artificially disperse & aerate the outflow jets (outflow
above TW with or without control get @ its end), or to reduce the specific discharge at
entry in to the stilling basin (by depressing the soffit @ the same time widening.)

Example ( Refer Hydraulic Jump and Energy Dissipations)

Design a hydraulic jump stilling basin for the maximum discharge of 25 m3 / s/m.
flowing from an overfill spillway, with the spillway crest 50m above the d/s gravel river
bed with a slope so = 0.001 and n =0.028. Check the possibility of cavitations in the
basin floor & estimated the depth of plunge pool d/s of a flip bucket.

2 / 3;
 3q 
2  
q   H  2  for cd  0.75
3/ 2
cd 29H 0
3  cd 29 
 
 
 25 X 3 
H   2 / 3  5.032m

 2 X 0 .75 X 19. 62 

Velocity cuff
S 50
  1  0.0155  1  0.155  0.846
H 5.032
 v  n 2 / 3 S 1 / 2  c  R1 / 6 
 1n o n 
 
For n  0.028  v  c Rs .
 strickler n  0.04d 1 / 6 d is roughressise dim ent in m 
 
 
d1/ 6   d  0.118m
For wide channel q = 1n y. y2/3 s1/2 (y  R) when ¾ > 10
 0.028 x 25 
y   6.416m.
 0.001 
 c  c ( s  ) gd ; c  0.04 to 0.06
Threshold shear stress.    9 RS
9 Rs
if  0.05 say no danger.
RS 6.416 X 0.001
  0.035  0.05 ( shields criterion)
d ( s.56  1) 0.118 X 1.56

:- the river bed is stable with the datum @ the river bed level
 q2
E = y, +
29  2 y, 2

2 2
bytrial & error
50 + 5.032 = y, + 19.6 x 0.846 y,
y,  0.907m

q2 252
  85,38 ; Fr ,  9.24
Fr1 =
Sy,3 
9.81 X 0.9073 
y2 
y, 
2 
  1  1  8 Fr ,  

 
1 1  8  85.38  11.40m

y2 >> y0 stilling basin is required.

  1 .2
y2 '  y2  yo  1.2 X 11.40  6.416  7.624m

Assume y’ = 7.50m (  ’ will be reduced by lowering the datum) & repeat computation.
E = 50 + 5.032 + 7.50 = 62.532
1  0.0155 X 57.5
 =  0.823
. 252
y,  , y,  0.873m; Fr ,  95.75
From 62.532 =
19,62 X 0.8232 y,2

& y2 '  11.65m,  '  1.19 (satisfactory)

Check the design for smaller discharge; say 10 m3/s/m
 0.028 X 10 
yo     3.7m
 0.001 
10 X 3
Assume cd = 0.65; thus H = 2.69m &
2 X 0.65 19.62
  1  (0.0155x )  0.67
E  57.5  2.69  y,    ,  0.436m
19.6 x 0.672 y,2
Fr  123

y2  6.62m
7.5  3.7
'   1.69 1.19
The basin desired for max discharge is more than ax equate for lower q stilling basin
L  k ( y2  y, )  k (11.65  0.873)

Fr .  95.75  9.78 ; k  4.5
L  4.5 X 10.777  48.49m  50m


Assuming the length of the jump to be approximately 6 (y2 – y1), the hydrostatic pressure
@ the point of max. Pressure fluctuation, i.e. in free jump @  12, will be 5 with

y2  y ,
  y,  12 y,  3 y,
6( y 2  y , )
For   0.05 , cavitation will occur if
v, 2 p'
po  g 5  0.05 k   pv  0. where k   l (1  k  5)
2 p '2

v,   28.63m / s
:- y,  0.873m
 po 
 5
 pg  10 3 y, 10.62
k    6.04  5
V ,2 0.05 X 28.632
: - No cavitation’s danger even for max. q. (theoretical) phage pool
1/ 3
 yo 
ys  0.55(64* q 0.5   yo 

 d 9o 
d90 = 118 mm.

Yo = 6.416m
H* = 55.032 – 6.416 = 48.616
 0.5  6.416 
1/ 3

ys  0.55 6 x 48.616 x 25 
  6.416  13m.
  118  

But s =50 >> 10 &equation is not applicable, & computed scour depth is too high. More
realistic value is 50%of the above  6.5m &it occurs @ L  6 ys  90m from the toe of
the dam & is thus harmless for the dam, but requires suitable dam protection.
If a flip bucket is used probable required depth of plurgepoole would be (from
Martin’s with 100% error possibility)

ys '  1.5q 0.6 H*  15.25


Thus ys '  15.25  6.416  9m. below river bed. (This erosion would, however
very probably be (laser to the toe of the dam unless a chute, diverging the flow from
the dam were used.)

5.5 Gates and Valves.

Gates & valves are means of regulating discharges
Classification of gates.
Gates may be classified according to
a) position on the dam - crest gates
- High head (submerged) gats & valves.
b) function - Service, regulating maintenance (bulk head) emergency
c) Material - gates made of steel, Al alloys, Rc, wood, ruber, nylon & other synthetic

d) pressure transmission – to piers or abutments, to the gate sill, to the sill & piers &
to the whole structures.

e) Mode of operation - regulating & none regulating. Gates & vanes
f) Type of motion - translatory, rotary, rolling, flouting along or across the flow.
g) Moving mechanism - electrically, mechanically, hydraulically, mammals,
Requirement for good gate design.
- Failure free
- Water tight
- Spud
- Able to install & maintain easily
- Rigid, tight, easily moved – min hoist capacity
Crest gates
The basic feature of the structural design of crest gates is the method used for tram
erring the pressrun acting on them.
To piers & automats - vertical life gates, stop logs, radial gates & rover sets
To the sate sill - sector sates, pivot leaf (flop gates), inflatable gates,
To both piers & sills - some types of flap gates & floater gates
Flush board, stop logs & needles
These are the simplest & the lades types of movable crest gates.
Flash boards can be temporary & permanent types, the former ones are for heights up to
1.5 – 2.om & consists of wooden panels supported by nautical pins embodied on the
spillway crest. These flashboards one washed out when flood level reaches above certain
Permanent ones are also consist of wooden panels, can bee lowed or raised by cables.
Stop lugs are horizontal dumber panels spanning the space b/n grooved pairs just saired
by hand or hoist. Used for small instillation.
Needles consist of slightly inclined now of timbers supported @ the top by beam or
bridge & on the bottom by a key in the spillway crest.
Plain sates
Consists of single or double section, & in case of flow aver can be provided with
additional flap gate. The gates can have a slide support, a whorl moving in groove,
carriage morning in grooves,

The gate weight Q, related to its spem, B(m), g the lead, P (KN)
G = K*(PB)n
For slide gates with PB > 200 & Nm, K = 0.12 n = 0.71
Wheeled gates & PB > 270 & Nm, K = 0.09 n = 0.73
The usual range for plain gates is 1 < H < 15 m & of Span 4 < B < 45 m.

Radial gates.
Radial gates become most popular because of their. Smaller hoist, can be raised quickly,
high stiffness, lower piers, absence of slots, better winter performance. However they
need longer & thicker piers & difficult to provide with bulk head installation.
Sector (drum) gates
They may be hinged u/s or d/s, the former one brig the most common, with the hinge
about 0.25H above the d/s gate sill & radius of curvature n  H. The heads can be as
high as 10m & span 65m. Advantages are ease of automation & absence of lifting gear,
fast movement, accuracy of regulation, ease of passing ice & debris, and low priers- But
they are difficult to install, and require careful maintenance.
Flap gates
This type of gate is with flat or cured leaf hinged at bearings along its lower edge. It can
be used alone or in conjunction with vertical gate. It was developed as a replacement of
wooden flash board.

This type of gate is simple, light, easily reseated & operated type of cheap & easy flu
sling of debris & ice. However, it nudes sap ply of air perfection from freezing & may
transfer vibration from water to structure unless proilected by jet splitters.
When used by its own B < 30 m & H < 6m for large spans several are Connected to each

Fig. Radial gates (After, Thomas, 1976)

Fig. Drum gates (After, Thomas,1976)

Roller gates
Inflatable rubber or fabric gates can be pressurized by air, water or both. They can be
used to close very large spans over 100m with heads up to 6m.
Their advantages are low cost, lens weight, B ease of installation but they can be easily
damaged & have limited life.

a) b)
Fig. a) Flap gates(after,Thomas,1976) & b) roller gates (after , US Army Waterway
Experimental station,1959)
5.5.1 High head gates & valves
High head (fibered) gates & valves transmit the load to the confounding structure either
directly through their support of through their shell.
1) Light pressure gates.
i) Lift gates are either sliding, wheeled, or moving on rollers or caterpillar.
Can be subjected to very high pressure 3-4,000
A = 100 m2, H 200 m.
i) Radial gates: - are normally hinted d/s & trey have gat good regulation.
2) High head valves.
i) Cone disperncin (Howell- bumper) verve is probably the most frequently utilized
type for resulting verve installed @ the end of outlets disclaiming in to a tm.

This type is easy to operate, light but causes lots of spray, sometimes controlled by d/s
ii) Needle valve or its valiant the tube move has a bulb shaped fixed steel jacketed with
the valve closing against the casing at the d/s

ii) hollow jet valve

The sill is u/s & advantageous
- Closing system is under Patm
- Much cheaper
- Outflow is in the form of cylinder
5.6 River Diversion: Dam Safety
5.6.1 Introduction
Reservoirs constitutes a potential hazard to downstream life and property. The flood plain
at risk in the event of catastrophic breaching may be extensive, densely populated & of
Considerable economic importance, in such cases dam failure can result in unacceptable
loss of life and damage.
Catastrophic failure of a dam, other than as the direct result of an extreme flood event, is
invariably preceded by a period of progressively increasing; structural’ distress with in
the dam and/or its foundation. Dam Surveillance programmers & instrumentations are
intended to detect. And, where possible, to identify symptoms of distress at the earliest
possible stage.
5.6.2 Dam Instrumentation
Application & objectives
Monitoring instruments are provided in almost all new dams and basic level of
instrumentation for older dams. In new dams instrumentation data is interpreted to

provide an indication of the validity of design assumption and to determine an initial
datum pattern of performance against which subsequent observations can be assessed.
In older & existing dams instruments are installed provide a measure of assurance, to
reared specific parameters which are suspected as design deficiency of behavioral
problem. Planning & commissioning of instrumentation should be handled by relatively
senior & experienced personnel with in responsible origination.
The primary function of instrumentation may be for.
- Construction Control
- Post - Construction performance
- Serbia performance /Surveillance.
- Research /Development.
Parameters in monitoring dam behaviors
The most significant parameters in monitoring dam behavior are
a) Seepage & Leakage. (quantity, nature & Source)
b) Settlement & freeboard (magnitude, rate)
c) External & internal deformation (magnitude, ratty location)
d) Pore-water pressure & uplift. (magnitude, valuation)
e) Internal stress of pressure (magnitude. See table for parameters & instruments
Instruments design & operating principles
Monitoring instruments are squired to function properly Bufferltiauy for indefinite period
of time. A desirable instrument must be.
- as simple in concept as is insistent with their function,
- Robust & reliable.
- Durable under adverse environmental & operating conditions.
- Inexpensive in ‘through – life’ cost (i.e. the sum of purchase installation support &
monitoring cost )
A comprehensive review about the various equipment & operating principles should be
refereed, which can be provided by manufacturers or qualified Society’s/Authors.

Instrumentation planning
The priming & specification of a Comprehensive suite of instruments invokes a logical
sequence of decisions.
a) definition of the purpose & objections
b) definition of observations appropriate to the dam considered;
c) determination of the locations & numbers of measuring points for the desired
d) consideration of the time intervals to be spanned, I e. long or short term monitoring
e) Consideration of optimum searing mode in relation to the rapidity of response,
required accruing, etc.)
f) Selection of hardware appropriate to the task under a)-e) it is advisable to consider
instrumentation programmers interims of overall ‘system’ required i.e. instruments,
installation. Commissioning monitoring and data management together. The
following shows a representation instrumentation profile for embankment dam.

Data acquisition & management
Logical planning data acquisition & processing is essential if the purpose of an
instrumentation programmer is to be fully utilized unless observations all reliable & the
information is interpreted quickly the value of a programmer will be severely diminished

As an example the following shows representative monitoring frequencies

Parameter Frequency
Water level daily wherever possible
Sup age deity or weekly
Piezometel once or twice weekly (cons traction) to 3 to
6 monthly (routine)
Settlement /deformation daily (suspected serious step) to 3 to 6

monthly (routine)

5.6.3.. Dam Surveillance
Dams if all types require refuel surrillance if they are to be maintained in a safe &
operationally efficient stile. As with all structure they are subject to a deprecate of long
term but progressive deterioration some of the lather may be superficial in relation to
structural integrity, but the possibility of concealed & serious internal deterioration must
be considered. Older dams will have been designed & constructed to standards may no
longer be considered adequate, e.g. in terms of their spillway discharge. Capacity or
structural stability. The primary objective of a surrillance programmer is to mammies the
possilnlity of catastuplic falterer of the dam by the timely detection of design
inadequacies or regressive changes in behavioral. A further objective is to assist in the
scheduling of routine maintenance or, when necessary, of major remedial work.
Surrillance embraces the regular & frequent observation and recording of all aspects of
the service performance of a dam & its reservoir. It indudysoutine observation &
inspection, the monitoring & assessment of sup age & instrumentation data, and the
recording of all other relevant information, in duding hydrological records. Less frequent
but more rigorous statutory inspections by specialist engmcers are also caused out as a
part of comprehensive surveillance programmer, & may include a complete investigation
& reappraisal of the dam’s integrity.
5.6.4. Dam safety legislation
Legislation to cover the construction & safe long. Term operation of dams has assumed
greater importance as the member & size of dams at risk has steadily increased. The
situation is dynamic rather than static, & most commutes have introduced or reviewed
national legislation.
National legislation falls in to two patterns.
1) Legislation is precise & detailed, and is operated through some measure of direct state
2) Legislation – responsibility placed in the hands of nominated individual engineers.

The applicability of any legislation must be clearly defined. This is morally done informs
of a minimum reservoir storage capacity above natural ground level and/or a minimum
height of a dam. Legislation must also adequately prescribe responsibility for the propos

supervision of design, construction and operation, and must detail arguments for
surveillance & periodic inspections.


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