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U n i t e d N at i o n s C o n f e r e n c e o n T r a d e A n d D e v e l o p m e n t
Chapter 4
Mobilizing the Diaspora:
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain
A. Introduction
The issues of brain drain, brain gain, brain circulation and the effects of
diaspora networks on home countries are very contentious. They involve complex
processes produced by economic, political and social factors and strongly
influenced by policies in both sending and receiving countries. Mainstream
academic and policy discussions have swung from a pessimistic view to a
rather optimistic position on these processes. A significant share of the literature
is theoretical, but lacks empirical validation. Another portion of research focuses
on national or local case studies, the conclusions of which cannot always be
generalized. There is scarcely any study of these processes for the group of
The potential contribution stemming LDCs, which is what this chapter strives to do.1 It shows that brain drain is
from diaspora is not automatically more prevalent in LDCs than in other developing countries and is especially
realized. strong in islands and some African LDCs. However, the potential contribution
to the home country stemming from the strong presence abroad of high-skilled
LDC nationals and other members of the diaspora is not automatically realized.
This is especially true of knowledge transfer and sharing, the strengthening of
trade and investment linkages, or the contribution of returnees to their home
country. Achieving this potential depends on a series of institutional, economic
and political conditions, which are so far missing in most LDCs. Therefore, policy
action by home and host countries, as well as by the international community, is
crucial in order to foster or strengthen positive diaspora effects on LDCs.
The following section briefly analyses global trends and future prospects for
international flows of high-skilled labour, in order to put trends concerning brain
drain and knowledge circulation in LDCs into perspective.
a) Global trends
International immigration is selective, since it is skewed towards highly International immigration is selective,
educated people. Twenty-six per cent of all international migrants are tertiary- since it is skewed towards highly
educated (according to data for 2000), while only 11.3 per cent of the world educated people.
labour force have tertiary education. In developing countries, university-level
workers account for a much lower five per cent of the labour force.
Chart 33. Immigrant selection rate of major host country groups, 2000
(Share of worldwide and LDC immigrants with tertiary education)
35.3 34.6
20 18.7
10 9.4
4.6 4.1
Developed Transition Other developing LDCs
countries economies countries
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
90 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
international skilled labour flows. Skilled migration flows are highly concentrated
in a few destination countries, and developed countries absorb some 80 per
cent of all international high-skilled migratory flows. The major country is the
United States, which hosts some 40 per cent of all internationally mobile high-
Skilled migration flows are highly
skilled people. It is followed by Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany,
concentrated in a few destination
Russian Federation and France.5 The professions most affected by brain drain
countries, and developed countries are computer specialists, accountants, managers, medical doctors and nurses
absorb some 80 per cent of these and, among higher education levels, scientists and academics.
The gender balance of brain drain seems to be closely associated with the
level of development of destination countries. In developed countries, high-
skilled men and women each account for half of total high-skilled immigration.
In the group of other developing countries, two-thirds of all tertiary-educated
immigrants are male, while in LDCs this share is 71 per cent. In developing
countries of origin, genders differ slightly in their brain drain rates (i.e. the number
of tertiary-educated emigrants as a share of the labour force at the same level
of education in the home country). They are five per cent for males and six per
cent for females. The main reason for this discrepancy is that tertiary education
enrolment in home countries is higher for males than for females (Docquier and
The international mobility of high- Rapoport, 2012).
skilled persons is likely to continue
in the future. Future outlook. Based on underlying forces pushing current international
migratory flows, and barring major disruptions in the international economy, the
international mobility of high-skilled persons is likely to continue in the future,
largely as a result of the following trends:
• The growing knowledge intensity of the world economy (see section B1);
• The decline in demographic growth and consequent ageing of the world
population, as well as the expanding demand for health services which
accompanies development;
• The steadily falling costs of transportation and communication;
• Economic interdependence brought about by globalization;
An estimated 1.3 million workers
• The lingering income gaps between professionals in developed and in
with university-level education had
developing countries.
emigrated from LDCs by 2000.
The first two processes above are progressing at a faster pace in developed
countries than in developing countries. Together with the other three, they are
likely to continue driving international movement of skilled labour in the future.6
b) LDC trends
Number of migrants
LDC Africa 14,245 170,814 178,561 55 86,763 380 44,696 29,809 - 525,323
LDC Americas 20 2,127 150,999 0 19 8,138 11 - - 161,314
LDC Asia 37,179 67,041 192,243 218 2,297 17 295,669 - 2,703 597,367
LDC Pacific 10,450 354 5,762 1 4 1 6 - - 16,578
LDC Total 61,894 240,336 527,565 274 89,083 8,536 340,382 29,809 2,703 1,300,582
Percentage of destination
LDC Africa 23.0 71.1 33.8 20.1 97.4 4.5 13.1 100 - 40.4
LDC Americas - 0.9 28.6 - - 95.3 - - - 12.4
LDC Asia 60.1 27.9 36.4 79.6 2.6 0.2 86.9 - 100 45.9
LDC Pacific 16.9 0.1 1.1 0.4 - - - - - 1.3
LDC Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100 100.0
Percentage of origin
LDC Africa 2.7 32.5 34.0 - 16.5 0.1 8.5 5.7 - 100.0
LDC Americas - 1.3 93.6 - - 5.0 - - - 100.0
LDC Asia 6.2 11.2 32.2 - 0.4 - 49.5 - 0.5 100.0
LDC Pacific 63.0 2.1 34.8 - - - - - 0.0 100.0
LDC Total 4.8 18.5 40.6 - 6.8 0.7 26.2 2.3 0.2 100.0
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
Table 14. Indicators of high-skilled immigration from LDCs to selected host countries in the 2000s
(Persons and percentage)
Initial Latest Persons Change
Host country Indicator period (A) period (B) (A) (B) (B/A : %)
United Statesa,b Number of tertiary-educated residents from 15 LDCs 2000 2010 381,425 681,485 78.7
(amounting to 91 per cent of total LDC high-skilled
residents in 2000)
Number of non-resident visas for skilled persons 1998-2000 2008-2010 1,289 1,364 5.9
granted to nationals from all LDCs
Canadac Permanent residents born in all LDCs 1999-2001 2009-2011 15,950 22,813 43.0
Arrival of students born in all LDCs 1999-2001 2009-2011 1,514 2,406 58.9
United Kingdomd Nationals from all LDCs given work permit for jobs 2004 2009 676 1,581 133.9
other than domestic work
Nationals from all LDCs granted entry into the UK 2009 2010 788 1,077 36.7
under PBS Tier 1 (Highly skilled workers) and PBS
Tier 2 (Skilled workers) schemes
Francee Number of workers’ visas granted to nationals from 2004-2005 2007-2008 324 1,214 274.7
all LDCs
Number of student visas granted to nationals from all 2004-2005 2007-2008 4,841 4,446 -8.2
Australiaf Number of high-skilled nationals from all LDCs 2000-2001 2010-2011 964 1,121 16.3
arriving for permanent settlement
Source: UNCTAD secretariat elaboration based on the sources quoted in the notes (see below).
Notes: When periods are indicated, data refer to annual averages. The destination countries above hosted 55 per cent of high-skilled
emigration from LDCs in 2000.
a US Census 2010 (for 2010); American Community Survey 2010 (for 2010) for the number of tertiary-educated residents from 15
b State Department, for the number of non-resident visas for skilled persons. Includes the following visa types: H1-B, H1-C, L1, O1
and E-2.
c Statistics Canada.
d Home Office and National Statistics. PBS: Points Based System for immigration, introduced in 2008.
e Institut national d'études démographiques.
f Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
92 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
to have been offset by the continuing operation of the push and pull forces
driving brain drain mentioned in section B1.
Brain drain rates. Collectively, the LDCs are by far the most seriously
affected by brain drain among the country groups shown in chart 37. They have
an average brain drain rate of 18.4 per cent, much higher than other developing
countries (10 per cent). Regionally, the worst affected subgroups are LDCs from
the Americas (Haiti), Pacific and Africa, which have higher brain drain rates than
all other groups of developing countries except the Pacific ODCs. The LDC
regional group with the lowest brain drain rate is Asian LDCs (chart 37).
Chart 34. Main LDC high-skilled emigration corridors
North America Europe
to North America
South America
Sao Tome
& Principe
Africa Kiribati
37 Solomon
Comoros Islands
Pacific Island
87 10 Samoa
Australia &
New Zealand
Source: UNCTAD secretariat elaboration based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
94 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
Chart 35. Major destination countries of high-skilled LDC emigrants, 1990 and 2000
(Thousand persons)
United States
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom
Côte d'Ivoire
South Africa
0 100 200 300 400 500
2000 1990
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
The LDCs most affected by brain drain are islands or relatively small African
countries. For example, six LDCs have more high-skilled professionals living
abroad than at home: Haiti, Samoa, the Gambia, Tuvalu, Kiribati and Sierra
Leone. However, the case of Haiti stands out (box 5). Apart from the six LDCs
already mentioned, 11 other LDCs also have more than 30 per cent of their
high-skilled labour force living abroad. These are mostly African countries
Brain drain has both adverse and (Liberia, Eritrea, Somalia, Rwanda, Uganda, Mozambique, Togo and Guinea-
beneficial effects on the countries Bissau), and three are Asian LDCs: Yemen, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
of origin. and Afghanistan (chart 38). The majority are post-conflict States.
3. Adverse impacts
Brain drain has both adverse and beneficial effects on the countries of
origin of high-skilled emigrants, as summarized in table 16. While the positive
aspects are discussed later in section C, the negative implications are analysed
below. The adverse impacts of brain drain can be especially damaging when
Brain drain deprives countries of the countries of origin are developing countries and/or they have a small pool of
origin of some of the most qualified highly qualified human resources.
persons whom they have educated
and trained. a) Shrinking human capital stock and slower economic and
productivity growth
Brain drain deprives countries of origin of some of the most qualified persons
whom they have educated and trained. In the source country, it reduces the
stock of human capital, a factor which is already scarce in developing countries,
especially in LDCs (box 6). This effect is particularly strong if a large share of
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 95
Chart 36. Number of skilled emigrants from LDCs, 1990 and 2000
(Thousand persons)
Lao People's Dem. Republic
Dem. Rep. of the Congo
United Rep. of Tanzania
Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso
East Timor
Equatorial Guinea
Central African Republic
Solomon Islands
Sao Tome and Principe
0 50 100 150 200 250
2000 1990
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
high-skilled people emigrate (Berry and Soligo, 1969; Bhagwati and Hamada,
1974). Given the fundamental role played by human capital in long-term growth
and development, brain drain could have the impact of slowing down the origin
country’s economic growth rate (Miyagiwa, 1991; Haque and Kim, 1995; Wong
and Yip, 1999). The adverse impact of shrinking human capital on development
is especially acute as the world economy becomes increasingly knowledge-
96 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
Table 15. Largest bilateral migration corridors for skilled emigrants from LDCs, 2000
(Number of migrants)
Originating LDC Destination country Skilled migrant stock
Haiti United States 126,524
Bangladesh India 70,092
Bangladesh United States 41,920
Lao People's Democratic Republic United States 41,440
Bangladesh Saudi Arabia 41,222
Yemen Saudi Arabia 39,200
Ethiopia United States 34,428
Cambodia United States 32,955
Haiti Canada 24,475
Sudan Saudi Arabia 22,399
Afghanistan Iran 20,715
Afghanistan United States 19,246
Liberia United States 18,436
Democratic Republic of the Congo Belgium 18,428
Myanmar United States 18,047
Uganda United Kingdom 17,600
Myanmar Thailand 15,742
Bangladesh United Kingdom 15,507
Afghanistan Germany 14,519
Bangladesh Oman 12,625
United Republic of Tanzania Canada 12,220
Nepal India 11,179
Bangladesh Canada 11,065
United Republic of Tanzania United Kingdom 10,535
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
LDCs - LDCs - ODCs - LDCs - LDCs - LDCs - ODCs - ODCs - ODCs - ODCs - Transition Developed
America Pacific Pacific Africa Total Asia Africa America Total Asia economies economies
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
Note: The brain drain rate is the emigrants’ share of the correponding age and educational group in the home country.
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 97
Institutional processes • Lower supply of/demand for institutions • Diaspora assistance in/pressure for institution-
• Returnee supply of/demand for institutions
Source: UNCTAD secretariat.
Note: The table presents the potential effects of brain drain which can generally affect home economies negatively or positively. The
actual impact on individual countries depends on their specific conditions and on their level of economic, social and instiutional
Brain drain reduces welfare due to the loss of externalities. The high-skilled
labour force tends to have a positive externality on the rest of the labour force,
since the latter emulates the better qualified workers and thereby achieves
higher productivity. Therefore, the positive impact of highly talented persons
Brain drain can have an adverse
goes well beyond their small numbers in the population. If many of the most
effect on local science and
highly skilled workers leave the country, this externality is considerably reduced
(Haque, 2005). knowledge systems.
Apart from this general formulation on human capital, brain drain can have
an adverse effect on local science and knowledge systems (box 7 provides
the example of Ethiopia), impairing the economy’s capacity to produce and
98 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
Sierra Leone
Lao People's Dem. Rep.
Equatorial Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe
Solomon Islands
East Timor
Dem. Rep. of the Congo
United Rep. of Tanzania
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2000 1990
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Docquier et al. (2011).
implement innovation. This, in turn, slows down productivity growth (Kapur and
McHale, 2005; Agrawal et al., 2011). Schiff and Wang (2009) empirically estimate
that higher brain drain rates reduce the technological absorptive capacity of
home countries and thereby the degree to which they incorporate technological
innovation. As a result, brain drain could lead to lower productivity growth.
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 99
Box 6. Human capital endowments and international labour and resource flows
Least developed countries have relatively more low-skilled than high-skilled labour. In the LDCs, the ratio of the former
to the latter is 42. This is more than double the level in other developing countries (16) and more than ten times higher than
in developed countries, where the ratio is just 4.1 Prima facie, it could be expected that high-skilled labour has the highest
return where it is relatively scarcer, i.e. in developing countries and especially in LDCs. Therefore, highly qualified labour should
apparently flow to the latter countries, where human capital is most scarce and knowledge stocks are lowest. In absolute
figures, the prediction of the conventional view is verified: low-skilled emigration from LDCs outpaces high-skilled emigration
by a ratio of 11. Yet this same ratio shows that LDCs are exporting high-skilled labour more intensively than low-skilled labour,
since the low/high-skilled ratio of “labour exports” (i.e. emigration) corresponds to just one-fourth of the ratio of endowments.
Another way of measuring the relative “export intensity” at the different skill levels is through the emigration rates for low-skilled
and high-skilled labour.2 In 43 out of the 48 LDCs, the emigration rate of high-skilled labour is higher than that of low-skilled
labour, and the opposite is true in only five of these countries.
The above data reveal that the vast majority of LDCs export high-skilled labour more intensively than low-skilled labour.
This finding contradicts the expectations mentioned above based on apparent returns to knowledge. The explanation for
this apparent paradox seems to lie in the particular nature of human capital embodied in people. Knowledge is subject to
increasing returns and to positive agglomeration effects. Agglomeration economies generate centripetal forces, so that human
resources tend to agglomerate in locations which already have a considerably stock of qualified persons. Agglomeration
leads to higher productivity and earnings in these locations. For instance, Clemens et al. (2008) estimate that on average,
Haitians moving to the United States boost their incomes almost sevenfold. Beyond earnings differentials, the significance of
agglomeration effects is particularly strong for research and scientific production, which depend on the availability of scientific
infrastructure (laboratories, measurement instruments, specific materials, sophisticated machinery, access to databases and
libraries, interaction with colleagues, face-to-face discussions and collaboration, etc.).
South–North migration of high-skilled labour amounts to an international transfer of (human) resources from the poorest
countries to the richest. Similarly, South–South flows of high-skilled people from LDCs (around one-third of the total) are
directed to developing countries with a relatively higher development and income level.
1 Data are for 2000, the year for which the latest bilateral high-skilled migration matrix is available.
2 The emigration rate is the number of emigrants divided by the corresponding skill and age group. In the case of high-skilled labour, it is the
brain drain rate.
Box 7. The effects of brain drain on higher education and academic research in Ethiopia
The exponential growth of higher education in Ethiopia over the last 15 years (section C1) hides the extent to which the
sector is adversely affected by brain drain. The number of students graduating at the bachelor’s level rose sharply from 29,800
in 2007 to 75,300 in 2011. At the same time, however, the corresponding figure for higher level education (master’s and PhD)
rose much more moderately: from 2,700 to 6,200.
As a result, there is a dearth of people with doctorate-level degrees in Ethiopia, and this is especially true where they are
most needed, i.e. in higher education. Among the 15,192 teachers and researchers working in the country’s 25 universities,
only 979 (6.4 per cent) hold a doctoral degree. Moreover, PhD holders are very unevenly distributed, since half of them work at
the University of Addis Ababa. The bulk of the country’s university teachers and researchers have only a master’s degree (43.4
per cent) or a bachelor’s degree (42.6 per cent). Ethiopian higher education institutions sorely lack very high-skilled people.
The number of PhD-holding teachers and researchers active in the country’s universities is much lower than the members of
the Ethiopian diaspora just in the United States and Canada who have that level of education: 1,600, according to conservative
estimates. The case study on the Ethiopian academic diaspora prepared for this Report identified 200 Ethiopian professors
currently working in foreign universities, of whom 148 are active in the United States. Among these, 72 are full professors. In
Ethiopia, by contrast, only 65 persons hold an equivalent position. In other words, there are more Ethiopian full professors
working in the United States than in Ethiopia itself, in spite of the strong need of Ethiopian universities for very highly skilled
In order to respond to the stringent need for more qualified university teachers and professors, the Ethiopian Government
has launched a campaign to recruit 631 teachers and researchers, especially from India. Whether this programme will succeed is
not yet clear. Nevertheless, if properly implemented, its implications for the country’s limited foreign exchange will be significant.
Brain drain can also comprise entrepreneurs and students (i.e. future
professionals). The former’s departure deprives the home country of some of
the people who create businesses and employment. As for students, most
developing countries send some of them abroad for tertiary-level studies, as
a means of expanding and improving the human capital stock of the home
country. However, this often becomes a route to brain drain. The greater the gap
between the conditions in the study country and those in the home country, the
higher the probability of graduates staying abroad (Finn, 2010), which shrinks
the human capital base of the home country.
100 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
b) Sectoral impacts
Box chart 2. Medical brain drain and physician density by country groups, 2004
Medical brain drain rate (%)
LDCs Africa
LDCs Asia Developed
ODC countries
5 Transition
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Physicians / 1'000 inhabitants
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Bhargava et al. (2011).
102 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
other words, the lower the economic and institutional development of the home
country, the more likely that brain waste takes place.
f) Institution-building
Typically, the most skilled people are those who are best qualified to build
and run institutions which are required for the national development process
(State and government institutions, policymaking organizations, political debate,
etc.).11 At the same time, the most qualified people are those who are most
likely to demand good-quality institutions and press for them. Their departure
therefore potentially reduces both the demand and the supply of the institutions
required for development and may slow the long-term development of the home
Table 17. Occupation of high-skilled international migrants from selected LDCs in home and host countries, 2009
Home country
Uganda Senegal Burkina Faso
Where occupation performed
Homea Hostb Homea Hostb Homea Hostb
Managersc 54.9 3.0 27.7 8.7 48.7 33.7
Professionals 10.9 29.4 18.3 0.6 30.9
Technicians and associate professionals 3.5 10.9 17.4 36.3
Clerical support workers 1.2 5.7 1.5 8.8
Service and sales workers 11.7 1.1 1.4
Other 18.7 12.9 33.3 9.2 - -
Don't know 10.9 26.5 0.6 35.0 51.3 35.5
Memo item: Share of high-skilled out of international migrants surveyed 31.5 6.6 0.4
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations based on data from the World Bank Migration and Remittances Household Surveys 2009 (available
at http://microdata.worldbank.org/index.php/catalog/534).
a Occupation performed in home country before migration.
b Occupation currently performed in the host country (in 2009, date of the surveys).
c Includes "Senior management employees" in the case of Burkina Faso.
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 103
1. Brain gain
Beneficial brain drain. The brain gain literature argues that brain drain raises
returns to education, providing an incentive for people to obtain additional
education in order to increase their chances of emigrating. Out of these educated
people, many emigrate (i.e. brain drain). At the same time, some eventually do
not settle abroad and thereby help raise the human capital endowment of the
home country with respect to what would have been the case if the migration
incentive had not been present (i.e. a net brain gain). The evidence on the
benefits of migration stressed by the new migration literature is still inconclusive
(Solimano, 2010). Schiff (2006) questions the assumptions and conclusions of The net impacts of brain drain on
this literature, arguing that the actual brain gain effect is smaller than what these home countries are negative for
authors claim and that they fail to take into account several negative externalities
countries with high brain drain rates.
caused by brain drain. Still, both he and these authors agree that the net impacts
of brain drain on home countries vary with brain intensity and are negative for
countries with high brain drain rates.
Tertiary education has been expanding in most LDCs since the 1990s.
Between 1999–2000 and 2009–2010, the number of graduates in all tertiary-
level programmes in a sample of 16 LDCs more than doubled from 182,000 to
455,000, which corresponds to a 19 per cent annual growth rate.13 This has
been driven by the efforts of the educational sector – mainly public but also
private – to respond to previously unmet demand for university-level education
in many LDCs.14 However, it is difficult to attribute this rapid expansion in higher
104 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
Broader meaning of brain gain. Besides the technical meaning of brain gain
postulated by the “new economics of the brain drain” as mentioned above (i.e.
In LDCs, the negative effect of brain the additional education taken thanks to the migration motivation but which
drain on human capital formation does not actually lead to brain drain), “brain gain” is commonly used in a broader
predominates (in 20 out of 41 sense. As such, it refers to the expansion of human capital, skills and knowledge
which accrue to the home country as an indirect effect of migration, but working
countries) and it is nil
through other channels. This includes the use of remittances for education,
in 11 countries. temporary return of high-skilled diaspora members or definitive return of qualified
The other channels of “brain gain” in this broader meaning are analysed in
sections C3 to C5 below.
The most tangible positive impacts of both high- and low-skilled migration
are the financial flows to the home country that they generate. These flows are
mainly remittances, diaspora bonds and foreign direct investment (FDI). The
trends and economic impacts of remittance to LDCs are analysed in detail
in chapter 3 of this Report. Therefore, this section focuses on two issues: 1.
differences in remitting patterns between emigrants according to their skill profile;
and 2. whether remittances offset the costs of brain drain. Diaspora bonds are
mentioned in this section, while diaspora FDI is discussed in section C4 below.
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 105
While data on remittances have been calculated and/or estimated and made
publicly available, there is no comparable information on the costs and benefits
of brain drain. Given the complexity of the multiple impacts of brain drain (table
16) it is very difficult to compute the welfare gains/losses of home and host
countries, especially with regard to the associated externalities (both positive
and negative) and the value of knowledge flows. Haque (2005), for instance,
argues that remittances should not be compared with the externalities generated While data on remittances have
by human capital. been estimated, there is no
comparable information on the
Nevertheless, some attempts have been made to appreciate the net results
costs and benefits of brain drain.
of some of the effects. Easterly and Nyarko (2009) estimate that in Ghana,
remittances exceed costs of training tertiary brain-drained citizens (when
only the cost of tertiary education is considered). They claim that as long as
the remittances of the typical person exceed 30 per cent of GDP per capita
of the home country, they exceed the cost of (tertiary) education. LDC mean
remittances correspond to four per cent of GDP per capita, exceeding 30 per
Table 18. Emigrant skills and remittance patterns in selected LDCs, 2009
(Percentage, unless otherwise indicated)
Home country
Uganda Senegal Burkina Faso
Remitting propensity of international migrants (share of migrants who ever sent remittances)
Low-skilled 27.9 78.8 60.8
High-skilled 51.1 60.6 76.8
Annual amount of money sent per remitter ($)
Low-skilled 782 1538 98
High-skilled 1882 1545 679
Composition of group of emigrants who ever sent remittances
Low-skilled 54.2 94.9 99.5
High-skilled 45.8 5.1 0.5
Origin of total remittances sent
Low-skilled 33.2 94.8 96.9
High-skilled 66.8 5.2 3.1
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from the World Bank Migration and Remittances Household Surveys 2009
(available at http://microdata.worldbank.org/index.php/catalog/534).
106 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
cent in only one case (Lesotho) (table 6, chapter 3).16 Thus, indications are
that remittances do not offset the costs of educating people who leave the
country (even if computing solely the costs of higher education). Therefore, it is
more likely that these countries lose out on balance when comparing costs of
education and remittance recepits.
Box 9. Examples of successful LDC diaspora initiatives for knowledge sharing and transfer
The national case studies prepared for this Report highlight some examples of how diaspora knowledge, skills and
resources can be successfully harnessed and transferred to home countries.
Strengthening PhD education at the University of Addis Ababa. Given the obvious need for more and better training
at the doctorate level in Ethiopia, the country’s largest university established several PhD programmes. It realized, however,
that in order to reach its objectives it could not rely uniquely on its own resources. Accordingly, it decided to mobilize the
knowledge of the national diaspora working in foreign academic institutions. To this end, in 2008 it launched a large-scale
programme financed by the Ethiopian Government and the Swedish and French official development aid agencies. The main
participants abroad have been Ethiopians active in US and European universities, who in several cases convinced their non-
Ethiopian colleagues to take part in the project. Their collaboration with the home country has taken the form of participation
in research seminars, book donations, links between laboratories in the universities of Addis Ababa and laboratories abroad,
and thesis direction by diaspora members. The programme has had a considerable impact on several departments.
Decoding the jute genome in Bangladesh. A Bangladeshi microbiologist and biochemist who studied and worked in
the Soviet Union, Germany, United States and Malaysia decoded for the latter country the genome sequencing of its most
important plant, rubber. In order to have his country of origin benefit from his knowledge and skills, he later undertook the
same type of research for jute. This was done in a joint project with the Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists
(GNOB), the Centre for Chemical Biology, the University of Science (Malaysia) and the University of Hawaii (United States) and
a team of Bangladeshi researchers. The discovery facilitates pest control and the manufacturing of better finished industrial
products out of jute.
Upgrading the national health sector in Ethiopia. The People to People association was established by Ethiopian
diaspora members in the late 1990s with the aim of mobilizing diaspora skills for the benefit of the home country. It operates
in several countries in North America and Europe and has been active above all in the health sector. Its activities have included
participating in medical training in Ethiopia, advocating for diaspora mobilization with international organizations and donor
institutions, mobilizing resources abroad for medical programmes in Ethiopia, setting up a telemedicine system in the home
country, restructuring university hospitals, organizing an annual conference on health in Ethiopia, awarding a prize for medical
best practice, and maintaining a blog for the exchange of medical best practices and discussions. The association collaborates
with other diaspora organizations, NGOs active in Ethiopia and international organizations (e.g. the World Bank), the United
States National Institute of Health and universities of host countries.
Mobilizing resources and knowledge transfer to Haiti. In Canada, the Regroupement des organismes canado-haïtiens
pour le développement (ROCADH) is an effort to coalesce many philanthropic organizations working for the advancement of
Haitian communities back home. ROCADH brings together some 47 home town associations. It has been active in the fields
of education and capacity-building (including in agricultural, animal breeding techniques, commodity processing, medical and
tourism service skills). ROCADH has been able to channel substantial funding through the Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA). To be eligible for CIDA funds, ROCADH has to contribute one-third of the value of the project.
Medical diaspora network for Bangladesh. Bangladeshi physicians in North America established the Bangladesh
Medical Association of North America (BMANA) in 1980. It supports the home country by organizing visits of medical teams
to provide training and technology transfer, provision of subsidized/pro bono specialized clinical services, and donation of
books, computers and journals to medical colleges and universities in Bangladesh. Its members have been participating in
activities of knowledge transfer and training in terms of cutting-edge advances in medical specialities, such as neurology,
surgery and infection control.
Water in Ethiopia. A programme of collaboration between an American and an Ethiopian university was put in place in 2009
at the initiative of an Ethiopian working as professor in a United States university, with financing from the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID) under the African American Universities Partnership. It was successful in leveraging
official financing to obtain financing from the American private sector for project activities. It foresees the establishment of
a research centre on water in Ethiopia to conduct academic research and participate in the formulation and planning of the
country’s policies and programmes for water management.
Most LDC diaspora associations and NGOs tend to be ad hoc efforts with very
small budgets, and their actions are local and small-scale. Often their members,
although willing to engage, are not experts in the field of development, which
does not allow them to undertake large-scale development projects that could The multiplication of initiatives and
have a region-wide or country-wide impact on the lives of the beneficiaries. In the lack of coordination among them
many cases, emigrants rely on channels such as family members, local chieftains result in the dispersion of resources.
or social and professional networks to carry out their activities, depending on the
level of institutional development of the home country. At the same time, they
often lack more structured institutional support.20 The lack of coordination can
limit the effectiveness of the initiatives and programmes which are implemented
by individual or a small number of organizations and NGOs. This can lead to
situations in which “projects carried out by such [diaspora] organisations
interfere with mainstream policies carried out by the national government or
local organizations” (Zoomers and van Naerssen, 2006: 73).
Coordinating the actions and
Nevertheless, in some cases, diaspora knowledge-sharing initiatives are
programmes of different actors
undertaken in partnership with home country governments or international
can leverage existing resources and
organizations. Coordinating the actions and programmes of different actors can
leverage existing resources and greatly enhance their development impact (box 9). greatly enhance their development
Official international initiatives for diaspora knowledge-sharing and transfer
through circular migration or return sometimes encounter problems. First,
the financial and human resources involved can be somewhat limited. For
instance, the final report of a large project aimed at clarifying the links between
migration and development and the impact of official programmes for promoting
knowledge transfer concludes that “the numbers are very modest and the
110 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
success is limited and the number of beneficiaries is not in proportion to the total
number of migrants and/or expatriates” (Zoomers and van Naerssen, 2006:
29). Second, such initiatives are frequently inconsistent with national priorities.
Knowledge-sharing programmes and activities are often designed without
The number of beneficiaries is not consulting home country governments and are not articulated with broader
in proportion to the total number of development strategies or wider national policies and programmes in mind. This
migrants and/or expatriates. thwarts the desired effectiveness of diaspora knowledge initiatives.
Business linkages and economic flows between home and host countries
can come from either high-skilled or low-skilled emigrants, but they are more
likely in the case of high-skilled emigrants, since the latter tend to have wider and
higher-level contacts in both home and host countries (Docquier and Lodigiani, The presence of a diaspora is
2010). often associated with higher
bilateral trade flows.
The presence of a diaspora is therefore often associated with higher bilateral
trade flows (Gould, 1994; Mesnard and Ravallion, 2001; Head and Ries, 1998;
Rauch and Trindade, 2002; Rauch and Casella, 2003; Combes et al., 2005, Peri
and Requena, 2009). The most direct and simple form of a diaspora business
network is when the diaspora itself is a prime market for the exports of home
country goods, in what has been termed “ethnic trade” or “nostalgia trade”.
This consists mainly of foodstuffs, but also includes films and music, reading
material, utensils and dishes, ornaments, textiles and clothing – goods which, in
principle, have more difficulty penetrating international markets than other types The most direct form of a diaspora
of exports (Newland and Taylor, 2010). If home country exporters are successful business network is when the
in exploiting the diaspora market, they can move beyond it to tap other markets. diaspora itself is a prime market for
In this case, diasporas serve as a bridge to wider markets. the exports of home country goods.
Beyond merchandise trade, the presence of diasporas also stimulates the
export of services, especially international tourism. Diaspora tourism offers
domestic agents some advantages over other types of tourism. First, diaspora
tourist spending typically reaches domestic goods and services suppliers more
directly, as nationals tend to use locally-targeted accommodation, shops and
restaurants rather than facilities established for typical international tourists. As
a result, this type of spending reduces the well-known phenomenon of tourism
leakage (Supradist, 2004). Second, diaspora tourists are more widely spread If home country exporters are
over the home country territory. Third, their arrivals can be less seasonal than successful in exploiting the diaspora
those of other tourists (Newland and Taylor, 2010). Diaspora tourism is therefore
market, they can move beyond it to
likely to have a greater developmental impact than other types of tourism.
Moreover, diasporas can serve as a bridge to wider markets by overcoming tap other markets.
reputational problems or a lack of information in host countries concerning their
home country as a tourist destination, as with the case of nostalgia trade. In
most of the countries sampled by Gibson and McKenzie (2010), more than half
of high-skilled emigrants advised other people concerning tourism in their home
Among national initiatives, in 2009, Senegal launched the Fonds d’Appui aux
Investissements des Sénégalais de l’Extérieur (FAISE), aimed at encouraging
diaspora members to invest in their region of origin.
far, low-skilled LDC immigrants have been more involved in facilitating bilateral
trade in their destination countries than their more educated fellow countrymen
and countrywomen.
With regard to tourism, 70 per cent of the 254,000 tourists arriving in Haiti
are Haitian-born or of Haitian origin, with the United States, Canada, France So far, low-skilled LDC immigrants
and the Dominican Republic as the leading sources (data for 2011). These are have been more involved in
the main host countries of the Haitian diaspora. Haitian diaspora tourists spend facilitating bilateral trade in their
amounts ranging from $1000-5000 per person on each trip, and it is therefore destination countries than their more
likely that they account for a larger share of the country’s tourism receipts than educated fellow countrymen and
the number of tourists arriving in the country. countrywomen.
5. Returnees
The conditions of LDCs have generally not been very conducive to active
contributions by permanent returnees to home country development. The
major driver is family reasons, but other motivations seem to vary according to
conditions prevailing locally in LDCs. In Haiti, these include above all involuntary
return (e.g. deportation, work permit expiry, failure to find a job, etc.). In Senegal,
Uganda and Burkina Faso, the fact that emigrants had no intention of staying
The conditions of LDCs have abroad is the second most important reason quoted for return. By contrast,
generally not been very conducive Bangladeshi returnees interviewed for this Report cited positive motivations
to active contributions by permanent besides family reasons, such as the desire to have a greater impact on society
returnees to home country and willingness to make own knowledge and experience available to the home
development. country.
Most LDCs have only been able to attract return migration in very low
numbers, a factor which has constrained their contribution to home country
development. The rate of return (i.e. the number of returnees as a share of the
emigrant stock plus returnees) in a selection of LDCs varies from six per cent in
Uganda to 10 per cent in Senegal and approximately 15 per cent in Haiti and
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 115
Burkina Faso. As a share of the population, they account for less than two per
cent in all four cases.23 It should be borne in mind that in these countries (except
for Uganda) the vast majority of returnees are low-skilled, which means that they
are less likely to have accumulated resources and new knowledge abroad. As
for the time spent abroad, in Haiti, out of returned emigrants 78.4 per cent have
lived six years or less abroad. Only 6.7 per cent of all returnees have spent ten
years or more abroad, which means that most returnees have had little time to
accumulate resources.
On the whole, professional and business development opportunities have Professional and business
not been very common in most LDCs, so they have not been very successful development opportunities have not
in attracting returnees and benefiting from their professional and entrepreneurial been very common in most LDCs.
activities. In many cases, LDC returnees have tried to start new businesses,
but have been discouraged by lack of support for enterprise development
(extension services, financing, etc.) or have found bureaucratic requirements
too demanding. This contrasts with the experience of more vibrant economies
which offer wider opportunities for returnees in terms of both economic activities
and professional prospects, as exemplified by Bangladesh (box 11).
D. Conclusions
According to Gibson and McKenzie (2011: 125), “we are still some way
from a comprehensive global answer on the effect of brain drain on sending
country growth and development outcomes”. This is certainly true of LDCs.
Nevertheless, this chapter has presented analysis and information which help us
to identify some major features of high-skilled migration and the potential impact We are still some way from a
of diasporas on LDC home country development. comprehensive global answer on
the effect of brain drain on sending
On average, LDCs are more affected by brain drain than any other group of country growth and development
countries. The intensity is especially acute in islands (where more than half of the outcomes.
high-skilled workers often live abroad) and in African LDCs, 21 of which have
more than one-fifth of their high-skilled population abroad. The brain drain rate is
lower is Asian LDCs, though even there it is still higher than in other developing
countries. There is strong variation in the rates of brain drain of LDCs, but it
is close to the estimated “optimal” level (5–10 per cent) in only five of these
countries. Apart from the likely adverse macroeconomic effects to be expected
at these high rates of brain drain, emigration of highly qualified LDC nationals
has adverse consequences, especially in the activities of health, education and
STI. This brain drain primarily amounts to a South–North transfer of resources.
The (positive) developmental
Available evidence shows that the (positive) developmental impacts of brain impacts of brain drain on LDCs
drain on LDCs have been limited so far. Concerning their human capital base, have been limited so far.
since the 1990s, education enrolment in most LDCs has been expanding rapidly
at all levels, including the tertiary stage. This expansion is driven mainly by public
policies and by the increased supply of educational services. It is very difficult
to attribute improving educational attainment (or a significant share of it) to the
incentive effect of emigration, although some observers argue that it has been
one of the factors pushing demand for higher education.
not been supportive, returnee investment has been limited and has tended to
reinforce existing patterns of specialization. By contrast, in some larger LDC
economies or those that are growing and undergoing structural transformation,
The contribution of diasporas returnees have made significant contributions to economic activity and social
and other positive effects of brain innovation.
circulation to the development of
LDCs is below its potential. The contribution of diasporas and other positive effects of brain circulation
to the development of LDCs is below its potential. There are two main reasons
for this: the development stage of LDCs themselves, and the initiatives put in
place. First, prevailing conditions in most LDCs are quite different from those
in countries which benefitted greatly from diaspora knowledge and business
networks and were able to attract return emigrants. In the latter case, diaporas
contributed significantly to home country development, helping many of these
Initiatives can be taken to strengthen
countries to become high-income countries.
the home country benefits
associated with brain drain. This Second, although most LDCs at present reap limited gains from their
will require policy action by LDC diasporas, it is likely that the positive effects of brain circulation will strengthen
themselves and by the later during the economic development of these countries. While this is a long-
international community. term perspective, initiatives can be taken in the short term to strengthen the
home country benefits associated with brain drain. This will require policy action
by LDC themselves and by the international community. The next chapter of this
Report provides an analysis of policy alternatives and options needed to achieve
this objective.
CHAPTER 4. Mobilizing the Diaspora: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain 119
1 This chapter builds on UNCTAD (2007: 139–160) by updating the statistical
information and broadening the scope of analysis and policy recommendations.
2 By contrast, low-skilled migrants are those whose highest educational attainment is
at the secondary or primary level or who did not undergo any formal schooling.
3 Bhagwati and Hanson (2009); Docquier and Rapoport (2012); Kapur and McHale
(2005); IOM (2008); Solimano (2010); Pritchett (2006).
4 The most widely used database on worldwide brain drain is that of Docquier and
Marfouk (2006), which was later revised to provide a gender breakdown (Docquier,
Lowell and Marfouk, 2009). It was subsequently expanded in Docquier et al. (2011),
which includes non-OECD host countries and therefore captures South–South
flows. The first version of this database was kindly made available to the UNCTAD
secretariat by its authors.
5 High-skilled people flows are in sharp contrast with those of overall migration, where
South–South movements predominate, as seen in chapter 2 of this Report. The latter
are strongly influenced by the migration of low-skilled people.
6 Given the preponderance of oil exporters among developing host countries,
developments in the price of this commodity are also likely to play a role in determining
brain drain trends in the future.
7 The indicators include the number of LDC students, since studying abroad is often
the first step towards long-term emigration.
8 Even if education is financed privately, this is an investment in human capital formation
made under the expectation that it will bring returns.
9 These costs are net of: 1. the estimated fiscal gains from domestic consumption
funded by remittances; and 2. the Government savings from not having to provide
services to people who no longer live in the home country.
10 By the same token, host countries become better endowed with skills or human
capital, which tends to reinforce their specialization in the corresponding goods and
11 On the importance of institutions to economic growth and development, see Szirmai
(2012) and Bluhm and Szirmai (2012).
12 Mountford (1997); Stark (2004); Stark et al. (1997, 1998); Vidal (1998); Beine et al.
(2001); Docquier and Rapoport (2007, 2012); Kangasniemi et al. (2007); Commander
et al. (2004).
13 Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Cambodia, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Uganda
and United Republic of Tanzania (UNCTAD secretariat estimates, based on data
from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics: http//www.uis.unesco.org, accessed on
14 In Ethiopia, for example, in the mid-1990s, university-level institutions hosted
only 15,000 students, but received 300,000 applications annually. However, the
introduction of new policies by the Government to boost investment in human capital
formation resulted in a rapid expansion of the number of universities and students.
During the academic year 2006/2007, universities hosted 203,000 students at
the bachelor’s level and within five years the number of enrolments had more than
doubled to 448,000. Similarly, in Senegal, the number of students enrolled in tertiary-
level education institutions swelled from 30,000 in 2001 to 86,000 in 2008, as the
expansion rate was double that of the preceding decade. By 2012, total enrolment
had reached 91,000.
15 Similarly, in Gibson and McKenzie’s (2010) survey data for high-skilled emigration
from Tonga, Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Ghana and New
Zealand, the migration incentive generally pushed respondents to learn a language or
take test preparation classes, but not to lengthen schooling itself.
16 Even considering that high-skilled emigrants tend to remit more than low-skilled
emigrants (and remittance data refer to all migrants), remittances as a share of GDP
per capita exceed 20 per cent in only four LDCs: Lesotho, Haiti, Samoa and Nepal.
17 Rogers (2004) finds that countries with relatively high numbers of students studying
science and engineering abroad experience faster subsequent growth.
18 Source: http://www.codev.gouv.sn.
19 The Government of Senegal, for instance, has recorded as many as 741 associations
of the Senegalese diaspora (ANSD, 2011).
120 The Least Developed Countries Report 2012
20 The lack of linkages to national government sometimes stems from limited trust of
diaspora organizations in the latter or from missing interest or institutional capacity
of the national government to engage with diaspora organizations active in specific
21 This share provides an order of magnitude, since the diaspora investment was made
over several years.
22 A survey of Turkish returnees shows that more than half are economically active
upon return and most of them engage in entrepreneurial activities (Dustmann and
Kirchkamp 2002). In Egypt, returning migrants tend to have higher levels of human
capital than non-migrants, and are likely to be more entrepreneurial the longer they
have worked abroad (McCormick and Wahba 2001; Wahba 2007).
23 Data for 2009 for Uganda, Senegal and Burkina Faso, and for 2001 in the case of
24 Based on the same source as table 17.
25 These shares provide an order of magnitude, since the returnee investment was
made over several years.
26 In Ethiopia, out of 30 expatriates who participated in a TOKTEN programme in the
home country, only one decided to resettle there permanently (Adredo, 2002).
27 In the MIDA Great Lakes Programme (box 10), just 15 permanent returnees were
aided financially, as compared with more than 400 missions, often involving more
than one expert.