Brain Gain Network A Proposal Egovernance Model To Convert The B
Brain Gain Network A Proposal Egovernance Model To Convert The B
Brain Gain Network A Proposal Egovernance Model To Convert The B
Abstract: It is observed that, the scientisfs. engineers and are described. Here in this section definition, causes ~
the highly educated and qualified scholars of the problems etc of brain drain are described. Section 3
developing countries are migrating in the developed describes the model and the govemance policy of
countries from their motherland. They appear as human proposed brain gain network in detail. In section 4 the
resources educated. trained through profissional pracfice positive effects of the proposed brain gain network are
and employed in much better conditions thon those the described.
country af their origin could have provided to them. If
such a counfry were able to use these resources largely 2. BRAIN DRAIN
shaped through others investments. it would gain a lor. In
this paper an e-governance model is presented to conven 2.1. What is brain drsin ?
fhis brain drain info gain by tracking and maintaining
these diversified brains of a developing country so that the Brain drain is the important species of the entire
migrated scholars get the oppor!uni@ to serve their genus of brain migration from LDCs (Low Developed
motherland remaining in remote from their counrry of Countries). The term “Brain Drain” is a loaded and
origin. A governance palicy is also proposed, in this paper, pejorative, suggestive of loss of vital resources, without
so that the government of a L D C (Low Developed compensation (Adaars, 1968). It is one way permanent
Country) can successfully and efficiently maintain this migration of skilled-people mostly from LDCs to DCs. In
netkwork to achieve maximum gain. easy words, brain drain is the process of intellectual or
professional resource of a country through immigration.
Keywordp: Brain drain. e-government. brain gain network
2.2. Causes of brain drain
The causes:of brain drain are oflen seen in a bi-
The SESTAT database of the National Science polar model of “@lis" exerted by the immigration
Foundation (NSF) shows that in 1995, 1.434 million countries and “push” exerted factors operating in the
people (12%) out of the 12 million people who have emigration countries, in which differentials between the
science and engineering degrees or who work in science two determine the docision of the individual who migrates.
and engineering occupations in the U.S.A., are of foreign The pushes are depressing characteristics in the country of
origin[l]. Over 72% of these were originally born in a the origin, which produces emigration. O n the other hand,
developing country. When looking at the level of pull factors are the.’attracting feaNres in the country of
qualifications, it appears. that the higher the diploma the destination, which induce immigration. The push-pull
bigger -the propoltion of the foreign-born population[ I]. approach can give an important insight into the analysis of
These figures focus one thing that the highly educated brain migration [Z].Some of the important push and pull
scholars of developing countries are consuming their factors (as listed in Economics of Brain Migration’ by
brains for developed countries. And in most of the cases Ghosh and Ghosh, 1982). involved in brain migration
they are not renvning back to their motherland. They have from LDCs are given below:
often settled abroad and built their professional as well as
their personal life there. If such a low developed country Pushfactors:
were able to use these brains IargeJy shaped through 1) Under employment,
others’ investments, it would then gain a lot. There are two 2 ) Economic under development;
ways to implement the brain gain: either through the ntum 3) Low wagdsalary,
of thi expatriates to the country of origin or through their 4) political instability;
remote mobilization and association to its development. 5 ) Over production and under utilization or HQM;
The main objective focused throughout this paper is to 6) Lack of research and other facilities;
create the links through which they could effectively and 7) Lack of freedom;
8) Discrimination in appointment and promotion;
productively be connected to its development, without any
physical temporary or permanent r e m . An e-governance 9) Poor working facilities; .
model is proposed in this paper to maintain the links IO) Lack of scientific tradition and culture;
among these brains effectively so that they can participate 1 I) Unsuitable institution;
and contribute easily for their motherland. 12) Desire for a better urban life;
The remaining portion of this paper is organized in the 13) Desire for higher qualification and recognition;
following way. In section 2. the basics of the brain drain 14) Better career expectation;
Figure I : Organizational Communication Chart Thus the diversified gain network can be a great initiative
to successfully utilize the migrated brains of LDCs. In one
ZonaI Presiden/: Zonal president will pfay the main sense, it may be said that,,the more the skilled persons will
role to utilize hidher zone members to discuss the be in the DCs the more will be the country resources in
problem and to prepare a possible solution report and abroad and the country will be benefited. Thus the gain
submit it to the zone co-ordinator. He may arrange