Bu Ffers in Context: Baby Wipes As A Buffer System
Bu Ffers in Context: Baby Wipes As A Buffer System
Bu Ffers in Context: Baby Wipes As A Buffer System
Mahaffy tetrahedron, which augments the traditional triplet by students were not asked to prepare two different ammonia/
adding a “human element” or rich context for the presentation ammonium ion buffers.
of chemistry content.13,14 After preparing the three buffers described above, the
Laboratory experiments that place chemistry in a rich students were directed to titrate two aliquots of each of these
context for students have been previously published in this solutions to determine the buffer capacity, first titrating with a
Journal,15 as well as other laboratories that explore ideas strong acid (hydrochloric acid) and then with a strong base
related to buffers.16 The experiment presented herein was (sodium hydroxide). By recording the amount of acid/base
designed with similar intentions, working toward placing that was added to the buffer and the corresponding change in
chemistry in a context that is relevant and useful for students in pH (the target was a change of one pH unit), students
the course, while simultaneously focusing on a conceptual calculated the buffer capacity for each of the trials performed
understanding through the use and development of models. (acid or base titration). Using the same protocol, the buffer
The experiment was designed for a nonmajors general capacity of deionized water was also determined. In the last
chemistry course, with primarily health/human science and part of the experiment, the students prepared a solution from
agricultural science majors, and it was inspired, in part, by an baby wipes and then determined the buffer capacity using the
interesting study published in Pediatric Dermatology that previously described protocol (for more information, see the
studied the efficacy of baby wipes in reducing skin irritation provided Supporting Information). From a practical stand-
through the use of a buffer system.17 point, the protocol for creating a baby-wipe buffer was simple
The course associated with this laboratory experiment was
and easy to implement, requiring little planning before the lab
and reflecting a straightforward procedure for the students.
The development of this protocol involved testing different
designed so that the laboratory content is connected to and is wipe-to-water ratios. In order to have a large enough volume
discussed with the lecture content. By the time the students for the students to work with and have a solution that was
completed the buffer lab, they had already learned about concentrated enough to reliably behave as a buffered solution,
equilibrium and (weak) acids/bases, performed two acid−base we found it was effective for the students to use eight wipes in
laboratories involving titrations, and received instruction about 90.0 mL of deionized water. The students simply had to place
buffers in lecture. the baby wipes (straight from the package) into a 600 mL
The role of the prelaboratory questions were to prompt the beaker, add the deionized water, and then twist and wring the
students to start thinking about what they would be doing in baby wipes, collecting the solution in the same beaker. From
lab, with an emphasis on getting students to model the buffer this initial buffer solution the students pipetted aliquots and
system by considering it at the particulate level. One of the titrated to determine the buffer capacity. The laboratory
prelab questions that highlights the buffer mechanism involves experiment was designed to take roughly 2 h for the students
adding a strong base to a generic buffer system (see Box 1) and to complete.
Box 1
Hazards associated with this laboratory experiment involve
working with irritants and corrosive chemicals that may cause
serious damage to skin and eyes. Proper personal protective
equipment such as gloves and safety goggles are required.
Chemicals used and their potential hazards include acetic acid
(CAS No. 64-19-7), corrosive, causes serious eye damage/
irritation; ammonium chloride (CAS No. 12125-02-9),
thinking about how this influences the components in the
harmful if swallowed, causes serious eye damage/irritation;
buffer. Student responses to this question should mention that
sodium acetate (CAS No. 127-09-3), irritates skin, eyes, and
the concentration of HA decreases (reacts with the base), the
respiratory system; aqueous ammonia (CAS No. 7664-41-7),
concentration of A− increases (is produced), the amount of
harmful if inhaled, causes severe skin burns and eye damage;
H2O and H3O+ should remain roughly the same, and the pH
aqueous hydrochloric acid (CAS No. 7647-01-0), corrosive,
should remain the same (or increase slightly). The additional
causes serious eye damage/irritation; and sodium hydroxide
prelab questions are included in the Supporting Information
(CAS No. 1310-73-2), corrosive, causes serious eye damage/
associated with this article.
For this experiment, the students worked in groups of two to
prepare buffers and calculate the buffer capacity of each
solution as described in the Supporting Information. The first During the laboratory experiment, the students recorded their
portion of the experiment involved the students preparing an data in their laboratory notebooks and reported their data on a
ammonia/ammonium ion buffer and two acetic acid/acetate laboratory report form that was provided for them (included in
ion buffers that contained differing amounts of sodium acetate. the Supporting Information). The report form contained all of
The rationale behind preparing two acetic acid/acetate ion the necessary data tables where the students could record their
buffers was to allow for direct comparison of the buffer data and calculate values. After the students completed the
capacity of these solutions and give the students a basis on laboratory experiment, they had additional discussion ques-
which to make connections regarding how the relative amounts tions to address. The discussion questions prompted the
of weak acid and conjugate base influence the ability of the students to analyze and interpret their data in the context of
buffer to resist changes in pH. Due to time constraints, the the chemical system they were studying. The experiment
1817 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00378
J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 95, 1816−1820
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
Laboratory Experiment
the chemical phenomena; this was influenced in part by
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* Supporting Information
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