By Catherine Wolfgram French, Member, A S C E, Michael Hafner, Associate Member, A S C E, and Viswanath Jayashankar, Associate Member, A S C E
By Catherine Wolfgram French, Member, A S C E, Michael Hafner, Associate Member, A S C E, and Viswanath Jayashankar, Associate Member, A S C E
By Catherine Wolfgram French, Member, A S C E, Michael Hafner, Associate Member, A S C E, and Viswanath Jayashankar, Associate Member, A S C E
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the test results of three moment-resisting con-
nections between precast beam-column elements designed for regions of moderate
to high seismicity. The specimens are subjected to cyclic lateral load reversals that
are progressively amplified until the structures are taken to inter-story drifts (ratio
of lateral story displacement to story height) exceeding 4%. Two of the test spec-
imens represent exterior connections (BME, BMF), and the third represents an
interior connection (BMG). The connections include: BME—bolted, BMF—threaded
rebar with ordinary couplers, and BMG—threaded rebar with tapered-threaded
couplers. The plastic hinge is forced to develop within the connection region in
all three specimens. The specimens exibit ductility and energy dissipation char-
acteristics similar to those of ordinary reinforced concrete elements, as the con-
nection regions are designed to emulate ordinary reinforced concrete in a precast
system. The threaded rebar connections with tapered-threaded splices represent the
most favorable solution in terms of performance, fabrication, and economy.
3' Two 1-3/8'
Poat-Tenaioning Roda
9' Corrugated
i_ ®
Four No. 9
Threaded Rebar
(Yield Moment)
(170 k-ft) 200
300 Moment Induced
distance was chosen because it was the location at which the strands became
capable of developing ultimate capacity without slippage (35 in. is the trans-
fer length of 1/4-in. diameter prestressing strand).
Two 1-3/8 in. diameter (Grade 150) posttensioning rods were used for
the connection in BMA (Fig. 1). BMB contained four No. 9 (Grade 60)
three No. 9
Threeded Rebsr
1-3/B/ Poat-
Tanaioning Rod
Caat-in-Place Concrete
Corrugeted Ouct
Cast-in-Plsce Concrete
(Strand pattern
not shown
for clarity
see Fig. 2)
Moment Induced
Moment Capacity
Four No. 3
Rebar ( Corners )
_^L— 134.9 """""-
k-ft Moment InducEd
l Moment Capacity
Four No, 7
Threaded Rebar
Ordinary •
Coupler 3EL
Moment Induced
Moment Capacity
threaded rebar (Fig. 2). Note that the term "threaded rebar" is used to denote
reinforcement for which the threads are hot-rolled on the bars during fab-
rication. BMB was designed to initiate a plastic hinge immediately adjacent
to the column face. After the reinforcement underwent strain hardening at
that location, the primary hinge was relocated outside of the connection re-
gion. BMC (Fig. 3) had an unsymmetrical beam cross section. The top half
of the beam comprised cast-in-place concrete with three No. 9 (Grade 60)
rebar. For the case of top of the beam in tension, a hinge was to develop
at 24 in. from the column face. The precast prestressed bottom half of the
beam, connected to the column with a 1-3/8 in. diameter (Grade 150) post-
ttoaent Induced
Moment Capacity
size (in.) (sq in.) Grade strength (ksi) strength (ksi) «*" £„"
d) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
No. 3 0.375 0.11 60 73.1 114.5 0.005 0.09
No. 5 0.625 0.31 40 56.4 81.9 0.005 0.09
No. 6 0.75 0.44 60 68.0 110.0 0.005 0.09
No. 7 0.875 0.60 60 65.8 103.7 0.005 0.28
No. 10 1.27 1.27 60 70.6 114.3 0.005 0.09
1/4 0.20 0.036 250 220.0 250.0 0.008 0.05
"es/, = strain at onset of strain hardening.
e„ = strain at ultimate.
Note: Modulus of elasticity = 29,000 ksi (27,500 ksi for 1/4 in. diameter strand); 1
in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.9 MPa.
suggested by ACI 352-85 to develop bond stresses was 17.5 in. for No. 7
bars; the provided column width was only 14 in. In addition, the splices that
comprised a total length of 4 of the 14 in. anchorage length had a smooth
surface. The possibility of wedge action created by the splices to resist the
bar force was ignored. To prevent slippage of the reinforcement through the
joint, plates were welded to the center of the tapered-threaded splices to
provide mechanical anchorage (Fig. 7—Detail A). The plates, referred to
as "bond plates" (Fenwick and Nguyen 1981), were well confined by the
transverse hoops of the column, so that even if the concrete cover spalled,
the plates could bear against the hoops. Besides preventing slippage, the
bond plates also contributed to the joint shear resistance by enhancing the
diagonal compressive strut.
Fig. 7 shows the cross-sectional details and the provided and induced bending
moment diagrams for the two beams of BMG: BMG-G1 and BMG-G2. Both
of the beams were originally designed to develop a plastic hinge at the beam-
column interface; however, the connection in BMG-G2 was later modified
to displace the hinge from the interface. This is discussed further in the next
and 120 in. long (Fig. 8). The prestressed reinforcement consisted of 18
1/4-in. diameter 250 ksi seven-wire strands. Each strand was prestressed to
70% of the nominal tensile strength at a constant eccentricity. The non-
prestressed longitudinal reinforcement comprised four No. 3 bars symmet-
rically placed in the corners of the beam cages. Transverse reinforcement in
the beams comprised No. 3 stirrups spaced at 4 in. on center to satisfy ACI
318-83 A.3.3. The stirrups were closed with 135° bends and 10 bar-diameter
extensions to conform with ACI 352-85 This provision was not
satisfied for specimens BMA-BMC; consequently, the concrete deteriorated
in the vicinity of the plastic hinges located in the blockout regions of these
models because of inadequate confinement.
Distributing the plastic hinge away from the mortar joint was investigated
with one of the beams (BMG-G2) of BMG. The beam-column interface re-
gion of BMG-G2 was strengthened, as an afterthought, by providing addi-
tional No. 3 bars (Fig. 7) projecting 11 in. out of the east column face. 1-
in. diameter holes were drilled into BMG-G2 to mate with the No. 3 bars.
The holes were subsequently grouted. All of the prestressing strands in BMG-
G2 were debonded to a depth of 5 in. from the interface. Subsequent analysis
of the beam indicated that the plastic hinge of BMG-G2 would develop within
5 in. of the interface.
Material Properties
The reinforcement properties are listed in Table 1. The nominal concrete
compressive strength was 6,000 psi. The actual compressive strengths ranged
from 7,400 to 7,600 psi for the beams and from 6,900 (BMG) to 8,900
(BME and BMF) for the columns at the time of test.
Strain gauges were used to measure strains in the prestressing strands and
reinforcing bars from the time the strands were stressed through completion
of the tests. A load cell mounted in the hydraulic actuator measured the
Load History
The loading sequence comprised cycles to peak displacements defined in
terms of the nominal yield displacement (1 in.), which was calculated for a
reinforced concrete subassemblage of the same dimensions and capacity as
specimen BMB using the effective moment of inertia for the beam and the
gross moment of inertia for the column. Load cycles were repeated at each
peak displacement to observe the specimen strength and stiffness degrada-
tion. To facilitate comparison of test results, the same beam-end deflection
history was used in all of the tests. Peak values of the cycles corresponded
to displacement ductility factors (DDF = ratio of the beam end displacement
to the nominal yield displacement) of two cycles each at 0.75 and 2, and
three cycles each at 3 and 4, and, finally, to the limiting stroke of the ac-
tuator. In the case of structure BMG, the actuator was repositioned to take
the structure to the full stroke in one direction (DDF = 10). The entire
loading history corresponded to a nominal cumulative displacement ductility
of 53, where the cumulative displacement ductility is defined as the sum of
the DDF's of all cycles.
I hi
FIG. 9. Specimens (DDF = 4): (a) BME (Bolted); (b) BMF (Threaded Rebar); (c)
BMG (Threaded Rebar)
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15.0 -
10.0 -
-20.0 -
15.0 -
10.0 -
5.0 -
-15.0 -
Load (kips)
FIG. 10. Load versus Deflection Response: (a) BME (Bolted); (b) BMF (Threaded
Rebar); (c) BMG-G1 (Threaded Rebar)
30.0 -
20.0 -
10.0 -
Displacement (in.)
'j/Mo.o -
-30.0 -
-40.0 -
FIG. 10. Load versus Deflection Response: (d) BMG-G2 (Threaded Rebar); (e)
in which the load and deflection represent those measured laterally at the
base of the column. An approximation of the maximum loads of BMG-G1
and BMG-G2 was obtained by adding one-half the difference between the
jack load measured at 5.6 in. and 8 in. (displacement at which the peak load
occurred) to the beam.loads measured at 5.6 in. This provides only a rough
estimation of the maximum loads, because the load was not distributed equally
between the two beams. The approximation results in maximum loads of
14.5 and 16.0 kips for BMG-G1 and BMG-G2, respectively. These loads
are likely to represent an upper bound for BMG-G1 and a lower bound for
Because of the slippage problems observed with the couplers in the test
of BMF, and because BMG was an interior joint, particular attention was
paid to the possibility of slippage assocated with the tapered-threaded splices
in BMG. To monitor any slippage, stiff wires were anchored to the bars and
routed through greased ducts in the specimen to LVDT's located at the ex-
terior face of the column. One of the LVDT's measured the displacement
of the slip wire attached to the tapered-threaded splice, while the other LVDT
measured the displacement of the slip wire attached to the No. 7 threaded
rebar located 1 in. from the splice. There was no evidence of relative slip
observed between the coupler and the No. 7 threaded rebar. The readings
were approximately equal to the elongation of the bar (assuming a constant
strain over a 1 in. length from the coupler), and the distance moved by the
slip wire due to the rotation of the beam. The absence of slip was also
evident from the load-deflection curves, which did not indicate pinching.
This indicates good performance of the tapered-threaded splices subjected to
load reversals.
The joint shear deformation measured for BMG was higher than those of
the other models, which is to be expected, because the joint shear is larger
in a laterally loaded interior joint than in an exterior joint. In the test of
BMG, the joint shear contribution to the inter-story drift exceeded 10%.
The strengths of the specimens were evaluated by comparing the calcu-
2.; 5.
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Ductility was evaluated in two ways: by the magnitude of the displacement
level (i.e., drift level) reached by the structures without a significant loss of
strength, and with respect to the number of increased displacement cycles
that occurred without the structures undergoing a significant loss of strength
after the ultimate strength was reached. The ultimate strengths of BME and
BMF were reached during the first cycle to a displacement of 3 in., whereas
Downloaded from by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY on 06/09/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
SI :k\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ c
;K\\\^\\WN II ©
gkWWWWWW :k\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^
gk\\"\W^\^^ Q
+p s - • f'r/^y
+Aa Deflection
fjii- "%
1P 1
2.6 2.6
8.6 8.4
1I 1 1
ergy absorbed for BME-BMG all exceeded those given for structures BMA-
BMD (0.42-0.46), which developed plastic hinges in the partially pre-
stressed portions of the beams at 35 in. from the column face.
To eliminate the differences in inelastic demands associated with interior
versus exterior subassemblages, the energy dissipated through rotation of the
beams was investigated at particular values of cumulative rotation. Fig. 12(b)
shows the rotational energy dissipated by the beams normalized with respect
to the energy absorbed for the similarly designed beams of BMF and BMG.
The ratios are given for cumulative rotations of 10, 20, and 30 milliradians
measured within the first 14 in. of the beam relative to the column face
(which encompasses the plastic hinge region located near the interface). At
30 milliradians, the ratio of total energy dissipated to absorbed was 0.74 for
BMF, 0.84 for BMG-G1, and 0.78 for BMG-G2. The ratio of energy dis-
sipated to absorbed was greatest for BMG-G1, even though BMG-G2 was
slightly stronger than BMG-G1 and also had distributed cracks. This may
be attributed to the rotation in BMG-G1 occurring in the nonprestressed por-
tion of the beam. In BMG-G2, a large part of the rotation was observed in
the partially prestressed portion of the beam between 7 and 14 in. from the
interface; the strands were only debonded to 5 in. from the interface. Be-
cause prestressing strands tend to relieve their stress when the specimen is
brought back to its original position, they exhibit lower energy dissipation
characteristics. At rotations beyond 30 milliradians, BMG-G1 and BMG-G2
dicate that the use of the ordinary threaded rebar couplers should be restricted
in high-intensity seismic regions, where it is desirable to dissipate a large amount
of energy as the structure is cycled into the inelastic range. If this detail is to
be used in such a location, the plastic hinge region should be located at a distance
from the coupler.
7. The use of the tapered-threaded splices in BMG eliminated slippage of
the reinforcement relative to the coupler, despite yielding of the bars adjacent
to it.
8. The bond plates worked well in the joint of BMG to provide anchorage
to the splices and reinforcement through the joint. The use of such bond plates
alleviates limitations imposed on column widths and beam bar sizes required to
insure adequate reinforcement anchorage in the joint. This implies that column
and beam sizes may be reduced, which would in turn, reduce the overall weight
of the building and increase the structural flexibility. Consequently, this may
lead to a reduction in the design lateral load for earthquake resistance; however,
a more flexible structure is associated with larger lateral drifts.
9. The bond plates also served to enhance the diagonal compressive strut in
the joint.
10. Additional transverse shear reinforcement is necessary in the connection
regions of beams with rigid details like specimens BMD and BME. For specimen
BME, increased shear reinforcement would be required in the connection region
of the beam within 12 in. of the column face. If the connection region had
contained adequate shear reinforcement, overall behavior of this connection would
have likely been improved.