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MC Antennas

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Topic: Antennas

1.What do you call the energy that was not radiated into space
or completely transmitted?

 Standing waves  (Correct Answer)

2. How much longer or shorter does the lenght of the director

antenna of parasitic beam antenna compared with that of the
driven element?

 around 5% shorter  (Your Correct Answer)

3. Refers to the numerical ratio relating to the radiated signal

strength of an antenna to that of another antenna.

 antenna gain  (Correct Answer)

4. What is the theoretical gain of a Hertzian dipole?

 1.76 dB  (Correct Answer)

5. What is meant by the term antenna bandwidth?

 the frequency range over which an antenna can be

expected to perform well.  (Correct Answer)

6. What is mean by the term radiation resistance for an


 An equivalent resistance that would dissipate the same

amount of power as that radiated from an antenna
(Correct Answer)

7. A half-wave dipole antenna:

 Hertz  (Correct Answer)

8. It is the same as directivity gin except that the total power
fed to the antenna is used:

 power gain  (Correct Answer)

9. A unipole is also known as:

 omnidirectional radiator  (Your Correct Answer)

10. Where does the voltage node of a half-wave antenna exist?

 at center  (Correct Answer)

11. An antenna that is one-tenth wavelength long:

 elementary doublet  (Correct Answer)

12. A polar diagram which indicates how well an antenna

transmits or receives in different directions:

 radiation pattern and field pattern  (Correct Answer)

13. What antenna is best guided by a waveguide:

 horn  (Correct Answer)

14. A type of an array antenna which consists of one half-wave

driven dipole, one reflector and one director.

 yagi-uda  (Correct Answer)

15. It is essentially a stacked collinear antenna and it consists

of half wave dipoles spaced from one another by one half

 broadside array  (Your Correct Answer)

16. The quarter wave antenna requires an excellent grounding

system to fully utilize the:
 Mirror image principle  (Correct Answer)

17. The power gain of a half-wave dipole with respect to an

isotropic radiator is:

 2.15 dB  (Correct Answer)

18. An electronic equipment used to measure standing wave


 reflectometer  (Correct Answer)

19. It is a measure of the microwave power radiated from an

antenna as a function of angular direction from the antenna

 beamwidth  (Correct Answer)

20. ________ is a device that detects both vertically and

horizontally polarized signals simultaneously.

 Orthomode transducer  (Correct Answer)

21. A convenient method of determining antenna impedance:

 smith chart  (Correct Answer)

22. What is the system wherein it radiates energy equally in all

directions therefore, radiation pattern is a circle of a sphere?

 omnidirectional antenna  (Correct Answer)

23. Which of the following improves antenna directivity

 Parasitic element  (Correct Answer)

24. What antenna is the standard antenna for the

 isotropic  (Correct Answer)

25. Where does the voltage node of a half wave antenna


 at feed point  (Your Correct Answer)

26. At the ends of a half-wave antenna, what values of current

and voltage exist compared to the remainder of the antenna?

 maximum voltage and minimum current  (Correct


27. Gain of a half-wave dipole antenna over isotropic.

 2.15 dB  (Correct Answer)

28. The maximum effective aperture of a dipole is nearly:

 0.119 (square of wavelength)  (Correct Answer)

29. When an antenna is loaded, its physical length remains

unchanged but increases the effectiveness of the electrical
length. What is (are) the technique(s) used in loading ?

 Loading coil  (Your Correct Answer)

30. In what range of frequencies are most omnidirectional

horizontally polarized used?

 VHF, UHF  (Your Correct Answer)

31. What is the radiation pattern of a discone?

 omnidirectional  (Correct Answer)

32. When conductors are spread out in a straight line to a total

length of one-quarter wavelength, the antenna is called what?
 Quarter-wave dipole  
 Vertical monopole
 all of these  (Correct Answer)
 Marconi

33. The reflector and direction of an antenna array are

considered as:

 parasitic elements  (Your Correct Answer)

34. The spacing between the dipole and the reflector is:

 0.18 m  (Correct Answer)

35. Radiation characteristic of a dipole.

 bi-directional  (Correct Answer)

36. The best solution to fading is:

 space diversity  (Your Correct Answer)

37. Discone radiation pattern is:

 omnidirectional  (Correct Answer)

38. What is meant by antenna gain?

 The ratio of the amount of power produced by the

antenna compared to the output power of the transmitter
(Correct Answer)

39. Which antenna is properly-terminated?

 Rhombic  (Correct Answer)

40. The reflector and director of an antenna array are

considered as:
 Parasitic elements  (Your Correct Answer)

41. What is the feedpoint?

 Point on the antenna where the transmission line is

 all of these  (Correct Answer)
 Antenna input terminal
 A point that presents an ac load to the transmission line

42. What antenna is independent of the frequency?

 log periodic  (Your Correct Answer)

43. Which is a properly terminated antenna?

 rhombic  (Your Correct Answer)

44. An increase in the effective power radiated by an antenna

in a certain desired direction at the expense of power radiated
in other direction:

 antenna gain  (Your Correct Answer)

45. What do you call of a polar or graph representing field

strengths or power densities at various angular positions
relative to an antenna?

 radiation pattern  (Your Correct Answer)

46. The effect of a parabolic reflector on an antenna is to

______ gain and ______ beamwidth.

 increase, decrease  (Your Correct Answer)

47. Where does the maximum current and minimum voltage

values on a resonant Hertz dipole exist?
 Center of the antenna  (Correct Answer)

48. Due to the presence of a parallel LC networks in the trap

antenna, one of the following is a disadvantage of using this
kind of antenna:

 Reduced power  (Correct Answer)

49. An antenna that is used very frequently but almost entirely

as a reception antenna and is usually found on the back of ac-
dc table radios.

 loop antenna  (Correct Answer)

50. Lightning rods must be mounted a top structure not less

than ______ above the highest point:

 30 cm  (Your Correct Answer)

51. In, beam at -180 degrees direction is called:

 minor lobe  (Your Correct Answer)

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