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Module 4

Differentiating Quantitative
from Qualitative Research
Content: Nature of Inquiry and Research
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. The importance of research in daily life
2. The characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
3. Quantitative and qualitative research
4. The kinds of research across fields
Performance Standard: The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in
making decisions.
Learning Competencies: The learner:

CS_RS11-IIIa-4 differentiates quantitative from

qualitative research

Nazarene Madapin-Pihet

Nazarene M. P. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research (Practical Research 1) Page 1
Lesson 4 – Quantitative research vs. Qualitative research

Understanding the framework of research will guide you in choosing your research design,
research method, and data treatment. If the framework is clear to you, you will not be confused in doing
research. As of today, there are only two frameworks of research: qualitative approach or quantitative
This lesson will provide you an overview of the research approaches and help you:
CS_RS11-IIIa-4 differentiates quantitative from qualitative research


Activity 1. Directions: Compare and contrast these key concepts.

Objective Subjective

Activity 2. Directions: Define the key words below.

1. Quality-

2. Quantity-

3. Numerical data-

4. Descriptive data-

Nazarene M. P. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research (Practical Research 1) Page 2
Lesson 4.1 Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative
Qualitative Quantitative
READ AND DISCOVER Descriptive/ subjective Objective
Data Textual/ record symbols Numerical/ statistical
Point of View First person Third person
Environment Natural setting/ field library
Research designs Ethnography, Survey – descriptive/
ethnolinguistic, ethno experimental/ pure
history, experimental research
Process Inductive/ scientific Statistical
Approach Describing and analyses/ Measuring through
naturalistic statistics
Instruments/tools Focus group discussion, Questionnaires, testing,
unstructured scoring, and rating scale
questionnaire, face to
face interview,
participant observation
Methods Ethnographic, Pure research/
autoethnography, experimental/
grounded theory,
thematic, case study,


Activity 3. Directions: Compare and contrast the research approaches using the venn diagram below.

Quantitative Qualitative

Nazarene M. P. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research (Practical Research 1) Page 3
Lesson 4.2 Advantages or Strengths of Qualitative Research (Baraceros 2017)
1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter.
2. It promotes a full understanding of the human behavior or personality traits in
their natural setting.
3. It is instrumental for positive societal change.
4. It engenders respect for people’s individuality as it demands the researcher’s
careful and attentive stand toward people’s world views.
5. It is a way of understanding and interpreting social interctions.
6. It offers multiple ways of cquiring and examining knowledge about something.

Activity 4. Directions: Reflect on the question below. Feel free to elaborate your answer.

Which research approach is easier to use, quantitative or qualitative? Explain.


Activity 5. Directions: PAIR WORK. Identify the framework of research for each given topic by entering
the letter in the correct column.

Quantitative Qualitative

a. Effects of Korean Telenovelas on Filipino viewers

b. Perceptions of students on Teaching Through PowerPoint Presntations
c. Views and Opinions of Parents regarding Facebook and On Line Games Addiction
d. Tuition Fees among Private Schools
e. The alarming increase in number of Teenage Pregnancy among TNHS Students
f. How many TNHS Students are addicted to chewing beetle nut
g. The Effect of Alcoholism on the Academic Performance of the students
h. What are the collection policies of TNHS
i. How the Millenials percieve themselves inside the classroom
j. Acceptability of school Rules and Regulations to Stakeholders

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