Managed Leased Line Network
Managed Leased Line Network
Managed Leased Line Network
Leased Line & MLLN
A leased line is a telecommunications path between two points that is available for 24
hours a day for use by a designated user (Individual or company).
In the traditional leased line which can be a physical path owned by the user or rented
from BSNL there is no active monitoring of the faults and downtime.
MLLN is able to provide round–the- clock network monitoring by the introduction of the
following network elements.
Advantages of MLLN:
1. Voice, Data & Video transmission over the same media
2. Fast and simple implementation of new application by adding /plugging the units
3. Transparent, protocol-independent connections
4. Modular system
5. Optimization of transmission bandwidth with grooming and compression
6. Centralized control and network management
7. SDH & PDH solution
MLLN Structure of BSNL
MLLN is planned as 3 tier structure consisting of aggregation and connectivity at
different levels.
1. Central Node: is responsible for the operation of NMS, Connectivity to second stage
and aggregation of leased lines.
2. 2nd Stage : Located in major cities where demand for leased line is high , connectivity
to 3rd stages and Aggregation of leased lines.
3. 3rd Stage: Located at smaller cities, where demand for leased line is low and
aggregation of leased line.
1. MLLN integrates all transmission protocol to support voice, data & video
2. LAN of one City can be connected to LAN of another City.
3. PABX of one city can be connected to PABX of another city.
4. 64 kbps DTE can be managed from any of the DTE in the network.
5. All networks are manageable from NMS.
Elements Capacity
Micro Node (DXC) Small capacity cross-connection devices.
Mini Node (DXC) Access multiplexers or small capacity cross connection
equipment (slot limited)
Midi Node (DXC) Flexible Mul
Connection Diagram:
The Network Terminating Unit (NTU) is the subscriber premises equipment of the
MLLN. The NTU supports G.703/ V.35/Ethernet interfaces.
The NTU can be configured to have any bandwidth from 64kbps to N x 64 kbps fashion.
The NTU is connected to the Versatile MUX (V-MUX) that provides concentration of the
data coming from several NTUs placed at different customer premises.
Digital Cross Connect (DXC) is the highest level equipment that provides circuit
switching of the data between different stations. The V-MUXs are connected to the DXC.
The DXCs are also connected to one another. The DXC is in a 3 Layer Architecture with
The Network Management System (NMS), is located at Bangalore with backup at Pune
for disaster management.
The Remote Operating Terminal (ROT) can be connected to any VMUX in the system
and is used to fault monitoring, configuration and service provisioning.
Network Elements:
A node can be described as a digital multiplexer equipped with several trunk interfaces
and a digital cross-connect device equipped with several channel interfaces.
Node Application
Cluster Node High Capacity Cross Connect
Basic Node Access to the Network requires lot of tributary port capacity. Can also used
as as a cross connect device.
Midi Node Access multiplexer or low capacity cross-connect equipment.
Micro Node Very small capacity cross-connection especially in mobile networks.
NTU Customer premises equipment
Mini Node Can be used as a separate cross connect device controlled and supervised
Accelerator Operated with network manager.
Switch Node It is an NE with ADM , LTM & SDXC
Network Management:
Tellabs 8100 Network Management System (NMS) is a tool for a network operator to
build up and maintain a Tellabs_8100 managed access system network.
The operator can create and test connections , monitor faults, monitor performance
statistics and manage customer accounting.
There are also automatic fault recovery for faulty connections in the Tellabs 8100 system
network. A large network can be divided into small regional sub networks to make
managing easier.
The tellabs 8100 manager applications are implemented as a set of interactive and non
interactive application components using client-server architecture.
The interactive components (clients) make up the graphical user interface of the network
management system. The non-interactive components (servers) perform background tasks
and provide services to the interactive components. The management data is stored in a
relational database.
Network Editor:
Network Editor is a database tool providing facilities to define the topology and
configuration of the network. It also allows the user to run other network management
tools which provides facilities for editing the individual nodes, interface binding and
editing the control network.
Network editor displays network objects graphically and it has text-based dialogs to set
and change parameters of the objects.
The network configuration is determined by placing nodes and modems to the network,
equipping nodes with units, equipping units with interface modules and adding trunks to
connect nodes.
Navigator consists of three view windows, toolbar, window menu and a number of utility
dialogs. View windows are:
Tree View window for easy navigation in the network.
List view window for reporting all or selected elements of the network
List View window for displaying the elements graphically.
The network editor is shown in the next tab.
Network Editor (Views) :
Node Manager:
Node Manager is a tool that provides facilities to manage the network elements: nodes,
units, interfaces & NTUs . The element management facilities include parameter setting,
fault and error monitoring, testing and performance monitoring.
Node Manager is the only application that can also be used in service computer.
In node manager it is also possible to make preplanning before real hardware exists. It
means that the network configuration and parameter values read from the database and
the changed parameters are updated to database only.
Functioning of MLLN:
Fault Management:
The Fault Management Systems (FMS) of the Telllabs 8100 manager is used for
monitoring and reporting faults in the Tellabs 8100 system elements. The network
element faults are mapped into the respective trunks and circuits so that the operator can
easily see how the services are affected by the faults. The Fault Management System
offers an operator a real-time view, since the fault monitoring is based on continuous
network polling.. In the normal state, the network does not have any faults. However
when a fault occurs, it has to be acknowledged
The following points are noteworthy in fault management
The status of the network element is faulty until the reason for the fault is removed or
the fault is removed.
The severity of a fault is indicated with color coding.
All the faults are network element specific.
Faults are read from the network elements and stored to the database.
The workstations having FMS check the database once every 6 seconds for faults.
There are two numbers assigned to each fault
o General Problem Type (GPT) : assigns a fault to one of the general problem
o Specific Problem Type (SPT) : is unit specific and identifies the fault in
Fault Status:
Every Fault has two fault status fields:
1. Fault Maintenance Status
o PMA = Prompt Maintenance Alarm Red
o DMA = Deferred Maintenance Alarm Yellow
o MEI = Maintenance Event Information Green
2. Service Status of a fault (S-Alarm, nonS-Aalarm)
o S-alarm = service affecting fault (starts for example recovering)
o Non S-alarm = non-service affecting fault (starts for example recovering)
Prompt Maintenance alarms are often caused by faulty Tellabs 8100 elements,
parameters, cables or connectors. Replacing the faulty object at the site can solve PMAs.
PMA faults are colored red by default and they should be taken care of as soon as
Deferred Maintenance alarms is a quality alarm detected by the element causing the
alarm. A DMA alarm related to a trunk is often detected as a PMA on the other end if a a
faulty device causes the DMA. In other cases the alarm is caused by a fault in the carrier
network. DMA faults are nor as severe as PMAs.
Alarms are considered service affecting if they break the circuits or have a major impact
on their quality.
Faults in Hardware:
The faults are stored in units’ volatile flash memories. Every time the unit is reset, the
faults disappear from memory. There is room for 50 faults. Once there are 50 faults, the
next one will erase the first one.
The Faults of a unit from the hardware can be checked in the Unit Fault Window (UFLT).
There are five different report types in the Unit Fault Window.
1. Fault History Report - reports all faults after last fault history reset
2. Active Fault Report - all active faults in the unit
3. All Monitored Faults - all faults that can occur in the unit
4. Changed Fault report - displays all faults that can occur in the unit.
5. Options menu - refresh of fault information
The Customer Circuit Fault Report displays circuit fault monitoring information for a
customer (or all customers). The circuit fault report shows the list of faulty circuits
having selected faults. For each circuit, the following information is played.
Field Description
Nr Row Number
Customer Name Customer Name
Circuit ID Circuit ID
Circuit Name Circuit Name
Mal Stat Maintenance status (PMA, DMA , MEI)
Service Service status : S if the fault is service affecting, in other cases
State Fault State (ON, OFF)
Ack Acknowledgement status (X = fault acknowledgement)
Fault Acknowledgement:
Each fault event must be acknowledged. That means informing the Fault Management
that the operator is aware of the alarm. The fault acknowledging is either performed by
the operator or by the system automatically. When the fault is acknowledged, the alert
indication (blinking stops). Alerting is thus active for an unacknowledged fault even if the
fault itself has disappeared.
The corresponding object turns into normal state only after the fault is fixed and the
acknowledgement is performed. The fault can be turned into the fault history only after
this. The acknowledgement can be made from several windows in the fault report
window in the FMS.
The acknowledgement time of the fault and the user name of the operator who
acknowledged the fault is stored in the database.
CFM means rapid end-customer response. For example, in a trunk failure situation, the
operator will now be able to rapidly identify the customers and services affected by such
a fault.
When the faults are stored in the database, Fault Management processes then in such a
way that detected fault events are attached to the circuits which are affected by the fault
event, If these circuits belong to a circuit category or a customer, the appearance of
corresponding object symbols in the CFM windows directly indicates the severity of the
faults by colors and blinking.
CFM monitors only active and unacknowledged faults. Only circuits that are in IN Use
state are included.
MLLN in BSNL is implemented by Tellabs equipment at the nodes. The nodes are
classified as Cluster, Midi, Mini, Basic Node, Accelerator Node, Switch node depending
on their size.
The important network elements of MLLN are NTU, V-MUX, DXC, NMS & ROT.
With these network elements, the MLLN is able to provide the following functions
F – Fault Management
C – Configuration Mangement
A – Accounting Management
P – Performance Management
S – Security Management