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Advanced Structural Audit Scheme - Case Study On Bishop's House Building, Palai

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

Advanced Structural Audit Scheme - Case

Study on Bishop’s House Building, Palai
Ajay V Joseph1
Post Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, St Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology
Palai, Kerala, India

Abstract Structural Audit is a technical survey of an Establishing the role of NDT Tests in Structural
engineering structure to assess its health. Evaluation Audit
of current vague practices of Structural Audit paved Organize the repair and retrofitting methods to suit
way to understand the drawbacks of those processes the new Audit Scheme
and modify the same for methodical implementation of Develop a standard operating procedure
Structural Audit. This research aims at understanding Aids Forensic Structural Engineering Process
the drawbacks if any in the current procedure, recast Structural Audit of Bishop’s House building, Palai
the structural auditing process and propose some Suggestions to make Structural Audit compulsory
improvement measures to the governing body. This for buildings that exceed 30 years
paper also deals with the repair rehabilitation
measures that are to be enacted after the Audit and III. LITERATURE REVIEW
prepare an advanced operating procedure for A.B. Mahadik and M.H. Jaiswal in 2014, shared
Structural Audits. awareness amongst the civil engineers, residents and
owners of building towards the health examination of
Keywords — Structural Audit, Non-Destructive Test, existing concrete buildings called as Structural Audit.
Repair, Rehabilitation. The need of structural audit, for maintenance and
repairs of existing structures whose life has exceeded
I. INTRODUCTION the age of 30 years to avoid any mishaps and save
Recent years witnessed the boom of construction valuable human life.
sector in Kerala. In cities like Mumbai and Delhi B.H Chafekar et al. in 2014 studied about frame
urbanization has started very long before, such that which is the heart of building, different techniques
now the buildings are aged. Thus there are many used to assess of frames of old structure. Visual
structures that have reduced strength in due course of inspection, non-destructive test are used to access
time. It may endanger the life of people who are living frame of structure. Now a days in different locations
inside those buildings. In such a case appropriate in India building collapse occurs.
actions should be proposed and implemented to Bhavar Dadasaheb O. et al. in 2013 analysed that
improve the performance of structures and restore the many parts of the country have suffered earthquake in
desired function of these buildings. There came up the last three decades. In costal part of South India faced
importance to perform structural audit of existing Tsunami. In first three earthquakes it was found that
buildings and to put forward maintenance/ repair work many of damaged structures were built in non-
timely which will lead to prolonged life of the engineered masonry techniques. Thus it is always
building and safety of the occupant. Structural Audit useful to investigate the behaviour of masonry
of a building is the preliminary technical survey [3] to buildings after an earthquake, so as to identify any
assess its general health as a civil engineering inadequacies in earthquake resistant design.
structure. With the study of current process of Giacinto porco et al. in 2014 studied about the
Structural Audit there is a need to find the lacks of the mitigation of seismic vulnerability related to both
current processes and advancing the process for cultural and historical buildings as a very important
efficient implementation of Structural Audit on issue especially when considering monumental
present day structures. heritages located on seismic areas, since it allows
defining the seismic risk of selected structures. Within
II. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES such a framework, Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Structural Audit is an overall health and techniques and proximal remotely sensed tools played
performance check-up of a building like a doctor a key role for providing the damage detection and the
examines a patient. The current research aims at conservation status evaluation of heritages, especially
establishing an advanced Audit scheme [2] for the in response to seismic hazards.
new generation structures. The engineering structures K.R.Sonawane and Dr.A.W.Dhawale in 2015
are getting complex day by day. Thus the old vague studied that the life cycle of building can be broadly
Audit practises are to be altered. Objectives of the divide into four phases i.e. architectural planning,
research are as follows: structural design, construction, maintenance. In most
of the building utmost care is taken in first three cases

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

but maintenance is forgotten. Ignorance to applied at each of the junctions before initiating
maintenance causes several structural distresses in testing.
building over period of time. Most of the building 5) The probes are connected to the display unit via
constructed in last 23 to 30 years is in severe structural cables of suitable lengths and calibrated onsite using
distress and needs to repair, hence these building the calibration rod supplied along with the device.
needs periodical survey from structural point of view 6) Once calibration is done the probes are faced on
to assess the structural health. either side of the marked locations; ensuring that the
probes are geometrically opposite to each other.
IV. METHODOLOGY 7) The readings are taken and noted into the field data
A. General
8) The equation for calculating pulse velocity is:
The Technical Audit is a solely technical Pulse Velocity V= L/T, where
achievement where technically sound personal/ V is the pulse velocity in concrete in
Experienced Civil Engineer, conduct the audit with a km/second.
few handheld equipment. L is the path length measured between the
B. Architectural and Structural Plans probes in millimetres.
T is the time taken by the pulse to travel from
It is crucial that we must have Architectural and one probe to another in µS.
Structural plans of the buildings. These drawings will V. TABLE 1
help in the identification of the location of the
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity vs. Concrete Quality
different tests done, and it helps in the future
Ultrasonic Pulse Concrete
references also. S.No.
Velocity Quality
C. Visual Inspection of the Building 1 Above 4.5 Excellent
All foundations settle to some extent as the earth 2 3.5- 4.5 Good
materials around and beneath them adjust to loads of
the building. Slight tapping with hammer can reveal 3 3.0 – 3.5 Medium
deterioration in concrete. Freezing and thawing cycles 4 Below 3.0 Doubtful
can be very detrimental to concrete over time.
Corrosion [5] of the reinforcing steel in concrete can 2) Core Test: In most structural investigations [4] or
be a major structural issue. Under normal conditions, diagnoses extraction of core samples is unavoidable
the pH level of concrete is high (above 12.5). The high and often essential. Cores are usually extracted by
pH of concrete allows an inactive layer of ferric oxide drilling using a diamond tipped core cutter cooled
to form around the reinforcement, preventing rust [1]. with water. Broken samples, for example, due to
Dampness can damage much more than a buildings popping, spalling and delamination, are also
appearance. It may lead to the deterioration of plaster commonly retrieved for further analysis as these
and masonry, promote timber decay and create samples may provide additional evidence as to the
unhealthy conditions for occupants. cause of distress. The selection of the locations for
extraction of core samples is made after non-
D. Non-Destructive Testing destructive testing which can give guidance on the
1) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: In UPV test [6] the most suitable sampling areas.
quality of concrete is assessed based on the pulse 3) Rebound Hammer Test: The test is performed to
generated by the electro- acoustical transducers which estimate the in situ strength of concrete based on the
are placed on the concrete surface. The pulse correlation established between in-situ strength [9] at
encounters multiple reflections at the boundaries of the particular location & rebound numbers. The
the various material phases and reaches the receiving plaster is removed at test locations. The compressive
transducer. The underlying principle of assessing the strength of concrete against each rebound number is
quality of concrete is that comparatively higher obtained from graph prepared on correlation
velocities are obtained when the quality of concrete in established between rebound numbers at core test
terms of density, homogeneity and uniformity is good. locations & equivalent cube strength values.
In case of poorer quality lower velocities are obtained. 4) Half Cell Potentiometer Test: The method of half-
1) The members to be tested are identified and the cell potential [8] measurements normally involves
dimensions are measured for member size and path measuring the potential of an embedded reinforcing
length. bar relative to a reference half-cell placed on the
2) Grid points are marked at 300 x 300mm sizes as per concrete surface. The half-cell is usually a
the provisions of IS: 13311 (Part – 1) 1992. copper/copper sulphate or silver/silver chloride cell
3) The junctions of the grids are cleared of all surface but other combinations are used. The concrete
undulations or deformations by using carborundum functions as an electrolyte and the risk of corrosion of
stone, grinder or any other suitable methods. the reinforcement in the immediate region of the test
4) Suitable acoustic couplants like petroleum jelly, location may be related empirically to the measured
grease, liquid soap or kaolin glycerol paste shall be potential difference.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

5) Cover Meter Scanning: Cover meter [7] test is VI. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE-CASE
carried out on RC Columns, beams and slabs in order STUDY
to assess the thickness of cover concrete provided for Structural Audit of a building is the preliminary
embedded peripheral rebars. technical survey to assess its general health as a civil
6) Abrasion Resistance Test: The surface of concrete engineering structure. As the construction sector
cubes is subjected to impingement of an abrasive [10] advanced there is no validity for the old vague audit
charge. As a result, abrasion of the concrete surface of practices. Thus an Advanced Audit of the structure
the cubes occurs and resulting loss in mass of the would be of help.
cubes is taken as the abrasion loss of concrete. This
loss of mass of the specimen gives us a clear idea of A. Objectives and Scope
the abrasion occurred on the concrete specimen and Smooth and Systematic conduct of Technical Audit.
this can be directly related to the concrete abrasion Forensic Structural Engineering.
resistance. Increase the life of structure and sustain unwanted
7) Windsor Probe Test: The Windsor probe, like the disturbances.
rebound hammer, is a hardness tester, and its Decide remedial measures to any type of structural
inventors’ claim that the penetration of the probe defects.
reflects the precise compressive strength in a localized
area is not strictly true. However, the probe B. Description of the Building
penetration does relate to some property of the The Bishop’s House is situated at the heart of Pala
concrete below the surface, and, within limits, it has town on coordinates 9°42'30.0"N 76°40'30.5"E. The
been possible to develop empirical correlations foundation stone of the Bishop House Building was
between strength properties and the penetration of the laid on 4th January 1958 under the guidance of H.E.
probe. Rt. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vayalil. The planning and
8) Permeability Test: Permeability of concrete is designing of the building was given to a Bangalore
important when dealing with durability of concrete based Engineering cum Architectural Firm. The total
particularly in concrete used for water retaining number of floors is two. The structure is constructed
structures or watertight sub-structures. Permeability partially as load bearing and partially framed. The
tests measure the ease with which liquids, ions and building has been in use since the beginning of the
gases can penetrate into the concrete. diocese and has undergone very minor changes. The
9) Radar Test: Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a structure is in a well maintained condition. The
non-destructive technique with a wide range of building is situated on the banks of Menachil River.
potential applications in the testing of concrete. It is
gaining acceptance as a useful and rapid technique for C. Tasks and Responsibilities
non-destructive detection of delaminations and the
types of defects, which can occur in bare or overlaid VII. TABLE 2
reinforced concrete decks. Tasks and Responsibilities
10) Acoustic Emission: Acoustic emissions are micro Task Authorized Responsible
seismic activities originating from within the test Formalities for CONSULATN
specimen when subjected to an external load. Acoustic performing NDT T
emissions are caused by local disturbances such as Built drawings DRAFTSM ENGINEER
Visual Inspection AN CONSULTAN
micro cracking, dislocation movement, intergranular ENGINEER
friction, etc. An acoustic signal travels to a number of of Structure T
piezoelectric transducers, which convert the acoustic T
signals (mechanical waveforms) to electric signals. Developing Audit CONSULTAN
Report T
11) Chemical Test: The samples of deteriorated
concrete particles are to be tested for pH, Chloride D. Procedure
content, Sulphate content, Depth of carbonation etc.
1) Obtaining/ Preparing Built drawings: The
E. Repair and Retrofitting building drawings were not available and the built
drawings were prepared as per the measurements from
Based on the audit findings and recommendations
the site. Each story of the building was of 1001 square
different measures of repairs and strengthening are
meters. The drawings were prepared in AutoCAD
carried out. Excluding technical considerations, the
ultimate choice of method of repair and strengthening 2010.
of a concrete structure may also be influenced by 2) Visual Inspection of the Structure: The structure
factors like overall quality of repairs and the size of was checked for any settlements in foundation, visual
individual repairs, access for repair, relative cost, ease cracks in slabs, columns and beams, concrete
of application, available labour skills and equipment disintegration, exposed reinforcements, Leakages
and client requirements including future maintenance from other floors, Status of lift and lift machine room
and economic considerations. etc. The plinth level of the building is inspected
keenly since the area is prone to flood. But as per the
authorities no flood has affected the building in its

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

entire lifespan. L is the path length measured between the

3) Non-Destructive Testing of the Structure: probes in millimetres.
i) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: In UPV test the T is the time taken by the pulse to travel from
quality of concrete is assessed based on the pulse one probe to another in µS.
generated by the electro- acoustical transducers which ii) Cover Meter Test: Cover meter test was carried out
are placed on the concrete surface. The pulse on RC Columns, beams and slabs in order to assess
encounters multiple reflections at the boundaries of the thickness of cover concrete provided for
the various material phases and reaches the receiving embedded peripheral rebars. The test was carried out
transducer. The underlying principle of assessing the using “Pulse Power PS 35” from M/s HILTI.
quality of concrete is that comparatively higher Method of Test
velocities are obtained when the quality of concrete in 1) The members to be tested are identified and the
terms of density, homogeneity and uniformity is good. dimensions measured for member size.
In case of poorer quality lower velocities are obtained. 2) The universal probe of cover meter is used to scan
1) The members to be tested are identified and the both ways.
dimensions are measured for member size and path 3) The main bars, distributors and stirrups are noted
length. and any variations mentioned.
2) Grid points are marked at 300 x 300mm sizes as per 4) The nominal cover thicknesses are noted.
the provisions of IS: 13311 (Part – 1) 1992. 5) The location of reinforcing bars are marked into the
3) The junctions of the grids are cleared of all surface sketch and the details are taken
undulations or deformations by using carborundum 6) At locations wherein the diameter of the bar is a
stone, grinder or any other suitable methods. concern the cover concrete is chipped up to the bar
4) Suitable acoustic couplants like petroleum jelly, and the diameter measured and noted. (In case there is
grease, liquid soap or kaolin glycerol paste shall be site constraint the same may be avoided as per the
applied at each of the junctions before initiating decision of the site engineer)
5) The probes are connected to the display unit via
cables of suitable lengths and calibrated onsite using
the calibration rod supplied along with the device.

Fig. 2 Rebar Scanning

iii) Chloride Test: 1) Weigh 1000 ± 5 g of the
pulverized mortar or concrete sample in a 2 litre
capacity beaker and add 1000 ml of distilled water
Fig. 1 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (chloride free).
6) Once calibration is done the probes are faced on 2) Stir the mixture vigorously and warm gently for 15
either side of the marked locations; ensuring that the min.
probes are geometrically opposite to each other. 3) After allowing the mixture to stand for 24 hour for
7) The readings are taken and noted into the field data settling, decant about 200 ml of the supernatant
sheet. solution into a clean dry 250ml capacity beaker.
4) Immediately, filter the solution through Whatmann
VIII. TABLE 3 filter paper No. 1 and collect the filtrate.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity vs. Concrete Quality
Ultrasonic Pulse Concrete
Velocity Quality
1 Above 4.5 Excellent
2 3.5- 4.5 Good
3 3.0 – 3.5 Medium
4 Below 3.0 Doubtful
8) The equation for calculating pulse velocity is: Fig. 3 Chloride Test
Pulse Velocity V= L/T, where 5) Pipette 50 ml of filtrate in a 250 ml capacity,
V is the pulse velocity in concrete in conical flask. Add 5ml of 6 N nitric acid.
km/second. 6) Add a known volume (X) preferably 25 ml of 0.2 N
silver nitrate solution.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

7) Add 1ml ferric alum and 5ml of nitro benzene. X. TABLE 5

Shake vigorously to coagulate the precipitate. Sulphate Content and pH
8) Titrate the excess silver nitrate with 0.2N Sulphate
ammonium thiocyanate solution until a permanent Sl.
Sample ID (% by pH
faint reddish brown colour appears as in Fig 5.6. No.
9) Note down the volume (Y) of ammonium 1 LHS 2.1 8.4
thiocyanate used. 2 RHS 1.5 10.9
Calculate the percentage of chloride (acid soluble/ 3 Rear stairs 1.2 9.4
water soluble) by mass of mortar or concrete as Should not Preferably
follows: Specification exceed 4% between 11
Chloride (%) =0.00142(X- Y), where; by mass - 13
x = volume of silver nitrate added, in ml; and v) Carbonation Depth Test: 1) The location for
y = volume of 0.02 N ammonium thiocyanate carbonation test is identified and the surface debris
consumed. chipped off.
2) The cover concrete is removed up to the rebars or
the desired depth. (Cores of 40 to 50 mm diameter
Chloride Content and pH
may also be extracted at the weakest locations to a
Sl. Chloride desired depth)
Sample ID pH
No. (kg/c)
1 LHS 0.628 8.4
2 RHS 0.644 10.9
3 Rear stairs 0.420 9.4
Should not Preferably
Specification exceed 0.6 between 11-
kg/cu.m. 13
iv) Sulphate Test: 1) Select the concrete sample and
pulverize it to pass through 850µ sieve and blend the
sample thoroughly to make homogenization.
Fig. 4 Carbonation depth Test
2) Weigh exactly 5.0000g of oven dried sample in
250ml beaker. 3) The concrete surface (in case of chipped concrete)
3) Disperse with 50ml of distilled water and 10ml of may be cleaned with wire brush and dust brushed off.
Conc.HCl. 4) Phenolphthalein Indicator solution is sprinkled on
4) Add 50ml hot water, cover the beaker and boil the top of the core / exposed concrete.
solution gently for 5min to 10min. 5) The good and healthy concrete will be in Pink color
5) Filter through Whatman filter paper No.40 and and the carbonated concrete will not show any color
wash with hot dilute hydrochloric acid (1+49). change.
6) Filtrate obtained and add 3 drops methyl red 6) The depth of carbonation is measured from the
indicator and heat to boiling. outer surface inwards and recorded in millimeters.
7) Just neutralize to yellow with dilute ammonium XI. TABLE 6
hydroxide solution.
Carbonation Depth
8) Add 1ml Concentrated HCl and add 10ml of 10%
barium chloride solution drop by drop and again boil Sample ID Carbonation Depth
the solution until the precipitate is well formed.
1 LHS 25-30
9) Keep it on steam bath for 4hrs.
2 RHS 20-25
10) Filter through Whatman filter paper No.42, wash
thoroughly with hot water until it is free from chloride. 3 Rear Stair 30-35
11) Ignite the residue in a pre-weighed platinum Should not reach
crucible at 800 – 90000C for 30minutes. reinforcement depth
12) Cool it in a desiccator to room temperature and during the life span of
weigh the residue. the structure
Calculation: E. Structural Audit Report:
SO3 percent (% by mass) =L/W x 34.3 x 100/C Name of the Building:BISHOP’S HOUSE
L= Weight of residue (BaSO4) in g Description: HEADQUATERS OF THE DIOCESE
W =Weight of the sample in g OF PALAI
C = Cement Content of the sample in % Address:KOTTARAMATTOM,PALAI,
Age of Building: 59 years
Contact Person: Fr. Joseph Vallampurayidom

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

Tel No: +91 9447312775 Cost of repair Unknown

Inspection Date: 24 May 2016 Painting,
Inspected by: Ajay V Joseph plaster work,
Works carried out in last
small crack
XII. TABLE 7 repair
filling, tank
Audit Observation Summary
S. 15 - 08 –
Description Remarks 4 CONSTRUCTION OF
No. 1959
inspection of 5
foundation FOUNDATION
Visual Inspection above ground Good laterite
level is to be soil
Small 0.00M GL of
Settlement of columns, Building
walls HFL during this monsoon -3.5M
observed at
plinth level HFL during last five years
Very small
Cracks at columns/ wall inactive ANY CRACKS
joints at plinth cracks 8 OBSERVED DURING Yes, a few
2 9 BUILT PLANS Prepared
Cracks in columns/
rusting of steel/ exposed Not seen STRUCTURAL PLANS
10 Prepared
Cracks in beams/ rusting BUILDING PLAN
Not seen 11 Unknown
of steel/ exposed steel APPROVAL DATE
Cracks in slabs/ rusting of OCCUPANCY
Not seen 12 Unknown
steel/ exposed steel CERTIFICATE DATE
Cracks in external walls Not seen BUILDING IS
13 DESIGNED FOR Not known
Cracks in internal walls Not seen
Leakages and dampness dampness at 14
in external walls the bottom
portion Strength Tests
Toilet leakages and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Good
Not seen Test Concrete
Terrace water proofing Good Durability Tests
inspection condition Rebar locator/ Cover
Leakage and dampness on meter/ Scanning
Not seen Chemical Tests
the top floor slab
Slight Extreme
Inspection of water tank Carbonation Test
dampness on corrosion
above terrace
tank walls Sulphate determination 1.2 – 2%,
Leakages and damages: Test within limit
Plumbing lines/ water Not seen Chloride determination 0.42 - 1.6
lines, Drainage lines Test kg/cum
Electrical line
condition 15 RETROFITTINGS
REPAIRED DETAILS 1. Polymer Modified Mortar Treatment
Date 2 – 12 – 2015 for cracks that occur from time to

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 2- August 2016

2. If in the case an extra floor is to be B. Limitations of Present Study

built up concrete jacketing or FRP Present study about structural audit is done on the
wrapping must be done for beams basis of visual inspection method and Non-Destructive
and columns. Tests. By visual inspection only visual damages or
3. Good quality water proofing shall be defects in components of building can be observed
done at the terrace floor. and by Non-Destructive Tests several technical
4. Continue the yearly maintenance parameters can be studied. For detection of specific
work without fail. technical damage or defect for a particular component
16 CONCLUSIONS of building, proximal remote sensing tools are
Structural Audit was conducted of necessary.
Bishop’s House Building, Palai. The C. Suggestions Formulated
construction of which was done during 1. The structural diagnosis is vast, important and
1958- 1959. Structural auditing of highly responsible job which is connected with
building was done to know the strength, lives of human beings. It is mandatory and
quality of concrete and repair strategies. advisable to carry out the periodical structural
The structural diagnosis was completed audit of the buildings by professional experts and
and found that the structure was act immediately through recommendations
performing well. The building undergoes provided in audit report.
a yearly maintenance thus the 2. For any load bearing or framed structure,
deterioration found was very less, structural audit is necessary. From structural audit
however for those members having overall inspection of structure is to be carried out
doubtful concrete quality it is advised to and it is beneficial to decide remedial measures to
do FRP wrapping. It is mandatory and any type of structural defects and damages. For
advisable to carry out the periodical every structure once in five years structural audit
structural audit of the buildings by is to be made necessary.
professional experts and act immediately 3. Government also make compulsory for structural
through recommendations provided in audit for buildings which are more than 30 years
audit report. The success of repairs and old in Kerala.
restoration is always based on thorough REFERENCES
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