IE334 Quality Control & Non Destructive Testing Lab
IE334 Quality Control & Non Destructive Testing Lab
IE334 Quality Control & Non Destructive Testing Lab
List of experiments:
List of experiments in Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Lab
Conduct statistical quality control (SQC) experiments by generating using implements like
normal bowl, beads bowl, dotted sheet etc.
1. Experiments to verify central limit theorem using different distributions.
2. Experiments to verify central limit theorem using different distributions and Henry line.
3. Study and construction of variable control charts (X and R charts) for actual measurements.
4. Study and construction of attribute control charts (p, c, np, u, Q and D charts) for actual
5. Study and construction of CUSUM chart and standardized control chart.
6. Experiment on OC curve, double sampling plan and multiple sampling plan.
7. Experiment on construction of OC curve for p chart.
8. Experiment on finished product inspection and certification procedures.
9. Experiments on performance testing and life testing.