Workshop 04.1: Metal Plasticity: ANSYS Mechanical Basic Structural Nonlinearities
Workshop 04.1: Metal Plasticity: ANSYS Mechanical Basic Structural Nonlinearities
Workshop 04.1: Metal Plasticity: ANSYS Mechanical Basic Structural Nonlinearities
0 Release
2D axisymmetric geometry
• The spring material is a ductile steel sandwiched between two rigid surfaces.
• Frictionless contact is assumed between the spring and the rigid geometries.
2D axisymmetric
centerline Belleville spring
Save as
• File name: “WS04.1-belleville”
• Save as type: Workbench Project Files (*.wbpj)
For Current Step Number =1, Auto Time Stepping On and with
Initial, Minimum and Maximum Substeps = ‘1’. (Null Solution)
All the geometry entities, meshing specs, boundary conditions, loads and
analysis settings are preserved from the previous analysis.
– Execute the Solve with the newly defined plasticity properties
Execute Solve…
– Confirm that the metal plasticity, as defined, was included in this new run