Word Pad: File Option
Word Pad: File Option
Word Pad: File Option
File Option: -
New: - Create a new blank file.
Save: - To Save the file with its current file name and format.
Save as: - To Save the current file with its different file name and modify the Matter
(Duplicate file).
Page Setup: - Sets the Margin paper size, Source and Orientation like left, right, top, bottom of the
Print: - It Prints the active file selected texst only like all, Selection, Current Page, no of Pages.
Print Preview: - It shows how a file look when you before print it.
Exit: - Close the program after programming you to save any unsaved file.
Edit Option: -
Un do: - It Reverse the last command or delete the last Entry you typed.
Cut: - This id used to cut the selected text only in the active file.
Copy: - To Copy text so you can Paste it in another location so that we get a duplicate Copy of
the text.
Paste: - To Paste text you have Cut or Copied the selected text.
Insert Option: -
Time & Date: - Insert the current time and date in the active file at the insertion.
Object: - Insert the application like Excel, Paint, and PowerPoint in the active document at the
insertion point.
Format Option: -
Font: - This is used to change the Font Style, Size and Others.
Bullet Styles: - This is used to bullets and numbering style and format.