Word Processing (XI)
Word Processing (XI)
Word Processing (XI)
Word processing software is required for the creation of documents that are text-
based. It has tools that allow the user to edit, format and print document.
A word document may also contain pictures and tables. It may be a report, letter,
drawing, webpage etc.
OpenOffice Writer is popular open source software for word processing.
To start the OpenOffice
1. File: To apply commands to current document, to open or close document Edit: For
editing the current document, for example, cut, paste
2. View: For controlling display of document on the screen
3. Insert: For inserting new elements in document, like, comments, special
characters,graphics, and objects Format: For formatting the layout and content of
4. Tools: For spelling check, gallery of object art to add to document, to configure menus
5. Table: To insert, edit, delete a table in a text document
6. Windows: For manipulating and displaying document windows
File Tab
The File tab consists of commands required to perform operations on a file (document).
It contains several commands like
1. New : Create a new text document
2. Open : Open an existing Text Document
3. Recent Documents – View list of recent Text Document
4. Lose : Close a Text Document
5. Save : Save an already existing Text Document.
6. Save As: Select folder and save Text Document
7. Page Preview : Preview text Document
8. Print : Print a Text Document
9. Printer Settings : Make Printer Settings before printing
10. Exit : Exit OpenOffice Writer
File Tab Commands Operations:
Using New: This option is used
(a) To create a new file.
(b) To create a document, select .
Using Save As: This is used when you want to
(1) Save a file for the first time, or
(2) Save an already saved file with a different name.
When you click , a Save As dialog box appears.
You can –
1. Select folder (directory) where the file is to be saved,
2. Type the File name for the document,
3. Select “save as type” of document (.odt etc.)
4. Click “Save” button to save the file.
To preview your document before printing:
File -> Page Preview. You can see how the printed page will look like after printing. You can see
multiple pages, full pages (use magnifying glass to zoom in and out).
Click -> Close Preview to go back to the document.
To Make Printer Setting:
Make settings for the printer.
To Print: Print the document to the connected printer. You can select the size of the paper,
print multiple pages on a single sheet etc.
Edit Tab
The Edit tab consists of commands required to perform editing on the current document. It contains
several commands
1. Undo : Undo the latest change in document.
2. Redo : Redo the latest change in document.
3. Cut : Cut selected text
4. Copy : Copy the selected text.
5. Paste : Paste the selected text at location to which cursur points
6. Select All : Select all content of the document
7. Find and Replace : Find text and replace it.
Edit Tab Commands Operations
Move Text: Remove the text to be moved by selecting the text and then applying
1. File -> Edit -> Cut. Then take the cursor to the place in document where you want to
move the text.
2. File -> Edit -> Paste. Copy Text: Select the text to be copied and then apply the
3. File ->Edit -> Copy. Then take the cursor to the place in document where you want the
copied text. Then do
4. File -> Edit ->Paste. Find and Replace: This is used to find words and then replace it
with the new one .This option is useful to find word at multiple places in the document
and replace all of them with the new one.
View Tab
The View tab consists of commands required for viewing the current document on the screen.
It contains several commands
1. Print Layout and Web Layout: View document in print and web layouts.
2. Toolbars: Select toolbar to be viewed on screen.
3. Status Bar: Select status bar view status bar on side of screen.
4. Ruler: View horizontal and vertical rulers.
5. Slide bar: View icons on sides.
6. Zoom: View document in different sizes.
Insert Tab
The Insert tab consist of commands required for inserting different elements in a document. It
contains several commands
1. Fields : Insert fields like Date, Time, Page number, Author
2. Hyperlink : Insert hyperlink
3. Header : Insert a Header
4. Footer : Insert a Footer
5. Indexes and Tables : Insert Table of Content
6. Table : Insert Table
7. Picture : Insert a picture from a file or a scan
8. Object : Insert Object - charts, formula
Operations performed using the commands of the Insert tab
Insert Header:( Insert-Haeder-Default) A Header box opens in the upper part of the
document. Enter the content you want to write in the header.
Insert Footer:(Insert-Footer-Default) A Footer box opens in the lower part of the
document. Enter the content you want to write in the header
Insert Fields:(Insert-Fields) Select the element to be inserted. The selected element will
insert at the location of the cursor.
Insert Hyperlink: (Insert-Hyperlink) A dialog box opens. On the left side of the dialog
box, select where you want to link – a webpage, document, mail or to a new document.
Insert Table of Content (Insert-Insert Table) A dialog box appears. In Type, select
Table of Content. Click OK. A table of content will be inserted in your document.
Insert Table: (Insert-Table) A dialog box appears. Enter the table name, number of
rows and columns. Click OK. A table is inserted in the document. A table toolbar appears
which allows you to format the table.
Insert Formula:<Insert><Object><Formula> : A pop up menu of elements appears.
Select the element and write the formula.
Format Tab
The Format tab consist of commands required for formatting the document. It contains several
1. Format Character: <Format><Character> : A dialog box opens. Select the font type,
typeface, and size. Select font effects, background etc. The changes happen to the text
2. Format Paragraph : <Format><Paragraph> : A dialog box opens .You can change the
indentation and spacing, borders, alignment, etc.
3. Format Bullets and Numbering: <Format><Bullets and Numbering >: A dialog box
opens.You can select from bullets of different kinds or numbering. In the document the
bullets are inserted at the location at which the cursor is present.
4. Format Page:<Format><Page>: A dialog box opens. This allows to format the whole
page – borders, color, alignment, number of columns etc.
5. To Change case of Text:<Format><Change Case>: A dialog box open.
6. To Change Number of Columns:<Format><Column> : A dialog box opens. You can select
2-column page, three column page etc.
7. To Change Alignment of Text:<Format>< Alignment> : A dialog box opens. Select from
left, right, cantered and justified.
Table Tab
The Table tab consists of commands that operate on a table. It contains several commands
1. Insert : Insert Table, rows, columns
2. Delete : Delete Table, rows, columns
3. Select : Select Table, rows, columns, cells
4. Merge Cells : Merge two or more cells
5. Split Cells : Split cells horizontally or vertically.
6. Convert : Convert text to table into text.
Window Tab
The Window tab consists of commands that work on a window. The commands in this tab
allow the user to open a new window or close an existing window.
Help Tab
The Help tab consists of commands that provide help to the user of the OpenOffice Writer
software. On clicking on the help tab, a screen appears. You can browse the Help for the
command you want.