Assignment # 2
Assignment # 2
Assignment # 2
Assignment # 2
Guide lines:
i. The following problems have been extracted from the Text Book by Donald Neamen.
ii. It is recommended as well as required to give physical pictures corresponding to the problems
rather than simply giving a mathematical answer.
iii. The deadline for the assignment is Friday 29, May 2020
iv. The plagiarism is not allowed and misconduct will result in the reduction of score of both
where i is the intrinsic conductivity, and (b) show that the corresponding hole
concentration is ( ) .
4. A particular intrinsic semiconductor has a resistivity of 50 -cm at T = 300 K and 5 -
cm at T = 330 K. Neglecting the change in mobility with temperature, determine the
bandgap energy of the semiconductor.
5. The hole concentration is given by p = 1015 exp(-x/Lp) cm-3 for x 0 and the electron
concentration is given by 5 × I014 exp(+x/Ln) cm-3 for x 0. The values of Lp and Ln are 5
× l0-4 cm and l0-3 cm, respectively. The hole and electron diffusion coefficients are 10
cm2/s and 25 cm2/s, respectively. Calculate the total current density which is the sum of
carrier current densities at x = 0.
6. The electron concentration in silicon at T = 300 K is given by
( )
( )
The hole diffusion coefficient is Dp = 12 cm2/s and the electron mobility is n = 1000
cm2/V-s. The total current density is J = 4.8 A/cm2. Calculate the expressions for (a) the
hole diffusion current density (b) the electron current density and (c) the electric field as a
function of x.
9. Consider a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium (no current). Assume that the donor
concentration varies exponentially as Nd(x) = Nd0exp(-x) over the range 0 x 1/
where Nd0 is a constant. (a) Calculate the electric field as a function of x for the
mentioned range (b) Calculate the potential difference between x = 0 and x = 1/.
10. (a) Show that the Hall coefficient is related to the Hall voltage as
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