Guc 356 64 49019 2024-10-15T09 06 29
Guc 356 64 49019 2024-10-15T09 06 29
Guc 356 64 49019 2024-10-15T09 06 29
Problem Set 5
1) An abrupt silicon p-n junction consists of a p-type region containing 2 x 1016 cm-3
acceptors and an n-type region containing also 1016 cm-3 acceptors in addition to
1017 cm-3 donors. [ ni = 1010 cm-3].
a) Calculate the thermal equilibrium density of electrons and holes in the p-type
region & in the n-type region.
b) Calculate the built-in potential of the p-n junction.
c) Calculate the built-in potential of the p-n junction at 400 K.
2) An abrupt silicon pn junction at zero bias has dopant concentration of NA = 1017 cm-3
and ND = 5×1015 cm-3, T=300K
a) Calculate the Fermi level on each side of the junction with respect to the intrinsic
Fermi level.
b) Determine Vbi from the results of a).
c) Determine Vbi from the equation and compare the results to part b).
d) Determine xn & xp and the peak electric field for this junction.
3) Consider the uniformly doped GaAs junction at T=300 K. At zero bias, only 20
percent of the total space charge region is to be in the p region. The built in
potential barrier is Vbi = 1.2 e.v. For zero bias determine
a) NA , b) ND , c) xn , d) xp , e) Emax
7) We have a symmetric pn silicon junction (NA = ND = 1017 cm-3 ).If the electric
field in the junction at breakdown is 5×105 V/cm , what is the reverse breakdown
voltage in this junction?
8) The electron concentration along a silicon bar at room temperature is given as:
16 -3
nn(x) = 4 ×10 cm (1- 0.5 ) for 0 < x < L where L= 2 m.x