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) He Following Di Ensions Fro The e Uip Ent Are Used in The Appropriate Calculations. %nternal Dia Eter of Ain P

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Technical Data

)he following
diensions fro
the e*uipent are
used in the
% n t e r n a l  
d i a  e t e r  
o f    a i n   p
i p e  0 . 0 1
9 6    %nternal 
dia  eter of
enlarge  ent
outlet and
inlet  0.02:0  
Exercise A
1.'etup the Energy
Losses in Bends
accessory on a
hydraulic bench
its basele#el. )his is
necessary for
accurate height
fro the
ect the *uic<
disconnect of the
ELB 7ccessory to
the bench flow
supply in the basin
of the hydraulics
bench and run the
outlet e$tension
tube into the
5a<e sure both
ends are secure to
pre#ent water fro
e#erywhere. %fyou
can see the ball
bearings on the
*uic< disconnect of
the hydraulics
bench! theinlet tube
is not secure..=n
the hydraulics
bench! copletely
close +i.e. turn all
the way cloc<wise,
the #al#efor the
pup! and then
open the #al#e
about one turn. +%f
the #al#e is fully
open whenyou turn
on the pup! the
water e$its too
*uic<ly through the
e$it tube and
sprayswater all o#er
the lab,. 3o =)
turn on the pup
yet>:.=n the head
loss apparatus!
copletely open
+i.e. turn all the
way counter
 gate *al*e fitting 
! located "ust below
the pressure gauge!
and the
! located on e$it of
that the pressure
taps fro either
side of the itre
bend are
not claped by
claps.6.7ttach a
piece of plastic
tubing to the
air(bleed #al#e
+&igure 1,. -oint
the air(bleedtube
into the hydraulics
bench.?.)urn on the
bench pup
Two types of energy loss predominate in fluid flow through a pipe network; major losses, and minor
losses.  Major losses are associated with frictional energy loss that is caused by the viscous effects of the
medium and roughness of the pipe wall.  Minor losses, on the other hand, are due to pipe fittings,
changes in the flow direction, and changes in the flow area.  Due to the complexity of the piping system
and the number of fittings that are used, the head loss coefficient (K) is empirically derived as a quick
means of calculating the minor head losses.


The term “minor losses”, used in many textbooks for head loss across fittings, can be misleading since
these losses can be a large fraction of the total loss in a pipe system. In fact, in a pipe system with many
fittings and valves, the minor losses can be greater than the major (friction) losses. Thus, an accurate K
value for all fittings and valves in a pipe system is necessary to predict the actual head loss across the
pipe system. K values assist engineers in totaling all of the minor losses by multiplying the sum of the K
values by the velocity head to quickly determine the total head loss due to all fittings.  Knowing the K
value for each fitting enables engineers to use the proper fitting when designing an efficient piping
system that can minimize the head loss and maximize the flow rate.


The objective of this experiment is to determine the loss coefficient (K) for a range of pipe fittings,
including several bends, a contraction, an enlargement, and a gate valve.


The head loss coefficients are determined by measuring the pressure head differences across a number of
fittings that are connected in series, over a range of steady flows, and applying the energy equation
between the sections before and after each fitting.


The following equipment is required to perform the energy loss in pipe fittings experiment:

 F1-10 hydraulics bench,

 F1-22 Energy losses in bends apparatus,
 Stopwatch for timing the flow measurement,
 Clamps for pressure tapping connection tubes,
 Spirit level, and
 Thermometer.


The energy loss in fittings apparatus consists of a series of fittings, a flow control valve, twelve
manometers, a differential pressure gauge, and an air-bleed valve (Figure 3.1).

The fittings listed below, connected in a series configuration, will be examined for their head loss
coefficient (K):

 long bend,
 area enlargement,
 area contraction,
 elbow,
 short bend,
 gate valve, and
 mitre.

Two types of energy loss predominate in fluid flow through a pipe network; major losses, and minor
losses.  Major losses are associated with frictional energy loss that is caused by the viscous effects of the
medium and roughness of the pipe wall.  Minor losses, on the other hand, are due to pipe fittings,
changes in the flow direction, and changes in the flow area.  Due to the complexity of the piping system
and the number of fittings that are used, the head loss coefficient (K) is empirically derived as a quick
means of calculating the minor head losses.


The term “minor losses”, used in many textbooks for head loss across fittings, can be misleading since
these losses can be a large fraction of the total loss in a pipe system. In fact, in a pipe system with many
fittings and valves, the minor losses can be greater than the major (friction) losses. Thus, an accurate K
value for all fittings and valves in a pipe system is necessary to predict the actual head loss across the
pipe system. K values assist engineers in totaling all of the minor losses by multiplying the sum of the K
values by the velocity head to quickly determine the total head loss due to all fittings.  Knowing the K
value for each fitting enables engineers to use the proper fitting when designing an efficient piping
system that can minimize the head loss and maximize the flow rate.


The objective of this experiment is to determine the loss coefficient (K) for a range of pipe fittings,
including several bends, a contraction, an enlargement, and a gate valve.


The head loss coefficients are determined by measuring the pressure head differences across a number of
fittings that are connected in series, over a range of steady flows, and applying the energy equation
between the sections before and after each fitting.


The following equipment is required to perform the energy loss in pipe fittings experiment:

 F1-10 hydraulics bench,

 F1-22 Energy losses in bends apparatus,
 Stopwatch for timing the flow measurement,
 Clamps for pressure tapping connection tubes,
 Spirit level, and
 Thermometer.


The energy loss in fittings apparatus consists of a series of fittings, a flow control valve, twelve
manometers, a differential pressure gauge, and an air-bleed valve (Figure 3.1).

The fittings listed below, connected in a series configuration, will be examined for their head loss
coefficient (K):
 long bend,
 area enlargement,
 area contraction,
 elbow,
 short bend,
 gate valve, and
 mitre.

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