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, A., 2003.

Economic Valuation of Wetlands: an important Component of Wetland Management

Strategies at the River Basin Scale. Conservation Finance Guide, Washington. Available at
http://www.ramsar.org/features/features_econ_ val1.htm. Li, S.R., Zheng, X.H., 1993. Studies on
wastewater land treatment and utilization systems in Tianjin Municipality. China's SEPA: Water pollution
control and wastewater reclamation as resources. Collection of research achievements on
environmental protection in the 7th five years plan period. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). Liu, T.Q.
(Ed.), 2003. Environmental economics. China Environmental Science Press, Beijing, pp. 88–89 (in
Chinese). Loomis, J.B., Walsh, R.G. (Eds.), (2nd), 1997. Recreation Economic Decisions: Comparing
Benefits and Costs. Venture Publishing Inc. McFadden, D., 1994. Contingent valuation and social choice.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76, 689–708. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (M.A.),
2003. Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Island Press, Washington DC. Mitchell, R.C., Carson, R.T.,
1989. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Resources for the Future,
Washington, DC. 463 pp. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 1994. Oil pollution
act of 1990: proposed regulations for natural resource damage assessments. US Department of
Commerce. Norton, B.G., Noonan, D., 2007. Ecology and valuation: big changes needed. Ecological
Economics 63, 664–675. Sattout, E.J., Talhouk, S.N., Caligari, P.D.S., 2007. Economic value of cedar relics
in Lebanon: an application of contingent valuation method for conservation. Ecological Economics 61,
315–322. Shen, W.B., Zhao, T., Liu, P., Zhong, Y.H., Zhang, H.T., 2005. Assessment of environmental and
economic values for constructed wetland and a case study. Research of Environmental Sciences 18, 70–
73 (in Chinese, with English abstract). Shutes, R.B.E., 2001. Artificial wetlands and water quality
improvement. Environment International 26, 441–447. Spash, C.L., 2000. The Concerted Action on
Environmental Valuation in Europe (EVE): an introduction. Environmental Valuation in Europe (EVE),
Cambridge Research for the Environment, UK. Spash, C.L., Urama, K., Burton, R., Kenyon, W., Shannon,
P., Hill, G., in press. Motives behind willingness to pay for improving biodiversity in a water ecosystem:
Economics, ethics and social psychology. Ecological Economics. doi: 10.1016/j. ecolecon.2006.09.013.
SPSS, 2004. SPSS Base 13.0 user's guide. SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA. SEPA (State Environmental
Protection Administration of China), 2002. Environmental quality standards for surface water, GB 3838-
2002. Accessed March 16, 2007 at: http://www.zhb.gov.cn/
eic/650208300025053184/20050512/7546.shtml. Sugden, R., 1999. Alternatives to the neoclassical
theory of choice. In: Bateman, I.J., Willis, K.G. (Eds.), Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and
Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU, and Developing Countries. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, pp. 152–180. Chapter 6. Tian, G., Cai, B.F., 2004. Evaluation of the ecosystem services of
artificial landscapes in Beijing. Environmental Science 25, 5–9. Turner, R.K., van den Bergh, J.C.J.M.,
Soderqvist, T., Barendregt, A., van der Straaten, J., Maltby, E., 2000. Ecological-economic analysis of
wetlands: scientific integration for management and policy. Ecological Economics 35, 7–23.
Venkatachalam, L., 2004. The contingent valuation method: a review. Environmental Impact Assessment
Review 24, 89–124. Wang, W.R., Tu, M.Z., Han, C.L., 2005. A case study of Shanghai water resource price
making. Statistical Research 1, 72–74 (in Chinese, with English abstract). White Paper on China
Environment Protection. 1996–2005. Available at http://www.sepa.gov.cn/law/hjjjzc/gjfb/200607/
t20060724_91227.htm. Winkler, R., 2006a. Valuation of ecosystem goods and services Part 1: An
integrated dynamic approach. Ecological Economics 59, 82–93. Winkler, R., 2006b. Valuation of
ecosystem goods and services Part 2: Implications of unpredictable novel change. Ecological Economics
59, 94–105. Zeng, X.G. (Ed.), 2003. Environmental impact economical assessment, vol. 27–28. Chemica,
A., 2003. Economic Valuation of Wetlands: an important Component of Wetland Management
Strategies at the River Basin Scale. Conservation Finance Guide, Washington. Available at
http://www.ramsar.org/features/features_econ_ val1.htm. Li, S.R., Zheng, X.H., 1993. Studies on
wastewater land treatment and utilization systems in Tianjin Municipality. China's SEPA: Water pollution
control and wastewater reclamation as resources. Collection of research achievements on
environmental protection in the 7th five years plan period. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). Liu, T.Q.
(Ed.), 2003. Environmental economics. China Environmental Science Press, Beijing, pp. 88–89 (in
Chinese). Loomis, J.B., Walsh, R.G. (Eds.), (2nd), 1997. Recreation Economic Decisions: Comparing
Benefits and Costs. Venture Publishing Inc. McFadden, D., 1994. Contingent valuation and social choice.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76, 689–708. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (M.A.),
2003. Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Island Press, Washington DC. Mitchell, R.C., Carson, R.T.,
1989. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Resources for the Future,
Washington, DC. 463 pp. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 1994. Oil pollution
act of 1990: proposed regulations for natural resource damage assessments. US Department of
Commerce. Norton, B.G., Noonan, D., 2007. Ecology and valuation: big changes needed. Ecological
Economics 63, 664–675. Sattout, E.J., Talhouk, S.N., Caligari, P.D.S., 2007. Economic value of cedar relics
in Lebanon: an application of contingent valuation method for conservation. Ecological Economics 61,
315–322. Shen, W.B., Zhao, T., Liu, P., Zhong, Y.H., Zhang, H.T., 2005. Assessment of environmental and
economic values for constructed wetland and a case study. Research of Environmental Sciences 18, 70–
73 (in Chinese, with English abstract). Shutes, R.B.E., 2001. Artificial wetlands and water quality
improvement. Environment International 26, 441–447. Spash, C.L., 2000. The Concerted Action on
Environmental Valuation in Europe (EVE): an introduction. Environmental Valuation in Europe (EVE),
Cambridge Research for the Environment, UK. Spash, C.L., Urama, K., Burton, R., Kenyon, W., Shannon,
P., Hill, G., in press. Motives behind willingness to pay for improving biodiversity in a water ecosystem:
Economics, ethics and social psychology. Ecological Economics. doi: 10.1016/j. ecolecon.2006.09.013.
SPSS, 2004. SPSS Base 13.0 user's guide. SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA. SEPA (State Environmental
Protection Administration of China), 2002. Environmental quality standards for surface water, GB 3838-
2002. Accessed March 16, 2007 at: http://www.zhb.gov.cn/
eic/650208300025053184/20050512/7546.shtml. Sugden, R., 1999. Alternatives to the neoclassical
theory of choice. In: Bateman, I.J., Willis, K.G. (Eds.), Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and
Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU, and Developing Countries. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, pp. 152–180. Chapter 6. Tian, G., Cai, B.F., 2004. Evaluation of the ecosystem services of
artificial landscapes in Beijing. Environmental Science 25, 5–9. Turner, R.K., van den Bergh, J.C.J.M.,
Soderqvist, T., Barendregt, A., van der Straaten, J., Maltby, E., 2000. Ecological-economic analysis of
wetlands: scientific integration for management and policy. Ecological Economics 35, 7–23.
Venkatachalam, L., 2004. The contingent valuation method: a review. Environmental Impact Assessment
Review 24, 89–124. Wang, W.R., Tu, M.Z., Han, C.L., 2005. A case study of Shanghai water resource price
making. Statistical Research 1, 72–74 (in Chinese, with English abstract). White Paper on China
Environment Protection. 1996–2005. Available at http://www.sepa.gov.cn/law/hjjjzc/gjfb/200607/
t20060724_91227.htm. Winkler, R., 2006a. Valuation of ecosystem goods and services Part 1: An
integrated dynamic approach. Ecological Economics 59, 82–93. Winkler, R., 2006b. Valuation of
ecosystem goods and services Part 2: Implications of unpredictable novel change. Ecological Economics
59, 94–105. Zeng, X.G. (Ed.), 2003. Environmental impact economical assessment, vol. 27–28. Chemica

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