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Labor Law 2 Reviewer (Villegas)

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The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA



What is the composition of the NLRC? e. Cases from a violation of Art 264
It is composed of a Chairman and 23 members. 8 including the legality of strikes, lockouts
members are from workers and employers f. Claims arising from ER-EE relations
organization. The Chairman and 7 other members except ECC, SSS, Medicare, and
are from the public sector. Upon assumption into maternity benefits or for claims involving
office, the members divest themselves of any more than 5,000 (Art 217, LC)
affiliation with or interest in the federation or g. Claims from overseas deployment
association to which they belong (Art. 213, LC). h. Wage distortion (RA 6727, Art 124 LC)
i. Enforcement of compromise agreements
The NLRC exercises its adjudicatory and most when there is non-compliance (Art 227,
of its other functions through its division that is LC)
composed for 3 members. When does the NLRC j. Other cases provided by law
sit en banc?
a. Purposes of promulgating rules and Arbitration is the reference of a dispute to an
regulations governing the hearing and impartial third person to hear and decide the
disposition of cases case in controversy. When is it compulsory?
b. Formulating policies affecting its When the consent of one of the parties is enforced
administration and operations (Art. 213, by statutory provisions, the proceeding is referred
LC) to as compulsory arbitration. (Azucena, p. 35)
c. The appointment of a Labor Arbiter by the
President needs a recommendation of the To who should the decisions of the Labor
Commission en banc. Arbiters be appealed?
The decisions of the Labor Arbiters are appealable
Is the resolution on a motion for reconsideration to the NLRC sitting as any of its 8 divisions.
valid even if the commissioners that passed the
resolution are not the same commissioners who Are proceedings on appeal before the NLRC
made the decision sought to be reconsidered? considered as part of the arbitration
Yes. What matters is that the commissioners voting proceedings?
on the motion are duly assigned to the division. No. When the Labor Arbiter renders his decision,
(Mina v. NLRC, GR 97251-52) compulsory arbitration is deemed terminated. The
Moreover, there is nothing irregular in temporary NLRC en banc merely reviews the decision for
designation of a commissioner to a division. The errors of fact or law and no longer duplicates the
law empowers the NLRC Chairman to make proceedings before the Labor Arbiter. (PAL v.
temporary assignments whenever the required NLRC, GR 55159)
concurrence is not met.
(MalayangSamahanngmgaManggagawasa M. Are technicalities of law and procedure in
Greenfield v. Ramos, 326 SCRA 441) regular courts applicable in NLRC or Labor
Arbiter proceedings?
What is the limit in the administrative No. The proceedings are non-litigous. The arbiter
supervision of the Secretary of Labor over the may avail himself of all reasonable means to
NLRC? ascertain the facts speedily. (Rule V, Sec. 2, NLRC
The delegation of authority shall not extend to the Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005)
power to review, reverse, revise, or modify
decisions of the NLRC in the exercise of its judicial Cases under Art 217 are under the exclusive
functions. (EO 204, 2005) jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. In what
instance may a case under Art 217 be resolved
Which cases fall under the jurisdiction of the by someone other than the Labor Arbiter?
Labor Arbiters? The cases under Art 217 can, byagreement of the
a. ULP cases parties, be presented to and decided with finality by
b. Termination disputes a voluntary arbitrators or panel of voluntary
c. Cases involving conditions of employment arbitrators. The law gives primacy to voluntary
if accompanied with a claim of arbitration instead of compulsory arbitrations.
reinstatement (Azucena, p. 36-37)
d. Claims for damages arising from ER-EE

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

An ER-EE relationship is necessary in order of Except for issues involving SSS, ECC, Medicare
the Labor Arbiter to take cognizance of a case claims, when can a money claim arising from an
under Art 217. Without such relationship, who ER-EE relationship be under the jurisdiction of
has jurisdiction? the Labor Arbiter?
The RTC has jurisdiction in cases where there is no a. If the claim, regardless of amount, is
ER-EE relationship. (Lapanday Agricultural accompanied with a claim for
Development Corp v. CA, 324 SCRA 39) reinstatement, or
b. If the claim exceeds P5,000 per claimant.
Where is the venue for cases which the Labor
Arbiters have jurisdiction over? May a money claim arising from the
Such cases should be filled in the Regional implementation of the CBA be filed with a labor
Arbitration Branch having jurisdiction over the arbiter?
workplace of the complainant or petitioner. No. The jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter is limited
Workplace is understood as the place or locality to those arising from statutes or contracts other
where the employee is regularly assigned or than a CBA. If it involves a CBA, the Voluntary
required to report to at the time the cause of action Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators will
arose. (Sec 1, NLRC Rules of Procedure) have jurisdiction. (San Josev. NLRC, GR 1211227)
[Unless the labor arbiter is named as the voluntary
What are ULP cases? arbiter by the parties]
ULP cases involve acts intended or directed to
weaken or defeat the workers’ right to self-organize The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over
or to engage in lawful concerted activities. (Art. question relating to strikes or lockouts. How is
246, LC) this limited by the law?
The power to issue injunction is lodged with an
When are violations of the CBA considered as NLRC division. (Art 218, LC)
ULP? Regular Courts have jurisdiction over action filed
Gross violations of a CBA are considered ULP, by third parties being affected by a strike of people
hence, within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. who are not their employees.
(Azucena, p. 41) If a crime is committed, whether in relation to a
strike or not, the regular courts have jurisdiction.
Who has jurisdiction over cases involving the (Azucena, p. 56)
dismissal of a corporate officer by a corporate
board? When can the Labor Arbiter have jurisdiction
Such cases should be brought to the RTC. They are over disputes involving compromise
considered intra-corporate disputes. (Dy v. NLRC, settlements?
GR 68544) 1. If there is non-compliance with the
agreement, or
What is the test to determine whether a case 2. If there is prima facie evidence that
should be filed to the RTC or to the NLRC settlement was obtained through fraud,
(whether the issue is intra-corporate)? misrepresentation, or coercion(Azucena,
The concurrent factors such as: p. 58)
1. The status or relationship of the parties or
2. The nature of the question that is the When may the immunity from suit of the State
subject of their controversy be invoked in a labor case?
should be considered to determine jurisdiction. The application of the doctrine of immunity from
(Mainland Construction Co. v. Manila, GR suit has been restricted to sovereign or
118088) governmental activities (jure imperii). It cannot be
extended to commercial, private, and proprietary
Who are Corporate Officers? acts (jure gestionis) (JUSMAG-Philippines v.
Corporate officers are the president, secretary, or NLRC, GR 108813).
treasurer of the corporation or any other officer
whose office is created by the board of directors as What are the powers of the NLRC as
authorized or required by the corporate charter or enumerated in Art. 218?
by-laws. (Tabang v. NLRC, GR 121143) a. Promulgate rules and regulations
governing hearing and disposition of

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

cases, internal functions, necessary to

carry out purposes of LC When does the NLRC exercise appellate
b. Administer oaths, summon parties, issue adjudicatory power?
subpoenas a. All cases decided by labor arbiters (Art.
c. Conduct investigation for the 217, LC)
determination of a question, matter, or b. Cases decided by the DOLE regional
controversy within its jurisdiction director or hearing officers under Art 129
d. Hold any person in contempt
e. Enjoin or restrain any actual or threatened The NLRC has NO appellate jurisdiction over
commission of any or all prohibited or cases rendered by:
unlawful acts or to require the a. A voluntary arbitrator
performance of a particular act in any b. Secretary of labor
labor dispute which may cause irreparable c. Bureau of labor relations director on cases
injury (Art. 218, LC) appealed from the DOLE regional officer

What is the scope of the rule-making power of May a division of the NLRC defeat a final
the NLRC? judgment of the labor arbiter by entertaining a
The NLRC has the power to promulgate rules and petition for injunction and damages and
regulations: receiving evidence to recover alleged
a. Governing the hearing and disposition of indebtedness that will offset a monetary claim of
cases before it and its regional branches, the employee?
b. Pertaining to its internal functions, and No. An injunction under Art 219 is only an
c. Those that may be necessary to carry out ancillary remedy in ordinary labor disputes.
the purpose of the Labor Code (Art. 218, (Pondoc v. NLRC, GR 116347)
May a labor arbiter issue an injunction or a
What is the scope of the power of the NLRC to restraining order?
issue compulsory process? No. Art. 218 limits the grant of injunctive power to
The NLRC has the power to: the NLRC division. (PMAP Labor Relations
a. Administer oaths, Update, Q3 and Q4, p.2)
b. Summon parties, and
c. Issue subpoenasad testificandumand What are the requisites of issuance of
ducestecum (Art. 218, LC) Restraining Order or Injunction?
a. A hearing held after due and personal
What is the power to conduct an ocular notice to known persons against whom the
inspection under Art 219? relief is sought, public officials of the
The chairman, any commissioner, labor arbiter, or province or city
their duly authorized representatives may, at any b. Reception of testimony of witnesses with
time during working hours: opportunity for cross-examination
a. Conduct and ocular inspection on any c. A finding of fact of the NLRC that:
establishment, building, ship, place, or i. Prohibited or unlawful acts will
premises, including any work, material, be committed or continued
implement, machinery, or appliance ii. Substantial and irreparable injury
b. Askany employee, laborer, or any person iii. Greater injury in denial than in
for any information or data concerning granting
any matter or question relative to the iv. Complainant has no adequate
object of investigation remedy at law
v. Public officers charged w/ duty
When does the NLRC exercise original to protect are unable or unwilling
adjudicatory power?
a. Petitions for injunction or TRO under Art. What are the conditions for issuance ex parte of
218 (e) a TRO?
b. Hear and decide “National Interest” cases a. Complainant alleges substantial and
certified to it by the Secretary of Labor irreparable injury
under Art 263 (g). b. Testimony under oath to justify the TRO

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

c. Complainant files an undertaking w/

adequate security
d. TRO effective for no longer than 20 days,
becomes void after (Ilaw at When is a pleading verified?
BuklodngManggagawa v. NLRC) A pleading is verified by an affidavit that the
affiant has read the pleading and that the
When in an injury considered irreparable? allegations therein are true and correct of his
It is considered irreparable if it is of such constant knowledge and belief (Azucena, p. 82).
and frequent recurrence that no fair and reasonable
redress can be had thereof in court or where there is What is the effect of the lack of verification?
no standard by which the amount can be measured Generally, lack of verification is merely a formal
with reasonable accuracy (PAL v. NLRC, GR defect that is neither jurisdictional nor fatal. The
105090). court may order the correction of the pleading or
act on the unverified pleading if the attending
Under NLRC Rules 2005, how much is the cash circumstances are such that strict compliance with
bond to be posted for a restraining order or the rule may be dispensed with in order to serve the
injunction? ends of justice (Azucena, p. 82).
The cash bond is in the amount of P50,000 or such
higher amount as may be determined by the NLRC. Who should be made respondent in a claim
against a single proprietorship?
What is the scope of the injunction issued under The respondent should be the business owner. It is
the Labor Code? not necessarily the person in whose name the
It is restricted only to those alleged and proven business is registered. (Mayon Hotel & Restaurant
guilty of actual participation, authorization or v. Adana, Gr 157634)
ratification of acts sought to be enjoined or
restrained(Rothenberg, Labor Relations, p. 213). What are the prohibited pleadings and motions
It can also be exercised only in a labor dispute in the NLRC?
(Nestle Philippines v. NLRC, GR 85197). a. Motion to dismiss the complaint, except:
i. on the ground of lack of
When does the 20-day validity of a TRO begin? jurisdiction over the subject
It takes effect upon its issuance, not upon receipt of matter,
the parties. The maximum period includes ii. improper venue,
Saturdays, Sundays, and holdiays (Manotoc v. iii. res judicata,
Agcaoili, AM RTJ09801405). iv. prescription, and
v. forum shopping
May an injunction be issued to prevent the b. Motion for a Bill of Particulars
dismissal of an employee in first instance? c. Motion for new trial
No. The power of the NLRC to issue an injunctive d. Petition for relief from judgment when
writ originates from any labor dispute upon any filed with the Labor Arbiter
application by a party thereof. In such case, the e. Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or
proper remedy of the employee is to first file a prohibition
complaint for illegal dismissal(PAL v. NLRC, GR f. Motion to declare respondent in default
120567). g. Motion for Reconsideration or appeal
from any interlocutory order of the Labor
Rules of evidence prevailing in the courts of law Arbiter
or equity are not controlling in proceedings
before the NLRC. Nonetheless, evidence must be How long is the mandatory conciliation and
substantial. How is evidence deemed mediation conference?
substantial? The mandatory conciliation and mediation
Substantial evidence means such relevant evidence conference shall, except for justifiable grounds, be
as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to terminated within 30 calendar days from the date of
support a conclusion (Gelmart Industries v. the first conference (Sec. 3, Rule V, NLRC, Revised
Leogardo, GR 70544). Rules of Procedure, 2005).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

support of his cause of action and, thereupon render

his decision on the basis of the evidence on record.
(Sec. 5, Rule V, NLRC, Revised Rules of
Procedure, 2005)
What is the form of the compromise agreement?
It should be in writing, signed by the parties and When may a compromise agreement be
their respective counsel or authorized disregarded?
representative, if any, before the Labor Arbiter It can be disregarded due to vices of consent or
(Sec. 3, Rule V, NLRC, Revised Rules of forgery. Also, the NLRC may disregard technical
Procedure, 2005). rules of procedure in order to afford protection to
labor and to conform to the need of the working
What is the effect of the compromise class (Principle v. Philippine Singapore Transport
agreement? Services, GR 80918).
It is final and binding upon the parties and shall
have the force and effect of judgment rendered by What is needed for an authorized person to be
the Labor Arbiter (Sec. 3, Rule V, NLRC, Revised able to compromise?
Rules of Procedure, 2005). A special authority is needed in order for
representatives to enter into a compromise
When should the Labor Arbiter approve a agreement with the opposing party (Sec. 9, Rule
compromise agreement? III, NLRC Rules of Procedure).
It is approved after explaining to the parties the
consequence of the compromise agreement, the Can compromise agreements and executory
Labor Arbiter is satisfied that they understand the judgments be negotiated?
agreement, that the same was entered into freely No. Final and executory judgments can no longer
and voluntarily by them, and it is not contrary to be altered or be negotiated (Alaba Patio de Makati
law, morals, and public policy (Sec. 3, Rule V, v. NLRC, GR 85393).
NLRC, Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005).
When can a motion to dismiss be filed?
What happens after the parties fail to agree A motion to dismiss may be filed on or before the
upon an amicable settlement? date set for the mandatory conciliation and
The Labor Arbiter shall terminate the conciliation mediation conference. (Sec. 6, Rule V, NLRC Rules
andmediation stage and proceed to pursue the other of 2005)
purposes of the said conference. Thereafter, the
Labor Arbiter directs the parties to simultaneously When may the NLRC dismiss the complaint
file their respective position papers on the issues mutopropio based on prescription?
agreed upon by the parties and as reflected in the The dismissal of the employee’s complaint is
minutes of the proceedings (Sec. 4, Rule V, NLRC, proper where it is apparent from its face that the
Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005). action has prescribed (Ibabao v. IAC, GR 74848).

What is the effect of non-appearance of the What are the requisites of res judicata as reason
complainant/petitioner during the 2 settings for to dismiss the complaint?
mandatory conciliation and mediation a. It must be a final judgment or order
conference despite due notice thereof? b. The court rendering the same must have
It shall be a ground for the dismissal of the case jurisdiction over the subject matter and
without prejudice (Sec. 5, Rule V, NLRC, Revised over the parties
Rules of Procedure, 2005). c. It must be a judgment or order based on
the merits
What is the effect of non-appearance of the d. There must be between the two cases
respondent during the 2 settings for mandatory identity of parties, subject matter, and
conciliation and mediation conference despite cause of action (Delfin v. Inciong, Gr
due notice thereof? 50661)
The Labor Arbiter shall immediately terminate the
mandatory conciliation and mediation conference. What is the effect to the labor case of the death
He shall allow the complainant or petitioner to file of the proprietor of the company?
his verified position paper and submit evidence in

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

The case is not extinguished because of the death cross-examination. (Sec. 10, Rule V, NLRC Rules
of the proprietor. (Camara Shoes v. of Procedure, 2005)
KapisananngmgaManggagawasaCamara Shoes,
Gr 63208-09) How long is the hearing or clarificatory
It is terminated within 90 calendar days from the
What is a remedy of a party when the case is date of initial hearing or conference.(Sec. 10, Rule
dismissed without prejudice? V, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005)
a. A party may file a motion to revive or re-
open a case dismissed without prejudice, How long is given for the Labor Arbiter to
within 10 calendar days from receipt or render a decision?
notice of the order of dismissal, otherwise, The Labor Arbiter is given 30 calendar days.
b. Refile the case in the arbitration branch of
origin (Sec. 16, Rule V, NLRC Rules of How long should cases involving overseas
Procedure, 2005) Filipino workers be?
The aggregate period for mandatory conciliation
What happens after the submission by the and mediation conference, including hearing on the
parties of their position paper or reply? merits or clarificatory conference shall not exceed
The case shall be deemed submitted for decision 60 days from the date the Labor Arbiter acquires
unless the Labor Arbiter calls for a hearing or jurisdiction over the respondents. (Sec. 10, Rule V,
clarificatory conference. A notice of hearing or NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005)
clarificatory conference shall be immediately sent
to the parties. (Sec. 11, Rule V, NLRC Rules of What is the due process requirement in the
Procedure, 2005) NLRC?
A formal or trial-type hearing is not at all time and
What is the role of the Labor Arbiter in hearing in all instances essential to due process. The
and clarificatory conference? requirements are satisfied where parties are
a. Take full control and personally conduct afforded fair and reasonable opportunity to explain
the hearing or clarificatory conference their side of the controversy at hand. (Llora Motors
b. In cross-examination of witnesses, only v. Drilon, Gr 82895)
relevant, pertinent, and material questions
necessary to enlighten the Labor Arbiter What are the grounds for a Labor Arbiter to
shall be allowed inhibit himself?
c. Make a written summary of the a. Relationship within the fourth civil degree
proceedings, including the substance of of consanguinity of affinity with the
the evidence presented, in consultation adverse party or counsel
with the parties. (Sec. 9, Rule V, NLRC b. On question of impartiality (Sec. 12, Rule
Rules of Procedure, 2005) V, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005)

What is the effect of non-appearance of a What is the procedure for a Labor Arbiter to
complainant in a hearing or clarificatory inhibit himself?
conference? The inhibition should state in writing the legal
It may be sufficient cause of dismissal without justifications. The motion should be resolved
prejudice. (Sec. 10, Rule V, NLRC Rules of within 5 days from filing. An order denying or
Procedure, 2005) granting a motion for inhibition is not appealable.
(Sec. 12, Rule V, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005)
What is the effect of the non-appearance of the
respondent during the hearing or clarificatory May an NLRC Commissioner review on appeal
conference, despite due notice? his own decision as a labor arbiter?
The complainant shall be allowed to present No. The officer who reviews a case on appeal
evidence ex-parte, without prejudice to cross- should not be the same person whose decision is
examination at the next hearing or conference. 2 the subject of review. (Singson v. NLRC, Gr
successive non-appearance shall be construed as a 122389)
waiver on his part to present evidence or conduct

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the effect of declaration of suspension of b. Written consent of the client

payments under rehabilitation or bankruptcy c. Written consent of the attorney substituted
proceedings? d. If consent is not given by the attorney,
Labor claims are also suspended. (Rubberworld v. proof of the service of notice (Philippine
NLRC, GR 126773) Apparel Workers Union v. NLRC, 125
SCRA 391)
How are pleadings filed?
Pleadings are filed with the appropriate docketing
unit of the Regional Arbitration Branch of the
Commission. A copy and supporting documents When is the payment of attorney’s fees
should be served to opposing parties. (Sec. 5, Rule prohibited in labor proceedings and when is it
III, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005) allowed?
The payment of attorney’s fees is prohibited when
When is there service by registered mail it is effected through forced contributions from the
complete? workers from their own funds.
It is complete upon the receipt by the addressee or It is allowed if it is paid using union funds. (Art.
his agent. If the addressee fails to claim his mail 222, LC)
from the post office within 5 days from the date of
first notice of the postmaster, service shall take What is the period of appeal for decisions of the
effect after such time. (Sec. 4, Rule III, NLRC Labor arbiter?
Rules of Procedure, 2005) It should be appealed within 10 calendar days from
receipt of such decisions, awards, or orders to the
To whom should service of papers be delivered NLRC. (Art. 223, LC)
It should be delivered personally to the party or What are the grounds of appeal?
attorney or by leaving it at his office with his clerk a. Prima facie evidence of abuse of
or with a person having charge thereof. (Sec. 4, discretion of the Labor Arbiter
Rule 13, ROC) b. Decision, order, or award was secured
through fraud or coercion, including graft
What is the effect where the copy of the decision and corruption
is served on a person who is neither a clerk nor c. Made purely on question of law
one in charge of the attorney’s office? d. Serious errors in the findings of facts are
The service is invalid and the decision does not raised which would case grave or
therefore become executory. (Adamson Ozanam irreparable injury to the appellant
Educational Institution v. Adamson University
Faculty, GR 86819) What is the special requirement in case of
appeal of judgment involving monetary award?
A motion for reconsideration cannot be filed The employer should post a cash or surety bond
against the decision, resolution, or order of a issued by a reputable bonding company, duly
Labor Arbiter. What is the effect if such a accredited by the NLRC in the amount equivalent
motion is filed? to the monetary award in the judgment appealed
It shall be treated as an appeal provided that it from. (Art 223, LC)
complies with the requirements for perfecting an
appeal. (Sec. 15, Rule V, NLRC Rules of What is the effect of appeal to a decision of the
Procedure, 2005) Labor Arbiter in reinstating a dismissed or
separated employee in so far as the
When may non-lawyers appear before the reinstatement aspect is concerned?
NLRC or the Labor Arbiter? It shall be immediately executory, even pending
a. If they represent themselves, appeal. The employee shall either be admitted back
b. If they represent their organization or to work under the same terms and conditions
members thereof prevailing prior his dismissal or separation or, at
the option of the employer, merely reinstated in the
What are the requirements for a substitution of payroll. (Art 223, LC)
a. Written application for substitution

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the procedure of appeal in addition to The NLRC shall limited to reviewing those issues
submission to the NLRC? which are raised on appeal. Those not raised on
The appellant shall furnish a copy of the appeal are final and executor. (Roche Philippines v.
memorandum of appeal to the other party who shall NLRC, GR 83335)
file an answer within 10 calendar days from
receipt. May evidence be submitted on appeal even if it
The NLRC shall decide all cases within 20 was not submitted when the case was pending
calendar days from receipt of the answer of the with the labor arbiter?
appellee. Even if the evidence was not submitted to the labor
The decision of the NLRC shall be final and arbiter, the fact that it was duly introduced on
executory after 10 calendar days from receipt appeal is enough basis for the NLRC to have been
thereof by the parties (Art. 223, LC) more judicious in admitting the evidence, instead
of falling back on mere technicality. (PT&T v.
The general rule is that after the judgment has NLRC, GR 800600)
become final and executory, the same can Note: The evidence was introduced by the
neither be amended nor altered even if the employee. Would the decision be the same if the
purpose is to correct a perceived conclusion of evidence was introduced by the employer?
fact or law. What are the exceptions?
a. Correction of clerical errors What are the requirements for a motion for
b. Making of nunc pro tuncentries which reconsideration of any decision of the
cause no prejudice to any party Commission?
c. The judgment is void (Industrial and a. Based on palpable or patent errors
Transport Equipment v. NLRC, GR b. Under oath
113592) c. Filed within 10 calendar days from receipt
of decision, resolution, or order
What is the effect of failure to give a copy of d. Proof of service that a copy is furnished to
appeal to the adverse party within 10 days? the adverse party
The failure to give copy of appeal to the appellee e. Only 1 such motion shall be entertained
within 10 days is not fatal if the appellee was not
prejudiced by the delay in the service of the copy May a party who failed to appeal on time from
of the appeal. (Murillo v. Sun Valley Realty, GR the decision of the Labor Arbiter file a motion
67272) for reconsideration of the NLRC decision?
Yes. A party who failed to appeal from a decision
Where are appeals filed? of the Labor Arbiter to the NLRC can still
The appeal is filed with the Regional Arbitration participate in a separate appeal timely filed by the
Branch or Regional Office where the case was adverse party by a motion for reconsideration of
heard and decided. (Sec. 3, Rule VI, NLRC Rules the decision of the NLRC on appeal. (Sadol v.
of Procedure, 2005) Pilipinas Kao, GR 87530)

Dos the amount of the appeal bond include How are decisions of the NLRC appealed?
damages and attorney’ fees? a. The review of the decision is made
No. It is equal only to the monetary award. through a special civil action for certiorari
(Fernandez v. NLRC, GR 105892) under Rule 65
b. The jurisdiction belongs to the CA and the
What is the effect of the appeal as to the SC
arbiter’s jurisdiction? c. But in line with the hierarchy of courts,
Once an appeal is filed, the Labor Arbiter loses the petition should be filed with the CA
jurisdiction over the case. All pleadings and (St. Martin Funeral Homes v. NLRC, GR
motions pertaining to the appealed case shall be 130866)
addressed to and filed with the NLRC. (Sec. 9, d. It is filed within 60 days from notice of
Rule VI, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005) judgment, order, or resolution (Sec. 4,
Rule 65, ROC, as amended by AM 00-2-
What are the issues tackled by the NLRC in an 03SC)

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the effect of the petition for certiorari

on the NLRC’s decision? What is the mode for review of the decision of
A petition for certiorari filed with the CA or SC the CA?
shall not stay the execution of the assailed decision It is a petition for review under Rule 45 of ROC,
unless a TRO is issued. (Sec. 6, Rule VII, NLRC which can raise only questions of law. It must be
Rules of Procedure, 2005) filed within 15 days from notice of judgment, final
order, or resolution. (Azucena, p. 143)

What are the grounds for petition for

certiorari? What is the whole processes in labor cases?
a. The case is decided without or in excess of Conciliation/ Mediation
jurisdiction 30 days
b. The case is decided with grave abuse of
discretion (Pure Foods Corp v. NLRC, GR Clarificatory conference
Overseas Filipino
78591) (optional) 90 days
Workers, 60 days
What is the standard to determine grave abuse Labor Arbiter Decision
of discretion? within 30 days
It must be so patent and so gross as to amount to an
evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual refusal to
perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in Appeal to NLRC 10
contemplation of law. Mere abuse of discretion is a. Prima facie evidence of abuse of
not enough. (Solvic Industrial Corp v. NLRC, GR discretion of the Labor Arbiter
125548) b. Decision, order, or award was secured
through fraud or coercion, including graft
What are the effects of irregularities in the and corruption
certification for non-forum shopping? c. Made purely on question of law
Failure to comply with the requirements d. Serious errors in the findings of facts are
concerning the certification against forum shopping raised which would case grave or
shall be cause for dismissal without prejudice. irreparable injury to the appellant.
The submission of a false certification or non- NLRC 20 days to decide
compliance with any undertakings shall constitute Motion for Reconsideration within 10 days
indirect contempt of court. If it is willful and a. Based on palpable or patent errors
deliberate, it is ground for summary dismissal with b. Under oath
prejudice and shall constitute contempt and cause c. Filed within 10 calendar days from receipt
administrative sanctions. (Canuto v. NLRC, GR of decision, resolution, or order
110914) d. Proof of service that a copy is furnished to
the adverse party
Who must make the certification for non-forum e. Only 1 such motion shall be entertained
shopping? or SCA for certiorari under Rule 65 within
It must be made by the petitioner himself and not 60 days
by counsel. This is in contrast to verification which f. The case is decided without or in excess of
may be made by an attorney.(Santos v. CA, GR jurisdiction
141947) g. The case is decided with grave abuse of
When may the certification for non-forum
shopping be made by an authorized lawyer who Petition for Review to SC under rule 45 within 15
has personal knowledge of the facts required to days
be disclosed? a. Question of law
It may be done if the party is a juridical person.
(BA Savings Bank v. Sia)

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Who may issue a writ of execution for final regional arbitration branch.(Sec. 5, Rule XI, NLRC
decisions, orders, or awards promulgated by Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005)
a. Secretary of Labor and Employment What may be done if the 5 year period to file the
b. DOLE Regional Director writ of execution has lapsed?
c. NLRC The judgment, in such case, may only be enforced
d. Labor Arbiter by an independent action within 10 years from date
e. Med-Arbiter of finality. (Sec. 8, Rule XI, NLRC Revised Rules of
f. Voluntary Arbiter Procedure, 2005)
g. Panel of Arbitrators (Art 224, LC)
What is the effect of a petition for certiorari as
When may a writ of execution be issued? to the execution?
It is issued within 5 years from the date a judgment It does not stay the execution of the assailed
becomes final and executor, after the expiration of decision unless a restraining order is issued by the
the period of the appeal if no appeal has been filed. courts.
(Art. 224, LC)
To whom should a writ of execution be served?
In labor cases, both the party and its counsel must
be duly served their separate copies of the order, May the manner of execution be appealed?
decision, or resolution. This is unlike in an ordinary Yes. While the decision itself has become final and
judicial proceeding where notice to counsel is executory, it must be enforced in accordance with
deemed notice to the party. (PNOC Dockyard and its terms and conditions. Any deviation therefrom
Engineering Corp v. NLRC, GR 118223) can be subject of a proper appeal. (Abbott v. NLRC,
145 SCRA 206)
What is the pre-execution conference?
Within 2 working days from receipt of a motion for What are the remedies available to a person
the issuance of a writ of execution, the Labor who alleges ownership over a property that is
Arbiter shall schedule a pre-execution conference subject to a writ of execution?
or hearing to thresh out matters relevant to a. File a third party claim with the sheriff or
execution, including the computation of the award. Labor Arbiter
(Sec. 2, Rule XI, NLRC Revised Rules of b. If the claim is denied, the third party may
Procedure, 2005) appeal to the NLRC
c. A proper action with a competent court to
What are the form and contents of a writ of recover the ownership of the property may
execution? be made
It must be issued in the name of the Republic of the The above remedies are cumulative and may
Philippines, signed by the Commission or Labor be resorted to by a third party claimant
Arbiter, requiring the Sheriff to execute the independent of or separately from and without
decision, order, or award. It must contain the need of availing of the others. (Yupanco
dispositive portion. The amount to be demanded Cotton Mills v. CA, GR 126322)
and all lawful feels to be collected. (Sec. 3, Rule
XI, NLRC Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005) May an RTC issue an injunction against the
Labor Arbiter or NLRC in execution of its
How is the execution of monetary judgment decision or order?
made? When a third-party, or a stranger to the action,
First, the Sheriff shall demand the immediate asserts a claim over the property levied upon, the
payment of the full amount from the person obliged claimant may vindicate his claim by an
to pay. In failure or refusal, the Sheriff shall independent action in the proper civil court which
immediately proceed against the cash deposit or may stop the execution of the judgment on property
surety bond posted. If it is insufficient or cannot be not belonging to the judgment debtor. (Yupanco
proceeded against, the Sheriff, within 5 days from Cotton Mills v. CA, GR 126322)
demand, shall levy the property, not exempt from
execution, of the losing party. The proceeds are Does a third party claim on a levied property
deposited with the Cashier of the division or automatically prevent execution?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. The execution is not automatically lifted What are the formal requirements in a
andrestrained just because a third-party claim has compromise agreement?
been filed. The claim should also be supported by It must be reduced in writing and signed in the
evidence. (Tanongon v. Samson, GR 140889) presence of the Regional Director or his duly
authorized representative. A special power of
What are the function of the Bureau of Labor attorney is required before an agent can be
Relations? authorized to enter into a compromise. (Union of
a. The BRL shall set policies, standards, and Filipino Workers v. NLRC, GR 90519)
procedures on the registration and supervision
of legitimate labor union activities. May an employee impugn the validity of a
b. It shall set policies, standards, and procedures compromise or quitclaim on the ground that
relating to collective bargaining agreements, such employee was constrained to accept it due
and the examination of financial records of to extreme necessity?
accounts of labor organizations to determine No. Dire necessity is not an acceptable ground for
compliance with relevant laws annulling the releases, especially when it has not
c. Provide proper orientation to workers on their been shown that the employees had been forced to
schemes and projects for improvement of the execute them or if the consideration was
standards of living of workers and their unconscionably low that they were tricked into
families. (Sec. 16, 1987 Administrative Code) accepting them. (Veloso and Liguaton v. DOLE,
GR 87297)
Who should file a complaint involving
intra/inter-union disputes? Are employees deemed to have ratified the
It should be filed by a legitimate labor organization compromise agreement when 102 of the 114 of
or its members. other affected employees have already availed of
and received the benefits under the said
How are appeals to the BLR made? agreement?
The decision of the Med-Arbiter and Regional No. Waivers must be regarded as a personal right
Director may be appealed to the Bureau by any of which must be exercised personally by the workers
the parties within 10 days from receipt thereof, themselves. The individual consent or ratification
copy furnished the opposing party. of the workers or employees involved must be
It should be verified under oath, consists of a shown. (Jag & Haggar Jeans and Sportswear Corp
memorandum of appeal stating the grounds relied v. NLRC, GR 105710)
upon with supporting arguments and evidence.
It is filed in the Regional Office or Bureau. (Sec. May compromise be made even after final
16, 17, DO 40-03) judgment?
Yes. Rights may be waived through a compromise
Should conciliation in barangay courts be agreement, notwithstanding a final judgment that
required for labor disputes? has already settled the right of the contracting
No. Katarungang Pambarangay is not applicable to parties. (Magbanua v. Uy, GR 161003)
labor disputes. (Montoya v. Escayo, GR 82211-12)
Is the absence of the labor arbiter fatal to the
What is the basic requirement for compromise validity of the compromise agreement?
settlement involving labor standard laws? No. If the arbiter made searching question during
It requires the assistance of the BLR or regional the pre-execution conference to ascertain free and
office of DOLE. (Art. 227, LC) intelligent choice, and if the content were explained
to the parties, the labor arbiter’s absence when
What are the grounds for the NLRC or any those waivers were executed does not invalidate
court to assume jurisdiction over the issues in a them. (Magbanua v. Uy, GR 161003)
compromise settlement?
a. Noncompliance What are the remedies of a party when the other
b. Prima facie evidence that the settlement party fail or refuse to comply with the terms of a
was obtained through fraud, compromise or amicable settlement?
misrepresentation, or coercion (Art. 227, a. Enforce the compromise by a writ of
LC) execution

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

b. Regard it as recinded and so insist upon a. Proof of affiliation of at least 10 locals or

the original demand (Morales v. NLRC, chapters, each of which must be a duly
GGR 100133) recognized collective bargaining agent,
supporting the registration
What is the effect of registration or certification b. Names of the companies where the local
of the BLR of the CBA? chapters operate, list of members
Registration or certification by the BLR is not a
requisite for its validity. However, it is needed so What are Labor Organizations?
that the contract-bar rule under 232 may come into They are any union or association of employees in
play. (Azucena, p. 175) the private sector which exists for collective
bargaining, mutual aid, interest, cooperation,
What is the contract-bar rule under Art.232, protection, and other lawful purposes
While a valid and registered CBA is subsisting, the What are Legitimate Labor Organizations?
BLR is not allowed to hold an election contesting They are labor organizations in the private sector
the majority status of the incumbent union. It is the that are registered or reported with the DOLE.
Med-Arbiters in the DOLE regional offices that
hear petitions for certification election. (Azucena, What are Unions?
p. 175) They are labor organizations in the private sector
organized for collective bargaining and for other
legitimate purposes.
What are the requirements for a labor
organization to be issued a certificate of What is an Exclusive Bargaining
registration? Representative?
a. Registration fee - P50 It is a legitimate labor union duly recognized or
b. Names of officers, information, minutes of certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining
meetings, participant in meetings representative or agent of all the employees in a
c. If independent union, names of members bargaining unit.
of 20% of bargaining unit
d. Annual financial reports What is a Workers’ Association?
e. Constitution and by-laws (Art 234, LC) It is an association of workers organized for the
mutual aid and protection of its members or for any
How are local chapters created? legitimate purpose other than collective bargaining.
A duly registered federation or national union may
create a local chapter by issuing a charter What is the difference between collective
certificate indicating the establishment of a local bargaining and dealing with the employer?
chapter. It shall acquire legal personality only for To bargain collectively requires registration by the
purposes of filing a petition for certification DOLE and being recognized and certified by the
election. (Art 234-A, LC) DOLE as the exclusive bargaining representative of
the employees.
How long is given for the BLR to act on an Dealing with the employer is a generic description
application for registration? of interaction between employer and employees
The BLR is given 30 days from filing to act on an concerning grievances, wages, work hours, and
application. (Art 235, LC) other terms and conditions for employment, even if
not registered. (Azucena, p. 180)
How are denials of registration made by the
Labor Relations Division in the regional office What is a National Union/Federation?
appealed? It is any labor organization with at least 10
It is appealed to the BLR within 10 days from locals/chapters or affiliate, each of which must be a
receipt of notice thereof. (Art 236, LC) From there, duly certified or recognized collective bargaining
it can be appealed to the CA. agent.

What are additional requirements for What is an industry union?

federations and national unions? It is any group of legitimate labor organization
operating within an identified industry, organized

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

for collective bargaining or for dealing with It is not a ground to cancel union registration but
employers concerning terms and conditions for the excludible member is automatically deemed
employment within an industry, which is duly removed from the list. (Art. 245-A, LC)
What is the role of the employer in the
What is a trade union center? registration?
It is a group of national unions or federations His participation is limited to being informed about
organized for the mutual aid and protection of its the petition and to being required to submit a list of
members, for assisting such members in collective employees. (Art. 258-A, LC)
bargaining, or participating in formulation of
employment standards, etc. What is the effect of not being registered?
While it can still deal with them employer, it has no
What is an alliance? legal personality to demand collective bargaining
It is an aggregation of unions, existing in one line the employer. It cannot petition for a certification
of industry, or in a conglomerate, franchises, election, it cannot hold a strike (Azucena, p. 185).
geographical area, industrial center. It does not
represent its members in CBA negotiations. Where is the application for registration filed?
Application for registration of independent labor
What is a company union? unions, chartered locals, and workers’ association
It is a labor organization which, in whole or in part, is filed with and acted upon by the Regional Office
is employer-controlled or employer-dominated. It where the applicant principally operates.
is prohibited. Applications for federations, national unions,
workers association operating in more than one
When is a labor union independent and when is region shall be filed with the BLR or Regional
it a chapter? offices, but shall be process and acted upon by the
It is independent if it is created by independent BLR which has national jurisdiction (Azucena, p.
registration and has a legal personality of its own. 186).
It is a chapter if it is created through chartering.
Chartering takes place when a duly registered When does a chapter acquire legal personality?
federation or national union issues a charter to a It acquires legal personality on the date it was
union and registers the creation of the chapter in issued a charter certificate by its mother federation
the Regional Office. or national union. However, it shall be only for
purposes of filing a petition for a certification
When does the 20% initial membership election. (Art. 234-A, LC)
requirement for registration apply?
It applies only to an independent labor union, not a May a trade union center create a chapter?
local chapter (Art 234, LC). No. Only duly registered federations or national
unions may create chapters. (Art. 234-A, LC)
What are the grounds to cancel a union’s
registration? Is registering a union a ministerial function?
a. Falsehood about the CBL, No. The BLR must check if requirements under
b. Falsehood about the election of officers Art. 234 have been complied with or if the
c. Voluntary dissolution application is vitiated by falsification and serious
irregularities and deny application if necessary.
What is the effect of failure to submit (Progressive Development Corp v. Laguesma, GR
adoption/amendments to CBL, election of 115077)
officers, annual financial reports, or annual list
of members? When may the legitimacy of a union be
Non-submission of these requirements is no longer questioned?
a ground to cancel registration, but the erring It may be questioned only through an independent
officer may be punished even by expulsion. (Art petition for cancellation of union registration. (Sec.
242-A, LC) 8, Rule IV, DO 40-03)

What is the effect of commingling of supervisors What is a bargaining unit?

and rank and file in one union?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

It is a group of employees sharing mutual interests The CBA continues to bind the members of the
within a given employer unit, compromised of all new or disaffiliated and independent union up to
or less than all of the entire body of employees in the CBA’s expiration date. (Associated Workers
the employer unit or any specific occupational or Union-PTGWO v. NLRC, GR 87266-69)
geographical grouping within such employer unit.
(Implementing Rules, Book V, Rule I, Sec. I) What is the effect of cancellation of registration
of a federation or national union?
How are CBU and union different from each It shall divest its locals/chapters of their status as
other? legitimate labor organizations, unless the
CBU is bigger than a union. Union members come locals/chapter are covered by a duly registered
from the CBU and there can be several rival unions CBA. In such case, they are allowed to register as
within a CBU. The representative union, once independent unions, failing which, they shall lose
determined, will represent even the members of their legitimate status upon the expiration of the
other unions as long as they are part of the CBU. CBA. (Sec. 6, Rule VII, Rook V, Implementing
(Azucena, p. 193) Rules)

To whom should appeals be filed? Where is a notice of merger or consolidation of

The denial of the regional office may be appealed labor organization filed?
to the BLR and then to the CA. If the denial It is filed with and recorded by the Regional Office
originated at the BLR, the appeal is to the secretary that issued the certificate of registration or
of labor. (Azucena, p. 197) certificate of creation of chartered local of either
the merging or consolidating labor organization.
What is an affiliate? Notice of merger or consolidation shall be filed
It is an independently registered union that enters with and recorded by the BLR. (Sec. 8, Rule III,
into an agreement of affiliation with a federation or DO 40-03)
a national union. It also refers to a chartered local
which applies for and is granted an independent What documents are needed along with the
registration but does not disaffiliate from its mother notice of merger or consolidation?
federation or national union. a. Minutes of merger/consolidation
convention or general membership
What limits the right of a local union to meeting of all merging/consolidating labor
disaffiliate? organizations, with list of their respective
It is subject to restraints imposed by the members who approved
constitution and by-laws of the national federation. b. Amended constitution and by-laws and
(Phil Skylanders v. NLRC, GR 127374) minutes of its ratification, unless
ratification transpired in the
When may a union disaffiliate? merger/consolidation convention, which
It may be done only during the 60-day freedom fact shall be indicated accordingly
period immediately preceding the expiration of the
CBA. (Tanduay Distillery Labor Union v. NLRC, What are the requirements for the voluntary
149 SCRA 470) cancellation of the registration of a labor
What is the vote required for disaffiliation? a. Approval of 2/3 of its membership
It required the approval of majority of the entire through a meeting duly called for that
membership. (Art. 241, LC) purpose and voted upon through secret
What is the effect of disaffiliation on the legal b. Application to cancel the registration is
status of the union? submitted by the board of the
It is not entitled to the rights and privileges granted organization, attested to by the President
to a legitimate labor organization. It cannot file a (Art. 239-A, as amended by RA 9481)
petition for certification election (Villar v. Inciong,
121 SCRA 444). Who may file a petition for cancellation of a
union’s registration?
What is the effect of disaffiliation on an existing

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Any party-in-interest may commence a petition for a. Expressly provided in the constitution and
cancellation of a union’s registration. (Sec. 2, Rule bylaws
XIV, DO 40-03) b. Written resolution adopted by the majority
of the members at a general meeting duly
Is the employer considered a party-in-interest called for the purpose (Art. 241 (i), LC)
for a petition for cancellation of a union’s
registration? What are the financial reportorial requirements
Yes. (Progressive Development Corp v. Secretary of unions?
of Labor, GR 96425) Every income or revenue of the organization shall
be evidenced by a record showing its source. Every
Where is a petition for cancellation of expenditure shall be evidenced by a receipt from
registration filed? the person to whom payment was made, which
The registration of any legitimate independent shall state the date, place and purpose of such
labor union, chartered local and worker’s payment. It forms part of the financial records of
association may be cancelled by the Regional the organization. (Art. 241 (j), LC)
In the case of federations, national or industry What is the statute of limitations for actions
unions and trade union centers, by the Bureau involving the funds of the organization?
Director upon filing of an independent complaint or Such actions prescribe after 3 years from the date
petition for cancellation. (Sec. 1, Rule XIV, DO 40- of submission of the annual financial report to the
03) DOLE or from the date the same should have been
submitted as required by law, whichever comes
To whom are decisions for cancellation of earlier. (Art. 241 (j), LC)
registration appealed?
Cancellation orders issued by the Regional Director What are the sources of compensation for
are appealable to the BLR. Its decision is final and officers?
executory but may be appealed to the CA by a. Salaries and expenses due to their
certiorari. positions as provided in the constitution
BLR decisions on cancellation cases that originate and bylaws
from the BLR itself may be appealed to the b. In a written resolution authorized by
Secretary of Labor and again, by certiorari to the majority of all the members at a general
CA(Abbott Laboratories Phil v. Abbot membership meeting duly called for the
Laboratories Employees Union, GR 131374). purpose, with minutes and list of
participants subject to inspection by
How and when are union officers elected? Secretary of labor (Art. 241 (k), LC)
They are elected by secret ballot, at intervals of 5
years. (Art. 241 (c), LC) When should rendering of accounts be made?
a. At least once a year within 30 days after
What are the qualification requirements for the close of the fiscal year
candidacy for a position in the union? b. At other such times as may be required by
There is no other qualification requirement for a resolution of majority of the members of
candidacy other than membership in good standing the organization
in the subject labor organization. (Art. 241 (c), LC) c. Upon vacating the office

As a general rule, questions of major policy When are books of accounts and other records
affecting the entire membership of the of financial activities open to inspection?
organization shall be determined by secret They are open to inspection by any officer or
ballot. What is the exception? member during office hours. (Art. 241 (m), LC)
If the nature of the organization or force majeure
renders such secret ballot impractical, the board of What are the requirements for assessments or
directors of the organization may make the decision other extraordinary fees?
in behalf of the general membership. (Art. 241 (d), a. Written resolution of a majority of the
LC) members at a general meeting duly called
for the purpose
When may the union funds be validly spent?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

b. Secretary of the organization, record the What is the ground for disqualification of union
minutes of the meeting, list of members officers?
present, votes cast, purpose of the special a. Conviction of a crime involving moral
assessment or fees and recipient of such turpitude (Art. 241 (f), LC)
assessment or fees b. Belongs to a subversive organization or
c. Record to be attested to by the president who is engaged directly or indirectly in
(Art. 241 (n), LC) any subversive activity. (Art. 241 (e), LC)

In general, what are the rights of union What is the remedy against erring union
members under Art. 214? officers?
a. Political right The remedy is not referendum but union expulsion.
b. Deliberate and decision-making right (Kapisanan ng Manggagawang Pinagyakap v.
c. Right over money matters Trajano, 134 SCRA 236)
d. Right to information (Azucena, p. 217)
What is the minimum requirement in
Does membership in the union necessarily mean impeachment of an officer?
coverage in the CBA? There should be substantial compliance with
No. It depends on the provisions of the CBA. impeachment procedure according to union
(Azucena, p. 218) constitution or bylaws, giving the officer an
opportunity to be heard. (Litton Mills Employees
In the absence of any provision in the CBA, Association-kapatiran v. Ferrer-Calleja, GR L-
what is needed before an election of union 78061)
officers may be done?
The incumbent president is to create an election When may a member be expelled from the
committee within 60 days before expiration of the union?
incumbent officer’s term. (Book V, Implementing The member should be expelled only for valid
Rules) cause, following the procedure outlined in the
constitution and bylaws of the union. (Kapisanan
ng mga Manggagawa sa Manila Railroad Co. v.
Bugay 101 Phil. 18)
What is the remedy if the officers with expired
term do not call an election? As a general rule, there should be exhaustion of
30% of the members could file a petition with the remedies within the union itself, what is the
DOLE Regional Office. (Rule XII, Implementing exception?
Rules) The exception is that if the exhaustion of remedies
within the union itself would practically amount to
May disgruntled union members hold an a denial of justice, it would not be insisted upon, as
election in violation of the constitution and a condition to the right to invoke the aid of a court.
bylaws of the union? (Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa MMR v.
No. Members’ frustration over the performance of Hernandez, 20 SCRA 109)
the union officers, as well as their fear of a
fraudulent election to be held under the latter’s When may the Secretary of Labor and
supervision, does not justify disregard of the Employment or his duly authorized
union’s constitution and bylaws (UST Faculty representative inquire into the financial
Union v. Bitonio, GR 131235). activities of any labor organization?
It should be on the basis of a complaint under oath,
What is the effect of voting by nonunion supported by 20% of the membership. (Art 274,
employees? LC)
They are to be considered ipso facto union
members. Submission of the employees’ name with What is check-off?
the BLR as qualified members of the union is not a It is a method of deducting from an employee’s pay
condition sine qua non to enable the said members at a prescribed period, the amounts due the union
to vote in the election of union officers. (Tancinco fees, fines, or assessments. (Azucena, p 229)
v. Pura Ferrer-Calleja, GR 78131)
What are assessments?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Payments used for a special purpose, especially if The employer’s failure to make the requisite
required only for a limited time, are regarded as deductions may constitute a violation of a
assessment. contractual commitment for which it may incur
liability for unfair labor practice. However, the
When is individual consent of employees needed employer does not, by that omission, incur liability
for check off for certain fees? to the union for the aggregate of dues or
Other than for mandatory activities under the LC, assessments uncollected from the union members
no special assessment, attorney’s fees, negotiation or agency fees for non-union employees. (Holy
fees, or any other extraordinary fee may be checked Cross of Davao College v. Joaquin, GR 11007)
off from any amount due an employee without
individual written authorization duly signed by the Who has jurisdiction over check-off disputes?
employee. (Art. 241, LC) The Regional Director of DOLE has jurisdiction
over check-off disputes. It is not a money claim
Is compulsory arbitration a mandatory activity against the employer but against the union over
under the Labor Code as to dispense with which the labor arbiter has no jurisdiction.
individual written authorization for check offs? (Philippine National Construction Corp. v. Ferrer-
No. (Galvadores v. Trajano, GR 70067) Calleja, 167 SCRA 294)

What is the effect of failure of the union to Can workers who are not employees of any
strictly comply with the requirements of Art.241 particular employer form their own
for special assessments? organization to protect their interest?
The failure of the union to comply strictly with the Yes. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers,
requirements of law invalidates the questioned self-employed people, rural workers and those
special assessment. Substantial compliance is not without any definite employers may form labor
enough. (Palacol v. Pura Ferrer-Calleja, GR organization for their mutual aid and protection.
85333) (Art. 243, LC)

What is the effect of withdrawal of Can the right to organize be curtailed by a

authorizations by the members? CBA?
Withdrawal of authorization is equivalent to no No. The right to self-organization must be upheld
authorization at all. (Palacol v. Pura Ferrer- in the absence of an express provision of law to the
Calleja, GR 85333) contrary. (Southern Philippines Federation of
What are the requisites to collect special Labor v. Calleja, GR 80882)
assessment? May rank and file employees of nonprofit
a. Authorization by a written resolution of medical institutions form and organize or join
the majority of all the members at the labor unions for the purpose collective
general membership meeting duly called bargaining?
for the purpose Yes. (FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical
b. Secretary’s record of the minutes of the Foundation, Inc. v. Trajano, GR 76273)
c. Individual written authorization for check Are employees of cooperatives allowed to
off duly signed by the employee collectively bargain?
concerned. (ABS-CBN Supervisors An employee of such cooperative who is a member
Employees Union Members v. ABS-CBN, and co-owner thereof cannot invoke the right to
GR 106518) collectively bargain.
However, if it involves cooperatives with
What is the agency fee? employees who are not members or co-owners
It is an amount, equivalent to union dues, which a thereof, such employees are entitled to exercise the
nonunion member pays to the union because he rights of all workers to organization, collective
benefits from the CBA negotiated by the union. In bargaining negotiations and others. (San Jose
negotiating the CBA, the union served as the Electric Service Cooperative, Inc. v. Ministry of
employee’s agent. (Azucena, p. 233) Labor, GR 77231)

What is the employer’s liability in check-off What is a remedy of a member of the

arrangements? cooperative who wishes to join a union?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Member-employees of a cooperative may withdraw What are the terms of employment that may not
as members of the cooperative in order to join a be negotiated by government employees of those
labor union. (Central Negros Electric Corp. v. Sec. with original charter?
of Labor, GR 94045) a. Those that are fixed by law
b. Those that require appropriation of funds
What may members of cooperative organize c. Those that involve the exercise of
without withdrawing as members? management prerogatives (Azucena, p.
The law does not prohibit them from forming an 251)
association for their mutual aid and protection.
(NEECO Employees Association v. NLRC, GR Who are the government employees who are not
116066) allowed to join unions?
Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
May a certification election be conducted in an including police officers, policemen, firemen, and
international organization which the Philippine jail guards are not allowed to unionize. (Sec. 4, EO
Government has granted immunity from local 180)
jurisdiction? High level employees whose functions are
No. (International Catholic Migration Commission normally considered as policy making or
v. Calleja, GR 85750) managerial, or whose duties are highly confidential
are not eligible to join the organization of rank and
As a general rule, foreigners are strictly file government employees. (EO 180)
prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly
in all forms of trade union activities. What is the May professors organize into a union?
exception? Yes. Professors who are not exercising managerial
Aliens working in the country with valid work or highly confidential functions are rank and file
permits may exercise the right of self-organization employees and may unionize separately from the
if they are national of a country that grants the non-academic personnel. (UP v. Calleja, GR
same or similar rights of Filipino workers. (Art. 96189)
269, LC)
Where will the government employees’
organization register?
They must register with the Civil Service
Commission and the Department of Labor and
Employment. The application shall be filed with
Under a “closed shop” agreement, employees the BLR or the regional Department of Labor and
are compelled to become union workers as a Employment. (Sec. 7, EO 180)
condition of continued employment. Who may
not be covered under such an agreement? Are certification elections in government
Exempt from compulsory union membership are corporations restricted only to those without
the followers of any religious sect whose teachings original charter?
forbid membership in labor unions. (Kapatiran Sa No. a certification election to choose the union that
Meat and Canning Division v. Calleja, GR L- will represent the employees may be conducted by
82914) the BLR in a government corporation, whether
governed by the Labor Code or the Civil Service
May employees of government corporations Rules. (University of Life Foundation v. BLR, GR
organize and bargain collectively? 85050)
Employees of government corporations established
under the Corporation Code shall have the right to Does the BLR have jurisdiction to call for and
organize and bargain collectively with their conduct the election of officers of an employee’s
employers. association in the public sector?
All other employees in the civil service shall have
the right to form associations for purposes not Yes. Election of officers and members of the board
contrary to law. (Art. 244, LC) is an intra-union conflict which is within the
jurisdiction of the BLR. (Bautista v. CA, GR

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Who has jurisdiction to hear charges of unfair Confidential employees cannot form, join or
labor practice filed by government employees? assist rank and file unions. They cannot even be
The Public Sector Labor-Management Council has made to pay agency fees or be subjected to
jurisdiction. (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila union security clause since they are not part of
v. Civil Service Commission, GR 107590) the bargaining unit. Who are confidential
May temporary employees organize? They are those who by reason of their positions or
Yes. Temporary employees enjoy the basic right to nature of work, are required to assist or act in a
form organization or association for purposes not fiduciary manner to managerial employees and
contrary to law. (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng hence, are likewise privy to sensitive and highly
Maynila v. Civil Service Commission, GR 107599) confidential records. (Metrolab Industries v.
Confesor, GR 108855)
Managerial employees may not form unions. They are those who 1) assist or act in a confidential
May they form labor associations? capacity, 2) to persons who formulate, determine,
No. They are not eligible to join, assist or form any and effectuate management policies in the field of
labor organization. (Art. 245, LC) labor relations. (San Miguel Corp. Supervisors and
Exempt Union v. Laguesma, GR 110399)
What are the limits for labor organizations of
supervisory employees? What is the policy behind the exclusion of
They are not eligible for membership in the confidential employees?
collective bargaining unit of the rank and file In the normal course of their duties, confidential
employees but may join, assist or form separate employees become aware of management policies
collective bargaining units and/or legitimate labor relating to labor relations. It must be stressed,
organizations of their own. however, that when the employee does not have
They may join the same federation or national access to confidential labor relations information,
union of the rank and file employees of the same there is no legal prohibition against confidential
establishment. (Art. 245, LC) employees from forming, assisting, or joining a
union. (Sugbuano Rural Bank v. Laguesma, GR
What is the effect of inclusion of employees 116194)
outside the bargaining unit as members?
Such employees are automatically deemed May a new CBA include in its coverage
removed from the list of membership of the said employees that were excluded under the old
union. (Art. 245-A, LC) CBA?
Yes. The employer and the union in an enterprise
Who are considered managers? may negotiate and agree as to whom to cover in
They are those who have authority to devise, their CBA. They are free to change their
implement and control strategic and operational agreement. (De la Salle University v. DLSUEA, GR
policies. (United Pepsi-cola Supervisory Union v. 109002)
Laguesma, GR 122226)
May security guards join unions?
Who are considered supervisory? Yes. They may freely join a labor organization of
They are those whose task is simply to ensure that the rank and file or that of the supervisory union.
such policies are carried out by rank and file (Manila Electric Co. v. Secretary of Labor, GR
employees of an organization. (United Pepsi-cola 91902)
Supervisory Union v. Laguesma, GR 122226)
What are the minimum requirements of the
What should be the coverage of the power to right to self-organization?
recommend in order to be considered a. Right to form, join or assist labor
supervisory? organizations
The power to recommend must not be merely b. Right to engaged in lawful concerted
routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use activities (Art. 246, LC)
of independent judgment. It should be
discretionary, independent, effective. (National Are concerted activities necessarily strikes?
Merchandising Corp. v. CIR, GR L-18710)

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. It is not necessarily a work stoppage or strike

because it may be done during off-hours. (Azucena,
p. 279)

Who has jurisdiction over the civil aspects of

cases involving unfair labor practices?
It is under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters,
subject to the exercise by the President or by the
Labor Secretary of the powers vested in them under
Art 263, 264. (Art. 247, LC)

When can there be a criminal prosecution for

unfair labor practice?
First, there should be a final judgment, finding that
an unfair labor practice was committed. However,
the final judgment in the administrative proceeding
shall not be binding in the criminal case nor be
considered as evidence of guilt but merely as proof
of compliance of the requirements set forth. (Art.
247, LC)

What are the elements of unfair labor practice?

a. Employer-employee relationship
b. Act done is expressly defined in the Code
as an act of unfair labor practice
(Azucena, p. 283)

Is promoting an employee not on the basis of

merits be considered as ULP?
No. While it may be bad human resource
management, it does not amount to ULP. (Philcom
Employees Union v. Philippine Global
Communications, GR 143315)

Is prejudice to public interest necessary for

there to be ULP?
No. It is not a requisite for ULP charges no prosper
(Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v.
Confessor, GR 114974).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Who has jurisdiction over criminal charges Persistent interrogation of employees to elicit
involving ULP? information as to union activities may constitute
They are under the concurrent jurisdiction of the a violation of the organizational rights of the
Municipal or Regional Trial Court. (Art. 288, LC) employees? What must the employer do to avoid
What is the prescription of ULP charges? a. Communicate to the employee the purpose
It prescribes in one year (Art. 290, LC). of the questioning
b. Assure the employee that no reprisal
As a general rule, it is the prerogative of the would take place
company to promote, transfer or even demote c. Obtain participation in a voluntary basis
its employees to other positions when the d. Questioning is free from employer
interest of the company reasonable demands it. hostility, not coercive (International
What is the exception? Union of Operating Engineers v. NLRB,
The exception is if there are instance which directly 353 f2d 852)
point to interference by the company with the
employee’s right to self-organization. Such cases Can there be ULP even before a Union is
will be considered ULP. (Rubberworld v. NLRC, registered?
GR 75704) Yes. An employer who interfered with the right to
self-organization before the union is registered can
Can promoting its employees be considered be held guilty of ULP. (Samahan ng mga
ULP of the employer? Manggagawa sa Bandolino-LMLC v. NLRC, GR
No. A promotion which is manifestly beneficial to 125195)
the employee should not give rise to a gratuitous
speculation that such a promotion was made simply As a rule, the employer may prohibit solicitation
to deprive the union of the membership of the of union membership in company property.
promoted employee. (Bulletin Publishing What is the exception?
Corporation v. Sanchez, GR 74425) Where majority of the employees live on the
premises of the employer and cannot be reached by
Is acceptance of Mass Resignation ULP? any means or procedures practically available to
Mass resignation is not concerted activity which is union organizers, the employer may be required to
protected by law. Hence, the employer did not permit non-employee union organizers to come
commit ULP by accepting the mass resignation. within its premises, in order to solicit employees.
(Enriquez v. Zamora, GR 511382) (Fanfnir Bearing Co. v. NLRB, 362 F2d7 16)

Is there ULP when non-union members were Is the illegal dismissal of an employee
covered by a profit sharing agreement with automatically ULP?
management while the union members were No. In the absence of showing that the illegal
excluded? dismissal was directed by anti-union motives, it is
No. There is no discrimination as the situation of not ULP. The remedy is an action for reinstatement
the union employees is different from that of the with backwages and damages. (AHS/Philippine
nonunion employees if such discrimination is done Employees Union v. NLRC, GR 87321)
in good faith. Union members derive their benefits
from the terms and conditions of the CBA. (Wise What is the test to determine if the employer has
and Co v. Wise and Co Employees Union, GR interfered with and coerced employees in their
87672) right to self-organization?
The test is whether the employer has engaged in
Is vacation leave without pay, which the conduct which it may reasonably be said tends to
employer requires employees to take in view of interfere with the free exercise of employees’ right.
the economic crisis ULP? It is not necessary that there be direct evidence. It
No. If only temporary, and with notice and should be read in light of the preceding and
consultation with the workers, it will be considered subsequent circumstances.(Insular Life Assurance
as valid management prerogative. (Philippine Co. Employees Association-ATU v. Insular Life
Graphic Arts v. NLRC, GR L-80737) Assurance Co.)

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

There should be a clear and unequivocal statement

When is mass layoff amount to ULP? that the lost of the status of a member of good
A company’s capital reduction efforts, to standing in the union shall be a cause for dismissal.
camouflage the fact that it has been making profits, (ICAYO v. Central Azucarera De Pilar, GR 17422)
to justify the mass lay-off of its employees
especially union members, is ULP. (Madrigal & May an employer rely solely in the allegations of
Co. v. Zamora, GR L-4823) the union of federation to terminate the
What is a runway shop? No. There should be a separate and independent
It is an industrial plant moved by its owners from investigation.Failure to do so may subject the
one location to another to another to escape union employer to illegal termination (Confederated Sons
labor regulations or state laws. It may also be used of Labor v. Anakan Lumber Company, GR L-
to discriminate against employees of an old plant 12503).
because of their union activities. (Complex
Electronics Employees Association v. NLRC, GR To whom is closed-shop not applicable?
121315) a. Employee who at the time the agreement
takes effect is a bona fide member of a
When is employee discrimination considered as religious organization which prohibits its
ULP? members from joining labor unions on
Discrimination committed by the employer must be religious grounds
in regard to the hire or tenure of employment or b. Employees already in service and already
any term or condition of employment to encourage members of a labor union or unions other
or discourage membership of any labor than the majority union at the time the
organization. (Pagkakaisang Itinataguyod ng mga closed-shop agreement takes place
Manggagawa sa Ang Tibay v. Ang Tibay, GR L- c. Confidential employees
22273) d. Employees excluded from the closed shop
by express terms of the agreement
When is discrimination by Blacklisting a ULP? (Azucena, p. 329)
When resorted by a combination of employers to
prevent employment of employees for union What is the legal basis for a union to collect
activities, it may be considered as ULP. (Azucena, agency fees from non-union employees?
p. 317) It is based on quasi-contract, on the principle that
non-union employees may not unjustly enrich
What is a union security clause? themselves by benefiting from employment
It is an agreement between management and union conditions negotiated by the bargaining units.
where membership in the union is required so that (Holy Cross of Davao College v. Joaquin, GR
an employee may retain his job. The union’s 11007)
existence is assured. The employer is not guilty of
ULP if it merely complies in good faith with the Does discrimination because of testimony
union security clause. (Soriano v. Atienza, GR against violation of the Labor Code under
68619) Article 248 (f) include refusal of an employee to
testify in favor of the employer?
What is the difference between closed-shop and Yes. The act of compelling employees to sign an
union shop? instrument indicating that the employer observed
In closed shop, only union members can be hired labor standards provisions of law when he might
by the company and they must remain as union have not, together with the act of terminating or
members to retain employment in the company. coercing those who refuse to cooperate with the
In union shop, members may be hired but to retain employer’s scheme constitutes unfair labor
employment must become union members after a practice. (Mabeza v. NLRC, GR 118506)
certain period. The requirement applies to present
and future employee (Azucena, p.321). When is labor standards violation a ULP?
It is ULP if there is retaliation from the employer
What is necessary for dismissal pursuant to under Art. 248 (f).(Azucena, p.332)
closed-shop clause to be valid?
What are the reliefs available in ULP cases?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

a. Cases and Desist Order

b. Affirmative Order What is a CBA?
c. Order to Bargain; Mandated CBA It is a contract executed upon the request of either
d. Disestablishment(Azucena, pp. 333-334) the employer or exclusive bargaining representative
of the employees, incorporating the agreement
Can ULP cases be subject to compromise? reached after negotiations with respect to wages,
No. However, an agreement may be made to settle hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
a ULP-based strike. (Reformist union of RB Liner employment, including proposals for adjusting any
v. NLRC, GR 120482) grievances or questions under such agreement
(Davao Integrated Port Stevedoing Services v.
When are employers responsible for ULP acts Abarquez, GR 102132).
by subordinate officials?
If violations were traceable back to the employer, Who are the parties to collective bargaining?
either by way of authorization or ratification, the The duty to bargain collectively arises only
employer, despite the fact that he himself was not between the employer and its employees. Thus,
the actual actor, was held to be responsible for such where there is no ER-EE relationship, there is no
violations. (Azucena, p 335 citing Rothenberg on duty to bargain. (Allied Free Workers Union v.
Labor Relations, pp. 378-381) Compania Maritima, GR L-22951)

Who can be held criminally responsible for ULP What are the jurisdictional preconditions that
of Labor organizations? are need to be present to set in motion the
The officers, members of governing boards, mechanics of collective bargaining?
representatives or agents or members of labor a. Possession of the status of majority
associations or organizations who have actually representation of the employee’s
participated in, authorized or ratifiedthe ULP shall representative in accordance with any of
be held criminally liable. (Art. 249, LC) the means of selection provided by the
Labor Code
May a union engage in interference of the b. Proof of majority representation
employee’s right to self-organization? c. Demand to bargain (Kiko Loy v. NRC, GR
Yes, as long as the interference does not amount to 54334)
restraint or coercion. Interference is not included in
Art. 249 in contrast to Art.248 (Azucena, p. 338). When should bargaining begin?
It should begin within 12 months following the
What is the procedure in collective bargaining? determination and certification of the employee’s
a. When a party wants to negotiate, serve a excusive bargaining representative. This period is
written notice to the other party with known as the “certification year.” (Azucena, p.
proposals. The other party has 10 calendar 353)
days to reply
b. If there are differences, either party may What are the requirements for multi-employer
request for a conference; begins 10 days bargaining?
after date of request a. Only legitimate labor unions who are
c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall incumbent exclusive bargaining agents
intervene (Art. 250, LC) may participate and negotiate
b. Only employers with counterpart
What are the processes involved in collective legitimate labor unions who are incumbent
bargaining? bargaining agents may participate and
a. Negotiation between representatives of negotiate
management and union c. Only those legitimate labor unions who
b. Execution of a written contract pertain to employer units who consent to
c. Negotiation of any question arising as to multi-employer bargaining may
the interpretation or application of the participate (Sec 5, Rule XVI, DO 40-03)
d. Negotiation over the terms of a new What is the meaning of the duty to bargain
contract, proposed modifications collectively where there is no CBA?
(Azucena p. 345, citing Witte)

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

It means the performance of a mutual obligation to Mandatory proposals make the employer liable
meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in for ULP when such employer refuses to bargain
good faith for the purpose of negotiating agreement on those matters. What are they?
with respect to wages, hours of work, and Mandatory proposals are wages, hours of work, and
conditions of employment, including proposals for other conditions of employment. As to other
adjusting any grievances or questions arising from matters, the employer is free not to bargain. (48
such agreement. (Art. 252, LC) Am. Jur. 2d 998, p.812)
Do the employer and employees need to agree
What is the meaning of the duty to bargain on a signing bonus?
collectively where there is an existing CBA? No. A signing bonus is not a benefit which may be
It includes the duties under Art. 252 as well as the demanded under the law. If it is not agreed upon by
obligation not to terminate or modify the CBA the parties or unilaterally offered as an additional
during its lifetime. (Art. 253, LC) incentive, the condition for awarding it must be
duly satisfied. (Caltex Refinery Employees
What are the four forms of ULP in bargaining? Association v. Brillantes, GR 123782)
a. Failure or refusal to meet and convene
b. Evading the mandatory subjects of When is it considered bargaining in bad faith to
bargaining the point of deadlock?
c. Bad faith in bargaining, including refusal Over a mandatory subject, a party may insist on
to execute the collective agreement, if bargaining, even to the point of deadlock. His
requested insistence will not be construed as bargaining in
d. Gross violation of the CBA. (Azucena, pp. bad faith.
360-361) Over a non-mandatory subject, a party may not
insist on bargaining to the point of impasse,
What is the effect of a petition for the otherwise it can be construed as bargaining in bad
cancellation of registration of the union which faith. (Azucena, p. 376)
was certified as the bargaining representative of
the employees to collective bargaining? When is there a bargaining impasse?
It has no effect to collective bargaining. (Capitol It exists where good faith bargaining on the part of
Medical Center v. Trajano, GR 155690) both parties failed to resolve the issue and there are
no definite plans for further efforts to break the
What must be done by the acquiring company deadlock. (American Shipbuilding Co. v. NLRC,
in order to be free from liability arising from 380 US 300)
labor issues?
There should be a substantial break or difference as Does arriving at a deadlock mean the end of
to the operations. There should be no intent to bargaining?
avoid bargaining with the union. (Azucena, p. 362- No. It signals the need to continue bargaining with
363) the assistance of a third party as conciliator or
arbitrator whose first aim is to get the parties back
Do economic exigencies justify refusal to to the negotiating table and help them craft a win-
bargain? win situation. (Azucena, p. 377)
An employer is not guilty of refusal to bargain by
adamantly rejecting the union’s economic demands May a bargaining deadlock be resolved through
where he is operating at a loss, on low profit arbitration by a Labor Arbiter?
margin, or in a depressed industry, as long as he There is nothing in the law that prohibits labor
continues to negotiate. (Azucena, p. 364) arbiters from also acting as voluntary arbitrators as
long as the parties agree to have him hear and
What is the effect to the employer of not decide their dispute (Manila Central Line Corp. v.
replying to the proposal? Manila Central Line Free Workers Union, GR
The employer is deemed to have disregarded the 109383).
obligation to bargain in good faith. The CBA is
imposed on the employer. (Kiok Loy v. NLRC, GR Bargaining in bad faith is considered ULP.
L-54334) When should the charge of ULP be filed in such

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

It must be filed while the bargaining is in They are registered with the DOLE Regional
progress(SMTFM-WUP v. NLRC, GR 113856). Office where the bargaining union is registered or
where it principally operates. It must be done
What is surface bargaining? within 30 calendar days from the execution of the
It is going through the motions of negotiating agreement. (Art 231, LC)
without any legal intent to reach an agreement.
(Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v. What is the effect of failure to register the CBA?
Confesor, GR 114974) Such failure does not make it invalid or
unenforceable but its non-registration renders the
What is Blue-Sky Bargaining? contract-bar rule inoperative. (Azucena, p. 394)
It involves making exaggerated or unreasonable Does the lack of certification by the BLR affect
proposals. (Standard Chartered Bank Employees the validity of the CBA?
Union v. Confesor, GR 114974) No. It still becomes effective as between the parties
(Liberty Flour Mills Employees v. Liberty Flour
What is Boulwarism? Mills, 180 SCRA 668).
It involves two major phases:
a. A take it or leave it approach to What are the requirements of notice for the
negotiations in general which emphasized ratification of the CBA by the employees?
both the powerlessness and uselessness of The CBA should be posted in at least 2
the Union to its members conspicuous places in the establishment concerned
b. A communications program that pictured for at least 5 days before its ratification (Sec. 2, DO
the Company as the true defender of the 40-03).
employee’s interest (NLRB v. General
Electric Co., 418 F2d 736) When is there an automatic renewal of a CBA?
The parties shall continue the CBA in full force and
Who is the proper group to ratify the CBA? effect until they reach a new agreement (Art. 253,
It is the majority of all the workers in the LC).
bargaining unit represented in the organization, not
just the majority union (Book V, Rule XVII, Sec. 2, When should non-representational provisions of
Implementing Rules of LC). the CBA be negotiated?
It must be renegotiated not later than 3 years after
When is ratification not needed? its execution (Art. 253-A, LC).
It is not needed when the CBA is a product of an
arbitral award by appropriate government authority Are provisions of a renegotiated CBA
or by a voluntary arbitrator. In such situation, automatically retroactive?
posting is still needed but only for No. Agreement to provisions of the CBA entered
information(Azucena, p. 391). into within 6 months from the date of expiry of the
term of such other provision shall retroact to the
What is the effect of an unratified but day immediately following such date.
implemented CBA? If any such agreement is entered into beyond 6
It is considered valid. The employees cannot months, the parties shall agree on the duration of
receive benefits under provisions favorable to them retroactivity (Art. 253-A, LC).
and later insist that the CBA is void simply because
other provisions turn out not to the liking of certain What is the determining point of when the
employees (Planters Products, Inc. v. NLRC, GR agreement is concluded or entered into?
78524). It is the date the parties agreed, not the date they
signed. (Mindanao Terminal v. Confesor, GR
What is the effect of signing the CBA on other 111809)
The other disputes are deemed validly and actually When is the extension of the effectivity of a CBA
renounced under the CBA with the employer valid?
(Bachrach Transportation v. Rural Transit It is valid if the extension was acceptable to both
Employees, GR L-21768). parties to the agreement and did not violate any law
(Cruz v. Calleja, GR 87332).
Where and when are CBAs registered?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

May a CBA be suspended for 10 years? What is the requirement for management
Yes. Nothing in Article 253-A prohibits the parties prerogatives that affect the rights of the
from waiving or suspending the mandatory employees?
timetables and agreeing on the remedies to enforce Management should see to it that its employees are
the same. at least properly informed of its decisions or modes
There is no violation of the 5-year representation of action (PAL v. NLRC, GR 85985).
limit because it will only apply when there is an
extant CBA in full force and effect (Rivera v.
Espiritu, GR 135547).

What may be the subject of an injunction, which

involves “non-national interest” disputes, when Does collective bargaining with discussing the
a strike has become violent? new code of conduct, effectively recognizes the
It may be directed against the illegal acts being right of management to enforce the said new
committed in connection with the labor dispute, not code of conduct?
against the dispute itself. Thus, an injunction can No. CBA is not interpreted as cession of
be issued against the violence and intimidation employees’ right to participate in the deliberation
committed against the officials of the employer and of matters which may affect their rights and the
non-striking employees, not against the strike itself formulation of policies relative thereto (PAL v.
(Meralco Worker’s Union v. Yatco, GR L019785). NLRC, GR 85985).

As a general rule, regular courts do not have Would a policy regarding the company’s sales
jurisdiction to issue injunctions, even if acts of and operation require employee participation?
violence, intimidation, and coercion were No. It does not affect the rights of the employees
imputed to the Union, when there is an unfair (San Miguel Brewery Sale Force Union v. Ople,
labor practice case already pending in the GR 76219).
NLRC. What is the exception?
A regular court may issue injunction to protect the Does participation mean co-management of the
interest of neutral employers in common workplace business?
where the picketing occurs, such as when the No. The right to participation is not in the nature of
employees of the neutral employers are prevented a co-management control of the business
from entering the workplace (Republic Flour Mill (MERALCO v. Quisumbing, GR 127598).
Workers Association v. Reyes, GR L-21378).
As a rule, the DOLE shall promote the
May individual employees present their formation of labor-management councils in so
grievances to their employer even if there is far as it will directly affect their rights, benefits,
already an exclusive bargaining representative? and welfare. What are the exceptions?
Yes (Art. 255, LC). a. Those that are covered by collective
bargaining agreements
On what matters may employees participate in b. Traditional areas of bargaining (Sec 1,
policy and decision making processes of the Rule XXO, DO 40-03)
establishment where they are employed?
They may participate if the process will directly Who elects the workers’ representative in the
affect their rights, benefits, and welfare (Art. 255, labor-management councils?
LC). In organized establishments, the worker’s
representatives to the council shall be nominated by
Who should elect the representatives of the the excusive bargaining representative.
workers in the labor-management council that is In establishments where no legitimate labor
made in the policy and decision making process organization exists, the workers representative shall
of the company? be elected directly be the employees at large
The representatives are elected by at least majority (Azucena, p. 418).
of all employees in the establishment (Art. 255,
LC). What is a Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU)?
It is a group of employees sharing mutual interests
within a given employer unit, comprised of all or

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

less than all of the entire body of employees in the bargaining unit (Golden Farms Inc. v. Secretary of
employer unit or any specific occupational or Labor, 234 SCRA 517).
grouping within such employer unit (DO 40-03).
May a single bargaining unit be made by
What is the basic test of a bargaining unit’s employees of two corporations?
acceptability? No. They have their own separate juridical
It is whether it will best assure to all employees the personality (Diatagon Labor Federation Local 110
exercise of their collective bargaining rights, when of the ULGWP v. Ople, 101 SCRA 534).
the bargaining unit is comprised of constituents
enjoying a community of interest. This community
of interest is reflected in groups having substantial
similarity of wok and duties or similarity of What happens to the bargaining unit when a
compensation and working conditions (Democratic division of a corporation is spun-off into a new
Labor Union v. Cebu Stevedoring, GR L-10321). corporation?
The workers of the spun-off corporation are
Can a collective bargaining unit be formed by excluded from the bargaining unit of the mother
employees, of one employer, working in plants corporation (San Miguel Corp. Employees Union-
that are located in different places? PTGWO v. Confessor, GR 111262).
Yes. Geographical location can be completely
disregarded if the communal or mutual interests of Why is it important to distinguish a Collective
the employees are not sacrificed (San Miguel Bargaining Unit from the Union?
Corporation Supervisors v. Laguesma, GR a. In a consent election, the voters are the
110399). CBU
b. In CBA ratification, the voters are the
For the longer time, the company had two CBU
separate bargaining units for two of its c. In strike voting, the voters are the
divisions. May the employees suddenly decide members of the union
the make a single bargaining unit for both
divisions? In organized establishments, when and to whom
Yes. While the existence of a bargaining history is is a verified petition questioning the majority
a factor that may be reckoned with in determining status of the incumbent bargaining agent filed?
the appropriate bargaining units, it is not decisive It is filed within the 60-day period before the
or conclusive. The test of grouping is whether it is expiration of the collective bargaining agreement to
the combination will best assure to all employees the DOLE (Art. 256, LC).
the exercise of their collective bargaining rights
(NAFLU v. Mainit Lumber Development Company The verified petition questioning the majority
Workers Union-United Lumber and General status of the bargaining agent must be
Workers of the Philippines, GR 79526). supported by written consent of how many
employees of the bargaining unit?
May confidential employees be included in the It should be supported by at least 25% of the
bargaining unit? employees in the bargaining unit (Art. 256, LC).
No. By nature of their work, they assist and act in a
confidential capacity to, or have access to What is the quorum for there to be a valid
confidential matters of, person who exercise election?
managerial functions in the field of labor relations. At least majority of all eligible voters in the
The rationale behind the ineligibility of managerial bargaining unit must have cast their votes (Art.
employees to form, assist or join a labor union 256, LC).
equally applies to them (Philips Industrial
Development Inc. v. NLRC, GR 88957). Who is considered the exclusive bargaining
Generally, there should only be one bargaining The labor union receiving the majority of the valid
unit for one employer enterprise. What is the votes cast shall be certified as the exclusive
exception? bargaining agent of all the workers in the unit (Art.
The similarity of interests between the employees 256, LC).
warrants the formation of a separate and distinct

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What happens when there are three or more representative or agent of all the employees in a
choices and none of them receives a majority of bargaining unit (DO 40-03).
the votes cast?
There will be a run-off election between the labor What is the difference between organized
unions receiving the two highest number of votes. establishments from unorganized
However, all the contending unions should have establishments?
initially received at least 50% of the number of In unorganized establishments, the employer may
votes cast (Art. 256, LC). voluntary recognize the bargaining agent. If there
are obstacles to this, the petition to hold an election
may be filed anytime by any legitimate labor
What happens at the expiration of the freedom organization, except within 12 months previous a
period where no petition for certification certification election, run-off, or consent election.
election is filed? In organized establishments, voluntary recognition
The employer shall continue to recognize the is not possible. A petition to hold a certification
majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent election has to be filed within the freedom period
(Art. 256, LC). and with the support of 25% of the bargaining unit
(Azucena, p.433).
What happens in petitions in unorganized
establishment or those where there is no What are the conditions for voluntary
certified bargaining agent? recognition?
A certification election shall automatically be a. It is possible only in an unorganized
conducted by the Med-Arbiter upon the filing of a establishment
petition by any legitimate labor organization (Art. b. Only one union is asking for recognition
257, LC). c. The union voluntary recognized should be
the majority union as indicated by the fact
When may an employer file a petition for that members of the bargaining unit did
certification election? not object to the projected recognition
The employer may do so when requested to bargain (Azucena, p. 434).
collectively (Art. 258, LC).
What is must be done after recording of the fact
What is the role of the employer in a of voluntary recognition?
certification election? The employer and the union should conclude and
The employer is a bystander. The role is limited to: register a CBA within one year from the date of
a. Being notified or informed of petitions of entry of voluntary recognition. Otherwise, the
such nature recognition will lapse and a rival union may
b. Submitting the list of employees during petition for a certification election (Sec 4, DO 40-
the pre-election conference (Art. 258-A, 03).
What must first be shown before a certification
To whom should a party to an election appeal election be held?
the order or results of the election? It must be shown that there is reasonable doubt as
Appeal may be filed directly to the Secretary of to which of the contending unions represents a
Labor and Employment (Art. 259, LC). majority (Azucena, p. 437).

What is the ground for appeal in a certification What is the difference between a certification
election order? election and a union election?
The ground is that the rules and regulations or parts A union election is held pursuant to the union’s
thereof established by the Secretary of Labor and constitution and bylaws and the right to vote is
Employment for the conduct of the election have enjoyed only by union members. The object is to
been violated(Art. 259, LC). elect officers of the union.
A certification election is ordered and supervised
What is an exclusive bargaining representative? by DOLE to determine whether a majority of the
It is any legitimate labor union duly recognized or employees which to be represented by a labor
certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining organization or by which particular labor

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

organization (UST Faculty Union v. Director An approval of a PCE in an unorganized

Bitonio, GR 131235). bargaining unit is not appealable (Azucena, p. 442).

Who files the petition for certification election? What are the grounds for the Med-Arbiter to
a. The registered union deny the petition for certification election?
b. A national union or federation a. Non-appearance of the petitioner for two
c. The employer (Azucena, pp. 438-439). consecutive scheduled conferences
b. The petitioning union is unregistered
What must other unions do if they are interested c. Failure of the local/chapter or national
in joining a certification election? union/federation to submit a duly issued
They should file a motion for intervention charter certificate
(Azucena, p. 437). d. Absence of employer-employee
When can a petition for certification not be e. The 12-month bar
filed? f. Negotiation or deadlock
a. When a fact of voluntary recognition has g. Existing CBA
been entered or a valid certification, h. Lack of support (Azucena, pp. 443-444).
consent run-off election has been
conducted within the bargaining unit, Does the filing of a petition to cancel the
within 1 year prior to the filing of the petitioner’s registration cause the suspension or
petition. dismissal of the PCE?
When an appeal has been filed regarding No. To serve as dismissal, the legal personality of
the results of the election, the running of the petitioner should have been cancelled with
the 1 year period is suspended until the finality (Sec 2, Rule XI, DO 40-F-03)
decision is final and executory
b. When the duly certified union has What is the effect of the pendency of unfair
commenced and sustained negotiations in labor practice charge against the petitioning
good faith within the 1 year period above union to the PCE?
c. There is a bargaining deadlock with an Nothing (Barrera v. Court of Industrial Relations,
incumbent bargaining agent 107 SCRA 596).
d. When a CBA has been registered, the
petition may be filed only within 60 days What is the 12-month bar rule?
prior to its expiry (Azucena, p. 441). No petition for certification election may be filed
within one year from the date of a valid
What is the procedure for certification election? certification, consent, or run-off election or from
Mediator-Arbiter, to serve a notice of preliminary the date of entry of a voluntary recognition of the
conference (10 working days from receipt) union by the employer (Azucena, p. 447).
Preliminary Conference – if the unions may agree
to hold a consent election, the PCE will no longer Ordinarily, a bargaining agent who failed to
be held secure a CBA within 12 months could be
Hearings and Filing of Pleadings – not exceeding suspected as a tool of management and should
15 days from the date of the scheduled preliminary be replaced. What is the exception?
conference If the circumstances show that the cause of not
Formal order granting or denying the petition – 10 having concluded a CBA was not the union’s fault,
days from the date of the last hearing; or organized a certification election should not be authorized
establishments, after the 60-day freedom period even though no CBA has been concluded despite
Pre-election Conference – set the mechanics for the the passage of 12 months (Capitol Medical Center
election (date, time, voters, number and location of Alliance v. Laguesma, GR 118915).
polling place, watchers, guideline)
Conducting of Certification Election Does the 12-month bar rule apply when the first
petition was dismissed on the ground the
Denial or grant of the petition for certification election did not include all the employees who
election is usually appealable to the Secretary of should be properly included?
Labor. What is the exception?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. The 12-month prohibition presupposes that supervisors’ petition need the 25% minimum
there was an actual conduct of election (R support?
Transport Corp. v. Laguesma, GR 106830). No. The company is considered unorganized in so
far as the supervisors are concerned (California
What happens when there was failure of election Manufacturing v. Laguesma, GR 9020).
because less than majority of the CBU members
voted? Is the 25% minimum support a strict
Another petition for certification election may be requirement?
held within 6 months (Sec 18, DO 40-03). No. It may be relaxed. The Med-Arbiter is still
empowered to order that it be held precisely for the
What is needed to be shown in order for a purpose of ascertaining which of the contending
deadlock to be a barrier to a certification labor organizations shall be the exclusive
election? bargaining agent (Atlas Free Workers Union Local
The deadlock must be genuine. Some indicators v. Noriel, GR L-46722).
would be going on a legitimate strike or lockout or
submission to compulsory arbitration (Kaisahan ng
Manggagawang Pilipino v. Trajano, GR 75810).

What happens when a petition for certification When is the withdrawal of signatories for the
election is filed after the 60-day freedom period? 25% requirement presumed voluntary and
The petition is considered filed out of time because when is it presumed involuntary?
it can be entertained only within 60 days prior the Withdrawals made before the filing of the petition
expiry date of an existing CBA. After such period, are presumed voluntary unless there is convincing
the old CBA is extended until a new one is signed proof to the contrary.
(National Congress of Unions in the Sugar Withdrawals made after the filing of the petition
Industry of the Philippines v. Calleja, GR 89609). are deemed involuntary (La Suerte Cigar and
Cigarette Factory v. Director, 123 SCRA 679).
What are some instances when the contract bar
rule does not apply? As a general rule, the validity of registration of
a. When the CBA is defective the union can be resolved by the Regional
b. What is involved is a referendum to be Director in an independent action. When may
conducted among the rank-and-file the Med-Arbiter, in a petition for certification
employees to determine whether they are election, do so?
in favor of having an independently It may be done by the Med-Arbiter when the
registered union petitioning union is not listed in the roster of
c. CBA signed before or within the freedom legitimate labor organizations of the DOLE, or an
period despite and injunctive order existing collective bargaining agreement is not
(Azucena pp. 455-456). registered with the DOLE (DO 40-F-03).

The petition for certification election does not The Med-Arbiter has authority to decide the
bar the employer and the incumbent union from existence of employer-employee relationship.
renegotiating and renewing the expiring CBA. What is the remedy of the employer if the Med-
What would be the effect on the renegotiated Arbiter determines that there is such
CBA if a union, other the one that executed it relationship?
should win the Certification Election? The order is appealable to the Secretary of Labor
The union thus certified would have to respect the (MY San Biscuits, Inc. v. Laguesma, GR 95011).
contract, but it may bargain with management to
shorten the life of the contract if it is too long May certification election be held legally upon
(General Maritime Stevedores Union of the the petition of a union while a petition for
Philippines v. South Sea Shipping Line, GR L- certification election filed by another union is
14689). pending appeal?
No. The appeal should first be resolved (Samahan
If a company’s rank-and-file employees are ng mga Manggagawa sa Filsystems v. Sec. of
unionized but the supervisors are not, does the Labor, GR 128067).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Generally, the list of employees in the CBU or a. Majority of the CBU members voted
payrolls should be the basis of who are voters. b. The election presented at least three
When may another list be used? choices
The SSS list may be used when the employer c. Not one of the unions obtained majority of
unjustly refused to submit the payroll in its custody the valid votes
(Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Pacific Plastic v. d. Total number of votes for all the unions is
Laguesma, GR 111245). at least 50% of the votes cast
e. There is no unresolved challenge of voter
What happens when there is a disagreement or election protest (Azucena, p.474)
over the voters’ list over the eligibility of voters?
All contested voters shall be allowed to vote. Their Does an employer have standing to protest a
vote shall be segregated and sealed in individual certification election based on irregularities?
envelopes (Sec 5, Rule IX, DO 40-03). Yes. What an employer is prohibited from doing is
to interfere with the conduct of the certification
When is a dismissed employee eligible to vote in election for the purpose of influencing its outcome.
the certification election? An employer has an interest in seeing to it that the
The employee is eligible when such employee has election is clean, peaceful, orderly, and credible
contested the legality of the dismissal in an (National Federation of Labor v. Sec of Labor, GR
appropriate forum (Airtime Specialists, Inc. v. 104556).
Director of Labor Relations, GR 80612-16).
What is the effect of the election as to the
Are probationary employees entitled to vote in minority union?
the certification election? It does not lose its character as a lawful
Yes. The Code makes no distinction as to the organization. For non-CBA issues, the minority
employment status as basis for eligibility in union may act as a group of employees to present
supporting the petition for certification election. grievances to the employer. It can also engage in
The law refers to “all” employees in the bargaining peaceful concerted activity as long as it is not a
unit (Airtime Specialists, Inc. v. Director of Labor strike (Azucena, p. 479).
Relations, GR 80612-16).
May the bargaining agent represent retired
Are members of the INK, who are not members employees regarding rights, as embodied in the
of any union, eligible to vote? CBA?
Yes. The right to vote is given to all bona fide Retired employees retains, for the purpose of
employees in the bargaining unit, whether they are prosecuting his claims, the status of an employee
members of a labor organization or not (Airtime entitled to the protection of the Labor Code. The
Specialists, Inc. v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 749). union is not denied its right to sue on behalf of its
members (Producers Bank of the Phil. V. NLRC,
When may a party-in-interest file a protest GR 118069).
based on the conduct and mechanics of the
election? How long should the grievance machinery settle
The petition must be formalized within 5 days after an issue before it is automatically referred to
the close of the election proceedings (Sec. 12, DO voluntary arbitration?
40-03). All grievances submitted to the grievance
machinery which are not settled within 7 calendar
What are the conditions for the union obtaining days from the date of its submission shall
majority of the valid votes cast be certified as automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration
the sole bargaining agent? (Art. 260, LC).
a. No protest was filed on time
b. No challenge or eligibility issue as to What happens when the CBA fails to designate
voters or if the resolution of such will not a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
materially change the results of the Arbitrators?
elections (Azucena, p. 472). The Board shall designate the Voluntary Arbitrator
or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators (Art 260, LC).
What are the requisites for a run-off election to
be proper?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Would a CBA provision giving the workers May non-union members be entitled to the
financial assistance in pursuing a “higher benefits of the collective bargaining contract?
degree” include a course that would confer only Yes. To accord its benefits only to members of the
a certificate? union, without any valid reason, would constitute
Yes. The CBA did not specify to which training undue discrimination against non-members (Prisco
the benefit will apply. The term is so broad as to v. Prisco Workers’ Union, GR L-92288).
include programs that would grant certificates and
not degrees. Construction of a CBA would be made Can a laborer claim benefits from a collective
in favor of the employee (Holy Cross of Davao bargaining agreement entered between the
College v. Holy Cross of Davao Faculty Union, GR company and the union which he is a member at
156098). the time of the conclusion of the agreement, even
after he has resigned from said union?
Is the death of a fetus included in the term as Yes (Kapisanan Ng Mga Manggagawang
dependent as to be covered by the death Pinagyakap v. Franklin Baker Co. of the Phil.)
insurance under the CBA?
Yes. The unborn child is a dependent because a Are managers entitled to CBA benefits?
“dependent” is one who relies on another for No. However, there is nothing to prevent the
support (Continental Steel Manufaturing Corp. v. employer from granting benefits to managerial
Montano, GR 182836). employees equal to or higher than those afforded to
union members (Martinez v. NLRC, GR 118743).
May a company make guidelines on the
qualifications or standards for the applicability Generally, when a collective bargaining
of a provision in the CBA where the CBA itself agreement is concluded, members of the labor
is silent? union are precluded from entering into
Yes. By executing the CBA in its present form, the individual contracts of employment. What is the
union is bound by the terms and conditions set exception?
forth (United Kimberly-Clark Employees Union v. If the agreement merely fixes wages and working
Kimberly-Clark Philippines, Inc., GR 162957). conditions, the employer may enter into particular
contracts of employment with his employees even
May a union invoke a proposal mentioned in the though both are bond by the general contract as to
negotiation minutes but not embodied in the wages and working conditions (Azucena p. 490
CBA contract itself? citing Danger & Shriber).
No. The union should have requested or demanded
that such promise or undertaking be incorporated in As a general rule, there is no law requiring a
the CBA. A proposal raised by a contracting party bona fide purchaser of assets of an on-going
that does not find print in the CBA is not a part concern to absorb in its employ the employees of
thereof and the proponent has no claim whatsoever the latter. What is the exception?
to its implementation (Samahang Manggagawa sa The parties are liable to the employees if the
Top Form Manufacturing v. NLRC, GR 113856). transaction between the parties is colored or
clothed with bad faith (Sundowner Development
What is the Zipper Clause? Corporation v. Drilon, GR 82341).
It is a stipulation in a CBA indicating that issues
that could have been negotiated upon but not What is the Wiley Doctrine?
contained in the CBA cannot be raised for The disappearance by merger of a corporate
negotiation when the CBA is already in effect employer which has entered into a collective
(Azucena, p. 488). bargaining agreement with a union does not
automatically terminate all rights of the employees
Should privileges given by law still need to be covered by the agreement (Azucena, p. 493).
included in the CBA?
No. The law form part of, and is read into, every What is the substitutionary doctrine?
contract, unless clearly excluded therefrom in those This doctrine makes the CBA binding on the
cases where such exclusion is allowed (Liberation parties despite the fact that a new bargaining agent
Steamship Ci., Inc. v. CIR, GR L-25389). is elected by the employees. The new agent
however, may bargain for the shortening of the

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

contract period (Benguet Consolidated v. BCI What is the difference between a temporary or
Employees and Workers Union, 23 SCRA 465). ad hoc arbitrator and a permanent arbitrator?
A temporary arbitrator is selected when a dispute is
Is a no-strike stipulation covered by the already at hand. He is named to arbitrate a specific
substitutionary doctrine? dispute or a specific group of disputes, and there is
No. It cannot be invoked to support the contention no commitment to select him again.
that a newly certified collective bargaining agent A permanent arbitrator is one who is selected
automatically assumes all the personal before a dispute arises, usually during the
undertakings made by the deposed union (Benguet negotiation of a CBA. He is to serve for a period of
Consolidated v. BCI Employees and Workers time, usually during the life of the CBA (Azucena,
Union, 23 SCRA 465). p.505)

What are grievances? How is arbitration distinguished from courts of

They are any question by either the employer or the law?
union regarding the interpretation or application of Arbitration proceedings are informal. They are not
the CBA or company personnel policies or any obliged to follow precedents set by other
claim by either party that the other party is arbitrations in similar cases. The rules of evidence
violating any provision of the CBA or company are not followed as arbitrators determine what is
policy. It may include the interpretation and admissible. The services of an attorney are not
enforcement of company personnel policies essential (Azucena, p.505-506)
(Azucena, p. 496).

What is the effect of failure or refusal to adhere

to the grievance procedure in the CBA? What are under the jurisdiction of the
It is an unfair labor practice because the grievance Voluntary Arbitrators?
procedure is part of the continuous process of a. Interpretation or implementation of the
collective bargaining (Republic Savings Bank v. CBA
CIR, 21 SCA 226). b. Interpretation and enforcement of
company personnel policies(Art. 261, LC)
May an employee waive the benefit of the option c. Other labor disputes, as agreed by the
of going through the grievance machinery and parties such as unfair labor practices and
directly submit the case to the voluntary bargaining deadlocks (Art. 262, LC).
When not forced upon against the parties, the Gross violation of the CBA is under the
employee’s waiver of the option to submit the case jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter, unless
to the grievance machinery did not amount to otherwise agreed upon by the parties. What are
relinquishing the right to avail of voluntary gross violations of the CBA?
arbitration (Apalisok v. Rado Philippines Network, They are flagrant and/or malicious refusal to
GR 138094). comply with the economic provisions of such
agreement (Art. 261, LC).
What is labor arbitration?
It is the reference of a labor dispute to a third party What are the two kinds of disputes in
for determination on the basis of evidence and arbitration?
arguments presented by such parties who are bound a. Contract negotiation disputes/ arbitration
to accept the decision (Azucena, p. 502). of interests
b. Contract interpretation/arbitration of
What is voluntary arbitration? grievance or rights (Azucena, p.506-507).
It is the referral of a dispute by the parties pursuant
to a voluntary arbitration clause in their collective Who has jurisdiction to decide over a
agreement, to an impartial third person for final and controversy which involves a money claim-
binding resolution (Luzon Development Bank v. underpayment of retirement benefits?
Association of Luzon Development Bank Since it arises from the interpretation and
Employees, GR 120319). implementation of a provision of the CBA, the
Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Arbitrators has original and exclusive jurisdiction

(San Jose v. NLRC, GR 121227). How is voluntary arbitration initiated?
a. A submission – where there is no previous
What is the requirement for an employment agreement to arbitrate, usually in interest
dispute, arising from CBA or personnel policy disputes, and/or
interpretation to be cognizable by a voluntary b. By a demand or notice invoking a
arbitrator? collective agreement arbitration clause –
The referral by the labor arbiter presupposes that usually in rights dispute, initiated
the parties had agreed in unequivocal language that unilaterally (Azucena, p. 513).
the termination dispute should be submitted to
grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration. What is the extent of the authority of the
Without such explicit agreement, the labor arbiter arbitrator?
may hear and decide the case (San Miguel Corp. v. The arbitrator is expected to decide questions
NLRC, GR 80774). expressly stated and limited in the submission
agreement. However, since arbitration is the final
What disputes are referred to the grievance resort for the adjudication of disputes, the arbitrator
machinery or voluntary arbitrators? will assume that he has the power to make a final
Only disputes involving the union and the company settlement (Azucena, p. 514).
shall be referred to the grievance machinery or
voluntary arbitrators (Sanyo Philippines Workers May the employer contend that the Arbitrator
Union v. Canizares, GR 101619). exceeded his authority in passing upon, not only
the question of whether there was performance
bonus to be granted, but also the amount when
the parties submitted to the Voluntary
Who has jurisdiction over a case involving the Arbitrator “the issue of performance bonus”?
union and the company, on one hand, and some No. There is no indication that the parties to the
union and non-union members who were arbitration agreement regarded the “issue of
dismissed on the other hand? performance bonus” as a two-tiered issue. The
The grievance machinery with members designated employer failed to reflect his thinking in the
by the union and the company cannot be expected arbitration agreement (Sime Darby Philippines v.
to be impartial against the dismissed employees. Magsalin, GR 90426).
Thus, the matter falls within the jurisdiction of the
Labor Arbiter(Sanyo Philippines Workers Union v. What is a dispute clause?
Canizares, GR 101619). It grants the arbitrator jurisdiction to hear and
determine practically any matter in dispute between
What are company personnel policies? the parties (Trotta, Arbitration of Labor-
They are guiding principles stated in broad, long- Management Disputes, p.78).
range terms that express the philosophy or beliefs
of an organization’s top authority regarding How long is the Voluntary Arbitrator given to
personnel matters. They deal with matters affecting render an award or decision?
efficiency and well-being of employees (Azucena, They are given 20 calendar days from the date of
p. 510-511). submission of the dispute to voluntary arbitration
(Art 262-A, LC).
What must be shown for a ULP case involving
the CBA to be cognizable by the Labor Arbiter? How long is the period before the award or
a. Gross violation of the CBA decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator to be final
b. Violation pertains to the economic executory?
provisions of the CBA (Silva v. NLRC, It is final and executory after 10 days from receipt
110226). of the copy of the award or decision by the parties
(Art 262-A, LC).
Who has jurisdiction on a dispute against the
company’s drug policy? As a general rule, decisions of voluntary
It is a personnel policy dispute within the arbitrators are accorded a certain measure of
jurisdiction of a Voluntary Arbitrator (Union of finality. When can there be judicial review
Nestle Workers v. Nestle Philippines, GR 148303). thereof?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

The Supreme Court make take cognizance of

petitions questioning decisions where want of What is the effect of an unlawful lockout to a
jurisdiction grave abuse of discretion, violation of worker whose employment was terminated by
due process, denial of substantial justice, or it?
erroneous interpretation of the law are brought to The worker is entitled to reinstatement with full
its attention (Continental Marble Corp. v. NLRC, backwages (Art. 264 (a), LC).
GR L-43825).
What is the effect of the participation of a union
May a motion for reconsideration on the officer in an illegal strike?
decision of the voluntary arbitrator be filed? He may be declared to have lost his employment
No (Section 7, Rule XIX, DO 40, 2003). status(Art. 264 (a), LC).

What is the mode of appeal for decisions of the What are the prohibited acts in strikes or
voluntary arbitrator to the Court of Appeals? lockouts?
It is Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of procedure a. Declaring a strike or lockout without
(Nippon Paint Employees Union v. CA, GR compliance with the requirements of the
159010). law
b. Obstruct, impede, or interfere by violence,
Is the court limited to reviewing questions of law coercion, threats, or intimidation of any
on the decision of the voluntary arbitrator? peaceful (valid) picketing or assisting such
No. However, great respect should be given to the obstruction or interference.
findings of the latter (Continental Marble Corp v. c. Employing or being employed as a strike
NLRC, GR L-43825). breaker
d. A public official or employee who escorts
replacement workers
What are the cooling periods before a strike e. A person engaged in picketing to commit
may commence? act of violence, coercion or intimidation or
bargaining deadlocks 30 obstruct free ingress or egress of the
unfair labor practice 15 employer’s premises (Art. 264, LC).
Dismissal from employment of 0
union officers, constituting union May an individual, acting alone, be deemed
busting engaged in concerted activity?
(Art. 263, LC) If the employee is seeking to induce group activity
or is acting as representative of at least one other
What is the requirement of the number of employee, such act may be considered concerted
approval in a strike vote? (Azucena, p. 533).
A strike should be approved by majority of the total
union membership in the bargaining unit (Art. 263, What is a strike?
LC). It is a temporary stoppage of work by the concerted
action of employees as a result of an industrial or
What is the effect when the Secretary of Labor labor dispute (Art. 212 (o), LC).
assumes jurisdiction over the dispute in a
national interest case? What are the grounds for conducting a strike or
It automatically enjoins the intended or impending lockout?
strike or lockout. If one has already taken place, a. Collective bargaining deadlock, or
everybody resumes working(Art. 263, LC). b. Unfair labor practice of the employer (Art
263, LC).
What is the additional requirement for a strike
or lockout in medical institutions? What is a lockout?
It is the duty of the striking union or locking-out It is the temporary refusal of an employer to furnish
employer to provide and maintain an effective work as a result of an industrial or labor dispute
skeletal workforce of medical and other health (Art. 212(p), LC).
personnel to insure the proper and adequate
protection of life and health of its patients (Art.
263, LC).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

As a general rule, strike and lockouts are not It is when a group of employees refuse in concert
subject to labor injunctions or restraining to remain at work for an employer who persists in
orders. What are the exceptions? dealing with a third person against whom they have
h. National interest cases a grievance. It is the absence of this connection
i. If prohibited act under Art. 264 are being between employment and product which
committed. (Azucena, p. 537). characterizes the sympathetic as distinguished from
the secondary strike (Azucena, p. 541).
How is the question of whether a lockout
constitutes an unfair labor practice decided? What is an economic strike?
It should be decided on the facts of each case, and It is intended to force wage and other concessions
each case must be carefully measured by its own from the employer, which he is not required by law
setting (NLRB v. Brown, 13 L ed 2d 839). to grant (Consolidated Labor Association of the
Philippines v. Marsman, 11 SCRA 589).
May the employer validly lockout the employees
in order to prevent the acts of sabotage at the What is unfair labor practice strike?
plant? It is called against the unfair labor practices of the
Yes. The company is justified in its apprehension employer, usually for the purpose of making him
and fear that sabotage might be committed in the desist from further committing such practices
warehouse (Rizal Cement Workers Union v. (Mastro Plastic Corp. v. NLRB, 350 US 270).
Madrigal, 10 SCRA 831).
A strike can validly take place only in the
What is a general strike? presence of and in relation to a labor dispute
It extends over a whole community, province, state between the employer and employees involved.
or country. It is an extended form of sympathetic What is labor dispute?
strike, involving many workers, in sympathy with It includes any controversy or matter concerning
the workers of another employer, in order to terms and conditions of employment or the
pressure the government (Azucena, p. 539). association or representation of persons in
negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or
What is a local strike? arranging the terms and conditions of employment
It is one undertaken by the workers in a particular (Art. 212(o), LC).
enterprise (Azucena, p. 540).
What is the remedy of the employer against
What is a sit-down strike? employees who are engaged in a wildcat strike?
It is a combination of the strike and a refusal of the An employer may lawfully discharge employees
strikers to leave the plant and machines, and a for participating in an unjustified wildcat strike
refusal to permit the latter to be operated (Azucena, especially when it is an attempt to undermine the
p. 540). union’s position as exclusive bargaining
representative (National Union of Workers in
What is a slowdown? Hotels v. NLRC, GR 125561).
It is a willful reduction in the rate of work by a
group of employees for the purpose of restricting Why are sympathetic strike and Welga ng
the output of the employer(Azucena, p. 540). Bayan illegal?
They violate employment obligations, sacrifices
What is a partial strike or wildcat strike? productivity, and victimize even law-abiding
It takes the form if intermittent, unannounced work employees (Azucena, pp. 543-544).
stoppage.it violates the labor contract and is not
authorized by the union (Azucena, p. 540). What is the effect of disregarding grievance
procedure or refusal to submit the arbitrable
What is a primary strike? issue to voluntary arbitration?
It is one declared by employees who have a direct The strike is premature, hence illegal (Liberal
and immediate interest in the subject of the dispute Labor Union v. Phil. Can Co., GR L-4834).
which exists between them and their employer
(Azucena, p. 540). How is the right to strike protected?

What is a secondary strike?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

a. It is generally not subject to labor How many votes are needed in a strike vote
injunction or restraining order (Art. 254, were 60 of the 178 union membership have
LC) pending contest of their dismissal?
b. Employees may not be discriminated The vote needed is at least 90. Employees who are
against merely because they have dismissed are still considered employees if there
exercised the right to strike (Art. 248, LC) are contesting their dismissal (Industrial Timber
c. The use of strike-breakers is prohibited Corp. v. NLRC, GR 107302).
(Art. 264(c), LC)
d. Mere participation in a strike does not Can the 7 day strike ban be included in the
sever the employment relationship, (Art 30/15-day cooling-off period?
264(a), LC). No. the 7 day requirement is counted from the day
following the expiration of the cooling-off period
Who are strikebreakers? (Sukhotai Cuisine v. CA, GR 150437).
They are persons who obstruct, impedes or
interferes with by force, violence, coercion, threats What is the effect of an overtime boycott and
or intimidation any peaceful picketing by work slowdown?
employees during any labor controversy affecting It is considered as a strike on an installment basis,
wages, hours or conditions of work or in the hence, illegal (Interphil Laboratories Employees
exercise of the right of self-organization or Union v. Interphil Laboratories).
collective bargaining (Art. 212(r), LC),
What are the elements for there to be ground to
What is the role of police in strikes, lockouts, strike on the basis of union-busting?
and labor disputes in general? a. Union officers are being dismissed
It is limited to the maintenance of peace and order, b. Officers are the ones duly elected in
enforcement of laws and legal order of duly accordance with the union constitution
constituted authorities and the performance of and by-laws
specific functions as may be provided by law c. Existence of the union is threatened
(Azucena, p.547). (Azucena, p. 562)

What is the requirement that need not be

According to Teller, what are the six factors complied in a strike on the basis of union
affecting the legality of a strike? busting?
a. Whether is it contrary to a specific Only the 15-day cooling off period is excused. The
prohibition of law three remaining requirements (notice, strike vote,
b. Violates specific requirement of law and 7-day report period), cannot be dispensed with
c. Declared for an unlawful purpose (Azucena, p. 562).
d. Employs unlawful means
e. In violation of an existing injunction What is the effect of a strike during the
f. Contrary to an existing agreement (Teller, pendency of the compulsory arbitration
pp. 314-317) proceedings?
It is an illegal strike (Filsyn Employees Chapter v.
Do government employees have the right to Drilon, GR 82225).
No. They have the right to organize but they do What is mediation?
nothave the right to strike (SSS Employees In general, it is a process of resolving disputes with
Association v. CA, 175 SCRA 686). the aid of a neutral person who helps the parties
identify issues and developproposals to resolve
Who files a notice of strike? their disputes (Azucena, p. 564),
If the reason for the intended strike is ULP by the
employer, it is filed by the duly recognized What is the effect when a strike or walkout was
bargaining agent. In the absence of which, any staged on the basis of grievances which have not
unrecognized but registered union may do so. been submitted to the grievance committee, as
In cases of bargaining deadlocks, only the stipulated in the agreement of the parties?
bargaining union may do so.(Azucena, p. 554). The strike is premature and illegal (GOP-CCP
Workers Union v. CIR, 93 SCRA 116).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

(Shell Oil Workers’ Union v. Shell Company of the

Is the union allowed to violate its agreement Philippines, 39 SCRA 289).
with management not to strike when
management failed in its duty in forming the Is there an illegal strike when the employer
grievance committee? refused to bargain on the ground that the appeal
No. The union must still exhaust all available of the union that has lost the certification
means within its reach before resorting to force election is still pending?
(Azucena, p. 567). No. The strike does not automatically carry the
stigma of illegality even if no unfair labor practices
What is the conversion doctrine in strikes? were committed by the employer. It suffices if such
A strike, initially based on collective bargaining a belief in good faith is entertained by labor as the
deadlock, may be converted to one based on unfair inducing factor for staging s strike (Esso
labor practice if the employer commits acts that Philippines v. Malayang Manggagawa sa ESSO,
would show manifestation of unfair labor practice GR L-36545).
(Azucena, p. 571).
Can a union go on a strike on the basis of ULP
When is there bargaining deadlock? when there is a no-strike clause in the CBA?
It is when there is failure, on the part of labor and Yes. A no-strike clause prohibition in a CBA is
management, in the collective bargaining applicable only to economic strikes (Philippine
negotiations resulting in a stalemate (San Miguel Metal Foundries, Inc. v. Court of Industrial
Corporation v. NLRC, GR 99266). Relations, 90 SCRA 135).

Is the inability of the company to meet the May the employees stage a strike when
demands of the laborers a ground to prevent the management issued guidelines intended to
strike? minimize overtime expenses, upon consultation,
No. To make the legality or illegality of strikes but without the response, of the union?
dependent solely on whether the demands of No. There should be at least a rational basis why
laborers may or may not be granted, is in effect to the union would wield a strike based on alleged
outlaw altogether an effective means for securing unfair labor practice. Such reason should be
better working conditions (Caltex Philippines v. substantiated during the conciliation proceedings
Philippine Labor Organization-Caltex Chapter, 93 (Tiu and Hayuhay v. NLRC, GR 123276).
Phil. 295).
May the union strike in order to compel
What are the tests in determining the existence recognition of and bargaining with the majority
of an unfair labor practice strike? union?
a. Objectively, when the strike is declared in Yes. (Caltex Filipino Managers and Supervisors
protest of unfair labor practice which is Association v. CIR, GR L-30632-33).
found to have been actually committed;
and The three jurisdictional preconditions to
b. Subjectively, when a strike is declared in collective bargaining are: 1) possession of
protest of what the union believed to be majority status, 2) proof of majority
unfair labor practices committed by representations, and 3) demand to bargain.
management, and the circumstance What is the effect if a strike was staged without
warranted such belief in good faith, any of these conditions?
although found subsequently as not It would be premature for a union to hold a strike to
committed (Norton and Harrison Co. compel bargaining (Lakas ng Manggagawang
Labor Union v. Norton and Harrison Co., Makabayan v. Marcelo Enterprises).
29 SCRA 310).
May a minority union strike?
What is the “Good-Faith Strike” doctrine? No. There is no labor dispute between a minority
For a strike, it is not required that there be in fact union and an employer (United Restauror’s
unfair labor practice committed by the employer. It Employees and Labor Union v. Hon. Torres, GR L-
suffices if such a belief in good faith is entertained 24993).
by labor as inducing factor for staging a strike

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the effect when the union staged a strike Who should be held responsible for illegal acts
without giving management reasonable time in a strike?
within which to consider and act on the The responsibility must be on an individual and not
demands submitted by the Union? collective basis. Only the union officers and the
The strike is premature (Paper Pulp & Project strikers who engaged in violent, illegal and
Workers’ Union v. Insular Sugar Refining Corp, criminal acts against the employer are deemed to
GR L-7394). have lost their employment status. Union members
who were merely instigated to participate in the
May employees strike to coerce management to illegal strike should be treated differently (First
get rid of a foreman whom the employees do not City Interlink Transportation v. Confesor, GR
like? 106316).
No. It is an unreasonable demand of the labor
union for the dismissal of a factory foreman (Luzon Who are the union officers liable for an illegal
Marine Department Union v. Roldan, GR L-2660). strike?
They are individual officers, agents or members
May the employees strike on the basis of ULP with proof of actual authorization or ratification of
when the management allegedly transferred such illegal acts in a strike after actual knowledge
their tables and seats without notice? thereof (Phil. Marine Officers’ Guild v. Cia.
No. There is no actual existing unfair labor Maritima, 22 SCRA 113).
practice. Changing the seating arrangement is an
exercise or reasonable prerogative (Reliance Surety When some management officials are unable to
and Insurance Co., Inc. v. NLRC, GR 86917-18). leave the premises of the company during a
strike, may the strikers be held guilty of illegal
Is a demand to correct a salary distortion under detention?
the wage rationalization act a valid ground to No. When without criminal intent and only to
strike? weaken management resistance so that it would
No. The problem of wage distortion should be give in to their demands, their acts do not add up to
brought by voluntary negotiation or arbitration the commission of the offense of slight illegal
(Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa v. NLRC, GR detention (People v. Barba, 29 SCRA 663).
What are considered “National Interest” cases?
They are labor disputes causing or likely to cause a
strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to the
When may a strike that was initially valid national interest is in the nature of a police power
become illegal? measure (Union of Filipro Employees v. NLRC, GR
When the means employed are illegal, the strike 91025).
also becomes illegal. It is illegal for a strike to be
done through violence, coercion, intimidation, What is the regulation for strikes in banks?
obstructing the free ingress to or egress from the Any strike or lockout involving banks, if unsettled
employer’s premises or obstructing public after 7 calendar days, shall be reported by the BSP
thoroughfares (Azucena, p. 593). to the Secretary of Labor who may assume
jurisdiction (Sec. 22, GBL).
Is the mere filing of charges against an employee
for alleged illegal acts during a strike justify his Is prior notice necessary in order for the
dismissal? Secretary of Labor to take jurisdiction over a
No. The charges must be proved at an investigation labor dispute?
duly called where the employee shall be given an No. His primary assumption of jurisdiction can
opportunity to defend himself (Batangas Laguna justifiable rest on his own consideration of the
Tayabas Bus Company v. NLRC, GR 101858). exigency of the situation in relation to the national
interests (Magnolia Poultry Employees Union v.
Is it still an illegal strike when there is violence Sanchez, GR 76227-28).
on both sides?
No (Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus Company v. What are certified labor disputes?
NLRC, GR 101858). They are cases certified or referred to the NLRC
for compulsory arbitration under Art. 263(g) of the

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Labor Code dealing about “national interest” cases. May the Secretary of Labor temper the
These cases may be certified even before a strike is consequence of the defiance to the return to
declared (Azucena, p.603). work order?
Yes. He may merely suspend rather than dismiss
When sitting in a compulsory arbitration the employees involved (Cebu Portland Cement v.
certified to by the Secretary of Labor, does the Cement Workers’ Union, GR L-25032).
NRLC have authority to amend the Secretary’s
order? Where a return-to-work order is issued, may the
No. It is not sitting as a judicial court but as an employer be compelled to accept back the
administrative body charged with the duty to strikers with pending criminal charges relating
implement the order of the Secretary (University of to the strike?
Santo Tomas v. NLRC, GR 89920). Yes. To exclude employees with pending criminal
charges in the directive to the company to accept
What is the effect of non-compliance with the back the striking workers without first determining
certification order of the Secretary of Labor? whether they knowingly committed illegal acts
It is considered as an illegal act committed in the would be tantamount to dismissal without due
course of the strike or lockout, and shall authorize process of law (Telefunken Semiconductors
the NLRC to enforce the same under the pain of Employees Union v. Secretary of Labor, GR
immediate disciplinary action, including dismissal 122743).
or loss of employment status or payment by the
locking-out employer of backwages, damages, The general rule is that actual readmission is
and/or other affirmative relief, even criminal required and payroll readmission is not
prosecution (Sec. 4 Rule VIII, NLRC, Revised Rules sufficient as compliance with the law. What is
of Procedure, 2005). the exception?
The departure from the general rule is allowed
Who are required to be notified of the when there is a showing of special circumstances
certification order of the labor secretary? rendering actual reinstatement impracticable or
The counsels of record and the parties must be otherwise not conducive to attaining the purpose of
served separate copies of the order, decision or the law (Manila Diamond Hotel Employees’ Union
resolution (PNOC Dockyard and Engineering v. CA, GR 140518).
Corp. v. NLRC, GR 118223).
Is voluntary return to work a waiver of the
demands for striking?
It does not imply the waiver of the original
What happens when the employees refuse to demands (Bisaya Land Transportation Company v.
receive the Assumption of Jurisdiction Order? CIR, 102 Phil. 438).
It amounts to defiance of the order which would
make the continuation of the strike an illegal act, Which division of the NLRC has jurisdiction
subjecting the strikers to loss of employment status over a business with several workplaces located
(University of San Agustin v. CA, GR 169632). in different regions?
The division having territorial jurisdiction over the
What is needed to be proved in order for an principal office of the company shall acquire
employee to be dismissed due to an illegal strike jurisdiction to decide such labor dispute, unless the
allegedly staged after a return-to-work order? certification order provides otherwise (Sec. 3, Rule
To justify the dismissal, the defiance of the return- VIII, NLRC Revised Rules of Procedure, 2005).
to-work order must be proved. The mere fact that
the majority of the strikers were able to return to May the Secretary of Labor assume jurisdiction
work does not necessarily mean that the rest over all the following: petition for injunction
deliberately defied the return to work order or that and damages against the striking union, a
they had been sufficiently notified thereof complaint for ULP filed by the union, and a
(Batangas Lagunas Tayabas Bus Company v. petition to declare an illegal strike?
NLRC, GR 101858). Yes. The consolidation of the three NLRC cases
was necessary to enable the Secretary of Labor to
completely and efficiently dispose of the dispute in

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

its entirety (International Pharmaceuticals v.

Secretary of Labor, GR 92981-83). Is the no-strike clause entered by the previous
bargaining agent binding upon the newly
When may the Secretary of Labor take certified bargaining agent?
cognizance of an issue which is merely incidental No. The substitutionary doctrine cannot be invoke
to the labor dispute? to support the contention that the newly certified
It should be included in the labor dispute itself, or bargaining agent automatically assumes all the
otherwise submitted to him for resolution. personal undertaking, such as a no-strike clause, of
Otherwise, it is tantamount to a grave abuse of the deposed union (Benguet Consolidated v. BCI
discretion (St. Scholastica’s College v. Torres, GR Employees and Workers Union, GR L-24711).
What is the effect to the union if the work
What is the procedure in certified cases? stoppage was not supported by the union and
If there is no need to conduct a clarificatory the union took steps to get the situation back to
hearing, the NLRC shall resolve all certified cases normal?
within 30 calendar days from receipt. There would be no strike that violated the no-strike
If there is a clarificatory hearing needed, the clause of the CBA (Diwa ng Pagkakaisa v. Fillex
NLRC, within 5 days from the receipt of the International Corp, 43 SCRA 217).
records shall issue a notice on the parties to appear
and submit evidence. It must then be resolved What is the importance of an improved-offer
within 60 days from receipt of the records (Sec 5, balloting?
Rule VII, NLRC Rules of Procedure, 2005). An improved offer by the employer or a reduced
demand by the union will serve as basis for a secret
May the employer lay off numerous employees balloting that will not reveal who “retreated” from
while a labor dispute is still unresolved after the the fight, which would be helpful in ending the
Secretary of Labor assumed jurisdiction? work stoppage (Azucena, p. 631).
No. Management prerogatives must be exercised
consistently with the statutory objective (Metrolab Is picketing the same as a strike?
Industries v. Roldan-Confesor, GR 108855). No. Picketing almost always accompanies a strike
but there may be picketing without a strike because
Does the Supreme Court have jurisdiction to employees may picket without engaging in work
declare the Secretary of Labor in grave abuse of stoppage. Although picketing is a form of
discretion in giving an award in lieu of a concerted action, not every concerted action is
deadlock dispute? strike (Azucena, p. 632).
Yes. The extent of judicial review over the
Secretary of Labor’s arbital award is not limited to What is the rule for strikes against innocent
a determination of grave abuse in the manner of the bystanders?
secretary’s exercise of his statutory powers. The There is no labor dispute between the union and the
Court must exercise its judicial power to review the innocent bystanders. The court has to power to
substance of the Secretary’s award when grave confine the sphere of communication to that
abuse of discretion is alleged to exist in the award directly related to the labor dispute (Philippine
(Meralco v. Quisumbing, GR 127598). Association of Free Labor Unions v. Cloribel, GR
Does a CBA containing a no strike/no lockout
clause and that disputes should be referred to May domestic servants picket on a private home
the voluntary arbitrator valid? in a residential district?
A no-strike-no-lockout stipulation generally No. A home is not an industrial or a business
deserves respect by the parties in a CBA. It applies enterprise (State v. Cooper, 285 NW 903).
even to a deadlock in renegotiating the economic
provisions of the CBA (University of San Agustin What are the limitations of picketing?
Employees Union v. CA). It has to be for a lawful purpose, using lawful
However, no-strike clause in a CBA applies only to means. Thus, to the extent that it is an instrument
economic strikes. A strike based on ULP of the of coercion rather than of persuasion, it cannot
employee is not a violation of the no-strike clause rightfully entitled to the protection association with
(Master Iron Labor Union v. NLRC, GR 92009).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

free speech (Security Bank Employees Union v. union men dismissed because of union affiliation
Security Bank and Trust, 23 SCRA 503). (Azucena p. 643).

What is the limitation with regard to placards What are invalid grounds for boycott by labor?
and banners? The boycott is illegal where the purpose is to
The inscription should not be libelous or otherwise require an employer to coerce his employees to pay
unlawful. The display of signs misstating the facts their back dues to the union or discharge them, or
in respect of the labor dispute is not permitted to compel the payment by an employee of a fine or
(Azucena, p. 639) other penalties, or other reasons that should be
internal (Azucena p. 643)
Is the use of loud speakers in front of a pickted
place of business valid? How should boycotts be conducted?
No. It is condemned as a form of intimidation (31 Only a boycott that is free of violence or
Am. Jur., Sec. 285) malevolence is held anywhere to be lawful.
Interference with one’s patronage by persuading
May the workers of a company demonstrate in his patrons against their will, or preventing them by
the Malacanang to protest alleged abuses of the means of violence or threats, from having
police against the orders of the employer who beneficial intercourse with him is unlawful
was invoking the no-strike clause in the CBA? (Azucena p. 543).
Yes. The demonstration is purely and completely
an exercise of their freedom of expression, in Is boycott limited only to the employees?
general (Philippine Blooming Mills Employees No. They may appeal for sympathetic aid by a
Organization v. Philippine Blooming Mills, 51 request to withhold patronage or make like proper
SCRA 189). measures to induce third persons to withhold their
patronage from the employer in order to compel
May the union justify work stoppages held in him to recognize the demands of the employees
front of DOLE offices when there is a labor (Azucena p. 543).
No (Toyota Motors Phils. Corp. Workers What are slowdowns?
Association v. NLRC, GR 158786, GR 158789). It is a method by which one’s employees, without
seeking a complete stoppage of work, retard
What is boycott as applied to labor unions? production and distribution in an effort to compel
It is an attempt by arousing a fear of loss, to coerce compliance by the employer with the labor
others, against their will to withhold from one demands made by him (Rothenberg p.101).
denominated “unfriendly to labor” their beneficial
business intercourse (31 Am. Jur., Sec. 250). Are slowdowns valid?
No. While the employees continue to work and
What are the kinds of boycott in labor unions? remain at their positions and accept wages due to
A primary boycott is valid. It is applied directly them, they at the same time select what part of their
and alone to the offending person by withdrawing allocated task they care to perform of their own
from him all business relations on the part of the volition or refuse openly or secrectly to the
organization that initiated the boycott. employer’s damage, to do other work (Ilaw at
A secondary boycott exercises coercive pressure Buklod ng Manggagawa v. NLRC, GR 91980).
upon such customers, actual or prospective, in
order to cause them to withhold or withdraw As a general rule, no union members or union
patronage from him through fear or loss or damage organizers may be arrested or detained for
to themselves should they deal with him. This is union activities without previous consultation
invalid (Azucena, pp.642-643). with the Secretary of Labor. What are the
What are valid grounds for boycott by labor? a. National security and public peace
The ground is valid if it is done for the b. Commission of a crime (Art. 266, LC).
maintenance or advancement of wages,
improvement of conditions of labor, engagement of What is the effect of the compulsory arbitration
union employees, reinstatement under contract of proceedings in the NLRC to the criminal cases?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

The criminal cases should be suspended until the Filing a petition to declare a strike illegal is not a
completion of the compulsory arbitration prerequisite for the employer to terminate the
proceedings in the NLRC (Sarmiento v. Judge employment of employees, whether union officers
Tuico, GR 75271-73). or members, who commit illegal acts in the course
of the strike (Jackbilt Industries v. Jackbilt
What is the effect of participation in a strike Employees’ Workers Union, GR 171618-19).
that turns out to be illegal as to the workers who
are not personally responsible for illegal acts? May the employer dismiss the strikers while its
A union member may not be held responsible for complaint for illegal strike is pending at the
the union’s illegal strike on the sole basis of such NLRC?
membership or on account of his having voted No. By filing a formal complaint for illegal strike,
affirmatively for the holding of the strike later it behooved the employer to desist from
declared illegal (Esso Philippines, Inc. v. undertaking its own investigation on the same
Malayang Manggagawa sa Esso, 75 SCRA 73). matter (PNOC Dockyard and Engineering Corp v.
What is the effect of participation in a strike
that turns out to be illegal as to union officers? What is good-faith strike doctrine?
They may be terminated from work when he A strike may be justified by belief in good faith
knowingly participates in an illegal strike, or when that the employer was committing unfair labor
he commits an illegal act during a strike (Toyota practice at the time the striker went on strike. It
Motor Phil. Corp., Workers Association v. NLRC, saves the strike from being declared illegal and the
GR 158786, 158789). strikers from being declared to have lost their
employment status (Azucena, p. 653).
Does the penalty for erring strikes always have
to be dismissal? What is the effect of employees who were
No. It may be scaled down to suspension (PAL v. dismissed on a good-faith strike when the
Brillaantes, GR 119360). allegation of ULP of the employer turned out
not guilty of actual ULP?
A shop steward is appointed by the Union, The strikers are reinstated without backpay (Ferrer
charged with negotiating and adjustment of v. CIR, 17 SCRA 353).
grievances of employees with the supervisor of
the employer. If they participated in an illegal What is the effect when a striker failed to report
strike, may they be dismissed? for work when one had the opportunity to do
Yes. They are not mere union members but officers so?
(Santa Rosa Coca-Cola Plant Employees and He effectively waived his right to reinstatement
Laborers Union v. CIR, GR L-19778). (East Asiatic Co. v. CIR, GR L-29068).

When may a union member lose his employment If during a strike, a striking employee has found
during an illegal strike? another job, is he still entitled to reinstatement?
A union member who participated in committing It depends. The mere fact that strikers or dismissed
illegal acts during a strike may also lose his employees have found such employment elsewhere
employment status (Chua v. NLRC, GR 105775). is not necessarily a bar to their reinstatement.
Nonetheless, each case should be weighed as to its
particular facts to determine whether the law would
be best effected by reinstatement (Cromwell
Who declares as to which union officers lose Commercial Employees and Laborers Union v.
their employment status due to an illegal strike? CIR, GR L-19778).
The law grants the employer the option of
declaring a union officer who participated in an What is an illustration of discrimination in the
illegal strike as having lost his employment (Gold readmission of strikers?
City Integrated Port Service v. NLRC, GR 103560). Discrimination undoubtedly exists where the record
shows that the union activity of the rehired strikers
Is the declaration of illegality of strike a has been less prominent than that of the strikers
prerequisite to the dismissal of strikers who who were denied reinstatement (The Insular Life
commit illegal acts?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

Assurance Co. Employees Association v. The companion, the strikers are entitled to backwages
Insular Life Assurance Co., 37 SCRA 244). (Davao Free Workers Front v. CIR).

Is the readmission of the strikers on the Are employees entitled to backwages when they
condition that they do not destroy company engaged in a strike due to an unlawful lockout of
property and not commit acts of reprisal against the employer?
union member show did not participate in the Yes. The strike was not of their own volition. They
strike valid? are entitled to backwages from dismissal to
Yes. The requirements of the company is actually reinstatement or the time they found another job
an act of self-preservation and designed to insure (Macleod & Co. of P.I. v. Progressive Federation
the maintenance of peace and order in the company of Labor, GR L-7887).
premises (PIMA v. Ang Tibay, GR L-22273).
Are employees entitled to backwages when the
May wrongfully dismissed employees and strikers who applied for reinstatement were
strikers who were ordered reinstated be refused employment or were imposed
subjected to physical examination as preconditions for employment?
precondition to reinstatement? Yes. It is a discriminatory act on the part of the
No. They may be subjected to periodic physical employer (Cromwell Commercial Employees and
examination as old reinstated workers but not as Laborers Union v. CIR, GR L-19778).
precondition to reinstatement (Davao Free
Workers Front v. CIR, 20 SCRA 408). Does a finding of unfair labor practice
committed by the employer automatically
What is the effect when the employer entitles strikers backwages during the strike?
voluntarily agrees to reinstate strikers? No. Even after the court has made a finding of
Such agreement on the part of the employer unfair labor practice, it has the discretion to
constitutes a waiver of the defense that the strike determine whether to grant backpay or not
was illegal (Bisaya Land Trans. Co. v. CIR, GR L- (Consolidated Labor Association of the Philippines
10114). v. Marsman and Company, Inc., 11 SCRA 589).

In an economic strike, the rule is that strikers What is the effect of hiring replacements during
are not entitled to backwages during the time of the strike on the tenure of the strikers?
the strike. What is the remedy of the strikers? Nothing. The strikers have a right to reinstatement
They may seek reimbursement of his wages from notwithstanding that the management may have
his union which had declared the strike or filed the hired other workers to replace them. The
case in the industrial court. He may also have his replacements did not gain permanent right to the
absence from work charged against his vacation positions they held (Feati University v. Bautista,
leave (J.P. Heilbronn Co. v. National Labor Union, GR L-21278).
GR L-5121).
What is happens to the employees when
As a general rule, are employees entitled to reinstatement has become impossible?
backwages in an ULP strike? The employees are entitled to backwages from the
It depends. The employees who were day of the lay-off to the date of its decision [and
discriminatorily dismissed receive backpay from separation pay] (Coronel v. CIR, 23 SCRA 990).
the date of the act of discrimination, that is, from
the day of their discharge. May a union still enter into a CBA even if it
The rest of the employees who struck as voluntary would fail to satisfy the 20% requirement due to
act of protest against what they considered unfair the resignation of the strikers?
labor practices of the company are not entitled to Yes. The 20% requirement in Art. 234 pertains to
backpay (Dinglasan v. National Labor Union, GR registration of a labor organization and not its
L-14183). election as a collective bargaining agent. Even if a
If the union is left no other alternative by their legitimate organization could no longer meet the
employer’s improper and oppressive conduct and 20% requirement after its registration, it does not,
unfair labor practice but to strike in order to protect ipso facto, lose its status as such until after due
themselves and their unlawfully dismissed hearing by the BLR (Commodity Transport
Corporation v. NLRC, GR 84926).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

labor organizations enforcement of Labor

When are labor organizations civilly liable for Code provisions
damages? Needs a sworn May be done at DOLE’s
If any injury results to anyone, it will be considered complaint filed and own initiative
merely incidental and damnum absque injuria. supported by at least
However, they may be held liable for resulting 20% of the
damages where they attempt to attain their organization’s
legitimate objectives by unlawful means or where membership
they attempt to attain unlawful objectives (32 Am.
Jur., Sec. 135). What is the difference between the visitorial
power in Art. 247 from Art. 128?
May a labor union and/or its officers be
vicariously held liable for illegal acts of strikers? Art. 247 Art. 128
No. For them to be liable, there must be proof of Needs the support of Needs the support of
actual participation in, or authorization or 20% of the 30% of the
ratification of, the illegal acts (Benguet organization’s members organization’s members
Consolidated, Inc. v. BCI Employees Union, 23 Merely invokes the The cancellation of
SCRA 465). visitorial power of the union registration or the
Secretary of Labor over expulsion of union
What must the employer present in order to the financials of the officers may be sought
claim for damages arising from an illegal strike? organizations
The best evidence obtainable by the injured party
must be presented. In the absence of competent When is it prohibited to invoke the visitorial
proof on the actual damages, the employer is power of the Secretary of Labor under Art. 274?
entitled to nominal damages (National Federation a. During the 60-day freedom period
of Labor v. NLRC, GR 113466). b. 30 days immediately preceding the date of
election of union officials (Art. 274, LC)
Generally, aliens are strictly prohibited from
engaging in all forms of trade union activities. Where is the request for examination of books
What are the requirements for when they may of accounts filed?
exercise the right of self-organization and join If for an independent labor unions, chartered locals
or assist labor organizations for the purpose of and workers associations, it shall be filed with the
collective bargaining? Regional Office that issued its certificate of
a. Valid work permits issued by DOLE registration or certificate of creation of chartered
b. Aliens are nationals of a country which local.
grants the same or similar rights to For federations or nation unions and trade union
Filipino workers (Art. 269, LC). centers, it is filed with the BLR (D.O. 40-03).
What are the prohibited foreign assistance to What is the meaning of Tripartism in labor
any labor organization? relations?
Foreign individuals, organizations or entities may It is the representation of the public or government,
not assist labor organizations in relation to trade the employers, and the workers in policy making
union activities without prior permission by the bodies of the government (Azucena, p. 679).
Secretary of Labor (Art. 270, LC).

What is the difference between the visitorial Employees may not be dismissed except for a
power of the Secretary of Labor in Art. 247 just cause or when authorized by law. What
from power of inspection under Art. 128? happens when an employee is unjustly
Art 247 Art 128 Such worker will be entitled to reinstatement
Relates only to financial Pertains to without loss of seniority rights and other privileges
activities and records of administrative and to his full backwages, inclusive of allowances,

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

and to his other benefits or their monetary Can Art. 280 of the Labor Code be used to
equivalent computed from the time his determine the existence of an employer-
compensation was withheld from him up to the employee relationship?
time of his actual reinstatement (Art. 279, LC). No. Art. 280 merely distinguishes between regular
employees and causal employees for the purpose of
Do probationary and contractual employees determining the right of an employee to certain
have security of tenure? benefits. The article does not apply where the
Yes. They enjoy security of tenure, but only to a existence of an employment relationship is in
limited extent. They remain secure of their dispute (Singer Sewing Machine Co., v. Drilon, GR
employment during the period of time their 91307).
respective contracts of employment remained in
effect (Labajo v. San Andres High School of Does entering into a contract of services under
Maramang, GR L-80383). the Civil Code negate the existence of
employment relationship?
What is the limitation to the fact the managerial No (Paguio v. NLRC, GR 147816).
employees may be dismissed on the ground of
loss of confidence? May the employer contend that the employee is
The matter determining whether the cause for casual by showing that the employee was paid
dismissing an employee is justified on ground of through cash vouchers and that regular
loss of confidence cannot be left entirely to the employment procedure was not complied with?
employer (De Leon v. NLRC, 100 SCRA 691). No. What determines whether a certain
employment is regular or casual is not the nature of
What is the employment status of in-house legal the activities performed in relation to the particular
counsels? business or trade considering all the circumstances
They are regular employees. The relationship is (De Leon v. NLRC, GR 70705).
employer and employee, not client-lawyer. To
terminate the relationship, the applicable law is the What is the employment status of employees in
Labor Code, not the Rules of Court (Equitable cases that there is labor-only contracting?
Banking Corp., v. NLRC, GR 102467). They are considered employees of the principal.
When they perform tasks which are usually
When is an employee considered regular as necessary or desirable in the main business of the
opposed to casual? employer, they should be deemed regular
a. Engaged to perform activities which are employees (Ecal v. NLRC, GR 92777-78).
usually necessary or desirable in the usual
business or trade of the employer What is the effect if the employee was made to
b. Rendered at least one year of service, sign an employment contract relating to a
whether continuous or broken, with particular phase of work in a specific project
respect to the activity in which he is every three months for two years?
employed (Art. 280, LC). It means that the employee performs tasks which
are usually necessary or desirable in the usual
When are employees not deemed regular despite business or trade of the employer and that the
performing activities that are necessary or assignments did not end on a project basis. Thus,
desirable in the usual business or trade of the the employer is considered regular (Magante v.
employer? NLRC, GR 74969).
a. Employed for a specific project or
undertaking, the completion of which has May a typist-clerk be considered seasonal
been determined at the time of employee when such clerk is employed, allegedly
engagement of the employee to meet seasonal or peak demands of business?
b. Work or services to be performed is No. Since the employee is performing activities
seasonal in nature and the employment is which are usually necessary or desirable in the
for the duration of the season (Art. 280, usual business, then such employee is considered
LC). regular (Beta Electric Corporation v. NLRC, GR

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the effect when a casual employee employee or where the work or service to be
becomes regular through satisfying the one year performed is seasonal in nature and the
of service requirement? employment is for the duration of the season
Such employee becomes regular only for that work (Sandoval Shipping Inc. v. NLRC, 136 SCRA 674).
activity for which he was hired. Every time the
particular work occurs, he is the one to be hired What is the principal test to determine whether
(Azucena, p. 702). particular employees are regular employees as
distinguished from project employees?
What is the effect when casual employees are The test is whether the project employees were
dismissed before the expiration of the one year assigned to carry out a specific project or
period? undertaking, the duration and scope of which were
The employees cannot lawfully claim that their specified at the time the employees were engaged
dismissal was illegal (Capule v. NLRC, GR 90653). for that project (ALU-TUCP v. NLRC, G.R. No.
What is the effect to the wages when the casual
employees, who are given higher salary, are Will the assertion that length of the project has
turned into regular employees? gone beyond one year qualify the employee to
The employees should not receive compensation become regular?
less than what they were receiving during the time No. The second paragraph of Art. 280, providing
they were casual employees (Philippine American that an employee who has served for at least one
Management Association v. CIR, GR 37206). year shall be considered a regular employee relates
to casual employees, not to project employees
May the employer validly contract out a job, (Mercado v. NLRC, GR 9869).
work, or service that would result in
termination of regular employees and reduction What is the documentary requirement for
of work hours or splitting of the bargaining project employment?
unit? The termination of employment in the particular
It depends. It is allowed only when done in good project/undertaking should be reported to DOLE
faith and justified by exigencies of the business Regional Office having jurisdiction over the
(Azucena, p. 705). workplace within 30 days following the date of his
separation from work (Samson v. NLRC, GR
How may regular jobs be contracted out? 113166).
Regular jobs may be contracted out by having the
employees agree to a valid Release and Quitclaim When is an employee in a work pool a regular
in favor of the employer in exchange for employee and when a casual employee?
appropriate separation benefit and retirement If the employees are free to leave anytime and offer
package. The employer may then enter into a their services to other employers, they may be
management contract with another company (Wack considered as casual employees (Raycor Aircontrol
Wack Golf & Country Club v. NLRC, GR 149793). Systems, Inc. v. NLRC, GR 114290).

May the union demand the employer to consult Are employees whose work depend on the
the union before it may contract out jobs that availability of contracts or projects regular
may last for six months or more? employees or project employees for so many
No. Contracting out is a management right, subject years?
to regulations already existing. The limitations set They are project employees. The duration of the
by the union are too specific and may not be employment of its workforce is not permanent but
applicable to the situations that the company and coterminous with the projects to which they are
the union may face in the future (San Miguel assigned and from whose payrolls they are paid
Employees Union v. Bersamira, 186 SCRA 496). (Cartagenas v. Romago Electric Company, GR
What are project employees?
They are those with employment that has been
fixed for a specific project or undertaking, the The general rule is that project employees are
completion or termination of which has been not entitled to separation pay. What is the
determined at the time of the engagement of the exception?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

The employees are entitled to separation pay when It is the amounts corresponding to what could have
the project itself was still on-going and so been earned during the period from the date the
continued to require the workers’ services for its employees were dismissed until their reinstatement.
completion when they were dismissed from The time when the unit in which they belong were
employment (De Ocampo v. NLRC, GR 81077). not undertaking any projects should be deducted
(Maraguinot and Enero v. NLRC, GR 120969).
What are the three types of non-project
employees? What is the employment status of regular
a. Probationary employees seasonal employees during offseason?
b. Regular employees During the offseason, they are not separated from
c. Casual employees (De Jesus v. Philippine service but merely on leave of absence without pay
National construction Corp., GR 89990). until they are reemployed. The employment
relationship is merely suspended (Manila Hotel
What makes a project employee regular? Co. v. CIR, GR L-18875).
The employer is considered regular where the
period have been imposed to preclude the What must be shown for seasonal employees not
acquisition of tenurial security by the employer to be considered regular employees?
(Samson v. NLRC, GR 113166). The employer must show that the employees were
The employments become non-co-terminous with hired only for the duration of one season
specific projects when the employees are (Hacienda Fatima v. National Federation of
continuously rehired due to the demands of the Sugarcane Workers, GR 149440).
employer’s business and were re-engaged for many
more projects without interruption (Tomas Lao What are the seasonal employees entitled to
Construction v. NLRC, GR 116781). when they become regular seasonal employees?
Since the employer-employee relationship is
What is the effect of the cessation of work merely suspended, the laborers have a reason to
activities to the regular employee whose job is expect that such activities will be resumed
related to several projects? (Industrial-Commercial-Agricultural Workers’
The employment relation is not severed by merely Union v. CIR, GR L-21465).
being suspended. The employees are merely on
leave of absence without pay until they are May an employment contract be made with a
reemployed (Maraguinot and Enero v. NLRC, GR fixed period?
120969). Yes. However, to be valid, it must be entered
without any force, duress or improper pressure
When may a project employee or a member of a being brought to bear upon the employee and
work pool acquire the status of a regular absent any other circumstance vitiating consent.
employee? The employer and the employee should deal with
a. There is a continuous rehiring of project each other in more or less equal terms (Brent
employees even after cessation of a School v. Zamora, GR 48494).
project; and
b. The tasks performed by the alleged project Generally, a fixed-period employee is not
employee are vital, necessary and regular because the job will exist only for a
indispensible to the usual business or trade specified period of time. Nonetheless, in what
of the employer (Maraguinot and Enero sense may such worker be considered regular?
v. NLRC, GR 120969). a. The nature of his work is necessary or
desirable in the principal business of the
May a project employee who has become a employer; and
regular employee be dismissed on the ground of b. He enjoys security of tenure during the
completion of project? limited time of his employment (Vinta
No. Such reason is not justified (Maraguinot and Maritime Co v. NLRC, GR 113911).
Enero v. NLRC, GR 120969).

What is the computation for backwages of When is an employment contract with a fixed
project employees who were illegally separated term invalid?
from employment?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

It is invalid when the purpose behind the contract What is the purpose of probationary
was to evade the application of the labor laws, employment?
making it appear that the employee was not regular It is for the employer to determine whether the
(Cielo v. NLRC, GR 78693). employee is qualified for permanent employment
(International Catholic Migration Commission v.
What is the effect when employees who had NLRC, GR 72222).
contracts with a fixed term and perform
activities necessary to the usual business of the May a probationary employee be terminated
employer are allowed to work beyond such even before the expiration of 6 months?
term? Yes, provided that there was sufficient cause for
If the employees continue to work after the term, terminating his probationary employment for less
they attain regular status (Viernes v. NLRC, GR than 6 months (MERALCO v. NLRC, GR 83751).
What is the effect when the probationary
Is it permissible for an employer to hire casual employee was not informed of the standard that
employees every month for five months, after would qualify him as regular employee?
which, their services are terminated and The employee is deemed to have been hired from
replaced by other casual employees on the same day one as a regular employee (Cielo v. NLRC, 193
five month duration? SCRA 140).
No. It is considered a circumvention of the
employees’ right to security of tenure and to other Are probationary employees entitled to security
benefits (Purefoods Corp. v. NLRC, GR 122653). of tenure?
Yes. During their tenure of employment or before
What is the effect of several renewals of the the contract expires, they cannot be removed
fixed-period employment in regular jobs? except for cause as provided by law (Manila Hotel
They are considered regular employees (Philips Corp. v. NLRC, GR L-53453).
Semiconductors v. Fadriquela, GR 141717).
What is the effect if the position of the
Are seafarers contractuals despite performing probationary employee is abolished the day
activities desirable and necessary to the business before the employee becomes regular?
of the employer? It may be considered highly suspicious as
Yes. Art. 280 of the Labor Code does not apply to circumvention of the security of tenure. The
overseas employment. Their employment is employee is presumed to have satisfactory
governed by the POEA Standard Employment performance of his work (Manila Hotel Corp. v.
Contract (Millares v. NLRC, GR 110524). NLRC, GR L-53453).

Generally, probationary employment shall not What are the limitations to the termination of
exceed 6 months from the date employee started probationary employees?
working. What is the exception? a. It must be exercised in accordance with
It may be extended when covered by an the specific requirements of the contract
apprenticeship agreement stipulating a longer b. If a particular time is prescribed, the
period (Art. 281, LC). termination must be within such time and
if formal notice is required, then that form
How are probationary employees validly must be used
terminated? c. The employer’s dissatisfaction must be
They may be terminated for a just cause or when he real and in good faith
fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance d. No unlawful discrimination in the
with reasonable standards made known by the dismissal (Manila Hotel Corp. v. NLRC,
employee at the time of his engagement (Art. 281, GR L-53453).
What is the effect of successive rehiring of
What is the effect when the probationary probationary employees?
employee works after the probationary period? The employee will be considered regular as it may
The employee is considered regular (Art. 281, LC). be construed as a ploy to avoid the obligations
imposed by law (Octavio v. NLRC, GR 88636).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

So long as a company’s prerogatives are exercised

Generally, probationary employment should be in good faith for the advancement of the
limited to six months. What are the exceptions? employer’s interest and not for the purpose of
a. When the parties agree otherwise defeating or circumventing the rights of the
b. When it is established by company policy employees under special laws or under valid
or when required by the nature of work to agreements, the Supreme Court will uphold them
be performed by the employee (Buiser v. (San Miguel Brewery v. Ople, GR 53515).
Legardo, GR L-63316).
What are the safeguards for a transfer to be
May the employer and the employee validly valid?
agree to extend the probationary period beyond When the transfer is not unreasonable, nor
six months? inconvenient, nor prejudicial to him, and it does not
Yes. When the employer extends the probationary involve a demotion in rank or diminution of his
period to give the employee a chance to meet the salaries, benefits, and other privileges, the
requirements of the job, it is considered a valid employee may not complain that it amounts to a
extension which will not make the employee constructive dismissal (PT&T v. Laplana, GR
regular (Mariwasa Manufacturing v. Legardo, GR 76645).
Does the employer have a right to demote
How is the last day of probationary status of the employees?
employee computed? Yes. It is management prerogative to transfer,
It is the end of the (30 days x 6 months) 180th day, demote, discipline and even to dismiss an
in conformity with Art. 13 of the Civil Code employee to protect its business, provided it is not
(Mitsubishi Motors v. Chrysler Phil. Labor Union, tainted with unfair labor practice (Petrophil Corp.
GR 148738). v. NLRC, GR L-64048).

When may teachers be considered permanent? What constitute serious misconduct for
Full time teachers who have rendered three dismissal?
consecutive years of satisfactory services shall be The misconduct must be grave and aggravated in
considered permanent (University of Sto. Tomas v. character. It should be in connection with the
NLRC, GR 855139). employee’s work (Azucena, p. 753).

What are the just causes for termination by the What is the test to determine if an employee
employer? should be dismissed on the ground of
a. Serious misconduct or willful immorality?
disobedience by the employee of the It is whether, taking the nature of the employment
lawful orders of his employer or into account, the immoral acts complained of such
representative in connection with his as to render the servant incapable of performing the
work; service properly or were calculated to injure the
b. Gross and habitual neglect by the employer’s business (Azucena, p. 754)
employee of his duties;
c. Fraud or willful breach by the employee Is sexual harassment in the workplace a ground
of the trust reposed in him by his for dismissal?
employer or duly authorized Yes (Villarama v. NLRC, GR 106341).
d. Commission of a crime or offense by the Would a fisticuff on a private matter between
employee against the person of his two employees which had no apparent
employer or any immediate member of his deleterious effect on the substantial interest of
family or his duly authorized the company warrant dismissal from
representative; employment?
e. Other causes analogous to the foregoing No (North Camarines Lumber Co. v. Berreda, GR
(Art. 282, LC). 75436).

What is the limitation on how the employees May a teacher be dismissed solely on the ground
should manage their people? of marrying her student?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. If there is no direct evidence to show immoral b. The order violated is reasonable, lawful,
acts were committed or that she took advantage of made known to the employee and must
her position, there is no basis to dismiss her (Chua- pertain to the duties which he had been
Qua v. Clave, GR L-49549). engaged to discharge (Gold City
Integrated Port Services v. NLRC, GR
May teachers be dismissed from employment on 860000).
the ground of immorality by having an extra-
marital relationship? Management has the right to transfer or
Yes. When a teacher engages in extra-marital reassign an employee. What is the limitation to
relationship, especially when the parties are both this right?
married, such behavior amounts to immorality, It cannot be done where it is vitiated by improper
justifying his dismissal from employment (Santos, motive and is merely a disguised attempt to remove
Jr. v. NLRC, GR 115795). or punish the employee sought to be transferred
(Bank of the Philippine Islands Employees Union
How should immoral conduct be to constitute a v. NLRC, GR 78842-44).
ground for dismissal?
It must be corrupt as to constitute a criminal act or May a Med Rep validly refuse his reassignment
so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high from Manila to Cagayan Valley?
degree or committed under such scandalous or No. By the very nature of his employment, a drug
revolting circumstances as to shock the common salesman or medical representative is expected to
sense of decency (Narag v. Narag, A.C. 3405). travel. He should anticipate reassignment according
to the demands of the business (Abbot
May an employee be terminated on the ground Laboratories v. NLRC, GR 76959).
of a company policy prohibiting marriage
between employees? May the employer validly transfer two of its
It depends. Such company policy may be valid only working students from Tarlac to Manila without
if there is a legitimate business concern in sufficient business reasons?
imposing the policy (Star Paper Corp. v. Simbol, No. It was grossly inconvenient to the workers and
GR 164774). would mean a disruption of their studies. There is
also no business urgency that necessitated their
What are the requisites for willful disobedience transfer. It may be construed as a means to
to constitute a ground for termination? demoralize union members (Yuco Chemical
a. The order is reasonable and lawful Industries v. Ministry of Labor and Employment,
b. Sufficiently known to the employee GR 75656).
c. In connection with the duties which the
employee has been engaged to discharge May an employee refuse the transfer from one
(Azucena, p. 758). city to another, in the same province, despite
being reimbursed of the cost of transportation
May employees refuse to comply with company and salary increase?
policies merely because they do not like the No. The transfer is valid absent any showing of bad
policy? faith on the part of the employer in effecting the
No. It does not follow that just because the transfer. The refusal of the employee to the transfer
employees are unable to realize or appreciate the constitutes willful disobedience of a lawful order of
desirability of the employer’s policies or rules, the the employer, warranting dismissal (Homeowners
latter were laid down to oppress the former. The Savings and Loan Association, Inc. v. M. Cabatbat,
employees’ defiance of authority of the employer GR 97067).
left the latter with no alternative except to impose
those actions (GTE Directories Corp v. Sanchez, When may an employee validly refuse a transfer
GR 76219). based on inconvenience?
The transfer order becomes flawed and
What are the elements of willful disobedience to unenforceable if it fails the criteria of lawfulness
constitute a ground for termination of and reasonableness (Azucena, p. 766).
a. The employee’s assailed conduct must
have been willful or intentional

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What is the limit of the prerogative of ground is held valid (Arc-Men Foods Industries
management to transfer an employee from one Corp. v. NLRC, GR 113721).
position to another?
It cannot be used as a subterfuge by the employer
to rid himself of an undesirable worker. It must be
shown that the transfer was not unreasonable,
inconvenient or prejudicial to the employee; nor Attitude problem may be a just cause to dismiss
does it involve a demotion in rank or benefits (Blue an employee since it is analogous to loss of
Dairy Corp v. NLRC, GR 129843). confidence. What is required for dismissal on
this ground to be valid?
May an employee be removed for refusing to There should be substantial evidence to support the
accept a transfer that would give the employee a termination on the ground of attitude. The mere
higher pay and rank? mention of negative feedback from her team
No. Such transfer is in the nature of a promotion. members is not enough proof (Heavylift Manila v.
There is no law that compels an employee to a CA, GR 154410).
promotion. In refusing, the employee is merely
exercising his right, and thus, cannot be removed May an employee be excused for falsifying time
for that reason (Dosch v. NLRC, GR 51182). cards on the ground that it was a superior who
ordered him to do so?
How is a transfer distinguished from a No. In order for obedience to be considered as an
promotion? exempting circumstance, it must be in compliance
Transfer refers to lateral movement from one with a lawful order not opposed to a higher positive
position to another of equivalent rank, level or duty of the subaltern, and that the person
salary. commanding him act within the scope of his
Promotion denotes a scalar ascent of an employee authority (San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC, GR
to another position higher either in rank or salary. 82467).
(Millares v. Subido, 20 SCRA 954).
What is required for loss of confidence to be
What is the requirement for neglect of duties to considered as ground for dismissal?
be a ground for dismissal? It must be genuine. It must also be related to the
It must not only be gross but also habitual. The performance of the duties of the employee such as
single or isolated acts of negligence do not would show him to be thereby unfit to continue
constitute a just cause for dismissal of the working for the employer (Azucena, p. 781).
employee (Department of Labor Manual, Sec.
4343.01[27]). To which kinds of employees should termination
based on loss of confidence ideally apply?
What is the requirement to constitute a. Employees occupying positions of trust
abandonment of job as a ground for dismissal of and confidence
an employee? b. Situations where the employee is routinely
a. The failure to report for work or absence charged with the care and custody of the
without valid or justifiable reason, and employer’s money or property (N.
b. A clear intention to sever the employer- Mabeza v. NLRC, GR 118506).
employee relationship, as manifested by
some overt acts (Labor v. NLRC, GR Should loss of confidence as ground for
110388). termination be shown beyond reasonable doubt?
No. It is sufficient if there is some basis for the loss
Usually, filing a complaint for illegal dismissal of confidence or if the employer has reasonable
negates abandonment. What is an example when ground to believe that the employee is responsible
the dismissal of the employee was held valid and that the nature of his participation rendered
despite such complaint? him unworthy of trust and confidence demanded by
If the illegal dismissal complaint was intended to his position (Reyes v. Ministry of Labor, GR
gain leverage for the employee to induce the 47805).
employer to withdraw the criminal charge filed
against the employee. Abandonment not having Is conviction of the employee in a criminal case
been disproved, the employee’s dismissal on that required for such employee to be terminated on

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

the ground of commission of crime or offense

against the person of the employer or the Is the list of authorized causes under the Labor
employer’s immediate family? Code exclusive?
No. Conviction in a criminal case is not required No (Azucena, p. 787).
(Azucena, p. 784).

What is necessary to show in order for an act to When is an employee entitled to backwages and
be considered an analogous cause for when is the employee entitled to separation pay?
termination of an employee? When an employee is unjustly dismissed from
The cause must be due to the voluntary and/or work, such employee is entitled to reinstatement
willful act or omission of the employee (Nadura v. without loss and other rights and other privileges
Benguet Consolidated, GR L-17780). and to his full backwages.
The employee whose employment is terminated
Theft committed by an employee against due to any of the causes under Art. 283 is entitled
another is not work related, hence, not serious to separation pay (Azucena, p. 788).
misconduct. May the employee still be
dismissed? When does redundancy exist?
Yes. It may be considered and analogous cause. It It exists when the services of an employee are in
is analogous to serious misconduct where voluntary excess of what is reasonableas demanded by the
and/or willful or omission attesting to an actual requirements of the enterprise (Wiltshire
employee’s moral depravity (John Hancock Life File Co., v. NLRC, GR 82249).
Insurance Corp. v. J. Davis, GR 169549).
Can an employee show that another person is
What are the authorized causes of terminating holding the same position in the company to
the employment of an employee according to the justify that his position is not redundant?
Labor Code? No. Redundancy does not ordinarily refer to
a. Installation of labor-saving devices duplication of work (Wiltshire File Co., v. NLRC,
b. Redundancy GR 82249).
c. Retrenchment to prevent losses
d. Closing or cessation of operation of the May an employee complain of illegal dismissal
establishment (Art. 283, LC). when transferred from Baguio to Makati when
e. Disease (Art. 284, LC). it was done because of the abolition of the
position the employee had in Baguio?
What is the documentary requirement of No. Management has prerogative to abolish a
terminating the employment on the ground of position which it deems no longer necessary. The
just causes? transfer was merely an accommodation because the
There should be written notice on the worker and employee may be terminated under an authorized
the Department of Labor and Employment at least cause (Great Pacific Life Assurance Corp. v.
one month before the intended date thereof (Art. NLRC, GR 88011).
283, LC).
May a regular employee complain of illegal
What is the compensation to be received by the dismissal when the work was replaced by an
employee when terminated due to authorized independent contractor?
causes? No. It is a legitimate business decision to
If due to installation of labor saving devices or implement a cost-saving program through getting
redundancy an independent contractor. There must be proof
Higher of 1 month that management abused its discretion or acted in a
Installation of labor saving pay or 1 month pay malicious or arbitrary manner to be liable of illegal
devices or redundancy for every year of dismissal (Serrano v. NLRC, GR 117040).
Retrenchment, closure, Higher of 1 month What must be shown by the employer to
cessation of operations not pay or ½ month pay terminate an employee due to retrenchment?
due to serious business for every year of The employer bears the burden to prove his
losses of financial service allegation of economic or business reverses

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

(Precision Electronics Corporation v. NLRC, GR Federation of Free Workers, GR 75700-

86657). 01).

What are the requirements of valid What is the effect if the employer presents
retrenchment? financial statements to justify retrenchment that
a. It is necessary to prevent or minimize do not bear the signature of a certified public
losses and such losses are proven accountant or audited by an external auditor?
b. Written notice is given to the employees It has no evidentiary value (Uichico v. NLRC, GR
and the Department of Labor and 121434).
Employment at least one month before the
intended date or retrenchment What is the effect when the employer hired new
c. Separation pay (Art. 283, LC) employees to replace the retrenched employees?
d. Good faith on the part of the employer It could be an illegal dismissal or an unfair labor
e. The employer uses fair and reasonable practice if done on account of the union activities
criteria in ascertaining who will be of the employees (Bogo-Medellin Supercane
dismissed or retained (Asian Alcohol Planters Association v. NLRC, GR 97846).
Corporation v. NLRC, 305 SCRA 416).
Distinguish redundancy from retrenchment.
Employees who were retrenched staged a strike. Redundancy results from the fact that the position
The strike was found to be illegal. Will be of the employee has become superfluous, an excess
terminated employees still receive separation over what is actually needed, even if the business
pay? has not suffered losses. Separation pay is higher.
Yes. The declaration that they had lost their Retrenchment is linked with losses. It is a cost-
employment status produced no real significance cutting measure (Azucena, p. 805).
since their retrenchment preceded the declaration
of strike (Asionics Phil., Inc. v. NLRC, GR Distinguish permanent retrenchment from
124950). temporary retrenchment.
Permanent retrenchment is contemplated in Art.
What are some of the criteria the employer can 283.
use in selecting employees to be dismissed on the Temporary retrenchment is mentioned in Art. 286
account of retrenchment? over the employee who is still willing to work but
a. Less preferred status is not recalled. He is deemed separated or
b. Efficiency rating constructively dismissed (Azucena, p. 805).
c. Seniority (Asiaworld Publishing House,
Inc. v. Ople, GR 56398). What is the effect when the number of days an
employee works is decreased due to financial
Are actual business losses necessary before losses of the business but the employee is rotated
employers may retrench employees? by the employer over about 6 months?
No. Preventive retrenchment is lawful (Lopez The employee is considered to have been
Sugar Corporation v. Federation of Free Workers, effectively deprived of a gainful occupation. The
GR 75700-01). employee is considered dismissed or retrenched
from employment (International Hardware v.
What is the standard to justify retrenchment? NLRC, GR 80770).
a. Losses expected should be substantial
b. Substantial loss must apprehended must What is the effect when the reason for reduction
be reasonable imminent of work days was not specifically explained and
c. Reasonable necessity and likely to applied only to union officers?
effectively prevent the expected losses It amounted to constructive dismissal and ULP
d. Losses, actual or imminent, must be (Unicorn Safety Glass v. Basarte, GR 154689).
proven by sufficient and convincing
evidence (Lopez Sugar Corporation v.

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What happens when the corporation resumed ground of equality. However, when the company is
operations barely a month after the supposed not able to extend the same amount of generosity
folding up and only after obtaining an because of business losses that did not exist when
agreement with the remaining union officers the first set of termination was made, then, there is
that they would not organize a union if they are no reason for the company to extend the same
readmitted to work? amount of generosity (North Davao Mining Corp.
Such acts constitute ULP (Me Shurn Corp. v. Me v. NLRC, GR 112546).
Shurn-FSM, GR 156292).

To whom should the factual issue of financial Are employees entitled to separation pay when
losses be raised? closure of the business was due to passing of a
Losses are proven before the Labor Arbiter or the law, something which is beyond the control of
NLRC (Me Shurn Corp. v. Me Shurn-FSM, GR the employer?
156292). No. The closure contemplated in Art. 283 of the
Labor Code is a unilateral and voluntary act on the
Are financial losses needed before a business can part of the employer to close the business
be closed down? establishment, for an employer to be liable for
No. An employer may close or cease his business separation pay (National Federation of Labor v.
operations or undertaking even if he is not NLRC, GR 127718).
suffering from serious business losses or financial
reverses, as long as he pay his employees their Are employers entitled to separation pay when
termination pay in the amount corresponding to the severance of employer-employee
their length of service (Catatista v. NLRC, GR relationship is due to the expiration of their
102422). working relationship with the lessee?
No. The case entails expiration of tenure, not
Does Art. 283 of the Labor Code contemplate dismissal (Hilado v. Leogardo, GR 65863).
only closure of the whole business before the
provision becomes operative? What is the effect of the sale of the business to
No. It includes both the complete cessation of the employees?
operations and cessation of only part of a It is considered a closure of business and the
company’s activities (Coca-Cola Bottlers v. NLRC, employees lose their jobs, with post-employment
GR 93530-36). benefits, unless the new owner opts to retain or
rehire them (Azucena, p. 823).
Is temporary shutdown of a portion a business a
valid reason to terminate employees? What is the rule with regard to employees when
It is not a valid reason where operations continued the business is sold?
after such repairs and it is apparent that the closure The transferee is not liable and has no legal duty to
of the company’s warehouse was merely a ploy to absorb the transferor’s employees. The transferee is
get rid of the employees (Brotherhood Labor Unity liable when the liability is assumed or when
Movement v. Zamora, GR 48645). liability arises because of the new owner’s
participation in defeating the rights of the
Should separation pay be paid in case of closure employees (Manlimos v. NLRC, GR 113337).
because of serious business losses?
No. When closure is not due to serious business Are employees entitled to retirement fees since
losses or financial reverses is the employer liable their employment in the old corporation when it
for separation pay. If the closure is due to business is already merged with another?
losses, the law does not impose any obligation Yes. The merged corporation is a successor-
upon the employer to pay separation benefits employer. It is answerable to the lawful obligations
(North Davao Mining Corp. v. NLRC, GR 112546). of the predecessor employers (Filipinas Port
Services v. NLRC, GR 97237).
Does previous generosity obligate the company
to extend the same generosity to newly An employee may be terminated when found
terminated employees? suffering from any disease and whose continued
It depends on the circumstances. Generally, the employment is prohibited by law or is
employer should extend the same generosity on the prejudicial to his health as well as to the health

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

of his co-employees. What are the requirements the requirements of notice and opportunity to be
to terminate an employee on this ground? heard?
a. Separation pay equivalent to 1 month No. Notice should appraise the employee of the
salary or ½ month salary for every year of causes of his dismissal. Opportunity to be heard
service. should give the employee an opportunity to refute
b. Certification by competent public health the accusations leveled against him (De Vera v.
authority that the nature of such disease is NLRC, GR 93070).
that it cannot be cured within 6 months
even with proper medical treatment
(Azucena, p. 828).
Is consultation with the union sufficient notice to
What are the procedural requirements for terminate an employee?
terminating an employee based on just cause? No. Such consultation or consent by the union is
a. Notice of intention to dismiss, indicating not a substitute for actual observance of the rights
his acts or omissions complained against of the employee to notice and opportunity to be
b. Notice of the decision to dismiss heard (Century Textile Mills v. NLRC, GR 77859).
c. Opportunity to answer and rebut the
charges against him, in between such What is “ample opportunity to be heard” as
notice (MGM Marine Services v. NLRC, contemplated by the law?
GR 114313). It is meant every kind of assistance that
management must accord to the employee to enable
What is the procedural requirement for him to prepare adequately for his defense. It should
terminating an employee based on authorized be construed as a period of at least 5 days from
causes under Art. 283? receipt of notice (Azucena, p. 835).
Service of written notice to the employee and the
appropriate Regional Office of the Department at Is the employer justified in not giving the
least 30 days before the effectivity of the employee ample opportunity to be heard when
termination, specifying the grounds (Azucena, p. the employee is terminated from employment
833) due to the union security clause?
No. The right to be informed of the charges against
What is the procedural requirement for him and to reasonable opportunity to be heard is
terminating an employee based on completion of not wiped away by a union security clause or a
contract? union shop clause in the CBA (Carino v. NLRC,
No prior notice is required if brought about by GR 91086).
completion of the contract or phase thereof. If
based on the failure of the employee to meet When the employee admits his guilt, there is no
standards, sufficient notice must be given within a need for a hearing. What is the requirement on
reasonable time (Azucena, p. 833). such cases?
All that is needed is to inform the employee of the
Does the requirement of due process before findings of management (China Banking Corp. v.
terminating an employee apply only to rank and Borromeo, GR 156515).
file employees?
No. It applies equally to all workers, including There is no need for investigation and hearing
managerial employees (Offshore Industries v. when the employee is to be terminated due to
NLRC, GR 83108). authorized cause. What may the employee do to
contest the termination?
Does procedural due process require a formal The appropriate forum for such controversion
trial? would be the Department of Labor and
No. Summary proceedings may be conducted. Employment (Withshire File Co. v. NLRC, GR
What is essential is ample opportunity to be heard 82249)
(Homeowners Savings and Loan Association v.
NLRC, GR 97067). May the employer inform all the employees of
their termination due to the expiration of the
Will a Notice of Preventive Suspension and lease through a notice of closure on the
subsequent interview sufficient compliance for employee’s bulletin board?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. It is not sufficient compliance with the How long is the maximum period for preventive
statutory requirement which requires that the suspension?
employer must notify him in writing (Shoppers It can last no longer than 30 days. During the
Gain Supermart v. NLRC, GR 110731). period, wages and other benefits should be paid to
the employee
Is Voluntary Arbitration substantial compliance For project and nonproject employees in the
with the one-month mandatory notice construction industry, it cannot be longer than 15
requirement under termination due to days(Sec. 4, DO 19, 1993).
authorized causes?
Yes. Voluntary Arbitration proceedings more than What is the effect if preventive suspension is
satisfied the intention of the law considering parties extended beyond 30 days?
were accorded the benefit of a hearing, in addition It may be construed as constructive dismissal
to the right to present their respective position (Hyatt Taxi Services, Inc. v. Catinoy, GR 143204).
papers and documentary evidence (Revidad v.
NLRC, GR 111105). The penalty must be proportionate to the
offense in disciplinary cases against an
When is notice not required for termination of employee. What may be a factor in determining
an employee based on retrenchment due to the proper penalty?
authorized causes? a. The value of the property taken (Gelmart
If an employee consented to his retrenchment or Industries Phils., Inc. v. NLRC, GR
voluntarily applied for retrenchment due to 85668).
authorized causes, the required previous notice to b. Previous offenses is the infractions are
the DOLE is not necessary (International related to the subsequent offense upon
Hardware Inc. v. NLRC, GR 80770). which the basis for termination (Filipro v.
Ople, 182 SCRA 1).
What is the quantum of evidence that is
required in administrative cases involving When and where should a complaint for illegal
termination of employees? dismissal be filed?
There must be substantial evidence to support the It is filed with Regional Branch of the NLRC,
finding. It is such relevant evidence as a reasonable under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. It is
mind might accept as adequate to support a filed within 4 years from the time the employee is
conclusion (Ang Tibay v. CIR, 69 Phil. 635). dismissed (Azucena, p. 848).

What is the effect of retention of an employee What are the four kinds of separation pay?
after actual discovery of an act of misconduct? a. Statutory separation pay is cases of legal
The act may be considered condoned as to be no termination under Art. 283 and 284
longer available as a ground of dismissal (Azucena, b. Separation pay as financial assistance, as
p. 843). an act of social justice
c. Separation pay in lieu of reinstatement
When may an employee be placed under where reinstatement is ordered but not
preventive suspension? feasible
The employer may do so if his continued d. Separation pay as employment benefit
employment poses a serious and imminent threat to granted in a CBA or company policy
the life or property of the employer or his co- (Azucena, p. 850).
workers (DO 9, 1997).
What is included in the computation for
Is continued absence and tardiness of a sales statutory separation pay?
clerk, who was able to complete her tasks It should include not just the basic salary but also
without prejudice to the company’s interest a the regular allowance that an employee has been
ground for preventive suspension? receiving (Planters Products, Inc. v. NLRC, GR
No. Her tardiness does not, in any way, pose 78524).
serious threats to the property of the employer
(Global Incorporated v. Atienza, GR L-51612-13). Should commissions be included in the base
figure in computing statutory separation pay?

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

No. Such commissions must be earned by actual Backwages is a form of relief that restores the
market transactions (Soriano v. NLRC, GR 75510). income that was lost by reason of unlawful
Is an employee who admitted to have committed Separation pay is oriented towards the immediate
acts of dishonesty entitled to separation pay? future, the transitional period the dismissed
No. A person dismissed for cause is not entitled to employee must undergo before locating a
separation pay (PLDT v. NLRC, GR 80609). replacement job (Torillo v. Leogardo, GR 77205).

What is the standard in determining when an Distinguish backwages from unpaid salary?
employee is entitled to separation pay as a Unpaid salaries refer to those earned prior to
matter of equity? dismissal. Backwages refer to those earnings lost
It is allowed only in cases where the employee is after and because of illegal dismissal (General
validly dismissed for cases other than serious Baptist Bible College v. NLRC, GR 85534).
misconduct or those reflecting his moral character
(PLDT v. NLRC, GR 80609).

May the Court delete the award for separation What is the effect when the employee failed to
pay based on equity when improper despite the claim backwages in a case for illegal dismissal?
fact the employer failed to question the It has no effect. It is a substantive right that cannot
monetary award? be defeated by a mere procedural lapse (General
Yes. If the resolution of the issue of lawfulness of Baptist Bible College v. NLRC, GR 85534).
the award of financial assistance to the employee is
essential to render substantial justice as between What is the effect when the NLRC did not
the parties, the Court may pass upon such issue and award backwages and the employee failed to
rule accordingly (Chua v. Nestle, GR 159460). raise this issue on appeal?
It is not a bar of the Court of Appeals from
As a general rule, an employee who voluntarily awarding backwages when necessary in arriving at
resigns from employment is not entitled to a complete and just resolution of the case or to
separation pay. What are the exceptions? serve the interests of justice or to avoid dispensing
The exceptions are when it is stipulated in the piecemeal justice (St. Michael’s Institute v. Santos,
employment contract of collective bargaining GR 145280).
agreement, or it is sanctioned by established
employer practice of policy (Hinatuan Mining How is backwages computed?
Corp. v. NLRC, GR 117394). Backwages is pegged at the wage rate at the time of
the employee’s dismissal, inclusive of regular
What is the difference between backwages and allowances that the employee had been receiving
reinstatement? such as emergency and living allowances and the
Backwages, in general, are granted on the grounds 13th month pay mandated under the law (Equitable
of equity for earnings which a worker or employee Banking Corp. v. Sadac, GR 164772).
has lost due to his illegal dismissal. It presupposes
illegal termination. After the employee is illegally terminated, there
Reinstatement is the restoration to a state of had been annual general salary increases in the
condition from which one had been removed or company. Should these be included in
separated (Torillo v. Leogardo, GR 77205). computing for backpay?
No. Salary increase is neither an allowance nor
Can there be a finding of illegal dismissal benefit (Equitable Banking Corp. v. Sadac, GR
without the payment of backwages? 164772).
Yes. The court may not only mitigate, but also
absolve the employer from liability for backwages What is the time frame for computing
where good faith is evident (Durabilt Recapping backwages?
Plant Company v. NLRC, GR 76746). It is computed from the time that his compensation
was withheld from himor from the time of his
How is separation pay different from illegal dismissal, up to the time of his actual
backwages? reinstatement (Philippine Industrial Security
Agency Corp. v. Dapiton, 377 Phil 951).

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

What happens when the illegally dismissed

What is the prescriptive period for backwages in employee cannot be reinstated due to changed
illegal dismissal cases? circumstances?
The employee is given 4 yearsfrom the time of his The employee is to be paid full backwages from the
illegal dismissal within which to institute the time of dismissal up to the time his employment
complaint (Reyes v. NLRC, GR 180551). would have actually ended due to the changed
circumstance (Azucena, pp. 884-885).
What is the effect to backwages when the
employee was able to earn during the period of When may an employee be reinstated despite
illegal dismissal? the closure of the original employer?
Backwages, should not, as a general rule, be The employee can be reinstated when there is
diminished or reduced by the earnings derived by continuity of business, without substantial break,
him elsewhere during the period of his illegal between the original employer and the new
dismissal. They are entitled to full backwages employer (Pepsi-cola Bottling Co., et al. v. NLRC,
(Bustamante v. NLRC, GR 111651). GR 101900).

What is the effect when the employee who was Separation pay can be given instead of
illegally dismissed has reached retirement age? reinstatement in cases where there is “strained
Reinstatement is no longer feasible. Backwages relations” between the employer and employee.
will not extend beyond the employee’s retirement When can this doctrine be applied?
date (Equitable Banking Corp. v. NLRC, GR It should be proved that the employee concerned
102467). occupies a position where he enjoys the trust and
confidence of his employer; and that it is likely that
When is extraordinary inflation applied in the if reinstated, an atmosphere of antipathy and
imposition of interest for backwages? antagonism may be generated as to adversely affect
Effects of extraordinary inflation are not to be the efficiency and productivity of the employee
applied without an agreement between the parties concerned (Globe-Mackay Cable and Radio Corp.
and without an official declaration thereof by v. NLRC, GR 82511).
competent authorities (Lantion v. NLRC, GR
82028). What must the employer do if a replacement of
the illegally dismissed employee was already
What is the effect of the failure to comply with hired?
the notice requirements of the labor code to the The illegally dismissed employee should be
employee who was dismissed under a just cause reinstated to a substantially equivalent position
or authorized cause? (Pedroso v. Castro, GR 70361).
The dismissal remains valid but the employer is
liable for damages to account of failure to give a How much is the separation pay in lieu of
formal notice as required by law (Wenphil reinstatement?
Corporation v. NLRC, GR 80587). It is one month pay for every year of service (Gaco
v. NLRC, GR 104690).
How is reinstatement incompatible with guilt?
Where the totality of evidence is sufficient to What is the formula in computing the
warrant the dismissal of the employees, the law separation pay of a seasonal worker?
warrants their dismissal without making any Total number of days actually worked x Daily Rate
distinction between a first offender and a habitual x 15 days
delinquent (Colgate Palmolive Philippines, Inc. v. Total no. of working days in 1 year
Ople, GR 73681).
What is the remedy if the employer fails or is
What is the relationship between backwages and unable to comply with a final and executory
illegal dismissal? judgment (or order pending appeal) for
An award of backwages presupposes a finding of reinstatement?
illegal dismissal. However, not every case of illegal The remedy is to compel the employer by writ of
dismissal entails an award of backwages (Azucena, execution to effect the reinstatement and pay the
p 884). amounts decreed. The employer may be cited in
contempt for failure or refusal to reinstate the

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

employee despite several writs of execution

(Chrisitan Literature Crusade v. NLRC, 171 SCRA When are moral damages recoverable in illegal
712). dismissal cases?
They are recoverable only where the dismissal or
What is the period in which backwages will be suspension of the employee was attended by bad
computed? faith or fraud, or constituted an act oppressive to
The obligation for accrued backwages continues to labor, or was done in a manner contrary to morals,
accumulate until the reinstatement is actually good customs or public policy (PAL v. NLRC, GR
implemented (Triad Security & Allied Services v. 132805).
Ortega, GR 160871).
How much is the indemnity for a househelper
Within how many days must the employees who is unjustly dismissed?
come to their employer to have themselves The househelper is entitled to compensation
reinstated? already earned plus 15 days by way indemnity
The employees should be given a reasonable time (Art. 149, LC).
to wind up their current preoccupation or at least
explain why they could not return to work at once As a general rule, the officers of the corporation
(Buenviaje v. CA, GR 147805). are not liable for the illegal dismissal of the
employee when the officers act within the scope
What happens when the employer fails to of their authority. What are the instances when
reinstate the employee after the decision in the the officers are liable?
NLRC but the SC decides the case in favor of a. When there is piercing of the corporate
the employer? veil
The employee will be entitled to backwages from b. Directors and trustees who willfully and
the time of the decision of the NLRC until finality knowingly vote for or assent to patently
of the decisions of the SC (Roquero v. PAL, GR unlawful acts or who are in gross
152329). negligence or bad faith are solidarily liable
for damages (Azucena, pp. 913-914).
Is the employee required to reimburse salaries
received during his reinstatement pending Art 264 states that an employer who violates the
appeal when the decision to reinstate is Minimum Wage Act can be subject to fine
eventually reversed by final judgment? and/or imprisonment. Who is this provision
No. Even if reversed, it is obligatory upon the implemented if the employer is a corporation?
employer to reinstate and pay the wages of the Art. 212(c) of the Labor Code includes persons
dismissed employee during the period of appeal acting in the interest of an employer, directly or
until reversal by the higher court (Roquero v. PAL, indirectly, in the definition of an employer. Hence,
GR 152329). the responsible officer can be held personally
liable. If there is no definite proof as to who is the
Is the immediately executory character of the responsible officer, the president is presumed to be
reinstatement affected by the employer’s denial the responsible officer (AC Ransom Labor Union v.
of employer-employee relationship? NLRC, GR 69494).
No. Although the existence of employer-employee
relationship is challenged, it is indisputable that When are corporate directors and officers
prior to the filing of the cases, the complainants solidarily liable with the corporation for
were working for the employer (PAL v. NLRC, GR termination of employment?
113827). They are solidarily liable when the termination was
done with malice and bad faith (Uihico v. NLRC,
What is the difference between the GR 121434).
reinstatement order of the Labor Arbiter and
that of the NLRC? In a contracting agreement, the indirect
The reinstatement order of the Labor Arbiter is employer is solidarily liable for unpaid wages.
immediately executory, even pending appeal. The What is the extent of this liability?
reinstatement order of the NLRC need as writ of The solidary liability is only to the extent of the
execution 5 days after the order has become final work performed under the contract. It will not
and executory (Azucena, p. 908). apply when the employees were no longer worker

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

for the indirect employer when they were illegally

dismissed (Rosewood Processing v. NLRC, GR Generally, resignation may be withdrawn.
116476-84). When may it not be withdrawn?
Once the employer accepts the resignation, its
When may an employee file a claim against an withdrawal needs the employer’s consent
employer even after executing a quitclaim? (Intertrod Maritime, Inc. v. NLRC, GR 81087).
When the voluntariness of the execution of the
quitclaim or release is put in issue, or when it is Generally, an employee who voluntarily resigns
proved that there is an unwritten agreement from employment is not entitled to separation
entitling the employee to other remuneration or pay. What are the exceptions?
benefits, then such a money claim of the employee a. There is a stipulation for payment of such
may still given due course (Talla v. NLRC, GR in the CBA,
79913). b. Payment is sanctioned by established
Quitclaims are invalid if they are contrary to public employer practice or policy (Travelaire &
policy (Carmelcraft Corp. v. NLRC, GR 90634-35). Tours Corp. v. NLRC, GR 131523).

May an employee contest the validity of a

quitclaim on the ground that it was accepted What is constructive discharge?
because of dire necessity? It is a quitting because continued employment is
No. It is not an acceptable ground for annulling rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as,
releases when it is not shown that the employees an offer involving a demotion in rank and a
had been forced to execute them (Veloso v. DOLE, diminution in pay (Philippine Japan Active Carbon
GR 87297). Corp. v. NLRC, GR 83239).

As a general rule, an employee may terminate What is the effect when the employee was
without just cause the employment relationship suspended beyond the 30-days preventive
by serving a written notice on the employer at suspension?
least 1 month in advance. When is such notice It operates as constructive dismissal (Hyatt Taxi
not needed? Services v. Catinoy, GR 143204).
a. Serious insult by the employer or his
representative on the honor and person of When is employment not deemed terminated
the employee; despite the suspension of work?
b. Inhuman and unbearable treatment a. Bona fide suspension of operation of a
accorded the employee by the employer or business or undertaking for a period not
his representative exceeding 6 months
c. Commission of a crime or offense by the b. The fulfillment by the employee of a
employer or his representative against the military or civic duty
person of the employee or any of the In both cases, the employee should resume work
immediate members of his family; and not later than 1 month from resumption of
d. Other causes analogous to any of the operations of his employer or from his relief from
foregoing (Art. 285, LC). military or civic duty (Art. 286, LC).

What is the effect the employee fails to furnish The 6-month floating status requires the dire
the employer of a written notice of resignation? exigency of the employer’s bona fide suspension
The employer may hold the employee liable for of operation, business or undertaking. What is
damages (Art. 285, LC). the effect of the absence of such dire exigency?
It may be a form of illegal dismissal (Sentinel
Is the employer required to have the employee Security Agency, Inc. v. NLRC, GR 122468).
continue the employment relationship for thirty
days after serving the notice of resignation? The stipulations in the CBA or applicable
No. After notice, it becomes discretionary on the employment contract will apply in retirement.
part of management as an employee who intends to Without such agreement, what is the retirement
resign be allowed a shorter period before his benefit required by law?
resignation becomes effective (Phimco Industries An employee, upon reaching the age of 60 to 65
v. NLRC, GR 118041). (mandatory retirement age), and who has served 5

The Fraternal Order of UTOPIA

years in the said establishment, shall be entitled to Code (Callanta v. Carnation Philippines, GR
retirement pay of at least ½ month salary for every 70615).
year of service. A fraction of at least 6 months,
considered as one whole year (Art. 287, LC). When does the period to file a claim against the
employer begin?
How should the ½ month salary in retirement be It starts when the employer refuses, expressly or
computed? impliedly, to comply with his duty as employer to
It is 15 days + ½ of 13th month pay + cash the employee (Baliwag Transit v. Ople, GR 57642).
equivalent of 5 days service incentive leaves (Art.
287, LC). Is the prescriptive period for illegal dismissal
suspended by filing a criminal case for estafa?
What is the age of retirement for underground No. An action for illegal dismissal is an
mining employees? administrative case which is entirely separate and
Upon reaching the age of 50, but not beyond 60 distinct from a criminal action for estafa. Each may
(compulsory retirement age), and worked at least 5 proceed independently from the other (Pepsi Cola
years as underground mine worker, may retire and Bottling Company v. Guazon, GR 81162).
receive retirement benefits (Art. 287, LC).

Who are exempted from the coverage of

retirement benefits? What are the prescriptive periods for cases
Retail, service, and agricultural establishments or under the Labor Code?
operations employing not more than 10 employees
are exempted (Art. 287, LC). Offenses penalized by the 3 years
Labor Code
What is the requirement for retirement terms Unfair Labor Practices 1 year from accrual
other than those provided by law? Money claims from 3 years from the time
There should be assent by the employee affected employer-employee the cause of action
(Jaculbe v. Silliman University, GR 156934). relationship accrued

May an employee claim retirement benefits and What is the effect to the prescriptive period if
separation pay simultaneously? the employee relied on the promise of the
Yes. Separation pay from forced termination and employer for payment?
benefits given as contractual right due to many It may justify the filing of the complaint beyond
years of faithful service do not necessarily exclude three years (Cadalin v. POEA Administrator, GR
each other (UE v. UE Faculty Association, GR 104776).

May an employee continue to work despite

reaching the age of compulsory retirement?
Yes. The matter of extension of service of such
employee or official is addressed to the sound
discretion of the employer (UST Faculty Union v.
NLRC, GR 89885).

Who is penalized when the offence is committed

by a juridical entity?
The penalty is imposed upon the guilty officer or
officers of such corporation, trust, firm,
partnership, association or entity (Art. 289, LC).

What is the prescriptive period for an action for

It prescribes in 4 years, for injury to the employee’s
rights as provided under Article 114 6 of the Civil


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