Insulation Coordination and Over Voltages in Power Systems: A Brief Overview
Insulation Coordination and Over Voltages in Power Systems: A Brief Overview
Insulation Coordination and Over Voltages in Power Systems: A Brief Overview
coordination and
over voltages in
power systems
A brief overview
Insulation coordination in power systems
1. Introduction:
Voltage stresses in power systems can have internal or external origin. Over
voltages can be caused by faults, switching operations or lightning strokes. In
addition, they can occur with very wide range of waveshapes and durations.
Dielectric failures in power systems can cause tripping of the protective devices,
destruction of equipment, or interruption of operation. The breakdown
characteristics of the different types of insulation depend on the configuration
and environment of the insulation, as well as on the waveshape and duration of
the applied voltage. On the other hand, both stresses and withstand insulation
voltages may exhibit a random behaviour. Therefore, it is important not only to
assess the over voltages that can appear on a given component but the behaviour
of its insulation taking into account that stress and withstand characteristics may
be random.
withstand voltages in order to meet a performance criterion when equipment is
subjected to the representative over voltages under service conditions.
In addition, over voltages can occur with very wide range of waveshapes
and durations. The magnitude of external lightning over voltages remains
essentially independent of the system design, whereas that of internal switching
over voltages increases with the operating voltage of the system. As a
consequence, with increasing operating voltage a point is reached when the
switching over voltages become the dominant factor in selecting equipment
insulation (Hileman, 1999). Up to approximately 300 kV, the insulation has to
be designed to withstand primarily lightning surges. For transmission systems
above 300 kV the switching over voltages increase in importance so that at
about 550 kV they are equivalent to that of lightning over voltages. For the
highest voltages, 765 kV and above, switching over voltages in combination
with insulator contamination become the predominating factor in the insulation
design. Temporary over voltages are also important since they affect the rating
of protective arresters or coordinating gaps which provide a means of
controlling the over voltages.
consideration. From the network configuration and component data, an
appropriate simulation of the network is performed to compute representative
over voltages, taking into account the effect of control and protective devices.
The breakdown voltage characteristics are based on the type and configuration
of the insulation. The procedure relates these two aspects to determine
withstand voltages and quantify the risk of insulation failure.
They are unidirectional or oscillatory over voltages, with a slow front, highly
damped, short-duration. These over voltages are caused by switching
operations, fault initiation, or remote lightning strokes.
A temporary overvoltage (TOV) is an oscillatory phase-to-earth or phase-to-
phase overvoltage of relatively long duration at a given location which is
undamped or weakly damped. In relation to operating power system networks, a
temporary overvoltage may be defined as an overvoltage higher than the highest
system voltage and lasting for more than 2 cycles. The representative temporary
overvoltage is characterized by a standard short duration (1 min) power-
frequency waveshape. TOVs may be classified according to whether the
frequency of oscillation is lower, equal to or higher than the working voltage
frequency. The causes that lead to temporary ovevoltages are many; the most
frequent are summarized below (German & Haddad, 2004; Irwin & Ryan, 2001;
Glavitsch, 1980).
Load rejection: Over voltages caused by load rejection are a function of the
rejected load, the system topology after disconnection, and the characteristics of
the sources (e.g., speed and voltage regulators of generators). In a symmetrical
three-phase power system the same relative over voltages occur phase-to-earth
and phase-to-phase. The longitudinal temporary over voltages depend on
whether phase opposition is possible; such phase opposition can occur when the
voltages on each side of the open switching device are not synchronized. A
distinction should be made between various system configurations when large
loads are rejected. A system with relatively short lines and high short circuit
power at terminal stations will have low over voltages. A system with long lines
and low short circuit power at generating sites will have high over voltages.
Load rejection can, on long uncompensated transmission lines, produce voltages
of up 1.2 pu due to the Ferranti effect, at the substation end of the line which is
disconnected from the source (i.e. remote end). Temporary over voltages due to
the Ferranti effect and load rejection are limited by shunt reactors, but because
these shunt reactors remain connected to the system under normal working
conditions, a problem of reactive power consumption is raised. Thyristor-
controlled reactive compensation and shunt reactors with flat magnetizing
characteristics have also been used.
Resonance and ferro-resonance: Temporary over voltages may arise from the
interaction of capacitive elements (lines, cables, series capacitors) and inductive
elements (transformers, shunt reactors). The resonant overvoltage is initiated by
a sudden change in the system configuration (e.g., switching of a transformer
terminated line, isolation of a bus potential transformer through breaker
capacitance). Ferro-resonance may occur when an operation (circuit opening or
closing) is performed on the network with a device having poles either separate
or with no simultaneous operation. To avoid ferro-resonant conditions design
modifications may be considered or steps can be taken to avoid the switching
operations that cause them or to minimize the duration by selection of an
appropriate protection scheme. Resonant and ferro-resonant over voltages can
have magnitudes greater than 2.0 pu and last until the condition is cleared.
Parallel line resonance can occur during de-energization of one circuit of a
double circuit transmission line with shunt reactive compensation. The
energized line feeds the resonance condition through the inter-circuit
capacitance. Voltages as high as 1.5 pu have been recorded on 420 kV systems.
This voltage will remain until the line is re-energized or until the compensating
reactor is switched out.
terminal; consequently, the longitudinal insulation is exposed to significantly
higher over voltages than the phase-to-earth insulation.
Initiation and clearing of faults: The most frequent fault on power systems is
the phase-to-earth short circuit, which is often accompanied by an increase of
neutral voltage. Reducing the ratio, however, will limit significantly the
overvoltage. Slow-front over voltages can be produced during phase-to-earth
fault initiation and clearing. These over voltages are only between phase-to-
earth. If the switching over voltages for energizing and reclosing are controlled
to below 2.0 pu, fault and fault clearing may produce higher over voltages. A
conservative estimate may assume that the maximum overvoltage during fault
clearing is about 2.0 pu, and the maximum value caused by a fault initiation is
about pu, where k is the earth fault factor in per unit of the peak phase-to-earth
system voltage.
Load rejection: Load rejection may increase longitudinal voltage stresses across
switching devices, the phase-to-earth insulator stress and the energy discharged
through the arresters. If the arresters are used to limit energization and reclosing
over voltages to below 2 pu, the energy dissipation in the arresters should be
studied, especially when generators, transformers, long transmission lines, or
series capacitors are present.
Lightning surges travel along the line and may cause internal breakdown
of terminal equipment system insulation. As these surges travel from the stroke
terminating point to the station, corona decreases both the front steepness and
the crest magnitude. The voltage wave front arriving at the substation can be
significantly affected by the line termination, although in the case of a cable
termination, the wave front may be drastically reduced. Protection against
lightning over voltages is usually based on the most probable lightning current
shape which might hit the system and the keraunic level or density of lightning
flashes (flashes per kilometer square per year) in the location area of the system.
with superimposed oscillations at frequencies below 100 MHz. Causes that can
originate these over voltages are disconnector operations and faults within gas
insulated substations (GIS), switching of motors and transformers with short
connections to the switchgear, and certain lightning conditions.
Very fast-front transient over voltages in GIS are of greater concern at the
highest voltages, for which the ratio of the insulation level to the system voltage
is lower. Some equipment failures and arcing problems between earthed parts
have occurred at system voltages above 420 kV; they have been correlated with
disconnect switch and circuit breaker operation.
The generation and propagation of very fast-front transients from their original
location throughout a GIS can produce internal and external over voltages. The
main concern is internal over voltages between the centre conductor and the
enclosure. However, external transients can be dangerous for secondary and
adjacent equipment. The external transients include transient voltages between
the enclosure and earth at GIS-air interfaces, voltages across insulating spacers
in the vicinity of GIS current transformers, when they do not have a metallic
screen on the outside surface, voltages on the secondary terminals of GIS
instrument transformers, and radiated electromagnetic fields, which can be
dangerous to adjacent control or relay equipment.
3. Surge arrestors:
4. Conventional method of insulation coordination:
The components of electrical power system may suffer from different level of
transient voltage stresses, switching impulse voltage and lightning impulse
voltage. The maximum amplitude of transient over voltages reach the
components, can be limited by using protecting device like lightning arrestors in
the system. If we maintain the insulation level of all the power system
component above the protection level of protective device, then ideally there
will be no chance of breakdown of insulation of any component. Since the
transient over voltage reaches at the insulation after crossing the surge
protective devices will have amplitude equals to protection level voltage and
protection level voltage impulse insulation level of the components. Generally,
the impulse insulation level is established at 15 to 25 % above the protective
level voltage of protective devices. Related graph is as shown below:
5. Statistical methods for insulation coordination:
At higher transmission
voltages, the length of the
insulator strings and
the clearance in air do not
increase linearly with
voltage but approximately
to V1.6. The required
number of insulator disc
in suspension string for
different over voltages is shown below. It is seen that increase in the number of
disc is only slight for 220 KV system, with the increase in the over voltage
factor from 2 to 3.5 but that there is a rapid increase in the 750 kV system.
Thus, while it may be economically feasible to protect the lower voltage lines
up to an over voltage factor of 3.5(say), it is definitely not economically feasible
to have an over voltage factor of more than about 2 to 2.5 on the higher voltage
lines. In the higher voltage systems, it is the switching over voltages that is
predominant. However, these may be controlled by proper design of switching
devices. The figure is as presented below:
6. Conclusion:
an insulation failure, if one occurs, would be confined to the place on the system
where it would result in the least damage, be the least expensive to repair and
cause the least disturbance to the continuity of supply is known as insulation
coordination. It plays and would continue to play a vital role in future of power
systems. There is no way to design an insulation system which is 100%
accurate. Thus, insulation coordination ensures that the system is well protected
under any operating conditions for which the system operates.
IEEE Std C62.2 (1987). IEEE guide for the application of gapped silicon-
carbide surge arresters for alternating current systems.
IEEE Std C62.82.1 (2010). IEEE Standard for Insulation Coordination--
Definitions, Principles, and Rules.
IEEE Std C62.22 (2009). IEEE guide for the application of metal-oxide
surge arresters for alternating-current systems.