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TEPZZ 5649 8B - T: European Patent Specification

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TEPZZ 5649 8B_T


(11) EP 2 564 928 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: B02C 1/02 (2006.01)
13.11.2013 Bulletin 2013/46

(21) Application number: 11179994.6

(22) Date of filing: 05.09.2011

(54) Jaw crusher

Concasseur à mâchoires

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors:

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB • Eriksson, Bengt-Arne
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR • Ljunggren, Karin
271 46 Ystad (SE)
(43) Date of publication of application: • Sjöbeck, Roger
06.03.2013 Bulletin 2013/10 212 26 Malmö (SE)

(73) Proprietor: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB (56) References cited:

811 81 Sandviken (SE) US-A- 4 637 562 US-A1- 2005 082 403
EP 2 564 928 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 564 928 B1 2

Description and the movable jaw, a second toggle plate seat arranged
between the toggle plate and the toggle beam, and a
Technical Field of the Invention positioning device having a movable piston rod arrange-
ment, which is received by the piston rod arrangement
[0001] The present invention relates to a jaw crusher 5 seat of the toggle beam, for positioning the movable jaw,
comprising a stationary jaw and a movable jaw forming wherein the jaw crusher further comprises a toggle plate
between them a variable crushing gap, a toggle beam squeezing device comprising a contraction member, the
having a piston rod arrangement seat, a toggle plate ar- squeezing device having a first mounting member which
ranged between the toggle beam and the movable jaw, is connected to the movable jaw, and a second mounting
a first toggle plate seat arranged between the toggle plate 10 member which is connected to the movable piston rod
and the movable jaw, a second toggle plate seat arranged arrangement, to exert a pressing force on the first toggle
between the toggle plate and the toggle beam, and a plate seat, the second toggle plate seat and the piston
positioning device having a movable piston rod arrange- rod arrangement seat.
ment, which is received by the piston rod arrangement [0008] An advantage of this jaw crusher is that the tog-
seat of the toggle beam, for positioning the movable jaw. 15 gle beam may be freely and movably arranged to a piston
rod arrangement of the positioning device allowing the
Background Art toggle beam to twist independently upon presence of un-
crushable material, sometimes referred to as "tramp ma-
[0002] Jaw crushers are utilized in many applications terial", in the crusher, and/or upon uneven feeding of ma-
for crushing hard material, such as pieces of rock, ore, 20 terial to an intake of the crusher. A further advantage of
etc. A jaw crusher has a movable jaw that cooperates this jaw crusher is that a backlash free connection be-
with a stationary jaw. Between the jaws a crushing gap tween the toggle beam and the positioning device for
is formed. The size of the crushing gap is often adjustable positioning the movable jaw may be achieved. This is
by means of a hydraulic ram which is connected to the possible since the squeezing device is connected to the
movable jaw via a toggle plate and a toggle beam. Ad- 25 hydraulic device in such a manner that the squeezing
justment of the movable jaw position may be carried out device always exerts a pressing force to each of the first
to compensate for wear of wear parts and/or to adjust toggle plate seat, the second toggle plate seat and the
the size of the crushed material. In order to secure that piston rod arrangement seat during a crusher operation
the toggle plate is seated in a proper manner a jaw crush- and thus compensates for wear not only at the toggle
er may be provided with an arrangement that exerts a 30 plate seats but also at the piston rod arrangement seat.
tensioning force acting to tension the toggle plate against The pressing force exerted to each of the first toggle plate
toggle plate seats. seat, the second toggle plate seat and the piston rod
[0003] US 4 637 562 discloses a jaw crusher with a arrangement seat acts to avoid backlash and to hold the
toggle plate tensioning device where a compression toggle plate in a proper position during a crusher opera-
spring exerts a force acting to tension the toggle plate 35 tion. Hence, a backlash-free connection that fully squeez-
against its respective toggle seats. US 4 637 562 also es the toggle plate against its seats and simultaneously
discloses a hydraulic mechanism for adjusting the posi- squeezes the piston arrangement against its seat is pro-
tion of the movable jaw. vided. Even upon the relative movements arising due to
[0004] However, with the design described in US 4 637 the presence of un-crushable material in the crusher
562 it may be difficult to secure a proper positioning of 40 backlash will be avoided.
the toggle plate due to backlash arising during a crusher [0009] The toggle plate squeezing device is preferably
operation. Especially, upon presence of un-crushable at least partly turnable around an axis extending through
material in the crusher such backlash may arise. the first and second mounting members in order to allow
[0005] Another example of a jaw crusher with a toggle relative movements, e.g. upon presence of un-crushable
plate tensioning device is disclosed in US 2005/0082403 45 material in the crusher, in several directions.
A. [0010] Preferably, at least one of the toggle beam and
the piston rod seat comprises a curved joint surface to
Summary of the Invention provide a robust and stable connection between the tog-
gle beam and the piston rod arrangement and to allow
[0006] It is an object of the present invention to solve, 50 relative movement between the toggle beam and the hy-
or at least mitigate, parts or all of the above mentioned draulic positioning device in a smooth and safe manner.
problems. [0011] The piston rod arrangement preferably com-
[0007] This object is achieved by means of a jaw crush- prises a piston rod head member having a curved joint
er comprising a stationary jaw and a movable jaw forming surface facing the piston rod seat.
between them a variable crushing gap, a toggle beam 55 [0012] The second mounting member of the toggle
having a piston rod arrangement seat, a toggle plate ar- plate squeezing device is preferably mounted turnable
ranged between the toggle beam and the movable jaw, on the movable piston rod arrangement. This has the
a first toggle plate seat arranged between the toggle plate advantage that relative turning between the piston rod

3 EP 2 564 928 B1 4

arrangement and the toggle plate squeezing device Detailed Description of Preferred Embodiments of the
around an axis parallel to the piston rod is allowed. Invention
[0013] Preferably, the second mounting member of the
toggle plate squeezing device comprises a guide sleeve [0019] Fig. 1 is a cross-section and illustrates, sche-
which is arranged around the piston rod of the piston rod 5 matically, a jaw crusher 1 according to an embodiment
arrangement to allow relative rotation between the piston of the present invention. The jaw crusher 1 comprises a
rod arrangement and the toggle plate squeezing device movable jaw 3 and a stationary jaw 5 forming between
around an axis parallel to the piston rod. them a variable crushing gap. The movable jaw 3 is driven
[0014] The piston rod head member preferably com- by an eccentric shaft 7 which causes the movable jaw 3
prises a shoulder portion forming an abutment surface 10 to move back and forth, up and down relative to the sta-
which is configured for abutment against the guide sleeve tionary jaw 5.
of the second mounting member. This has the advantage [0020] The inertia required to crush material fed to the
that a pressing force is exerted from the device to the crusher is provided by a weighted flywheel 9 operable to
seat via the piston rod arrangement in a very robust and move the eccentric shaft 7 on which the movable jaw 3
stable manner. 15 is mounted. A motor (not shown) is operative for rotating
[0015] The contraction member of the toggle plate the flywheel 9. The stationary jaw 5 is provided with a
squeezing device preferably comprises a compression wear plate 6, and the movable jaw 3 is provided with a
spring and/or a hydraulic cylinder. wear plate 8. The movement of the eccentric shaft 7 thus
[0016] Furthermore, a method of squeezing a toggle causes an eccentric motion of the movable jaw 3. Material
plate of a jaw crusher comprising: a stationary jaw and 20 to be crushed is fed to an intake 2 for material to be
a movable jaw forming between them a variable crushing crushed. The crushed material leaves the crusher via an
gap, a toggle beam having a piston rod arrangement seat, outlet 4 for material that has been crushed. The jaws 3,
a toggle plate arranged between the toggle beam and 5 are farther apart at the material intake 2 than at the
the movable jaw, a first toggle plate seat arranged be- material outlet 4, forming a tapered crushing chamber so
tween the toggle plate and the movable jaw, a second 25 that the material is crushed progressively to smaller and
toggle plate seat arranged between the toggle plate and smaller sizes as the material travels downward towards
the toggle beam, and a hydraulic device having a mov- the outlet 4 until the material is small enough to escape
able piston rod arrangement, which is received by the from the material outlet 4 at the bottom of the crushing
piston rod arrangement seat of the toggle beam, for po- chamber.
sitioning the movable jaw is considered. The method in- 30 [0021] The crusher 1 comprises a toggle plate 11, a
volves applying a squeezing force between the movable toggle beam 13, a first toggle plate seat 15 arranged at
jaw and the movable piston rod arrangement to exert a the lower end of the movable jaw 3 and a second toggle
pressing force on the first toggle plate seat, the second plate seat 17 arranged along a front edge of the toggle
toggle plate seat and the piston rod arrangement seat. beam 13. The toggle plate 11 is seated between the first
[0017] This method has the advantage that a toggle 35 15 and second 17 toggle plate seats.
plate is held in position in a very robust and stable man- [0022] The crusher 1 comprises a hydraulic positioning
ner. Furthermore, backlash between the positioning de- device 23 for positioning the movable jaw 3 to a desired
vice and the toggle beam will be avoided. position, i.e. to a desired closed side setting. By "closed
side setting" is meant the shortest distance between the
Brief Description of the Drawings 40 wear plate 6 of the stationary jaw 5 and the wear plate 8
of the movable jaw 3. For instance, the hydraulic posi-
[0018] The invention will hereafter be described in tioning device 23 can be used to adjust the position of
more detail and with reference to the appended draw- the movable jaw 3 to compensate for wear of the wear
ings. plates 6, 8 against which material is crushed. Further-
45 more, the hydraulic positioning device 23 may also be
Fig. 1 is a cross-section and illustrates, schematical- used for adjusting the position of the movable jaw 3 to
ly, a jaw crusher according to an embodiment of the adapt the jaw crusher 1 for crushing various types of ma-
present invention. terials, and to obtain various average sizes of the crushed
Fig. 2 is a cross-section and illustrates, schematical- material.
ly, parts of the jaw crusher shown in Fig. 1. 50 [0023] Referring to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, which show parts
Fig. 3 is a perspective view and illustrates, schemat- of the crusher shown in Fig. 1, the jaw crusher 1 will
ically, a toggle plate squeezing device of the jaw hereinafter be further described. The toggle beam 13,
crusher in Fig. 1. which has a generally rectangular cross section, is slid-
Fig. 4 is a perspective view and illustrates, schemat- ably arranged along guide plates 14, of which one is vis-
ically, parts of the jaw crusher shown in Fig. 1. 55 ible in Fig. 2. Upper and lower guide plates 14, best il-
lustrated in Fig. 4, are mounted in elongated apertures
at respective side walls of the crusher 1. The toggle beam
13 and, hence, the movable jaw 3, are thus displaceable

5 EP 2 564 928 B1 6

towards and away from the stationary jaw 5 under the gle plate seat 15, the second toggle plate seat 17 and
guidance of the guide plates 14. Since the toggle beam the piston rod arrangement seat 21. Furthermore, the
13 is slidable various closed side settings can be set, as toggle plate squeezing device 35 has the ability to be
will be described hereinafter. turned around various axes, as an effect of, for example,
[0024] Returning to Fig. 2, the hydraulic positioning de- 5 un-crushable objects entering the crusher, or as an effect
vice 23 comprises a double acting hydraulic cylinder hav- of uneven feeding of material over the intake 2, without
ing a piston rod arrangement 25. The piston rod arrange- losing its squeezing effect.
ment 25 abuts the toggle beam 13. The piston rod ar- [0027] Initially, i.e. before running a crusher operation,
rangement 25 comprises a piston rod 27 and a piston the movable jaw 3 is normally adjusted using the hydrau-
rod head member 29 rigidly attached to the piston rod 27 10 lic positioning device 23 until a desired closed side setting
such that the head member 29 moves with the piston rod is reached. The size of the crushing gap may thus be
27. The piston rod head member 29 has a curved front adjusted by means of the hydraulic positioning device 23
portion 31 facing the toggle beam 13. The curved front which abuts the movable jaw 3 via the toggle plate 11
portion 31 of the piston rod head member 29 is arranged and the toggle beam 13.
to abut the back edge of the toggle beam 13. The toggle 15 [0028] During operation, the movable jaw 3 may be
beam 13 thus comprises a curved piston arrangement held in a desired position, i.e., in a desired closed side
seat 21, in the form of a toggle beam portion having a setting, either by means of the hydraulic positioning de-
surface facing the piston rod arrangement 25. The curved vice 23, or by means of mechanical spacer elements.
front portion 31 of the piston rod head member 29 abuts Typically, the hydraulic positioning device 23 would be
the curved piston arrangement seat 21 as illustrated in 20 utilized for holding the movable jaw 3 in position when
Fig. 2. The piston rod head member 29 has a radially the crushing forces are moderate, and/or when there is
projecting shoulder portion 33 forming an abutment sur- a substantial risk that un-crushable objects are fed to the
face that abuts a guide sleeve of a toggle plate squeezing jaw crusher 1 via the intake 2. The hydraulic positioning
device 35, as will be described in more detail hereinafter. device 23 may be provided with a relief system relieving
[0025] The toggle plate squeezing device 35 compris- 25 hydraulic pressure, and hence relieving crushing forces,
es a contraction member, in the form of a compression when an un-crushable object is fed to the jaw crusher 1.
spring 37, a first mounting member 39 which is connected On the other hand, when crushing occurs with high crush-
to the movable jaw 3 and a second mounting member ing forces and/or at a low risk of un-crushable objects
41, best illustrated in Fig. 3, which is connected to the being fed to the jaw crusher 1, then the jaw crusher 1
piston rod arrangement 25. The toggle plate squeezing 30 may be operated with mechanical spacer elements keep-
device 35 is pivotally connected to a mounting bracket ing the movable jaw 3 in position during crushing. Hence,
of the movable jaw 3 by the first mounting member 39. the jaw crusher 1 may be operated in two different modes:
A rod 45 is at one end 45a connected to the first mounting either with the hydraulic positioning device 23 or with
member 39 and is at the other end 45b connected to a mechanical spacer elements keeping the movable jaw 3
spring seat 47. The compression spring 37 is seated be- 35 in position.
tween the spring seat 47 and an annular collar 49 which [0029] When operating the jaw crusher 1 with mechan-
is pivotally connected to a first 51 and second 53 linkage ical spacer elements in order to set the movable jaw 3 in
rods respectively. Each of the linkage rods 51, 53 is piv- a desired position spacer elements, in the form of shims
otally connected to the second mounting member 41 of 57, may be arranged between the toggle beam 13 and
the toggle plate squeezing device 35. The second mount- 40 a shim supporting element 59, as illustrated in Fig 4.
ing member 41 comprises a guide sleeve 55 which is Shims of various widths may thus be used to set a desired
movably arranged around the piston rod head member closed side setting. The shims enable an operator to se-
29 of the piston rod arrangement 25 for abutment against lect a suitable combination of shims for a particular po-
the shoulder portion 33 of the piston rod head member sition of the toggle beam 13, and thereby the movable
29. The toggle plate squeezing device 35 is at least partly 45 jaw 3, relative to the stationary jaw 5. The crusher 1 com-
turnable around the piston rod head member 29 to which prises a set of shims 57 comprising shims with various
the toggle plate squeezing device 35 is connected by the widths arranged between the toggle beam 13 and the
guide sleeve 55. The toggle plate squeezing device 35 supporting element 59. During operation in this mode
is turnable around a geometrical axis extending through crushing forces are transmitted from the movable jaw 3,
the piston rod 27. As best illustrated in Fig. 2, the guide 50 via the toggle plate 11, the seats 15, 17, the toggle beam
sleeve 55 has a certain ability to move freely, and to be 13, and the set of shims 57, to the supporting element
turned around an axis extending through the guide sleeve 59 and further to the support structures of the jaw crusher
55, by means of a gap formed between the shoulder por- 1.
tion 33 of the piston rod head member 29 and the piston [0030] When operating the jaw crusher 1 with the hy-
rod 27. 55 draulic positioning device 23 holding the movable jaw 3
[0026] The toggle plate squeezing device 35 is thus in position, the hydraulic positioning device 23 is kept
arranged to exert a pressing force, exerted by the com- pressurized during crusher operation, such that crushing
pression spring 37, simultaneously acting on the first tog- forces are transmitted from the movable jaw 3, via the

7 EP 2 564 928 B1 8

toggle plate 11, the seats 15, 17, the toggle beam 13, which is connected to the movable piston rod
the curved piston arrangement seat 21, and the curved arrangement (25), to exert a pressing force on
front portion 31, to the piston rod 27 and further to the the first toggle plate seat (15), the second toggle
support structures of the jaw crusher 1. plate seat (17) and the piston rod arrangement
[0031] It will be appreciated that numerous modifica- 5 seat (21).
tions of the embodiments described above are possible
within the scope of the appended claims. 2. A jaw crusher according to claim 1, wherein the tog-
[0032] Hereinbefore, it has been described that the gle plate squeezing device (35) is at least partly turn-
contraction member 37 comprises a compression spring able around an axis extending through the first
37, as illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. It will be appreciated 10 mounting member (39).
that other types of contraction members 37 could also
be utilized. Examples of other types of contraction mem- 3. A jaw crusher according to claim 1, wherein the tog-
bers 37 include hydraulic cylinders, and combinations of gle plate squeezing device (35) is at least partly turn-
hydraulic cylinders and springs. able around an axis extending through the second
[0033] Hereinbefore it has been described that the po- 15 mounting member (41).
sitioning device 23 is a hydraulic positioning device 23
for hydraulically controlling the position of the movable 4. A jaw crusher according to any of the preceding
jaw 3. It will be appreciated that other types of the posi- claims, wherein at least one of the toggle beam (13)
tioning devices could also be utilized. Examples of such and the piston rod arrangement seat (21) comprises
other types of the positioning devices include spring- 20 a curved joint surface.
loaded positioning devices, positioning devices involving
threaded bars, and motor controlled positioning devices. 5. A jaw crusher according to any of the preceding
[0034] Hereinbefore it has been illustrated that the first claims, wherein the movable piston rod arrangement
and second mounting members 39, 41 of the squeezing (25) comprises a piston rod head member (29) hav-
device 35 are connected to the movable jaw 3, and the 25 ing a curved joint surface facing the piston rod ar-
piston rod arrangement 25, respectively. It will be appre- rangement seat (21).
ciated that such connections could include various link-
ages, rods, etc., connecting the respective mounting 6. A jaw crusher according to any of the preceding
member 39, 41 to the respective jaw 3 and piston rod claims, wherein the second mounting member (41,
arrangement 25. 30 55) of the toggle plate squeezing device (35) is
mounted turnable on the piston rod arrangement
7. A jaw crusher according to any of the preceding
1. A jaw crusher comprising: 35 claims, wherein the second mounting member (41)
of the toggle plate squeezing device (35) comprises
a stationary jaw (5) and a movable jaw (3) form- a guide sleeve (55) which is arranged around a piston
ing between them a variable crushing gap, rod (27) of the piston rod arrangement (25).
a toggle beam (13) having a piston rod arrange-
ment seat (21), 40 8. A jaw crusher according to claim 7, wherein the pis-
a toggle plate (11) arranged between the toggle ton rod head member (29) comprises a shoulder por-
beam (13) and the movable jaw (3), tion (33) which is configured for abutment against
a first toggle plate seat (15) arranged between the guide sleeve (55).
the toggle plate (11) and the movable jaw (3),
a second toggle plate seat (17) arranged be- 45 9. A jaw crusher according to any of the preceding
tween the toggle plate (11) and the toggle beam claims, wherein the contraction member of the toggle
(13), and plate squeezing device (35) comprises a compres-
a positioning device (23) having a movable pis- sion spring (37) and/or a hydraulic cylinder.
ton rod arrangement (25), which is received by
the piston rod arrangement seat (21) of the tog- 50 10. A method of squeezing a toggle plate of a jaw crusher
gle beam (13), for positioning the movable jaw comprising
characterized in the jaw crusher further com- a stationary jaw (5) and a movable jaw (3) form-
prising a toggle plate squeezing device (35) ing between them a variable crushing gap,
comprising a contraction member (37), the 55 a toggle beam (13) having a piston rod arrange-
squeezing device (35) having a first mounting ment seat (21),
member (39) which is connected to the movable a toggle plate (11) arranged between the toggle
jaw (3), and a second mounting member (41) beam (13) and the movable jaw (3),

9 EP 2 564 928 B1 10

a first toggle plate seat (15) arranged between 3. Klauenbrecher nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Hebel-
the toggle plate (11) and the movable jaw (3), plattenpresseinrichtung (35) zumindest teilweise um
a second toggle plate seat (17) arranged be- eine Achse drehbar ist, die sich durch das zweite
tween the toggle plate (11) and the toggle beam Befestigungsteil (41) erstreckt.
(13), and 5
a positioning device (23) having a movable pis- 4. Klauenbrecher nach einem der vorstehenden An-
ton rod arrangement (25), which is received by sprüche, wobei zumindest entweder der Hebelbaum
the piston rod arrangement seat (21) of the tog- (13) oder der Sitz (21) der Kolbenstangenanordnung
gle beam (13), for positioning the movable jaw eine gekrümmte Verbindungsfläche aufweist.
(3); 10
the method comprising applying a squeezing 5. Klauenbrecher nach einem der vorstehenden An-
force between the movable jaw (3) and the mov- sprüche, wobei die bewegbare Kolbenstangenan-
able piston rod arrangement (25) to exert a ordnung (25) ein Kolbenstangenkopfelement (29)
pressing force on the first toggle plate seat (15), aufweist, das eine gekrümmte Verbindungsoberflä-
the second toggle plate seat (17) and the piston 15 che aufweist, die dem Sitz (21) der Kolbenstangen-
rod arrangement seat (21). anordnung zugewandt ist.

6. Klauenbrecher nach einem der vorstehenden An-

Patentansprüche sprüche, wobei das zweite Befestigungsteil (41, 45)
20 der Hebelplattenpresseinrichtung (35) auf der Kol-
1. Klauenbrecher, welcher aufweist: benstangenanordnung (25) drehbar montiert ist.

eine stationäre Klaue (5) und eine bewegliche 7. Klauenbrecher nach einem der vorstehenden An-
Klaue (3), die zwischeneinander einen variablen sprüche, wobei das zweite Befestigungsteil (21) der
Brechspalt bilden, 25 Hebelplattenpresseinrichtung (35) eine Führungs-
einen Hebelbaum (13), der einen Sitz (21) für hülse (25) aufweist, die um eine Kolbenstange (27)
eine Kolbenstangenanordnung hat, der Kolbenstangenanordnung (25) herum angeord-
eine Hebelplatte (11), die zwischen dem Hebel- net ist.
baum (13) und der beweglichen Klaue (3) an-
geordnet ist, 30 8. Klauenbrecher nach Anspruch 7, wobei das Kolben-
einen ersten Hebelplattensitz (15), der zwischen stangenkopfteil (29) einen Schulterabschnitt (33)
der Hebelplatte (11) und der bewegbaren Klaue aufweist, der für die Anlage an einer Führungshülse
(3) angeordnet ist, einen zweiten Hebelplatten- (55) ausgelegt ist.
sitz (17), der zwischen der Hebelplatte (11) und
dem Hebelbaum (13) angeordnet ist, und 35 9. Klauenbrecher nach einem der vorstehenden An-
eine Positioniereinrichtung (23), die eine be- sprüche, wobei das Kontraktionselement der Hebel-
wegbare Kolbenstangenanordnung (25) hat, plattenpresseinrichtung (35) eine Kompressionsfe-
welche durch den Sitz (21) für die Kolbenstan- der (47) und/oder einen Hydraulikzylinder aufweist.
genanordnung des Hebelbaumes (13) aufge-
nommen wird, um die bewegbare Klaue (3) zu 40 10. Verfahren zum Pressen einer Hebelplatte eines
positionieren, Klauenbrechers mit:
dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Klauen-
brecher weiterhin eine Hebelplattenpressein- einer stationären Klaue (5) und einer bewegba-
richtung (35) aufweist, die ein Kontraktionsele- ren Klaue (3), die zwischen sich einen variablen
ment (37) aufweist, wobei die Presseinrichtung 45 Brechspalt bilden,
(35) ein erstes Befestigungsteil (39) hat, wel- einem Hebelbaum (13), der einen Sitz (21) einer
ches mit der bewegbaren Klaue (3) verbunden Kolbenstangenanordnung hat,
ist, und ein zweites Befestigungsteil (41) hat, einer Hebelplatte (11), die zwischen dem He-
welches mit der bewegbaren Kolbenstangenan- belbaum (13) und der bewegbaren Klaue (3) an-
ordnung (25) verbunden ist, um eine Druckkraft 50 geordnet ist,
auf den ersten Hebelplattensitz (15), den zwei- einen ersten Hebelplattensitz (15), der zwischen
ten Hebelplattensitz (17) und den Sitz (21) für der Hebelplatte (11) und der bewegbaren Klaue
die Kolbenstangenanordnung auszuüben. (3) angeordnet ist, einen zweiten Hebelplatten-
sitz (17), der zwischen der Hebelplatte (11) und
2. Klauenbrecher nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Hebel- 55 dem Hebelbaum (13) angeordnet ist, und
plattenpresseinrichtung (35) zumindest teilweise um einer Positioniereinrichtung (23), welche eine
eine Achse drehbar ist, die sich durch das erste Be- bewegbare Kolbenstangenanordnung (25) hat,
festigungsteil (39) erstreckt. die von dem Sitz (21) der Kolbenstangenanord-

11 EP 2 564 928 B1 12

nung des Hebelbaums (13) aufgenommen wird, 4. Concasseur à mâchoires selon l’une quelconque
um die bewegbare Klaue (3) zu positionieren, des revendications précédentes, dans lequel au
wobei das Verfahren das Aufbringen einer Pres- moins l’un dudit longeron basculant (13) et dudit siè-
skraft zwischen der bewegbaren Klaue (3) und ge d’ensemble de tige de piston (21) comprend une
der bewegbaren Kolbenstangenanordnung (25) 5 surface de jonction incurvée.
aufweist, um eine Druckkraft auf den ersten He-
belplattensitz (15), den zweiten Hebelplattensitz 5. Concasseur à mâchoires selon l’une quelconque
(17) und den Sitz (21) der Kolbenstangenanord- des revendications précédentes, dans lequel le en-
nung auszuüben. semble de tige de piston mobile (25) comprend un
10 élément de tête de tige de piston (29) ayant une sur-
face de jonction incurvée qui fait face audit siège
Revendications d’ensemble de tige de piston (21).

1. Concasseur à mâchoires qui comprend : 6. Concasseur à mâchoires selon l’une quelconque

15 des revendications précédentes, dans lequel le se-
une mâchoire stationnaire (5) et une mâchoire cond élément de montage (41, 55) dudit dispositif
mobile (3) qui forment entre elles un espace de de serrage de plaque basculante (35) est monté de
concassage variable, façon à pouvoir tourner sur le ensemble de tige de
un longeron basculant (13) ayant un siège d’en- piston (25).
semble de tige de piston (21), 20
une plaque basculante (11) placée entre le lon- 7. Concasseur à mâchoires selon l’une quelconque
geron basculant (13) et la mâchoire mobile (3), des revendications précédentes, dans lequel le se-
un premier siège de plaque basculante (15) pla- cond élément de montage (41) dudit dispositif de
cé entre la plaque basculante (11) et la mâchoire serrage de plaque basculante (35) comprend un
mobile (3), 25 manchon de guidage (55) qui est placé autour d’une
un second siège de plaque basculante (17) pla- tige de piston (27) dudit ensemble de tige de piston
cé entre la plaque basculante (11) et le longeron (25).
basculant (13), et
un dispositif de positionnement (23) ayant un 8. Concasseur à mâchoires selon la revendication 7,
ensemble de tige de piston mobile (25), qui est 30 dans lequel la tête de tige de piston (29) comprend
reçue par le siège d’ensemble de tige de piston une partie d’épaulement (33) qui est configurée pour
(21) dudit longeron basculant (13), destiné à po- buter contre le manchon de guidage (55).
sitionner la mâchoire mobile (3),
caractérisé en ce qu’il comprend en outre un 9. Concasseur à mâchoires selon l’une quelconque
dispositif de serrage de plaque basculante (35) 35 des revendications précédentes, dans lequel le élé-
qui comprend un élément de contraction (37), ment de contraction dudit dispositif de serrage de
le dispositif de serrage (35) ayant un premier plaque basculante (35) comprend un ressort de com-
élément de montage (39) qui est relié à la mâ- pression (37) et/ou un vérin hydraulique.
choire mobile (3), et un second élément de mon-
tage (41) qui est relié audit ensemble de tige de 40 10. Procédé de serrage d’une plaque basculante d’un
piston mobile (25), afin d’exercer une force de concasseur à mâchoires qui comprend
pression sur le premier siège de plaque bascu-
lante (15), le second siège de plaque basculante une mâchoire stationnaire (5) et une mâchoire
(17) et le siège d’ensemble de tige de piston mobile (3) qui forment entre elles un espace de
(21). 45 concassage variable,
un longeron basculant (13) ayant un siège d’en-
2. Concasseur à mâchoires selon la revendication 1, semble de tige de piston (21), une plaque bas-
dans lequel le dispositif de serrage de plaque bas- culante (11) placée entre le longeron basculant
culante (35) peut tourner au moins partiellement (13) et la mâchoire mobile (3),
autour d’un axe qui s’étend dans le premier élément 50 un premier siège de plaque basculante (15) pla-
de montage (39). cé entre la plaque basculante (11) et la mâchoire
mobile (3),
3. Concasseur à mâchoires selon la revendication 1, un second siège de plaque basculante (17) pla-
dans lequel le dispositif de serrage de plaque bas- cé entre la plaque basculante (11) et le longeron
culante (35) peut tourner au moins partiellement 55 basculant (13), et
autour d’un axe qui s’étend dans le second élément un dispositif de positionnement (23) ayant un
de montage (41). ensemble de tige de piston mobile (25), qui est
reçu par le siège d’ensemble de tige de piston

13 EP 2 564 928 B1 14

(21) dudit longeron basculant (13), et destiné à

positionner la mâchoire mobile (3) ;
le procédé comprenant l’application d’une force
de serrage entre la mâchoire mobile (3) et le
ensemble de tige de piston mobile (25) afin 5
d’exercer une force de pression sur le premier
siège de plaque basculante (15), le second siè-
ge de plaque basculante (17) et le siège d’en-
semble de tige de piston (21).










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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 4637562 A [0003] [0004] • US 20050082403 A [0005]


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