F2023 PDF
F2023 PDF
F2023 PDF
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 2023
Polyethylene Piping Components6 to-failure test data by multiple linear regression utilizing the
2.4 American Water Works Association (AWWA) Docu- rate process method of PPI TN-16 or Model Q of ISO 9080.
ment: Where applicable, application of Miners Rule in accordance
1996 WATER:\STATS Survey7 with ISO 13760 can be used to estimate time-to-failure at
several differing conditions of temperature or stress, or both.
3. Terminology 3.1.6 multiple linear regression, n—a three or four coeffi-
3.1 Definitions—Definitions are in accordance with Termi- cient mathematical model used to analyze time-to-failure data
nology F 412 and abbreviations are in accordance with Termi- from different temperatures and stresses to extrapolate pro-
nology D 1600, unless otherwise indicated. jected time-to-failure at selected temperatures or stresses.
3.1.1 brittle failure (Stage II), n—failure in the tubing wall 3.1.7 Miners Rule, n—a mathematical method for estimat-
that is characterized by little or no material deformation in the ing the cumulative, irreversible damage that results from
failure area and is the result of a single crack emanating from exposure to each of several differing conditions of stress or
the interior of the tubing to the outside surface typically temperature, or both.
resulting in a pinhole leak, see Fig. 1. Brittle failures produced 3.1.8 oxidation reduction potential (ORP), n—a measure of
with this test method shall not be used for data analysis. the total oxidizing power of a solution by means of a
3.1.2 ductile failure (Stage I), n—failure in the tubing wall platinum-redox electrode. For a further explanation of ORP see
that is characterized by obvious localized deformation of the Appendix X2.
material visible with the unaided eye, see Fig. 1. Ductile 3.1.9 unaided eye, n—observable without visual enhance-
failures produced with this test method shall not be used for ment beyond correction for normal vision.
data analysis.
4. Summary of Test Method
3.1.3 environmental or oxidative failure (Stage III),
n—failure in the tubing wall characterized by a large number 4.1 The PEX tubing or tubing/fitting assemblies are exposed
of cracks emanating from the interior surface of the tubing to pressurized test-fluid until failure. All time-to-fail data used
wall, see Fig. 1. for analysis shall be the result of oxidative degradation (Stage Discussion—Stage III failures may also be identified III). A minimum number of test temperature and hoop stress
by a color shift in the failure area (typically brown or conditions are required to allow accurate data analysis and
reddish-brown). Identification of oxidative failure, when not time-to-failure extrapolations.
obvious by inspection with the unaided eye, can be performed 5. Significance and Use
with a 25X microscope or other similar device yielding the 5.1 Environment or oxidative time-to-fail data derived from
same level of magnification. Only Stage III environmental this test method, analyzed in accordance with Section 13, are
failures shall be used for data analysis. suitable for extrapolation to typical end-use temperatures and
3.1.4 hot-and-cold water distribution system, n—a combi- hoop stresses. The extrapolated value(s) provides a relative
nation of components such as tubing, fittings, valves, and so indication of the resistance of the tested PEX tubing or system
forth, that when installed as a complete system, make up the to the oxidative effects of hot, chlorinated water for conditions
interior water supply system of a commercial or residential equivalent to those conditions under which the test data were
structure. obtained. The performance of a material or piping product
3.1.5 long-term oxidative resistance, n—the extrapolated under actual conditions of installation and use is dependent
time-to-failure prediction as determined by analysis of time- upon a number of factors including installation methods, use
patterns, water quality, nature and magnitude of localized
Available from the Plastics Pipe Institute, stresses, and other variables of an actual, operating hot-and-
Available from the American Water Works Assn.,
cold water distribution system that are not addressed in this test
method. As such, the extrapolated values do not constitute a
representation that a PEX tube or system with a given
extrapolated time-to-failure value will perform for that period
of time under actual use conditions.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Pressurized Flow-Through Test System—A system com-
prised of the necessary pump(s), fittings, piping, heaters,
sensors, and meters that is capable of maintaining the required
test pressures within the tolerance specified in 9.1.4, the
required test temperatures within the tolerance of 9.1.3, and
flow the test-fluid through the specimens continually at a flow
rate within the tolerance specified in 9.1.5. Cyclic pressure
variations, such as those produced by some pumping systems,
shall not produce pressure excursions that exceed the tolerance
stated in 9.1.4.
6.1.1 Recirculating Test System—A flow-through test sys-
FIG. 1 Pictorial Illustration of Failure Types tem that repeatedly reconditions the test-fluid and passes it
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through the specimens. For purposes of this test method, the Stage III failures at all temperatures.
test-fluid shall be monitored at a sufficient frequency to ensure Relationship of Internal Pressure to Hoop Stress—
that it continuously meets the test-fluid parameters and water The hoop stress in the tubing wall is calculated by the
quality criteria. A portion of the total system volume shall be following expression, commonly known as the ISO equation:
purged and replaced with fresh test-fluid continually.
2S/P 5 DR 2 1 (1)
6.1.2 Single-Pass Test System—A flow-through test system
that passes the test-fluid through the specimens only once and or
is discarded. 2S/P 5 ~Do/t! 2 1 (2)
6.2 Specimen Holders—Test specimens shall be supported
to minimize or eliminate externally induced stresses. Speci- where:
mens shall be allowed to freely expand bi-directionally S = stress in the circumferential or hoop direction, psi
7. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units P = internal pressure, psig (kPa),
7.1 Sampling—Select at random, a sufficient amount of t = minimum wall thickness, in. (mm),
tubing to satisfy the specimen requirements of this test method. DR = dimension ratio, DR, and
When testing as a system, randomly select a sufficient quantity Do = average outside diameter, in. (mm).
of fittings.
7.2 Test Specimen Size—The PEX tubing specimens shall 8. Calibration and Standardization
be 12 to 18 in. (300 to 460 mm) in length between fitting 8.1 Measuring Equipment—All measuring and testing
closures or between fitting joints. equipment having an effect on the accuracy or validity of the
7.2.1 Dimensions Measurement—Measure and record the calibrations or tests shall be calibrated or verified, or both,
critical dimensions for tubing and fittings. For tubing, measure before being put into service.
the average outside diameter and wall-thickness in accordance
with Test Method D 2122. For fittings, measure those dimen- 9. Test Fluid
sions critical to the function of the joint, as well as minimum 9.1 Internal Test Fluid—The test fluid shall be reverse
body wall thickness. osmosis (RO) or deionized (DI) water prepared in accordance
7.3 Testing as a System—When testing PEX tubing and with 9.1.1, or potable water (tap water) prepared in accordance
related system components (such as fittings) as a system, the with 9.1.2.
other components shall be attached to the PEX tubing in the 9.1.1 RO or DI Water Test-Fluid Preparation—Test fluid
same manner as in actual service. For fittings, the particular prepared from RO or DI water shall have a pH in the range
fitting style shall be installed in accordance with the manufac- from 6.5 to 8.0 and contain 2.5 ppm to 5 ppm (milligrams per
turer’s instructions or the ASTM specification when applicable. litre) of free-chlorine. The chosen pH shall be maintained to
7.4 Minimum Required Test Units—A minimum of six test 60.2 and the chosen free-chlorine concentration shall be
units is required. A test unit is comprised of two or more maintained to 60.2 ppm. The pH and free-chlorine concentra-
individual time-to-failure data points at the same temperature tion combination shall yield a minimum ORP of 825 mV for
and hoop stress condition. Statistical reliability of the analysis the test fluid, see Note 5.
of the resultant data will be benefited by obtaining additional 9.1.2 Tap Water Test Fluid Preparation—Tap water shall
data points at each temperature/hoop stress condition. have a pH in the range from 6.5 to 8.0 and contain the
7.4.1 Test Unit Distribution—Time-to-failure data points necessary free-chlorine to maintain an ORP of 825 6 30 mV,
shall be obtained at 2 test hoop stresses at each of a minimum see Note 5.
of 3 test temperatures for a minimum of 12 data points. As an
NOTE 5—At the time this test method was originally approved, several
alternate, obtain time-to-failure data for the temperature/hoop
test laboratories had existing experimental data developed under varying
stress combinations of the three-temperature matrix of PPI test conditions, not necessarily in strict accordance with this test method.
TN-16, see Note 3. Hoop stresses shall be separated by a least It is suggested that future testing be conducted at conditions that are as
80 psi (0.55 MPa). aggressive, or more aggressive than plumbing piping might encounter in
actual service; specifically, with a test fluid having a pH of 7 or lower and
NOTE 3—When using the PPI TN-16 matrix, Temperature T3, which
a free-chlorine concentration of 3 PPM or higher. Test data developed with
requires testing at only one stress, refers to the lowest test temperature.
a less aggressive test fluid having a pH higher than 7 or free-chlorine
7.4.2 Test Temperature Selection—Temperatures of 239°F content less than 3 PPM, or both, or prepared from locally available
(115°C), 221°F (105°C), and 203°F (95°C) have been utilized tap-water, may provide higher extrapolated values. However, such higher
in prior testing of PEX, see Note 4. Adjacent test temperatures values may not necessarily be representative of better performance. It is
shall be separated by at least 18°F (10°C). Other test tempera- important to be aware of and consider the specific test conditions when
tures may be used, but the maximum test temperature shall not comparing data from different materials or laboratories.
Prior data obtained with test-fluid having an ORP of 750 mV or higher
exceed 239°F (115°C).
still provides a conservative extrapolation for potable-water conditions
NOTE 4—Prior testing indicates that for the test temperatures stated in found in most areas of the United States.
7.4.2, hoop stresses to yield Stage III failures within reasonable testing It is anticipated that use of RO or DI water may improve interlaboratory
times are between 160 psi (1.10 MPa) and 400 psi (2.76 MPa). For a true reproducibility; however, RO or DI water does not generally exist in real
SDR9 tube, those hoop stresses correspond to test pressures of 40 psig service. Since tap water (locally available potable water) quality can vary
(275.9 kPa) to 100 psig (689.7 kPa). If a selected test hoop stress produces from location to location, and considering the international application of
Stage I or Stage II failures, the stress will need to be reduced to produce this test method, it seems prudent to utilize RO or DI water to minimize
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possible disparities of results obtained from laboratories in different 12.4 Record the time in hours and a description for each
geographical locations. failure. The description of each failure shall include: linear
9.1.3 Test Fluid Temperature Control—The test fluid enter- location from flow inlet, circumferential position, and initiation
ing each specimen shall be maintained to6 1.8°F (61°C) of point (inside or outside of tube). For accurate test life extrapo-
the test temperature. lation, all of the failures must be the same type. Mixed mode
9.1.4 Pressure Control—The pressure of the test fluid shall failures and failures initiated from the outside of the tube shall
be maintained to 63 psig (620.69 kPa). not be used for data analysis, see Note 6.
9.1.5 Test Fluid Flow Rate—The flow rate of the test fluid NOTE 6—Numerous failures occurring predominantly in approximately
shall yield a minimum velocity of 0.12 fps (0.04 mps). For the the same position on the tube circumference should be examined carefully.
nominal size 1⁄2in., SDR9 tubing, this corresponds to a flow rate When there is an indication that the failures are attributable to the design
of 0.06 gpm (0.23 LPM). The formula used to calculate the or operation of the test, these values should be discarded unless it can be
flow rates for other sizes and DRs is as follows: demonstrated that the testing provided a more conservative estimate of the
oxidative resistance.
p~id/2!2 * FPS * 720
231 5 gpm (3) 13. Calculation
13.1 Regression Analysis—Perform a multiple linear regres-
id = measured inside diameter of the tubing, in. sion on the time-to-failure data in accordance with the rate
9.2 Test Fluid Instrument Accuracy: process method PPI-TN-16 or Model Q of ISO 9080. The
9.2.1 pH—The pH measurement and control instruments correlation coefficient (R2 value) of the data shall be greater
shall have an accuracy of 0.1 pH or better. than 0.9 to ensure accuracy of the time-to-failure extrapola-
9.2.2 Free-Chlorine—Free-chlorine content measurement tions. If it can be demonstrated that the four-coefficient
and control instruments shall have an accuracy of 0.1 ppm or regression equation in Model Q of ISO 9080 provides a better
better. fit to the data set, then the coefficients, correlation (R2 value),
9.2.3 ORP—The ORP measurement and control instru- and extrapolated times-to-failure from that model shall be used
ments shall have an accuracy of 610 mV or better. and reported.
13.2 Time-to-Failure Extrapolations—Using the coeffi-
10. External Environment cients from 13.1, calculate the estimated time-to-failure at a
10.1 The exterior environment shall be air and shall be hoop stress corresponding to a sustained internal pressure of 80
maintained at the target temperature of the test fluid tempera- psig (551.7 kPa) for the DR of the tested specimens at
ture 64.5°F (62.5°C). Direct, forced-air heating of the speci- temperatures of 180°F (82°C), 140°F (60°C), and 73°F (23°C).
mens shall not be used. NOTE 7—It may be convenient to also report the extrapolated time-to-
failure in years by dividing hours by 8760.
11. Specimen Positioning
13.3 Application of Miner’s Rule—Calculate the estimated
11.1 The specimens can be positioned vertically or horizon- time to-failure for a hoop stress corresponding to a sustained
tally. Horizontal positioning requires special attention to insure internal pressure of 80 psig (551.7 kPa) for the DR of the tested
that all entrapped air has been removed prior to starting the specimens at temperature exposure conditions of 25 % of the
test. For vertically positioned specimens, the test fluid shall total time at 140°F (60°C) and 75°F (23°C) in accordance with
flow into the specimens from the lower end. ISO 13760. An example is shown in X1.2.
12. Procedure 14. Report
12.1 Perform the test procedure in accordance with 12.2- 14.1 Report Content—Report the minimum information as
12.4 for the test units specified in 7.4 with a test fluid as required in 14.2-14.9.
specified in Section 9. 14.2 Laboratory name and location and starting and ending
12.2 After connecting the specimens to the flow-through dates of the test.
apparatus, purge the specimens of all entrapped gas and start 14.3 Chlorine source (that is, chlorine gas, hypochlorite,
the flow of the test-fluid through the specimens at a tempera- and so forth)
ture or pressure, or both, 40 to 50 % less than the test condition. 14.4 Identification of the PEX tubing in the report shall
Over the next 1 to 3 h, gradually increase the temperature and include: tubing nominal size and DR or wall thickness speci-
pressure of the test fluid to the test condition. When the test fication; average outside diameter and minimum wall thickness
fluid reaches the test condition temperature, pressure, and flow of each specimen; tubing manufacturer’s name, trade designa-
rate, and the external environment has reached the test tem- tion and tubing lot number (if applicable); resin manufacturer’s
perature in accordance with Section 10, register the start time. name, compound designation, and lot designation (for in-plant
12.3 Maintain the test condition until all of the specimens compounded materials, resin manufacturer’s name may be
have failed. Any loss of fluid through the wall of the tubing or omitted); cross-linking process; and gel count.
assembly constitutes a failure. Record the time-to-failure for 14.5 Identification of fitting(s) tested with the PEX tubing
each failed specimen within 61 % of the test time for the (if applicable) shall include: manufacturer’s name and model
specimen. When multiple specimens are connected end-to-end, or designation, fitting type, material, and ASTM standard
remove each failed specimen and continue the test until all designation (if applicable).
remaining specimens at the conditions have failed. 14.6 All test conditions, including: test fluid temperature/
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internal pressure combinations; specimen external air tempera- 115°C, and covering 14 grades of polyolefin materials were:
ture; test fluid free-chlorine concentration and pH; test fluid 65% for 50% of test runs
ORP; water type (tap, RO or DI); flow rate; and specimen 610% for 70% of test runs, and
position (horizontal or vertical). Where applicable, report the
615% for 90% of test runs.
minimum, maximum, and average values for each parameter.
14.7 A table of the test temperatures, hoop stresses, and The inter-laboratory precision of this test method is being
failure times for all specimens tested. determined and will be available on or before January, 2005. It
14.8 A description of each failure in accordance with 12.4. is not feasible to specify the inter-laboratory precision at this
14.9 A summary of the regression analysis including: coef- time because available data produced at different laboratories
ficients; correlation coefficient (R2 value); estimated time-to- was done under varied test conditions, not necessarily in strict
failure at 140°F (60°C); estimated time-to-failure at conditions accordance with this test method. A primary purpose of this test
of 25 % at 140°F (60°C) and 75 % at 73.4°F (23°C); estimated method is to harmonize future testing. Due to the limited
time-to-failure at 180°F (82°C). number of test laboratories and test stations within each
laboratory, additional time is required to produce sufficient
15. Precision and Bias duplicate data to calculate precision.
15.1 Precision—For a single laboratory, the intra-laboratory 15.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
standard deviation reproducibility from 23 test runs having 2 to this test method because no material having an accepted
4 specimens per run, at temperatures of 95°C, 105°C and reference value is available.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Multiple Linear Regression—The three-parameter, X1.2 Miner’s Rule Calculations—The Miner’s Rule equa-
rate process equation from PPI TN-16 and ISO 9080 is tions are expressed as follows:
expressed as follows: TDY 5 %a/ta 1 %b/tb 1 . . . %x/tx (X1.3)
Log10 ft 5 A 1 B/T 1 C~Log10S!/T (X1.1)
where: ts 5 100/TDY (X1.4)
ft = time to failure, h,
T = absolute temperature K°, where:
S = hoop stress, psi (MPa), and TDY = total damage per year,
A, B, and C = coefficients derived from a particular data ta, tb. . . tx = time-to-failure at different conditions, a,
set. b, and so forth, years,
X1.1.1 The four-parameter, multiple linear regression equa- %a, %b. . . %x = percentage of time at each condition, a,
b, and so forth. (Total of percentages
tion from ISO 9080 is expressed as follows:
must equal 100), and
Log10ft 5 c1 1 c2/T 1 c3Log10S 1 c4~Log10S!/T 1 e (X1.2) ts = time-to-failure prediction from cumula-
tive damage, years.
c1– c4 = coefficients derived from a particular data set, and
e = an error variable, having a Laplace-Gauss distri-
bution with zero mean and constant variance.
X2.1 ORP Background—ORP is a monitoring/control mV provides disinfection and viral inactivation almost instan-
method that provides a measurement of the total oxidizing taneously. For reference, pure water has an ORP of about 200
potential of a solution. For chlorinated water, ORP provides a mV and typical tap water rarely, if ever, exceeds 850 mV.
measurement of the equilibrium of the free-chlorine as a
function of pH. It is widely used as a disinfection control in X2.2 ORP Instrument—The measuring instrument re-
effluent treatment, and DIN standards 19643 and 19644 specify sembles a pH probe except that electron transfer from the
a minimum ORP level of 750 mV for pools and spas. In 1972, solution to a platinum band is compared to an internal
the World Health Organization recognized that an ORP of 650 silver/silver-chloride reference electrode. The output of the
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probe is measured in millivolts. A higher millivolt reading (OCl) that form equilibrium in solution and is pH dependent.
indicates a greater oxidizing potential of the solution. Fig. X2.1 shows the relationship between pH/free-chlorine and
X2.3 ORP Relationship to pH—Free-chlorine is defined as ORP in a deionized water solution. Table X2.1 is the same
both the hypochlorous acid (HClO) and hypochlorite ions information presented in tabular form.
TABLE X2.1 Tabular Representation of Fig. X2.1
PPM 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9
0.1 770 749 728 706 683 659 634 608 581 554 525 495 464 432 400 366 331 296 259 222 183 144 103 62 19
0.2 800 782 764 745 724 703 681 658 634 609 584 557 530 501 472 442 411 379 346 312 277 242 205 168 130 90
0.3 816 802 787 771 755 737 719 700 681 660 639 617 594 570 546 521 494 468 440 411 382 352 321 289 257 223
0.4 819 809 798 787 775 763 750 736 721 706 690 673 656 638 619 600 580 559 538 516 493 470 446 421 396 370
0.5 824 819 813 806 799 792 784 775 766 756 746 735 724 712 699 686 673 659 644 629 613 596 579 562 544 525 506
0.6 830 828 824 820 816 811 805 799 793 785 778 770 761 752 742 732 722 710 699 686 674 661 647 632 618 602 587 570 553
0.7 817 820 824 826 829 831 832 833 833 833 832 831 830 828 825 822 819 815 810 805 800 794 787 780 773 765 757 748 738 729 718 707 696 684 672 659 646 632 618 603 588
0.8 824 828 831 834 837 839 841 842 842 843 842 841 840 838 836 833 830 827 822 818 813 807 801 794 787 780 772 763 754 745 735 725 714 702 690 678 665 652 638 624 609
0.9 826 830 834 837 840 842 844 846 847 847 847 846 845 844 842 839 836 833 829 825 820 815 809 803 796 789 781 773 764 755 745 735 725 714 702 690 678 665 651 638 623
1 831 836 840 843 846 848 850 851 852 853 853 852 851 850 848 846 843 839 835 831 826 821 815 809 802 795 787 779 771 761 752 742 731 720 709 697 684 671 658 644 630
1.1 843 846 849 852 854 856 857 857 858 857 856 855 853 850 847 844 840 835 830 825 819 812 805 798 790 781 772 762 752 741 730 719 706 694 680 667 653 638 623 607 590
1.2 844 848 852 854 857 858 860 860 861 860 860 858 857 854 851 848 844 840 835 830 824 818 811 803 795 787 778 769 759 748 737 726 714 701 689 675 661 647 632 616 600
1.3 846 850 854 857 859 861 862 863 864 863 863 862 860 858 855 852 848 844 840 834 829 822 816 809 801 793 784 775 765 755 744 733 721 709 696 683 669 655 640 625 609
1.4 848 852 856 859 861 863 865 866 866 866 866 865 863 861 859 856 852 848 844 839 833 827 820 813 806 798 789 780 771 761 750 739 728 715 703 690 676 662 648 633 617
1.5 837 842 846 850 853 856 858 860 862 863 863 864 863 862 861 859 857 854 851 847 843 839 834 828 822 816 809 801 794 785 777 767 758 747 737 726 714 702 690 677 663
1.6 848 852 856 859 862 864 866 867 868 868 868 868 866 865 863 860 857 853 849 844 839 834 828 821 814 806 798 790 780 771 761 750 739 728 716 703 690 677 663 648 633
1.7 849 854 858 861 864 866 868 869 870 871 871 870 869 867 865 863 860 856 852 848 843 837 831 825 818 810 803 794 785 776 766 755 745 733 721 709 696 683 669 655 640
1.8 851 855 859 863 865 868 870 871 872 873 873 872 871 870 868 866 863 859 855 851 846 841 835 829 822 815 807 798 790 780 771 760 750 738 727 715 702 689 675 661 646
1.9 852 856 860 864 867 870 872 873 874 875 875 875 874 872 871 868 865 862 858 854 849 844 838 832 825 818 811 802 794 785 775 765 754 743 732 720 707 694 681 667 652
2 847 851 856 860 863 866 869 871 872 873 874 874 874 873 872 870 868 865 862 858 854 850 845 839 833 827 820 813 805 797 788 779 769 759 748 737 725 713 701 688 674
2.1 857 862 866 870 873 876 878 879 881 881 882 881 881 879 878 875 873 869 866 862 857 852 846 840 833 826 819 811 802 793 784 774 763 752 741 729 716 703 690 676 662
2.2 859 863 867 871 874 877 879 881 882 883 883 883 883 881 880 878 875 872 868 864 860 855 849 843 837 830 822 814 806 797 787 778 767 756 745 733 721 708 695 681 667
2.3 860 864 869 872 876 878 881 882 884 885 885 885 884 883 882 880 877 874 871 867 862 857 852 846 840 833 825 817 809 800 791 781 771 760 749 737 725 712 699 686 672
2.4 861 865 870 873 877 880 882 884 885 886 887 887 886 885 884 882 879 876 873 869 865 860 855 849 842 836 828 821 812 804 795 785 775 764 753 741 729 717 704 690 676
2.5 862 866 871 875 878 881 883 885 887 888 888 888 888 887 886 884 881 879 875 871 867 862 857 851 845 839 831 824 816 807 798 788 778 768 757 745 733 721 708 695 681
2.6 862 867 872 876 879 882 885 887 888 889 890 890 890 889 887 886 883 881 877 874 869 865 860 854 848 841 834 827 819 810 801 792 782 771 760 749 737 725 712 699 685
2.7 863 868 873 877 880 883 886 888 890 891 891 892 891 891 889 888 885 883 880 876 872 867 862 857 851 844 837 830 822 813 804 795 785 775 764 753 741 729 716 703 688
2.8 864 869 874 878 881 884 887 889 891 892 893 893 893 892 891 889 887 885 881 878 874 869 864 859 853 847 840 832 824 816 807 798 788 778 767 756 745 732 720 707 693
2.9 865 870 875 879 882 885 888 890 892 893 894 894 894 894 893 891 889 886 883 880 876 871 867 861 855 849 842 835 827 819 810 801 791 781 771 760 748 736 723 710 697
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3 852 857 862 866 870 873 876 878 880 881 882 882 882 882 881 879 877 875 872 869 865 860 856 851 845 839 832 825 818 810 801 792 783 773 763 752 741 729 717 704 691
5 871 876 881 885 889 892 895 897 899 901 902 902 902 901 900 899 897 895 892 888 885 880 875 870 864 858 852 844 837 829 820 811 801 791 781 770 759 747 734 721 708
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X3.1 The 1996 WATER:\STATS Survey conducted by the this test method, typical tap water (due to the presence of
American Water Works Association (AWWA) of 3200 water various salts and other elements) prepared to a specific pH and
purveyors across the United States indicates that 98.2 % of free-chlorine has an ORP about 4 % less than the value attained
responding utilities reported pH and free-chlorine conditions with DI water prepared to the same pH and free-chlorine
that correspond to a DI-water ORP value of 825 mV or less. It conditions.
has been previously demonstrated that at the ORP specified in
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).