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Vitrek 4670B

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4600B Series Precision High Voltage Meter

The Ultimate Tool for Automated

• Precise HV measurement up
Accurate HV Measurement to 20kV, 40kV or 70kV
• Ideal for calibrating Hipot
HV Standards Lab in a Box Test Automation with Opto- testers, HV power supplies,
When it comes to making precise high Isolated Serial Communication insulation testers, HV
voltage measurements, there is Automate your HV measurement task transformers and more
nothing faster or easier than the Vitrek using the high speed RS232 comm port • Fully Automatic HV
4600B Series. With unrivaled or available USB. With the new fully Measurement with Isolated
accuracy and direct reading capability, programmable 4600B Series, you can Serial/USB Comm Port
Vitrek sets the performance standard set mode and range and take readings • High accuracy DC and true
for precision HV measurement of DC all automatically. Plus the B Series RMS AC capability
and True RMS AC voltages. offers new features like, Maximum • Max Reading Mode
reading mode - which can accurately Accurately captures 1
For quick and accurate calibration of capture the peak integrated reading on a second Hipot tests
Hipot testers, HV power supplies, 1 second hipot test. Addition features • Optional Differential Input
transformers and other high voltage include - minimum reading mode, display Measure phase to phase or
sources, the 4600B Series can’t be hold and extended filtering. +HV to -HV
beat. For rock solid DC performance, • Modular probe tip accepts a
the 4600B units use multi-slope Superior Performance by variety of test lead
integrating A to D converters to terminations
provide fast and stable readings -
Measurement integrity is our bottom line • Multi-slope integration
even in the presence of noise and provides fast, precise,
ripple. The B Series meters use True – whether you are on a production line
manufacturing high voltage medical stable readings with
RMS AC measurement to provide outstanding noise rejection
accurate results with sine wave or imaging equipment, in a national
laboratory conducting ground breaking • Large, bright, easy to read
distorted waveforms. The dual Hi & 19,999 count LED display
Lo range selection, gives you optimum research or in the cal lab certifying test
equipment, it is essential to choose your • Two HV measurement
performance over a broad span of ranges to provide optimum
voltages. tools carefully. Take the Vitrek 4600B
Series, for instance. These rugged, performance over a broad
compact instruments are equally at range of voltages
home in the lab or in the field. • CE mark certified to
Underneath their attractive, high impact, EN61010
injection molded enclosures, lie a steel • Three year extended
Faraday cage – to guard against the warranty
introduction of uncertainties due to stray
EMF’s, which are often present in high
The new modular 20kV, 40kV and 70kV probes voltage applications. The modular
Offer a 62% reduction in dielectric mass – to construction of the 4600B Series probe
provide enhanced AC performance features a removable probe tip which


can be replaced with a variety of Dual Probe Option
available HV leads to provide the ideal A standard 4600B measures a HV
connection for your application. The high source to common (within 500V of
impedance attenuator design of the ground). For HV phase to phase AC or
4600B Series balances offsetting power differential DC measurement (i.e.
and voltage coefficients to deliver lab +10KV to -10KV) order the DPD option.
grade performance in a benchtop The Vitrek 4600B Series is not only built
package. The 4600B Series attenuator tough, it is built to last – and it is backed
also features a patented non-inductive by our Extended Three Year Warranty.
design to minimize field effects and Designed and manufactured right here
provide enhanced AC performance. For in the USA, the 4600B Series is Removable probe tip can be replaced with one of three
standard test leads
systems applications the 4600B Series is supported by the best customer service
available with rack mount adapter and team in the industry. Isn’t it about time
rear panel inputs. to put Vitrek’s legendary reputation for
quality and reliability to work for you?

4600B Series Performance Specifications

DC Voltage Measurement Maximum AC Inputs - HV probe tip: Options
Range Table: 4620B = 28.3kV peak AC (20kVRMS sine) BP-46 Battery Pack option. The internal
Model Ranges 4640B = 50kV peak AC (35kVRMS sine) 6V gel cell provides 6 hours of typical
4620B 2kV, 20kV 4670B = 70.8kV peak AC (50kVRMS sine) battery life and a 12 hour re-charge time
4640B 2kV, 40kV Common: 500V pk AC (without DPD option) from built-in charger.
4670B 20kV, 70kV DPD Dual Probe Inputs for Hi Voltage
Resolution: 100mV on 2kV, 1V on 20kV General Specifications Differential Measurements
10V on 40kV and 70kV ranges Display Resolution: 4 ½ digits (19.999 RM-46 Rack Adapter 2U 3.5” x 19” rack
Accuracy (1 year 23C±3): count) panel with support tray
±0.04% of reading ±0.02% of range + VC Input Impedance: RPT-46 Rear panel common and HV
Voltage Coefficient: ±0.07ppm/V on 2kV, 4620B = 200MΩ probe input terminals
20kV and 40kV ranges, ±0.05ppm/V on 4640B = 200MΩ HC-461 Hard cover carrying case
70kV range 4670B = 400MΩ AO-1 Analog Output Option
Temperature Coefficient: ±0.005% of rdg Reading Rate: 300 milliseconds
per ºC from 10 to 20ºC and 26 to 40ºC NMRR: 50db at 50/60Hz Ordering Information
Maximum DC Inputs - HV probe tip: CMRR: 50db 4620B 20kV Precision HV Meter
4620B = ±20kVDC Operating Temperature: 10 to 40ºC 4640B 40kV Precision HV Meter
4640B = ±40kVDC Humidity: 10% to 85% RH 4670B 70kV Precision HV Meter
4670B = ±70kVDC Safety: CE mark certified to EN61010 BP-46 Battery Pack Option
Common: 500VDC (without DPD option) Power: 115/230VAC ±10%. 50/60Hz, 10VA DPD-20 Dual Probe Input for 4620B
Maximum DPD-40 Dual Probe Input for 4640B
AC Voltage (True RMS) Dimensions: 292mmW x 203mmD x DPD-70 Dual Probe Input for 4670B
Range Table: 83mmH (11.5”W x 8”D x 3”H) RM-46 Rack Mount Kit
Model Ranges Probe Dimensions: TL-46PK Test Lead Accessory Kit
4620B 2kV, 20kV Length Creepage RPT-46 Rear Panel Input Terminals
4640B 2kV, 40kV Model Overall Distance HC-461 Hard Cover Carrying Case
4620B 20kV Probe 406mm (16”) 280mm (11”)
4670B 20kV, 70kV AO-1 Analog Output Option
4640B 40kV Probe 457mm (18”) 380mm (15”)
Resolution: 100mV on 2kV, 1V on 20kV 4670B 70kV Probe 508mm (20”) 482mm (19”)
10V on 40kV and 70kV ranges Weight: 2.5kg (5.5 lbs.) Net, 5kg (11 lbs.) Represented By:
Accuracy (1 year 23C±3): Shipping
2kV range 20 to 100Hz :
±0.07% of rdg ±0.1% of range + VC Standard Accessories
100 to 400Hz :
High voltage probe with removable probe
±0.4% of rdg ±0.2% of range + VC
tip, HV probe stand, common input test lead, ViTREK Corporation
20kV range 20 to 100Hz :
TL-46PK high voltage test lead variety kit,
±0.2% of rdg ±0.1% of range + VC
power cord, operating manual, NIST www.vitrek.com
40kV range 50 to 60Hz: 9880A Via Pasar, San Diego, CA 92126
traceable – ANSI/NCSL Z540 certificate of
±0.4% of rdg ±0.15% of range + VC Voice: 858-689-2755
70kV range 50 to 60Hz: Fax: 858-689-2760
±0.4% of rdg ±0.15% of range + VC Email: info@vitrek.com
Voltage Coefficient: ±0.12ppm/V on 2kV,
Up to 3 year extended warranty with no
20kV and 40kV ranges, ±0.1ppm/V on 70kV
charge registration and annual factory
calibration (calibration fee applies). One
Temperature Coefficient: ±0.01% of rdg
year parts and labor warranty, standard.
per ºC from 10 to 20ºC and 26 to 40ºC


Specifications subject to change without notice
©Vitrek Corporation 02/018/2009 all rights reserved

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