Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations Using K Values
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations Using K Values
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations Using K Values
For light hydrocarbon systems (methane to decane), the K values have been
determined semi-emperically and can be evaluated from the equations given in Table
3.13. In general, K is a function of temperature, pressure, and composition.
Iteration steps:
1. Let Tsave = T. Determine Ki (From table 7.1). yi = Kixi
2. Evaluate Sumy =
3. Let KC = KC/Sumy
4. Determine T from KC and P
5. If abs(T - Tsave) > 1∆oR goto step 1 else yi = yi/Sumy
Iteration steps:
1. Let Tsave = T. Determine Ki (From table 7.1). xi = yi/Ki
2. Evaluate Sumx =
3. Let KC = KC Sumx
4. Determine T from KC and P
5. If abs(T - Tsave) > 1∆oR goto step 1 else xi = xi/Sumy
Example 3.1
A mixture contains 35 mole % isobutane, 35 mole % isopentane, and 30 mole % n-hexane is at
30 psia. The K values for these co mpound can be obtained from
ln K = A/T2 + B + C ln P where T is in oR and P is in psia
Compound A B C
Isobutane -1,166,846 7.72668 -.92213
Isopentane -1,481,583 7.58071 -.93159
n-hexane -1,778,901 6.96783 -.84634
This mixture is flashed at 582.74 oR where 60 % of the feed is evaporated and at this conditions K iC4 =
3.1718, KiC5 = 1.051, KnC6 = 0.3169
Let isopentane be the reference compound and T = 582.74 oR be a guessed value for the bubble
point calculation (for the above mixture), the next calculated temperature T cal can be determined from
KiC5 (at Tcal ) = KiC5 (at 582.74oR) /
= 0.66814
Let isopentane be the reference compound and T = 582.74 oR be a guessed value for the dew
point calculation (for the above mixture), the next calculated temperature T cal can be determined from
KiC5 (at Tcal ) = KiC5 (at 582.74oR) *
= 1.4609
Flash distillation of multicomponent mixture using K values
The feed composition xiF and the fraction f of the feed vaporized are given at a
specified separator pressure P, the temperature T and compositions xi and yi can be
calculated with the following procedure:
- Assume a temperature T = fTd + (1- f)Tb
Tb, Td = Bubble point and dew point of mixture at pressure P.
Let T1 = T and Sumx1 =
Let T2 = T1
Sumx1 and Sumx2 =
Iteration steps:
1. T = (T1 - T2 - T1
Sumx2 + T2
Sumx1)/(Sumx1 - Sumx2)
2. Evaluate Sumx =
at T, P
3. Let T1 = T2, T2 = T, Sumx1 = Sumx2, and Sumx2 = Sumx
4. If abs(Sumx - 1) > .001
then goto step 1
else T = (T 1 - T2 - T1
Sumx2 + T2
Sumx1)/(Sumx1 - Sumx2)
If the feed composition xiF, temperature T and pressure P of separator are given,
then the fraction of the feed vaporized V/F and compositions x i and yi can be calculated.
Eqs. (3-5) and (3-6) can be arranged so that f = V/F is the only unknown.
F =
Equation (3-9), which is known as the Rachford-Rice equation, has excellent convergent
properties and can be solved by Newton’s method. Take the derivative of the function F
with respect to V/F (or f),
Iteration steps:
1. Evaluate F =
2. Evaluate
3. Let ER = F/
. f = f - ER
4. If abs(ER) > .001 goto step 1