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Social Science attempts to comprehend, explain and predict events in our natural environment.

Select one:

a. True

b. False✓✓✓

It is the study of society and human behavior.

Select one:

a. Sociology ✓✓✓

b. Psychology

c. History

d. Philosophy

The data analyzed by sociologists are used by government officials and market researchers.

Select one:

a. False ✓✓✓

b. True

Sociology focuses on the big picture of human culture.

Select one:

a. False ✓✓✓

b. True

It is a science that says that social matters: our lives are affected not only by our individual
characteristics but by our place in the social world.

Select one:

a. International relations

b. Psychology

c. Sociology ✓✓✓
d. Economics

According to Robert Merton, the obvious function we openly intend a social system to perform are

Select one:

a. Eurofunctions

b. Manifest functions ✓✓✓

c. Dysfunctions

d. Latent functions

Which of these is an example of a secondary group?

Select one:

a. spouse

b. business associates✓✓✓

c. play groups

d. circle of friends

The first school in the Philippines which offered a bachelor's degree in sociology

Select one:

a. University of the Philippines ✓✓✓

b. University of Sto. Tomas

c. De La Salle University

d. Ateneo de Manila University

A collection of people who happen to be at the same place and at the same time but have no other
connection to one another.

Select one:

a. group

b. all of these
c. aggregate✓✓✓

d. category

Main characteristic of a group

Select one:

a. to have someone to hold on to

b. satisfy the saying "no man is an island"

c. to have a companion in life

d. members interact regularly through communication✓✓✓

In German, it means "intimate communities"

Select one:

a. Gemeinschaft ✓✓✓

b. Gemeinshaft

c. None of the choices

d. Gesselschaft

e. Gameinshaft

Analysis of data from a specific study is the concern of ______________________.

Select one:

a. Anthropology

b. History

c. Sociology✓✓✓

d. Philosophy

This refers to an unplanned group

Select one:

a. secondary group
b. primary group

c. informal group✓✓✓

d. formal group

The first Filipino who has acquired a doctorate degree in Sociology

Select one:

a. Conrado Benitez

b. Serfain M. Macaraig✓✓✓

c. Luis Rivera

d. Fr. Frank Lynch

Anthropology and Sociology are different sciences that deal with human beings and their characteristics.

Select one:

a. False

b. True✓✓✓

They are people who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is

Select one:

a. group✓✓✓

b. institution

c. education

d. organization

The belief that all social groups are systems whose parts are interdependent is a characteristic of:

Select one:

a. symbolic interactionism

b. exchange theory

c. functionalism✓✓✓
d. conflict theory

The sociological imagination:

Select one:

a. helps individuals to understand the true origins and character of the problems they face.✓✓✓

b. guides most people’s ordinary conduct in everyday life

c. cannot be applied on a global scale.

d. makes us aware that issues such as divorce should be viewed as the private problems of individuals.

It is a "scientific study of human society, its origin, structure, function and direction." Select one:

a. Psychology

b. Sociology✓✓✓

c. Pathology

d. Geology

He developed the idea and coined the term “Sociology”

Select one:

a. Karl Marx

b. Auguste Comte✓✓✓

c. C. Wright Mills

d. Emile Durkheim

Conflict Theory is primarily based on the work of:

Select one:

a. Herbert Spencer

b. Auguste Comte

c. Emile Durkheim
d. Karl Marx✓✓✓

Which of the following individuals proposed four types of suicide, which were based on the degrees of
imbalance of two social forces: social integration and moral regulation? Select one:

a. Emile Durkheim✓✓✓

b. Harriet Martineau

c. Auguste Comte

d. Karl Marx

e. Herbert Spencer

f. Max Weber

Which of the following is a Greek term for "study"? Select one:

a. Ethos

b. Eros

c. Logos✓✓✓

d. Pathos

Who is the English sociologist who proposed that there is parallelism between how society evolves in
the same manner as animal species do? Select one:

a. Emile Durkheim

b. Herbert Spencer✓✓✓

c. Auguste Comte

d. Harriet Martineau

e. Max Weber

f. Karl Marx

What do you call to the way daily life is organized so as to accomodate large groups of people? Select

a. Rationalization✓✓✓
b. Demonetization

c. Sociology

d. Anthropology

Compadrazgo is an example of kinship by marriage. Select one:

a. true

b. false✓✓✓

Chiefdom has a governing body headed by a chief. Select one:

a. false

b. true✓✓✓

Descent does not limit the recognition of kinship. Select one:

a. true

b. false✓✓✓

In tribes, elders are often assigned to manage clan affairs and hold political offices. Select one:

a. true

b. false✓✓✓

The chiefdom is an egalitarian political organization. Select one:

a. true

b. false✓✓✓

The family is a significant social organization, in a way that they provide their members with valuable
resources, both economic and non-economic, which are essential for their development. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false
Kinship is a universal human phenomenon that takes various cultural forms. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false

Humans cannot be a part of more than one social organization. Select one:

a. false✓✓✓

b. true

The actions and behavior of organizations can affect an individual or even affect each other. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false

Tribes are egalitarian by nature. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false

Political organizations are essential in managing public affairs, maintaining social order, and resolving
conflict. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false

Bands usually have a formal leadership. Select one:

a. false✓✓✓

b. true

In politics, a state is an organized political commuity that is living under a single system of government
which governs a large population. Select one:

a. false

b. true✓✓✓
Social organization refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within our society today. Select one:

a. true✓✓✓

b. false

The experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness. Alienation

It is the visible part of human culture. It may anything that members of society make, use, and share
such as food. Material culture

It involves judging other cultures against the standards of your own culture. Ethnocentrism

During this state, man used simple tools to hunt animals and vegetation. Hunting and gathering stage

These societies use advanced sources of energy, rather than human and animals, to run large
machinery. Industrial societies

This is the historical change from tradition - sentiments and beliefs passed from one generation to
another to rationality - deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the cost effective means to accomplish a
task as a dominant mode of human thought. rationalization of society

The change that occurs as a society acquires a new technology Socio-cultural evolution

Is one component that makes our life easier. We can have volume production of goods that can be used
by us through this component. Technology

A collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time but who have no other
connection to one another. Aggregate

People who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits. Capitalists

Members of these societies tend crops with an animal harnessed to a plow. Agricultural Societies
Are cultural representations of reality. They give meanings to events and things like a statue, handshake,
college ring, flag etc. Symbols

Refers to the standards by which we assess goodness acceptability, beauty or desirability Values

people who sell their productive labor for wages Proletariat

Refers to your childhood, or how you were brought up. Nurture

A culture should be sociologically evaluated according to its standards, and not those of any other
culture. Cultural Relativism

A type of family that is composed of a nuclear family plus other relatives such as grandparents, aunts,
uncles, and cousins. Extended family

Descent that is based on the female line. Matriline

refers to any organization that is involved in the political process. Political organization

The concept of right to issue and force a command by means of coercive power. Authority

A succession of rulers from the same family or lineage. Dynasty

A system of social organization which is based on real or recognized family ties. Kinship

Latin word meaning to declare, or lawful. Legitimare

The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group connected by family ties and is
politically independent. band
Refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within the society. social organization

A political organization governed by a governing body led by a chief. chiefdom

The system of acknowledged social parentage, which limits the claim of kinship ties with another.

A type of political organization often described as a combination of smaller kin or non-kin groups which
are united by a common culture. Tribe

Defined as the system of relationships between persons and among groups with regard to the division of
activity and the functional arrangement of mutual obligations within society. Social organization

Defined by Burges and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption
consituting a single household interacting with each other in their respective social role of husband and
wife, mother and father, brother and sister creating a common culture. Family

The basis of every system of authority. Legitimacy

A political organization that is a combination of smaller kin or non-kin groups which are united by a
common culture. Tribe

A family that is composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage. Reconstituted family

A family that consists of parents and children. Nuclear family

According to Weber, it is compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains
a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory. State

It refers to the popular acceptance of a government, or any system of authority. Legitimacy

Descent that is based on the male line. Patrilineal kinship

A type of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse at a time. Polygamy

Also known as kinship by marriage Affinal kinship

A type of marriage in which a man or a woman is married to one person only. Monogamy

A type of authority that is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition or custom. Traditional authority

A type of polygamous marriage wherein a husband can take many wives at the same time. Polygyny

A descent system that consists of both male and female lines. Bilineal kinship

It refers to a form of leadership made legitimate by rationality or legal legitimacy. legal-rational


Defined as a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single
household interacting with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and
father, brother and sister creating a common culture. Family

It refers to privileged social relationship established by a ritual. kinship by ritual

Refers to a succession of rulers from the same family or lineage. Dynasty

It is also known as kinship by blood. Consanguineal kinship

A type of polygamous marriage in which a wife can have many husbands. Polyandry
It refers to authority made legitimate by a leader whose mission and vision inspires others. Charismatic

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