CE 211 Module PDF
CE 211 Module PDF
CE 211 Module PDF
A. Introduction
This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual,
and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life . The
course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of
patterns (in nature and the environment) and as an application of inductive and
deductive reasoning. By exploring these topics, You are encouraged to go beyond the
typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of
aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich language in itself (and of
science) governed by logic and reasoning. The course then proceeds to survey ways in
which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects
of present-day living, such as managing personal finances, making social choices,
appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and
security, and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities
for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various
dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students' understanding
and capacity. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013).
After completing this course, you are expected to demonstrate a content knowledge
about the importance of mathematics in the modern world and develop key
understanding on the application of mathematics in the real life scenario. Also, you will
be able to perform mathematical calculations correctly through the proper use of the
different mathematical symbols and mathematical language. In addition, after this
course, you will be able to use both inductive and deductive reasoning in solving real
life problems that involves mathematical analysis, You will be able to create a data
driven research with the utilization of the different statistical tools for data analysis and
data management. Lastly, you will be able to create a prototype of building designs
with the integration of the different geometric figures and demonstrate a wide range of
content knowledge on codes and coding schemes.
To ensure the accomplishment of the learning outcomes, this course will cover the
following topics for you to master.
This module will help you learn the mathematics in nature and to the world through
observing the patterns and number in nature and the use of Fibonacci Sequence.
This module will help you to master your mathematical calculations through the proper
utilization of mathematics symbols and accurate understanding of the mathematical language. Also,
this module will help you deal with problem solving through the use inductive, deductive reasoning,
and other strategies.
This module will engage you to different statistical tools used for data gathering, data
representation, data interpretation, and data analysis.
This module will make you appreciate and apply geometric concepts, transformation,
patterns and diagrams. Also, this will help you understand codes and coding schemes, and apply
logical statement and quantifiers to various human endeavors.
Here are some guides you need to undertake as you go on this module.
Unit 2 Codes
Unit 3 Logic
V. Evaluation
Formative assessment:
- You must answer all pre-assessment and self-assessment activities. Your scores here
will not be part of our mid-term and final grades but they will be part of the
completion of the course. Thus you are expected to complete the pre-assessment and
self-assessment activities. These activities will help you determine if you need to
study more or to advance to next part.
- You can answer the pre-assessment and self-assessment activities within the
scheduled time of the unit. Scheduling your work time is important.
- In accomplishing the pre-assessment and self-assessment activities, you can ask the
help of your parents, siblings and friends.
Summative Assessment:
For you to be able to accomplish the activities, you will need the following software
MS Word; MS Powerpoint; and Adobe flash. These applications are found in your
desktop or in your laptop and you do not need an internet connection to use them.
You may also access our Canvas prepared for the Class and try to participate in the
discussion if the condition will allow it.
Table of Contents
What is Mathematics? Before we start our lesson, I want you to fiil up the concept
map below with words/ phrases that describes mathematics.
Mathematics is the study of pattern and structure. Mathematics is fundamental to
the physical and biological sciences, engineering and information technology, to
economics and increasingly to the social sciences.
Mathematics is a useful way to think about nature and our world.
Mathematics is a tool to quantify, organize and control our world, predict
phenomena and make life easier for us.
Many patterns and occurrences exists in nature, in our world, in our life.
Mathematics helps make sense of these patterns and occurrences.
2. Does the following objects shows patterns? If yes, describe the patterns created.
3. Can you give me examples of patterns that you see in the world and how important
are these patterns?
Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world and can also
be seen in the universe. Nature patterns which are not just to be admired, they are vital
clues to the rules that govern natural processes.
Now, what if patterns does not exist in this human world? What do you think will happen?
Check out examples of some of these patterns and you may be able to spot a
few the next time you go for a walk.
2. The weather season cycle each year. All snowflakes contains sixfold symmetry
which no two are exactly the same.
3. Patterns can be seen in fish patterns like spotted trunkfish, spotted puffer, blue
spotted stingray, spotted moral eel, coral grouper, redlion fish, yellow boxfish and
angel fish. These animals and fish stripes and spots attest to mathematical
regularities in biological growth and form.
4. Zebras, tigers, cats and snakes are covered in patterns of stripes; leopards and
hyenas are covered in pattern of spots and giraffes are covered in pattern of
5. Natural patterns like the intricate waves across the oceans; sand dunes on deserts;
formation of typhoon; water drop with ripple and others. These serves as clues
to the rules that govern the flow of water, sand and air.
6. Other patterns in nature can also be seen in the ball of mackerel, the v-formation
of geese in the sky and the tornado formation of starlings.
Now, it is your turn to explore the nature. Imagine you are a photographer of
a famous magazine in the Philippines. You were given a task to feature regular
patterns found in the nature to be included in the next volume of your
company’s magazine. Now, as an output, you are going to take photos of your
chosen subjects that exhibit regular patterns. Your output will be saved
through a PowerPoint presentation so make sure to write a comprehensive
captions. This will be submitted after your prelims and it will be graded using
the attached rubric labeled as RUBRIC 1 on your learning packet. Make sure
to remember this icon when constructing your output.
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
Group 1: ____________________________
Group 2: ____________________________
Group 3: ____________________________
Answer the following questions on the space provided based on our activity titled
You belong with me.
2. Did you see any similarities on the characteristics of each group? Will you
describe their similarities if any?
3. What if you will add another object in each groups, what will they be and
Have you ever wonder that there are regular patterns in each
object. To explore it more let us try to discuss these type of
patterns found on the next page.
a.) Bilateral Symmetry: a symmetry in which the left and right sides of
the organism can be divided into approximately mirror image of each
other along the midline. Symmetry exists in living things such as in
insects, animals, plants, flowers and others. Animals have mainly
bilateral or vertical symmetry, even leaves of plants and some flowers
such as orchids.
2. FRACTALS – a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical
character as the whole. A fractal is a never-ending pattern found in nature. The
exact same shape is replicated in a process called “self similarity.” The pattern repeats
itself over and over again at different scales. For example, a tree grows by repetitive
branching. This same kind of branching can be seen in lightning bolts and the veins
in your body. Examine a single fern or an aerial view of an entire river system and
you’ll see fractal patterns.
Since you are soon to be architects, I believe that drawing is just a cup of tea
for you. Thus, I want you to sketch one example of each type of patterns that
can be seen in your surroundings or nearby. Your output will be sketch in a
bond paper and will be submitted on the first date of retrieval of your modules.
How are you going to apply those type of patterns you had learned in your soon
profession. Name atleast 3 importance of learning this patte
For additional resources, you may visit the following web page below.
The original problem that Fibonacci investigated (in the year 1202) was
about how fast rabbits couls breed in ideal circumstances.
Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits, one male and one female are
put in the field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that
at the end of its second monthj a female can produce another pair of
rabbits. Suppose that our rabbits never die and that the female always
produces one new pair ( 1 male and female) every month from the second
month on on..
1. How did you get your answer? You can show your solution on the space provided.
2. Did you see any patterns from the number of pairs in each month? If yes, can you
tell me what did you observe.
The problem posed on the activity found on the previous page is better to be
solve using this diagram.
1 1 1 2
2 2 1 3
3 3 2 5
4 5 3 8
5 8 5 13
6 13 8 21
7 21 13 34
8 34 21 55
9 55 34 89
10 89 55 144
11 144 89 233
12 233 144 377
The sequence encountered in the rabbit problem 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
233, 377, …. is called the Fibonacci sequence and its terms the Fibonacci numbers.
Leonardo of Pisa also known as Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers that
created an interesting numbers that created an interesting pattern the sequence 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… each number is obtained by adding the last two numbers of the
sequence forms what is known as golden rectangle a perfect rectangle. A golden
rectangle can be broken down into squares the size of the next Fibonacci number down
and below. If we were to take a golden rectangle, break it down to smaller squares based
from Fibonacci sequence and divide each with an arc, the pattern begin to take shapes,
we begin with Fibonacci spiral in which we can see in nature.
The Fibonacci sequence can also be seen in the way tree branches form or split.
A main trunk will grow until it produces a branch, which creates two growth points. Then,
one of the new stems branches into two, while the other one lies dormant. This pattern
of branching is repeated for each of the new stems. A good example is the sneezewort.
Root systems and even algae exhibit this pattern
Look at the diagram and then measure carefully the 3 sets of pairs of your body
measurements (in centimeter). You may ask for the assistance of your family for the
measurement. After measuring, fill in the table below and use a calculator to work out
the ratios/divisions. Let us see if you the following ratio will be equal to 𝟏. 𝟔𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟑𝟑𝟗𝟖𝟕
and deserve to be called us a “GOLDEN PERSON”
Fibonacci discovery of Fibonacci sequence happened to approach the ratio
asymptotically. He found the interesting and mysterious properties of the Fibonacci
sequence that the series has a deep relationship with the golden ratio.
The golden ratio was first called as the Divine Proportion in the early 1500s
in Leonardo da Vinci’s work which was explored by Luca Pacioli entitled “De Divina
Proportione” in 1509. This contains the drawings of the five platonic solids and it was
probably da Vinci who first called it “section aurea” which is Latin for Golden Secion.
In mathematics, two quantities are in the Golden ratio if their ratio is the same of
their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The Golden Ratio is the relationship between
numbers on the Fibonacci sequence where plotting the relationships on scales results in
a spiral shape. In simple terms, golden ratio is expressed as an equation, where a is
larger than b, (a+b) divided by a is equal to a divided by b, which is equal to
1.618033987…and represented by 𝝋 (phi).
𝒂+𝒃 𝒂
𝝋= = 𝒃 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟑𝟑𝟗𝟖𝟕 ….
B a a/b
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.666666666…
5 8 1.6
8 13 1.625
13 21 1.615384615...
21 34 1.61905
34 55 1.61765
. . .
. . .
144 233 1.618055556...
233 377 1.618025751...
It is often said that math contains the answers to most of universe’s questions.
Math manifests itself everywhere. One such example is the Golden Ratio. This famous
Fibonacci sequence has fascinated mathematicians, scientist and artists for many
hundreds of years. The Golden Ratio manifests itself in many places across the universe,
including right here on Earth, it is part of Earth’s nature and it is part of us.
1. Flower petals
number of petals in a flower is often one of the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 or
55. For example, the lily has three petals, buttercups have five of them, the chicory has
21 of them, the daisy has often 34 or 55 petals, etc.
2. Faces
Faces, both human and nonhuman, abound with examples of the Golden Ratio. The
mouth and nose are each positioned at golden sections of the distance between the eyes
and the bottom of the chin. Similar proportions can been seen from the side, and even
the eye and ear itself.
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
3. Body parts
The Golden Section is manifested in the structure of the human body. The human body
is based on Phi and the number 5.The number 5 appendages to the torso, in the arms,
leg and head. 5 appendages on each of these, in the fingers and toes and 5 openings on
the face. Animal bodies exhibit similar tendencies.
4. Seed heads
Typically, seeds are produced at the center, and then migrate towards the outside to fill
all the space. Sunflowers provide a great example of these spiraling patterns.
5. Fruits, Vegetables and Trees
Spiraling patterns can be found on pineapples and cauliflower. Fibonacci numbers are
seen in the branching of trees or the number of leaves on a floral stem; numbers like 4
are not. 3’s and 5’s, however, are abundant in nature.
6. Shells
Snail shells and nautilus shells follow the logarithmic spiral, as does the cochlea of the
inner ear. It can also be seen in the horns of certain goats, and the shape of certain
spider’s webs.
7. Spiral Galaxies
Spiral galaxies are the most common galaxy shape. The Milky Way has several spiral
arms, each of them a logarithmic spiral of about 12 degrees.
8. Hurricanes
It’s amazing how closely the powerful swirls of hurricane match the Fibonacci sequence.
2. In “Timaeus” Plato describes five possible regular solids that relate to the golden
ratio which is now known as Platonic Solids. He also considers the golden ratio to
be the most bringing of all mathematical relationships.
3. Euclid was the first to give definition of the golden ratio as “a dividing line in the
extreme and mean ratio” in his book the “Elements”. He proved the link of the
numbers to the construction of the pentagram, which is now known as golden
ratio. Each intersections to the other edges of a pentagram is a golden ratio. Also
the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the two
intersecting lines is a golden ratio.
4. Leonardo da Vinci was into many interests such as invention, painting, sculpting,
architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy,
geology, botany, writing, history and cartography. He used the golden ratio to
define the fundamental portions in his works. He incorporated the golden ratio
in his own paintings such as the Vitruvian Man, The Last Supper, Monalisa and St.
Jerome in the Wilderness.
7. The golden ratio can also be found in the works of other renowned painters such
a.) Sandro Botticelli (Birth of Venus);
b.) George-Pierre Surat (“Bathers at Assinieres”, “Bridge of Courbevoie” and “A
Sunday on La Grande Jette”), and
c.) Salvador Dali (“The Sacrament of the Last Supper”).
Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s try to match the following pictures
to their corresponding names. Use connective lines to connect the two columns.
Notre Dame
Taj Mahal
Eiffel Tower
CN Tower
Some of the architectural structures that exhibit the application of the Golden ratio
are the following:
1. The Great Pyramid of Giza built 4700 BC in Ahmes Papyrus of Egypt is with
proportion according to a “Golden Ratio”. The length of each side of the base is
756 feet with a height of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height is roughly
1.5717, which is close to the Golden ratio.
2. Notre Dame is a Gothic Cathedral in Paris, which was built in between 1163 and
1250. It appears to have a golden ratio in a number of its key proportions of
3. The Taj Mahal in India used the golden ratio in its construction and was
completed in 1648. The order and proportion of the arches of the Taj Mahal on
the main structure keep reducing proportionately following the golden ratio.
4. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres in Paris , France also exhibits the
Golden ratio.
6. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, erected in 1889 is an iron lattice. The base is
broader while it narrows down the top, perfectly following the golden ratio.
7. The CN Tower in Toronto, the tallest tower and freestanding structure in the
world, contains the golden ratio in its design. The ratio of observation deck at 342
meters to the total height of 553.33 is 0.618 or phi, the reciprocal of phi.
Golden Ratio can be found in the beauty of nature, the growth patterns
of many plants, insects, and the universe.
2. Zebra’s coat, the alternating pattern of blacks and white are due to mathematical
rules that govern the pigmentation chemicals of its skin.
4. The nautilus shell has natural pattern which contains a spiral shape called
logarithmic spiral.
7. Lightning during storms creates fractals. Foam bubbles formed by trapping pockets of gas in
a liquid or solid.
8. Cracks can also be found on the barks of trees which show some sort of
weakness in the bark. The meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves,
bends, loops, turns, or windings in the channel of the body of water.
What did you learn from the video presentation? Highlights some parts of the video that
you like the most.
Will you name some possible applications of mathematics in your chosen course?
Inherent in Math is the principle that things have specific logic and order. Math-
oriented students apply this philosophy to everyday things. Math subjects like
Algebra and Trigonometry teach how to logically arrive at one step from another
and to make conclusions. In many ways, Mathematics teaches people how to
think and be organized.
ASSESMENT CHECK: Interview some architects or soon to be architects whom you know
personally. Ask them how mathematics can be applied in their field. If nobody can help you, you
may browse the internet resources or any resources available on your place. After gathering,
write an essay (minimum of 200 words) about the application of mathematics in architecture. Put
your output in a a4 bond paper use Times new roman with a font style of 12. The grading of your
output will be based on the given rubric below.
2. Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world
and can also be seen in the universe.
3. There are three types of patterns namely: symmetry, fractals, and spirals
5. Fibonacci sequence can also be found in nature like on the flower petals, trees,
and buildings.
You already finished the MODULE 1. Hope you learned a lot
about the nature of mathematics from this module. For your
final output for this prelims, proceed to the next page.