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P6 - 3 Rev

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Section 1.

2 Kinematics

This topic tackles motion of a body in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration, the relation of
displacement and time to velocity and acceleration. 

Linear Motion
Motion occurs all around us.
We see it in the different activities of people every day, in 🌲 🌲 that sway in the wind,
vehicles on the highway and in the night time stars 🌟 🌟.
Motion is easy to recognize, but hard to describe. Even the Greek scientists of more than
2000 years ago, who had a very good understanding of many of the ideas of physics
westudy today had great difficulty describing motion.
We' ll consider here the simplest form of  motion along a straight-line path- linear motion.
Everything moves including those that appears to be at rest. They move with respect to.or
relative to, the sun 🌞 and star 🌟.
Three ways to describe motion:
1. Speed
2. Velocity
3. Acceleration
4 Basic Quantities in Kinematics

One Dimensional Position x
Motion can be defined as the change of position over time.
How can we represent position along a straight line?
Position definition:
Defines a starting point: origin (x = 0), x relative to origin
Direction: positive (right or up), negative (left or down)
It depends on time: t = 0 (start clock), x(t=0) does not have to be zero.
Position has units of [Length]: meters.
x = + 2.5 m
Displacement is a change of position in time.
nf stands for final and i  stands for initial.
qIt is a vector quantity.
qIt has both magnitude and direction: + or - sign
qIt has units of [length]: meters.

x (t ) = + 2.5 m
1 1

x (t ) = - 2.0 m
2 2

Δx = -2.0 m - 2.5 m = -4.5 m

x (t ) = - 3.0 m
1 1

x (t ) = + 1.0 m
2 2

Δx = +1.0 m + 3.0 m = +4.0 m

Distance and Position-time graph
Displacement in space
From A to B: Δx = xB – xA = 52 m – 30 m = 22 m
From A to C: Δx = xc – xA = 38 m – 30 m = 8 m
Distance is the length of a path followed by a particle
from A to B: d = |xB – xA| = |52 m – 30 m| = 22 m
from A to C: d = |xB – xA|+ |xC – xB| = 22 m + |38 m – 52 m| = 36 m
Displacement is not Distance.

Velocity - is the rate of change of position.
- a vector quantity.                                  
- both magnitude and direction.
- has a unit of [length/time]: meter/second.

We will be concerned with three quantities, defined as:

Average velocity
Average speed
Instantaneous velocity
Average Velocity

Average Velocity is the slope of the line segment between end points on a graph.
qDimensions: length/time (L/T) [m/s].
qSI unit: m/s.
qIt is a vector (i.e. is signed), and displacement direction sets its sign.

Average Speed

Dimension: length/time, [m/s].

Scalar: No direction involved.
Not necessarily close to V :avg

S = (6m + 6m)/(3s+3s) = 2 m/s


V = (0 m)/(3s+3s) = 0 m/s
Graphical Interpretation of Velocity
Velocity can be determined from a position-time graph
Average velocity equals the slope of the line joining the initial and final positions. It is a vector
An object moving with a constant velocity will have a graph that is a straight line.

Average Acceleration
Changing velocity (non-uniform) means an acceleration is present
Average acceleration
Kinematic Equations : Equations used when acceleration is constant

An airplane has a lift-off speed of 30 m/s after a take-off run of 300 m, what minimum constant

Free Fall Acceleration

Earth gravity provides a constant acceleration. Most important case of constant acceleration.
Free-fall acceleration is independent of mass.
Magnitude: |a| = g = 9.8 m/s2
Direction: always downward, so ag is negative if we define “up” as positive,
a = -g = -9.8 m/s2

A stone is thrown from the top of a building with an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s straight upward, at
an initial height of 50.0 m above the ground. The stone just misses the edge of the roof on the
its way down. Determine
(a) the time needed for the stone to reach its maximum height.
(b) the maximum height.
(c) the time needed for the stone to return to the height from which it was thrown and the
velocity of the stone at that instant.
(d) the time needed for the stone to reach the ground
(e) the velocity and position of the stone at t = 5.00s
1.    An object is moving along a straight line. The graph shows the object’s position from
the starting point as a function of time.

a. In which segment/s of the graph does the object’s average velocity

(measured from t = 0 s)

decrease with time? BC and DE

b. What was the instantaneous velocity of the object at t = 4 s? +10


c.    In which segment/s of the graph does the object have the highest
speed? DE

d.   At which time/s does the object reverse its direction of motion? 5 s

 Newton’s Laws of Motion

Law of Inertia
 An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay
in motion at constant velocity, unless acted upon by an
unbalanced force.
 Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its
velocity: whether in motion or motionless.
 Mass is the measure of inertia of a body while weight is the measure of
the pull of gravity. In
W = mg

Frictional force (F ) is the force resisting the relative motion of solid


surfaces, fluid layers, or material elements sliding against each

other. It is the resistance an object encounters in moving over
The coefficient of friction is a number which

represents the friction between two surfaces.

Between two equal surfaces, the coefficient of

friction will be the same. The symbol usually

used for the coefficient of friction is µ.

·         The force of static friction (F )keeps a stationary object at


rest. Once the force of static friction is overcome, the force of

kinetic friction (F )is what slows down a moving object.

Weight (W) is the force with which gravity pulls

on an object

Applied force (F )or effort is the force exerted on a body that may

change its state of rest or in motion.

   Normal force (N) or support force is the force that acts upward perpendicular to the
surface that supports the weight of an object.

  Tension (T) is a pulling force exerted on an object by a rope, string, etc.

Law of Acceleration

  A particle will accelerate with a magnitude proportional to the net force

that acts on it and has the same direction as the net force, and
inversely proportional to the mass of the particle.

Newton’s Third Law of Interaction: For every

action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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