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A & H 100 - Art Appreciation: Western Mindanao State University Ipil Campus

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Western Mindanao State University

Ipil Campus
Purok Corazon, Ipil Heights, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay


Instructor: Joemar A. Bayutas

Topic: Introduction of Art


1. Define what art is and clarify misconceptions of art.

2. Distinguish the difference of art from natural (nature).
3. Characterize the assumptions of Art.
4. Appreciate the significance role of art in the Philippine society.
5. Familiarize the basic technique and skills in blackout poetry.

Try this!

Win a Spin: Check the appropriate column which correspond to your answer.


1. Art is Universal.
2. Art is Cultural.
3. Art is not natural.
4. Art is everywhere.
5. The presence of Art can be ignored.

Read and Ponder:

What is Art?

Art – is a process of a product of creative skill and imagination.

- expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual

form such as painting or sculpture, music, literature, and dance producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
1. Art is universal
- Art is a universal phenomenon and is as old as human being. Every society has its own art,
which is encouraged and molded by the patronage it gets from its members. Artists as
members of society create such works of art in accordance with the existing relations in the
2. Art is cultural
- Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences
across space and time. ... Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from
different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds
and stories. Art is often a vehicle for social change.
3. Art is not natural
- Art is not nature because in many ways, art is not “natural”, it is an artificial construct
created by man.

1. Art is Everywhere
- The popular feeling about art is that it exist only in concert halls, museums and art
galleries in a world by itself, accessible only to those who can afford to pay for its
enjoyment of to the critics and scholars who take time to study the art objects. On the
contrary, art is found everywhere. It is very much a part of our lives. We cannot ignore
its presence even if we try to.
- We find art in the clothes and accessories we wear, in the design of our furniture and
furnishings, in the style of the houses we build and the vehicles we use. We find art
objects in the home and in the community, in religion, in trade, and in the industry.

2. Art as Expression and Communication

- We express our emotional state by some visible signs and activities. We burst into song
when we are happy or sad, or we dance, for it is pleasant to express joy through
rhythmic body movement. We likewise sing out our love or our despair, or try to convey
our deep emotions in poetic language.

3. Art as Creation
- Man has also been led by an innate craving for order to create objects that are delightful
to perceive. The word “creation” in this sense refers to the act of combining or re-
ordering already existing materials so that a new object is formed.
- As a creative activity, art involves skill or expertness in handling materials and organizing
into new, structurally pleasing and significant units. The skill does not just happen. It is
acquired through long training and constant practice.


Three major kinds of Experience involved in the artistic activity:
1. An experience which the artist wants to communicate.
2. The act of expressing this experience, which of creating the art object or form.
3. Artist’s gratifying experience of having accomplished something significant.


 The desire for beauty and order around us is another basic human wants. Somehow these
provide the much needed comfort and balance to our lives.
 We may find beauty in nature, as in the loveliness of volcano rising majestically to the skies, or
we may find it in man-made objects like an impressive bridge, a ceramic vase or even in a tender
love song.
 A thing of beauty is one which gives us pleasure when we perceive it. The delight that we
experience is called aesthetic pleasure, “aesthetic” coming from a Greek word which means “to
perceive with the senses.”
NATURAL vs. ART (Not Natural)


(Art, Not Natural)


Why do we need art?

 Art reflects cultural values, beliefs and identity and helps to preserve the many different
communities that make up our world. Art chronicles our own lives and experiences over
time. We need art to understand and to share our individual and shared history.

What is the Purpose of Art?

 The purpose of works of art may be to communicate ideas, such as in spiritually, or
philosophically motivated art; to create a sense of beauty; to explore the nature of perception;
for pleasure; or to generate strong emotions.

What is the function of the Art?

 The physical functions of art are often the most easy to understand. Works of art that are
created to perform some service have physical functions. ... Architecture, any of the crafts, and
industrial design are all types of art that have physical functions.

How does art plays a role in our society?

 Art can be used as a means of entertainment, learning, advertising, and showing ones
personality or talent. Without art, our world would be very dull, boring, and uninteresting if you
think about it. So it plays a significant role in many ways. Art plays a very important role in
modern society.


Exercise 2

Name: _______________________________________________________Score: ___________________

Course/Year: __________________________________________________Date: ___________________

General Instructions: Read, understand and follow all the instructions carefully. Erasure / alteration
means wrong. Be careful.

Instruction: Identify the following images whether “NATURAL” or “NOT NATURAL”. Write the
capital word JAB if it is NATURAL, and write the capital words SIR JAB if it is NOT NATURAL. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.

_______1. _______6.

_______2. _______7.

_______3. _______8.

_______4. _______9.

_______5. _______10.
Activity 2: Black-out Poetry
What is Blackout Poetry?
 A blackout poem where a poet takes a marker (usually black marker) to already established
text–like in a newspaper, old books–and starts redacting words until a poem is formed. The key
thing with a blackout poem is that the text AND redacted text form a sort of visual poem.

Purpose of Black-out Poetry

 Blackout Poetry Restores Creativity. Making a poem from the words on the page can be difficult;
it makes a person look at the words in a new way, and that's a skill that translates to other
creative projects, as well.

Examples of Black-out Poetry:

Note: Better to search for more examples of Blackout poetry online.

Materials (to be used):

1. Old newspaper / unused books/ magazines, etc.
2. Black felt-tip/ marker / pilot pen / pencil
3. Scissors
4. Long white folder
5. Glue
1. Please read the rubrics first before you start so that you may have basis on how you create your
2. With your old newspaper/unused books/magazines, etc., choose a poem, article or story that
caught your interest.
3. Scan the page first before reading it completely. Keep an eye out for an anchor word as you
scan. An anchor word is one word on the page that stands out to you because it is packed and
loaded with meaning and significance. 
4. Select words, without changing their order on the list, and piece them together to create the
lines of a poem. You can eliminate parts of words (using any of the number 2 material),
especially unselected words. Be sure that the remaining words gives or creates a thought or else
your rubrics will be affected.
5. You may add an illustration or design to the page of text that connects to your poem. Be very
careful not to draw over the circled words you selected for your final poem!
6. After eliminating unselected words you may now cut it and paste (with the use of glue) in the
left side of your folder.
7. Print out the rubrics given to you. In the right side of your folder please attach/paste the rubrics
given to you.
Name: _________________________________________________Average: _____________________
Year & Course: _________________________________________ Total Score: ___________________
Activity Title: __________________________________________Date: _______________________


The output is The output is The output lacks The output is
Organization well-organized organized organization unorganized

The piece clearly The piece The piece The piece does
communicates somewhat partially not have an idea
an idea, feelings communicates communicates and feelings.
Content and it makes an idea and an idea and Doesn’t make
sense related to feelings related feelings related sense.
the title. to the title. to the title.

The piece The piece The piece The piece

contains 20 contains below contains below contains below
Quantity words above 20 words and 15 words and 10 words and
above 15 words. above 10 words. above 5 words.

The piece is very The piece is The piece is a bit The piece is not
much creative, somewhat creative, vivid creatively done.
Creativity vivid and creative, vivid and original.
original. and original.

The artwork is The artwork is The artwork is The artwork is

neatly done. somewhat untidy. very untidy.

Texts are very Texts are clear Texts are Texts are not
much clear, and visible. somewhat visible, unclear
Clarity visible and easy unclear and and unreadable.
to read. unreadable.

Provides Provides very Provides Provides poor

excellent satisfactory satisfactory output/quality
Quality output/quality output/quality output/quality of work
of work of work of work


Over-all Total

Rated by: __________________________________


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