Pokhara Sub - Metropolitan City Office Measurement Book
Pokhara Sub - Metropolitan City Office Measurement Book
Pokhara Sub - Metropolitan City Office Measurement Book
S.N Description Height Length Breadth Av. Breadth Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Preparation of Sub grade by cutting/filling of
ordinary top soil
1.00 30.00 4.50 0.10 13.5
1.00 30.00 3.90 0.10 11.7
25.2 Cum 360.50 9084.60
2 Boulder Soling and levelling
1.00 30.00 4.50 0.15 20.3
1.00 30.00 3.90 0.15 17.6
37.9 Cum 2310.00 87549.00
C Toilet Construction
1 E/W excavation in B.M.S. soil
1.00 4.11 2.59 0.60 6.39 cum 535.60 3422.48
2 Bolder soling and levelling works
1.00 4.11 2.59 0.15 1.60 cum 3015.00 4824.00
Stone masonary works in 1:6 c/s mortar Below
1.00 4.11 0.30 0.45 0.55 cum 9318.55 5125.20
9 Sanitary Works
a) S/F of Polorized Orissa pan with 10 lts plastic
2.00 2.00 8976.65 17953.30
cysternwith all complete set
b) 25mm HDPE pipe for water supply 1.00 100.00 100.00 rm 57.07 5707.00
c) S/F of 20''*16'' Hand wash basin with
1.00 1.00 nos 7152.40 7152.40
installation and finishing
e) Brass tap for toilet 2.00 2.00 nos 264.00 528.00
Certified that this books contains 2 Page of pre - numbered measurement sheets.
S.N Description Height Length Breadth Av. Breadth Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Site Clearance Work 1.00 365.50 1.00 365.5 Sqm 18.54 6776.37
2 E/W excavation for pipe laying 1.00 365.50 0.30 0.61 66.9 Cum 494.40 33075.36
3 Supply & Fitting of 3"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 246.50 246.5 Rm 1225.00 301962.50
4 Supply & Fitting of 2"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 70.00 70.0 Rm 560.00 39200.00
5 Supply & Fitting of 1"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 49.00 49.0 Rm 373.00 18277.00
6 Back Filling work with ordinary soil 1.00 365.50 0.30 0.61 66.9 Cum 150.00 10035.00
Necessary accessoriesitems for fitting the pipe 3% of Supply & Fitting of 1",2"&3"Dia GI
7 1.0 LS 10783.19 10783.19
like socket ,union,bends etc Pipe -M.
Total 420,109.42
contengecies @ 3% 12,603.28
Grand total 432,712.70
Jr.Er. Er.
Chisapani Water Supply
1 2 User's Commettee Fatuma Dharma Raj
Khatun Lamichhane
पोखरा लेखनाथ महानगरपालिका
नगरपालिकाको कायार्लय
न्यूरोड, कास्की
४ नं प्रदेश, नेपाल
–Renovation of shed & Const. of Compound wall sfo{
sfo{ k'/f ug]{ ldlt ;DkGg
– 2063/ / k|ltj]bg v'b nfu]sf] vr{ :- 98349.82
sfof{:yfg M–Chisapani Water Supply Works, Pokhara - 13 Estimate eGbf a9L jf 36L M– less
sfo{ ;"? ldlt M– 2074. 03.10 Estimated Amount :- 433380.07 36L jf a9Lsf] k|ltzt –
v'b nfu]sf] vr{ 433380.07 sfo{ ;DkGg ug]{ dfWod M– User's Commettee
l;=g+= ljj/0f O{li6d]6 cg';f/ v'b nfu]sf] vr{ km/s kg{ cfPsf] s}lkmot
kl/df0f b/ /sd kl/df0f b/ /sd kl/df0f k|ltzt /sd
1 Site Clearance Work 365.5 18.54 6776.37 365.5 18.54 6776.37 - -
2 E/W excavation for pipe laying 67.90 494.40 33572.47 67.90 494.40 33572.47
3 Supply & Fitting of 3"Dia GI Pipe -M. 246.5 1225.00 246.5 1225.00
301962.50 301962.50
4 Supply & Fitting of 2"Dia GI Pipe -M. 70.0 560.00 70.0 560.00
39200.00 39200.00 - -
5 Supply & Fitting of 1"Dia GI Pipe -M. 49.0 373.00 49.0 373.00
18277.00 18277.00 - -
6 Back Filling work with ordinary soil 67.9 150.00 67.9 150.00
10185.82 10185.82 - -
Necessary accessoriesitems for fitting
7 1.0 1.0
the pipe like socket ,union,bends etc 10783.2 10783.19 10783.2 10783.19 -
Total 420757.35 420757.35 - -
Contengencies 12,622.72 12,622.72 -
Grand Total 433380.07 433380.07 -
s Commettee
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