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Pokhara Sub - Metropolitan City Office Measurement Book

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Measurement Book
Name of project :- Concrete Road Construction work F/Y :- 071/72
Site :- Aananda Marga , Pokhara - 8 Date:- 2072-04-06

S.N Description Height Length Breadth Av. Breadth Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Preparation of Sub grade by cutting/filling of
ordinary top soil
1.00 30.00 4.50 0.10 13.5
1.00 30.00 3.90 0.10 11.7
25.2 Cum 360.50 9084.60
2 Boulder Soling and levelling
1.00 30.00 4.50 0.15 20.3
1.00 30.00 3.90 0.15 17.6
37.9 Cum 2310.00 87549.00

3 PCC. 1:2:4 mix work

1.00 30.00 4.50 0.10 13.5
1.00 30.00 3.90 0.10 11.7
25.2 Cum 8697.25 219170.70
6mm th. Water proof ply wood for pannellizing
4 the road 15 3.9 0.1 5.85 Sqm 450.84
Sub- Total 318,441.71
contengecies @ 3% #REF!
Grand total #REF!

Accepted By Prepared By: Checked By: Reccommended By: Approved By:

Officec of the Municipal Executive
Newroad , Pokhara
Province No.4, Nepal
Detail Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of project :- Building Construction Works F/Y :- 074/75
Site :- Bastola Samaj Ghar Hemja ,PLMC - 25 Date:- 2073-10-15
S.N Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
A Building Construction Works
1 i. Site Cleareance Work 1.00 16.46 13.41 220.72 Sqm 20.00 4414.40
2 ii. Boulder Soling 1.00 16.46 13.41 0.15 33.10 Cum 3015.00 99796.50
3 iii.P.C.C. (1:2:4 ) for R.C.C. work 1.00 16.46 13.41 0.10 22.07 Cum 11475.00 253253.25
Colour CGI Sheet roofing, 26 gauge, including
all complete work 1.00 15.24 13.41 204.37 sqm 958.00 195786.46
black medium Truss Pipe 1.8mm thick for
5 roofing truss purpose with weilding, fitting &
complete set work
4'' Square pipe vertical post 20.00 3.96 352.52
inclined pipe 1.5" 6.00 26.92 269.59
horizontal pipe1.5" 6.00 4.52 45.27
Vertical pipe 2" 6.00 4.47 59.69
Purling/Rafter 1.5" 6.00 16.46 164.84
891.91 kg 163.62 145934.31
Hollow Concrete bolck works (6" thick in 1:4
C/S motor)
Long wall 2.00 15.24 0.15 3.05 13.94
short wall 2.00 12.19 0.15 3.05 11.15
Side Wall 2.00 3.10 0.15 3.05 2.84
2.00 3.94 0.15 3.05 3.61
deduction, window 10.00 1.83 0.15 1.52 -4.17
door(D) 3.00 0.91 0.15 2.29 -0.31
27.06 Cu.m 7427.00 200974.62

12.5 mm th. Cement plaster works in on Wall

1:4 C/S motar
Long wall 4.00 15.24 3.05 185.93
short wall 4.00 12.19 3.05 148.72
Side Wall 4.00 3.10 3.05 37.82

Prepared By: Checked By: Recommended By: Approved By:

Jr.Er.Fatuma Khatun Er. Arun Poudel Sr.Er.Sharada Mohan Kafle. Chief Executive Officer
Officec of the Municipal Executive
Newroad , Pokhara
Province No.4, Nepal
Detail Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of project :- Building Construction Works F/Y :- 074/75
Site :- Bastola Samaj Ghar Hemja ,PLMC - 25 Date:- 2073-10-15
S.N Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
4.00 3.94 3.05 48.07
deduction, window 10.00 1.83 1.52 -27.82
door(D) 3.00 0.91 2.29 -6.25
386.47 Sq.m 344.00 132945.68

8 Two coat Distemper paint over one coat primer

Long wall 4.00 15.24 3.05 185.93
short wall 4.00 12.19 3.05 148.72
Side Wall 4.00 3.10 3.05 37.82
4.00 3.94 3.05 48.07
deduction, window 10.00 1.83 1.52 -27.82
door(D) 3.00 0.91 2.29 -6.25
386.47 Sqm 155.00 59902.85
Aluminium Sliding window fitting with 5mm clear
glass with net section (88*38*1.1)
window (w ) 10.00 1.83 1.52 27.81 Sqm 8024.81 223169.97

10 Aluminium swing door of section (101*45*1.1)

door (d) 3.00 0.91 2.29 6.25 Sqm 4863.52 30397.00

B Septi Tank Construction Works

1 E/W excavation in B.M.S. soil 1.00 2.44 1.83 2.44 10.90 Cum 468.65 5108.29
2 Bolder soling and levelling works 1.00 2.44 1.83 0.15 0.67 Cum 3015.00 2020.05
3 Stone masonary works in 1:6 c/s mortar
2.00 2.44 0.23 2.29 2.57
2.00 1.83 0.23 0.15 0.13
2.70 Cum 9318.55 25160.09

Prepared By: Checked By: Recommended By: Approved By:

Jr.Er.Fatuma Khatun Er. Arun Poudel Sr.Er.Sharada Mohan Kafle. Chief Executive Officer
Officec of the Municipal Executive
Newroad , Pokhara
Province No.4, Nepal
Detail Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of project :- Building Construction Works F/Y :- 074/75
Site :- Bastola Samaj Ghar Hemja ,PLMC - 25 Date:- 2073-10-15
S.N Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
PCC for RCC including material collection
(1:2:4) 1.00 2.44 1.83 0.15 0.66 Cum 13235.12 8735.17
5 Form work with local wood
1.00 8.54 0.15 1.28 Sqm 640.40 819.71
5 RCC Work
Main bar 16mm dia.Re bar @100mm c/c 16.00 1.83 1.58 46.26 W=N*L*(D²/162)
Dis bar 16mm dia.Re bar @100mm c/c 12.00 2.44 1.58 46.26
92.52 Kg 104.52 9670.19

C Toilet Construction
1 E/W excavation in B.M.S. soil
1.00 4.11 2.59 0.60 6.39 cum 535.60 3422.48
2 Bolder soling and levelling works
1.00 4.11 2.59 0.15 1.60 cum 3015.00 4824.00
Stone masonary works in 1:6 c/s mortar Below
1.00 4.11 0.30 0.45 0.55 cum 9318.55 5125.20

4 PCC works in 1:3:6 in foundation

For toilet DPC level 1.00 4.11 2.59 0.075 0.80
0.80 cum 9814.52 7851.62
Hollow Concrete bolck works (6" thick in 1:4
C/S motor)
Long wall 2.00 3.51 0.15 2.59 2.73
Short wall 2.00 1.52 0.15 2.59 1.18
Deduction of door 2.00 0.90 0.15 2.00 -0.54
Ventilation 2.00 0.60 0.15 0.46 -0.08
3.37 cum 7424.00 25018.88
6 Tile Works

Prepared By: Checked By: Recommended By: Approved By:

Jr.Er.Fatuma Khatun Er. Arun Poudel Sr.Er.Sharada Mohan Kafle. Chief Executive Officer
Officec of the Municipal Executive
Newroad , Pokhara
Province No.4, Nepal
Detail Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of project :- Building Construction Works F/Y :- 074/75
Site :- Bastola Samaj Ghar Hemja ,PLMC - 25 Date:- 2073-10-15
S.N Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
i.with 12mm th.cement sand (1:4) surface
course including rubbing & polishing
a.On floor 2.00 1.52 1.22 3.71
` b.For long wall 4.00 1.22 1.20 5.86
b.For Short wall 6.00 1.37 1.20 9.86
Deduction of door 2.00 0.90 0.15 2.00 -0.54
Ventilation 2.00 0.60 0.15 0.46 -0.08
18.81 Sq.m 2063.05 38805.97
12.5mm th.Cement Plaster works ( Wall in 1:4
C/S Motar )
2.00 3.51 2.59 18.18
2.00 1.52 2.59 7.87
Deduction of Door 2.00 0.76 1.83 -2.78
Window 2.00 0.61 0.46 -0.56
22.71 Sqm 344.11 7814.73

8 Two costemper painting over one coat primer.

2.00 3.51 2.59 18.18
2.00 1.52 2.59 7.87
Deduction of Door 2.00 0.76 1.83 -2.78
Window 2.00 0.61 0.46 -0.56
22.71 Sqm 155.06 3521.41

9 Sanitary Works
a) S/F of Polorized Orissa pan with 10 lts plastic
2.00 2.00 8976.65 17953.30
cysternwith all complete set
b) 25mm HDPE pipe for water supply 1.00 100.00 100.00 rm 57.07 5707.00
c) S/F of 20''*16'' Hand wash basin with
1.00 1.00 nos 7152.40 7152.40
installation and finishing
e) Brass tap for toilet 2.00 2.00 nos 264.00 528.00

Prepared By: Checked By: Recommended By: Approved By:

Jr.Er.Fatuma Khatun Er. Arun Poudel Sr.Er.Sharada Mohan Kafle. Chief Executive Officer
Officec of the Municipal Executive
Newroad , Pokhara
Province No.4, Nepal
Detail Estimate and Abstract of Cost
Name of project :- Building Construction Works F/Y :- 074/75
Site :- Bastola Samaj Ghar Hemja ,PLMC - 25 Date:- 2073-10-15
S.N Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
CGI sheet roofing including material collection (
10 1.00 4.11 2.59 10.64 Sq.m 828.34 8813.54
26 gauge)

4mm th.glaged window shutter with 38*75mm

local wood frame
Wood Fram works

Door (D1) 2.0 5.18 0.08 0.10 1.0

ventilation (v) 2.0 2.13 0.08 0.10 0.4
1.4 cum 5679.17 7950.838
38mm th. Sal Wood in panneled door & window
Door (D1) 2.0 0.76 1.83 2.8
2.8 sqm 12451.95 34865.46
4mm th . Glazed window shutter with 38*75mm
sal wood frame
ventilation (v) 2.0 0.61 0.46 0.6
0.6 sqm 8860.24 5316.144
12 Truss Work
i) Pipe 2" 4.00 3.05 5.03 61.37
ii) Rafter ( 1.5") 3.00 2.59 3.10 24.09
iii) Purling (1.5") 3.00 4.11 12.33
Sub total 1582759.51
3% Contengencies charge 47482.79
Total 1630242.30

Prepared By: Checked By: Recommended By: Approved By:

Jr.Er.Fatuma Khatun Er. Arun Poudel Sr.Er.Sharada Mohan Kafle. Chief Executive Officer
Project :- Chisapani Water Supply Works


Issued To:
Site Incharge: Fatuma Khatun

Site Name: Chisapani Water Supply Works

Chisapani tole Bikas sanstha,Pokhara - 13

Issuing Officer : Er. Dharma Raj Lamichhane.

Date of first entry:

Date of last entry: 074.05.04

Certified that this books contains 2 Page of pre - numbered measurement sheets.

Engineer Executive officer

Officec of the Municipal Executive
Province No.4, Nepal
Measurement Book
Name of project :- Chisapani Water Supply Works F/Y :- 073/74
Site :- Chisapani Tole Bikas sanstha,Pokhara - 13 Date:- 2074-05-02

S.N Description Height Length Breadth Av. Breadth Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Site Clearance Work 1.00 365.50 1.00 365.5 Sqm 18.54 6776.37
2 E/W excavation for pipe laying 1.00 365.50 0.30 0.61 66.9 Cum 494.40 33075.36
3 Supply & Fitting of 3"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 246.50 246.5 Rm 1225.00 301962.50
4 Supply & Fitting of 2"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 70.00 70.0 Rm 560.00 39200.00
5 Supply & Fitting of 1"Dia GI Pipe -M. 1.00 49.00 49.0 Rm 373.00 18277.00
6 Back Filling work with ordinary soil 1.00 365.50 0.30 0.61 66.9 Cum 150.00 10035.00
Necessary accessoriesitems for fitting the pipe 3% of Supply & Fitting of 1",2"&3"Dia GI
7 1.0 LS 10783.19 10783.19
like socket ,union,bends etc Pipe -M.
Total 420,109.42
contengecies @ 3% 12,603.28
Grand total 432,712.70

Prepared By: Checked By: Reccommended By: Approved By:


Pages Measured By Checked By Remarks

Name of work Done By
From To Name signature & date Name Signature & date

Jr.Er. Er.
Chisapani Water Supply
1 2 User's Commettee Fatuma Dharma Raj
Khatun Lamichhane
पोखरा लेखनाथ महानगरपालिका
नगरपालिकाको कायार्लय
न्यूरोड, कास्की
४ नं प्रदेश, नेपाल
–Renovation of shed & Const. of Compound wall sfo{
sfo{ k'/f ug]{ ldlt ;DkGg
– 2063/ / k|ltj]bg v'b nfu]sf] vr{ :- 98349.82
sfof{:yfg M–Chisapani Water Supply Works, Pokhara - 13 Estimate eGbf a9L jf 36L M– less
sfo{ ;"? ldlt M– 2074. 03.10 Estimated Amount :- 433380.07 36L jf a9Lsf] k|ltzt –
v'b nfu]sf] vr{ 433380.07 sfo{ ;DkGg ug]{ dfWod M– User's Commettee
l;=g+= ljj/0f O{li6d]6 cg';f/ v'b nfu]sf] vr{ km/s kg{ cfPsf] s}lkmot
kl/df0f b/ /sd kl/df0f b/ /sd kl/df0f k|ltzt /sd
1 Site Clearance Work 365.5 18.54 6776.37 365.5 18.54 6776.37 - -
2 E/W excavation for pipe laying 67.90 494.40 33572.47 67.90 494.40 33572.47

3 Supply & Fitting of 3"Dia GI Pipe -M. 246.5 1225.00 246.5 1225.00
301962.50 301962.50

4 Supply & Fitting of 2"Dia GI Pipe -M. 70.0 560.00 70.0 560.00
39200.00 39200.00 - -

5 Supply & Fitting of 1"Dia GI Pipe -M. 49.0 373.00 49.0 373.00
18277.00 18277.00 - -

6 Back Filling work with ordinary soil 67.9 150.00 67.9 150.00
10185.82 10185.82 - -
Necessary accessoriesitems for fitting
7 1.0 1.0
the pipe like socket ,union,bends etc 10783.2 10783.19 10783.2 10783.19 -
Total 420757.35 420757.35 - -
Contengencies 12,622.72 12,622.72 -
Grand Total 433380.07 433380.07 -

;fO6 O{Grfh{sf] ;xLM O{lGhlgo/ M sfo{sf/L clws[tM


s Commettee
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