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Module 10 Intersystem Communication Part 2: Background

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Integrative Programming and Technologies 1

Intersystem Communication Part 2

Module 10 Intersystem Communication Part 2

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Define the role of distributed component object model (dcom) cobra and
remote method invocation (rmi), in distributed processing.
2. Distinguish the layered approach that makes design, implementation, and
operation of extensive networks possible.


Socket Programming
The role of socket programming in communicating between systems and contrast the
protocols and uses of TCP/IP sockets and Datagram sockets. A socket is one of the most
fundamental technologies of computer networking. Sockets allow applications to
communicate using standard mechanisms built into network hardware and operating

 Three socket types are available:

 Stream sockets provide a bidirectional, reliable, sequenced, and unduplicated
flow of message data.
 Datagram sockets support bidirectional data flow, but don't guarantee that the
message data is sequenced, reliable, or unduplicated.
 Raw sockets give you access to the underlying communication protocols that
support socket abstractions.

Role of Socket programming

In a nutshell, a socket represents a single connection between exactly two pieces of
software. A socket provides a bidirectional communication endpoint for sending and
receiving data with another socket. Socket connections normally run between two different
computers on a LAN or across the Internet, but they can also be used for inter process
communication on a single computer.

Course Module
Integrative Programming and Technologies 1
Intersystem Communication Part 2

What do you need for socket communication?

Software applications that rely on the Internet and other computer networks continue to grow in

The following software packages rely on sockets:

Web browsers, instant messaging applications, peer to peer file sharing systems.

UDP versus TCP

Contrast the protocols and uses of TCP/IP sockets and Datagram sockets
There are two types of Internet Protocol (IP) traffic.
• TCP or Transmission Control Protocol
• UDP or User Datagram Protocol.

TCP is connection oriented – once a connection is established, data can be sent bidirectional. UDP
is a simpler, connectionless Internet protocol. Multiple messages are sent as packets in chunks
using UDP

Course Module
Integrative Programming and Technologies 1
Intersystem Communication Part 2

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Siewart, Sam & John Pratt. (2016). Real time embedded components and systems with
Linux and Rtos, O'Reilly Media

2. Johnson, Richard. (2017). An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented

Application Development, 1st Edition. Cengage Learning

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Neon:
2. UML Designer by Obeo Version 7.1.0 Neon:
Online Instructional Videos
1. History of virtual learning environments - Computer Info

Course Module

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