Cad Unit 1 PDF
Cad Unit 1 PDF
Cad Unit 1 PDF
• To understand various hardware and software that serve as
components of CAD system.
• To understand plotting, transformations techniques, geometric
• To understand graphic standards, finite element modeling and DBMS.
• Fundamentals of computer - configurations - workstations - data communications - input/output
devices, display technology, CAD software. Interactive graphics - point plotting techniques.
Transformations techniques, viewing operations: window, viewport and clipping.
• Visual realism : Hidden line/surface removal, shading and colour models. Computer drafting
through high level languages.
• Geometric modeling: Wireframe modeling, Surface modeling: Representation of curves and
surfaces, design of curves: cubic splines, bezier curves and B-spline, design of surfaces.
• Solid modeling: Constructive solid geometry (C-rep) and Boundary representation (B-rep).
Graphics standards: GKS, DXF and IGES standards - Parametric design programmes.
• Finite element modeling and analysis: types of analysis, degrees of freedom, element and
structure- stiffness equation, assembly procedure. Database concepts and data base management
systems - SQL.
• Summarize the concepts and applications of CAD.
• Elaborate fundamental of computers, networks, transformations
techniques, geometric modeling solid modeling and finite element
• Distinguish various concepts and techniques used for Product design
and to develop product design skills.
Fundamentals of computer
• An electronic device that receives data, processes
data, stores data, and produces a result (output).
• Classified by size, speed and application.
• Uses hardware and software.
• Comes in different types.
Types of Personal Computers
• The tangible, physical equipment that can be seen and touched such as:
• Computer Case
• Monitor
• Keyboard and Mouse
• Disk Drive
• Speakers
Components directly attached to the motherboard include:
• Chipset
Motherboard • Random-Access Memory(RAM)
• Read-Only Memory(ROM)
• BIOS(Basic Input Output System)
• Buses
• Ports
The Parts of a Computer
• CPU (Central Processing Unit)
• The “brains” of the computer housed on a tiny silicon chip inside the computer case.
• Floppy Disk Drive
• CD-ROM/DVD Drive • Keyboard
• Monitor (SVGA)- • Mouse
Super Video Graphics Array • Speakers
• Printer
• Scanner
Input Devices
Monitor: screen that displays
information such as text,
numbers, and
Softcopy from
Output Printer: gives you
the computer
in printed
Devices pictures. form of
Processing Device
Storage Devices
• Hard Disk Drive: used to store data inside of the computer.
• Magnetic platter that holds a large amount of information in a form the computer can understand.
• Floppy Disk: flat circles of iron oxide-coated plastic enclosed in a hard plastic case.
• Most are 3 ½ inches and have a capacity to hold 1.44 MB or more of data.
• CD ROM Drive: a compact disk that reads only memory.
• CD-RW: a device that allows you to read and write to a compact disk
Storage Devices
Types of • Operating System Softwares
• Sets the rules for how computer hardware and
Softwares application software work together, controls
the operation of the computer.
• Example: Windows
• Application Softwares
• Lets you accomplish specific tasks based on
your needs.
• Examples: MS Word, Excel, Access, MS
• Engineering workstations are computer systems with adequate computing power, based on 32 or
64 bit microprocessors. Workstations are typically divided into two broad categories:
• Low-end and high-end workstations.
• Low-end work stations generally consist of personal computers. Appropriate software and special
hardware like graphics accelerator cards are added to these for boosting the performance. Personal
computers have the additional advantage of being able to run a substantial amount of software such
as programs for analysis, database management, etc.
• High-end workstations are designed around one or more powerful RISC processors.
• Examples of such processors are PA-RISC (Precision Architecture- Reduced Instruction Set
Computer), MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second), and SPARC (Scalable Processor
Architecture) etc. Hardware in these systems generally consists of high resolution graphics display
of 1024 X 1024 pixels, or more, a processor capable of 2 to 4 MIPS or more and 512 MB to 8GB
core memory and mass storage in the range of 36-146 GB (Giga Byte), with optional magnetic tape
back up.
• Workstations consist of three basic components:
• A primary processor
• Associated memory
• Graphics display system and software
Workstation Usages
• Engineering applications (CAD/CAM)
• Desktop publishing
• Software development.
• Other types of applications that require a moderate amount of
computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities.
• The server stores data and the
programs (operating system and
application programs) in a part of its
primary memory.
• The remaining part of this memory
acts as the working storage and
buffer storage for input and output.
The contents of this memory are lost
when the power is switched off and
therefore it is called volatile
memory. This memory is called
Random Access Memory (RAM) or
read-write Memory.
• Another type of primary memory is
the Read Only Memory (ROM) in
which some programs stay resident.
These programs are permanently
stored by the computer
• The Basic Input/Output System
Hardware Configuration (BIOS) is usually stored in ROM.
Data Communications
• Computers need to communicate with printers, terminals and other computers. This kind of
input/output is typically called data communications, since streams of data are transferred between
sources and destinations.
• This flow must be synchronized. This is typically done under the control of “handshaking”
conventions that use either dedicated hardware lines or special character sequences.
• Some popular devices for transferring digital data are considered below:
i. Parallel interface
ii. Serial RS 232 data link
iii. IEEE 488 interface bus (also called General Purpose Interface Bus - GPIB)
iv. USB port
v. Modems
vi. Computer to computer communications.
Parallel interface
• A parallel interface is one that moves information 8 bits or more at a time. Centronics printer
interface is a standard parallel interface. This interface allows data to be transferred to a printer, 8
bits at a time.
• Fig. shows the timing diagram of a Centronics parallel interface. When the computer sends a byte
of data to the printer it also sends a pulse down the strobe line.
• When the printer has read the data byte and is ready to accept another, it acknowledges that fact by
sending back a pulse on the ACKNLG Line. IBM PC typically uses the BUSY line for
handshaking in a polled mode.
• RS-232 is a serial transmission mode which is a voltage level convention. While the current loop
signal can be sent over large distances and can be easily implemented using opto-isolators which
prevents wiring mistakes from doing any damage, RS-232 may cause hardware damage if
improperly connected.
• The RS-232 is rated for distances only up to 15 m. This is often used for terminal-modem and
terminal-computer connections.
• Universal Serial Bus (USB), the most successful interconnecting port in computer history so far is
a connectivity specification developed by Intel and other technology leaders.
• It operates at a speed of 480 Mbps and is used in millions of PCs and mobile devices. USB is now
a standard feature in all PCs. Using USB port one can plug standard peripherals as well as devices
like portable computing devices, cell phones, digital cameras and MP3 players to PCs. High speed
wireless USBs also have a bandwidth of 480 Mbps
• It is often necessary to communicate between workstations at different locations separated by a
considerable distance. In such cases an interface element called modem can be used at each end of
a data transmission channel.
• A modem is a modulation - demodulation device that converts the discrete stream of digital pulses
to variable analog wave patterns which can be transmitted over telephone lines and at the digital
data from the transmitted signal (demodulation).
• A design office can make use of a number of different computer systems and peripherals. The
networking of this computers enables the sharing of peripherals, application software and
• Across the network the users can also communicate or transfer data or files.
• The networking if restricted to short distances, say a department or a building, is called a Local
Area Network (LAN). A LAN is a system made from the following building blocks that can be
added or configured as needed:
• Network server
• Network interface card
• Storage disc
• Connecting Cable
• Workstations
• LAN’s use special systems to manage the shared resources on the network. These systems are
called servers.
• A server is a combination of hardware and software. A hardware can be a personal computer like a
Pentium or a more powerful RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) based workstation or a
• The central mass storage disc contains the files and programs that are shared by the designers.
Typically a LAN server may require at least 20 to 200 GB of storage space.
• In order to communicate to a computer, an interface card with the components necessary for
sending and receiving messages has to be plugged into the computer.
• This printed circuit board is called the network interface card or network adapter. The computers to
be connected in a LAN may include personal computers of different families, workstations and
• Each device in the network is attached to a transmission cable so that messages can be sent from
one device to another.
LAN Topologies
Wireless LAN (WLAN)
• Wireless LAN extends the reach of existing wired networks through high frequency radio waves to
the entire organization. This is also known as Wi-Fi.
• IEEE 802.11 is the set of standards for Wireless Local Area Networks. Each computer, mobile,
portable or fixed is referred to as a station in 802.11. Portable stations can be used only at fixed
• Mobile stations can access the LAN even while moving.
• When two or more stations come together to communicate with each other, they constitute a basic
service set (BSS). A BSS that stands alone (not connected to a base) is called an Independent Basic
Service Set (IBSS). It is also referred to as an Ad-Hoc network.
• In an ad-hoc network stations are connected only peer to peer. Two or more BSS’s are
interconnected using a Distribution System (DS). Entry into DS is accomplished using an Access
Point (AP).
• Large and complex networks could be created using several BSS’s and DS’s.
Display Technology
• The distinguishing feature of a graphics workstation is the graphics board which
does the display generation and manipulation. The graphics subsystem contains
the following sections.
• The geometry engine accepts 3-D world co-ordinate data and converts them into X, Y screen co-
ordinates. Depth information is manipulated using Z-buffer. Colors are also processed. The
geometry pipeline facilitates among other functions lighting, clipping, and 3D to 2D projection,
viewing transformations, rotation, scaling and translation.
• The scan conversion subsystem carries out polygon decomposition, edge slope calculations, span
slope calculations and span interpolation.
• The output of the scan conversion is the pixel information to the raster subsystem.
• The raster subsystem will have usually 24 bit planes. This will provide eight bit planes for each
primary color (RGB) so that (28) shades of a single color can thus obtain.
• Since the different colors are obtained by the three primary colors a total of (28) 3 colors are
available on the screen.
• In a typical raster engine five 256K X 4D RAM provide 4 bits of Z-depth. The raster information is
stored in the frame buffer. Twenty 64 K X 4 video RAM provide 4 bits for each pixel of 1280 X
1024 resolution. Entry level systems will have 12 bit planes and high end systems will have 32 bit
planes for the frame buffer.
• These provide the color and depth for the images.
• The display subsystem has multi-mode graphics processors which manage the display, send the
Red, Green, Blue color (RGB) data to the respective digital to analog converters as well as provide
a video output.
• Interactive graphics is an important component of CAD providing a window through which the
communication with the computer can be realized. Such systems which enable communication
between the human operators and the computer are called “userfriendly” or simply friendly
• In an interactive graphics session, the user constructs a geometric model by specifying points,
lines, arcs and circles on the screen.
• When each command is issued, the software will request additional data often supplying some of
the information needed. There is always a “HELP” feature which the designer can consult if he is
in doubt. Technically the model is the mathematical representation of the diagram in the computer
data base.
Cathode Ray
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
• CRT is a glass enclosed tube in which a finely focused
electron beam is deflected to a phosphor coated
screen. The screen then glows to produce a visible
trace when excited by impinging electrons.
• The position of the visible trace on the CRT screen is
controlled by a focusing system and a set of horizontal
and vertical deflection plates.
• To maintain brightness of the portion of the screen for
along time, the phosphor must be repeatedly activated
or refreshed by the electron beam. If not, a condition
called flicker will occur causing image to fade
between the refresh cycles on the screen.
• The maximum number of points that can be displayed
without overlap on a CRT is referred to as the
Storage Tube (Direct View Storage Tube-DVST)
• Instead of refreshing screen, it Keeps information inside CRT
• Picture information is stored as charge distribution behind the phosphorous screen
• Two electron guns are used in DVST, the primary gun and flood gun
• Primary helps is storing picture patterns and flood gun maintain picture display
• No refresh requires, can display complex high resolution picture without flicker
• Usually doesn’t display colors
• Part of a picture can’t be refreshed (redrawn)
• Erasing old picture and redrawing modified picture could take seconds
• Replaced by raster displays
• Also called random, calligraphic
or stroke display.
• Generates picture by directing
electron beams to random points
on the screen, and connecting
them in vector form.
• Low persistence phosphor- has to
be refreshed many times per
second to avoid flickering.
• Requires display buffer and
display controller in addition to
• Vector generator transforms data
into corresponding positions of the
beam on the screen
Raster Scan Displays
• A fixed scan pattern: left to right, top to bottom.
• As beam sweeps across entire face of CRT, beam intensity changes to reflect brightness.
• Your program makes decisions about the intensity signal at the pace of the CPU.
• The screen is “painted” at the pace of the electron gun scanning the raster.
• special memory to buffer image with scan-out synchronous to the raster. We call this the frame
• Stair stepped effect of diagonal lines called aliasing effect.
Flat-Panel Displays
• The term Flat-Panel display refers to a class of video displays that have reduced volume, weight
and power requirements compared to a CRT. Example: small TV monitors, laptop, an
advertisement board in elevators, etc.
• Flat-Panel displays are categorized into Emissive and Non-emissive displays.
• The Emissive displays (or emitters) are devices that convert electrical energy into light. Eg.
Plasma panels, light-emitting diode, etc.
• Non-emissive displays (or non-emitters) use optical effects to convert sunlight or light from some
other source into graphics patters. The most important example is a liquid-crystal device.
• Plasma Panels, are also called Gas-Discharge Displays, are constructed by filling the region
between two glass plates with a mixture of gases that usually includes neon. A series of vertical
conducting ribbons is placed on one glass panel, and a set of horizontal ribbon is built into the
other hand.
Flat-Panel Displays
• Thin-Film Electroluminescent Displays are similar in construction to a Plasma Panel. The
difference is that the region between the glass plates is filled with a phosphor, such as zinc sulfide
doped with manganese, instead of a gas.
• LED is a matrix of diodes arranged to form the pixel positions in the display and picture definition
is stored in a refresh buffer.
• Liquid-Crystal Displays (LCDs) are commonly used in small systems, such as calculators and
portable laptop computers. They produce a picture by passing polarized light from the
surroundings or from an internal light source through a liquid-crystal material that can be aligned
to either block or transmit the light.
• Virtual reality, artificial reality, cyber space or telepresence.
• The graphic display changes dynamically in response to body
• Depending on market, tools, functionalities and flexibilities provided by software, they are
classified into four types as follows:
• Low end: Not sophisticated, products are not complex, smaller number of parts whose
geometry is not complicated. Eg: AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, CADKEY.
• Mid range: complex modelling needs, number of parts per product is large enough, supports
design and manufacturing applications. Eg: Solid Works, Pro/E, MasterCAM.
• High end: Modelling, analysis and manufacturing of complex products such as airplanes,
cars, etc. Eg: Unigraphics, Parasolid, CATIA, I-DEAS.
• Specialized: provides very robust and universal geometric modelling and graphics kernel
that companies can license to build fully functional CAD/CAM systems. Eg: ACIS ( Spatial
Corp.) , Parasolid (EDS).
Point plotting techniques
• Point plotting is accomplished by converting a single coordinate position furnished by an
application program into appropriate operations for the output device.
• A Random-Scan (Vector) System stores point-plotting instructions in the display list, and
coordinate values in these instructions are converted to deflection voltages that position the
electron beam at the screen locations to be plotted during each refresh cycle.
• For a black-and-white raster system, a point is plotted by setting the bit value corresponding to a
specified screen position within the frame buffer to 1. Then, as the electron beam sweeps across
each horizontal scan line, it emits a burst of electrons (plots a point) whenever a value of 1 is
encountered in the frame buffer.
• With an RGB system, the frame buffer is loaded with the color codes for the intensities that are to
be displayed at the screen pixel positions.
Transformations techniques
• Translation
• Rotation
• Scaling
• Reflection
• Shearing
• Rotate the rectangle formed by the points P1(1,1), P2 (2,1), P3(2,3),
P4(1,3) 30 CCW about the point S(3,2).
Coordinate system transformation-Viewing
• We need to understand that our CAD model is defined within a world or global coordinate system
(WCS), usually 3D, but we view it through a flat screen which will have its own device coordinate
system (DCS).
• This is usually done through a neutral stage or a virtual or normalized coordinate system (NCS).
• A world-coordinate area selected for display is called a window.
• An area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called a viewport.