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Supreme Court

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Republic of the Philippines That by reason and on the occasion of the Robbery,

SUPREME COURT the above-named accused, in conspiracy with each

Manila other, with intent to kill and with the use of said deadly
weapons, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
THIRD DIVISION feloniously attack, assault and stab with said deadly
weapons CCC, eleven (11) years of age, BBB,
G.R. No. 187152               July 22, 2009 sixteen (16) years of age, and DDD, fifteen (15) years
of age, all minors at the time of the commission of the
offense, hitting them on the different parts of their
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-appellee,
bodies, thereby inflicting upon the victim CCC mortal
stab wounds which directly caused his death; and
TEODULO VILLANUEVA, JR., Accused-Appellant.
serious physical injuries to victims BBB and DDD,
thus, the accused performed all the acts of execution
DECISION which would have caused their deaths as a
consequence, but did not produce it by reason of
CHICO-NAZARIO, J.: causes independent of the will of the accused, that is,
due to the timely able medical assistance rendered to
For Review under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of said BBB and DDD, which prevented their death, the
Court is the Decision1 dated 30 September 2008 of said crimes having been attended by the qualifying
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 02540, circumstances of treachery, evident premeditation and
entitled People of the Philippines v. Teodulo superior strength, aggravated by the circumstances of
Villanueva, Jr. y Declaro, affirming the unlawful entry and dwelling, to the damage and
Decision2 rendered by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) prejudice of the victims and their heirs;
of Pasig City, Branch 159, in Criminal Case No.
124834-H (I.S. No. TGG 02-13384), finding accused- That, further, by reason or on the occasion of the said
appellant Teodulo Villanueva, Jr. y Declaro guilty Robbery, the above-named accused Joel Alog Reyes
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Robbery with @ Puppet, in the presence and in conspiracy with his
Homicide. co-accused and of one another by means of force and
intimidation and with lewd designs and intent to cause
In an Amended Information3 filed with Branch 159 of or gratify his sexual desire, abuse, humiliate and
the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, appellant degrade BBB, sixteen (16) years of age, a minor, did
Teodulo Villanueva, Jr. y Declaro, accused Joel then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
"Alog" Reyes alias "Puppet," Russel San Marcos commit lascivious conduct, a form of sexual abuse,
Pasangco alias "Ortego," and Kokak San Marcos upon said BBB, by then and there, trying to remove
Pasangco were charged with Robbery with Homicide her underwear, against her will and consent, thus
under Article 294, paragraph 1, of the Revised Penal constituting child abuse, which acts debase, degrade
Code as amended by Section 9 of Republic Act No. or demean her intrinsic worth and dignity as a human
7659, in relation to Section 5(A and J) of Republic Act being, thus aggravating further the crime of robbery
No. 8369. with homicide.5

The Information charging accused-appellant reads: At the arraignment on 10 February 2003, both
accused-appellant and his co-accused Joel Alog
AMENDED INFORMATION Reyes appeared in court, duly assisted by counsel de
oficio. After reading the Information in open court and
That on or about the 6th day of December 2002 in the translating the same into Tagalog, a dialect spoken
Municipality of XXX, XXX, Philippines and within the and understood by the accused, and after having
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named been apprised of the nature and consequences of the
accused, in conspiracy with one John Doe @ "Abet" charge against them, accused-appellant pleaded NOT
whose true name, identity and present whereabout GUILTY. His co-accused Joel "Alog" Reyes pleaded
[sic] is still unknown, after effecting an unlawful entry GUILTY to the crime charged in the Information. 6 In
into the dwelling of one AAA,4 with the use of deadly view of the plea of guilty of accused Joel Alog Reyes
bladed weapons, with intent to gain and by means of and the finding that he was guilty beyond reasonable
force, violence, and intimidation, did then and there doubt of the crime of Robbery with Homicide, said
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, rob and accused-appellant was sentenced to suffer reclusion
divest the following items to wit: perpetua and ordered to pay the sum of Fifty
Thousand (₱50,000.00) Pesos arising from the death
Four (4) Gold Necklaces of the victim, DDD.

Three (3) Women’s Gold Necklaces The trial court issued a warrant of arrest against
Kokak San Marcos and John Doe alias "Abet," and
ordering the revival of the case against them upon
Three (3) Men’s Gold Bracelets arrest. Russel San Marcos Pasangco alias "Ortego,"
detained in the Bureau of Corrections in Muntinlupa
Three (3) Assorted Gold Rings since 28 June 2003, is now standing trial.

all valued at Php 82,000.00, all belonging to said AAA Pre-trial conference was held and terminated on 6
and one (1) 5210 cellphone worth Php 8,000.00 May 2003, where the parties narrowed down the
belonging to one BBB, all in the total amount of Php issues to:
90,000.00, to the damage and prejudice of the owners
thereof in the aforementioned amount of Php
(a) Whether or not the accused Teodulo Villanueva, Accused-appellant Teodulo Villanueva, Jr. denied the
Jr. in conspiracy with the accused Joel Alog [Reyes], accusations against him, with the defense presenting
who had been previously convicted, committed the him (24 years old), his co-accused Joel Alog Reyes,
acts constituting robbery with homicide in relation to and Omar Villanueva (32 years old) as witnesses.
Section 5 (a & j) of Republic Act No. 8369; and
The defense witnesses narrated their version in this
(b) Whether or not the private complainant is entitled manner:
to damages.7
On 6 December 2002, around 7:30 o’clock in the
After pre-trial, trial on the merits ensued. The morning, accused-appellant Teodulo Villanueva was
prosecution presented the following witnesses: BBB at home sleeping when all of a sudden, his brother
(17 years old), DDD (16 years old), Dr. Roberto woke him up to tell him that their barangay officials
Garcia (62 years old), Police Officer 2 Ehron Balauat wanted to see him. Accused-appellant was then
(32 years old), Dr. Paul Ed dela Cruz Ortiz (35 years invited to the barangay hall to answer some questions
old, Medico-Legal Officer), and AAA (45 years old, regarding the stabbing incident that occurred that
mother of the victims). The Office of the Solicitor morning. By 12:00 o’clock noon, he was sent home.
General summarized the version of the prosecution as After an hour, he was again invited to the barangay
follows: hall wherein his photographs were taken. He was
thereafter brought to the municipal hall with another
Between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 o’clock in the person for further investigation. Both were asked to
morning of 6 December 2002, AAA left their house at sign a document, which purportedly evidenced their
XXX St., XXX District, XXX City to buy bread at the release. The next day, accused appellant was
nearby bakery. She left her children CCC (11 years arrested while attending the wake of the victim of the
old), BBB (16 years old) and DDD (15 years old), who stabbing incident. He was again taken to the
were still sleeping.8 At around the same time, accused municipal hall and incarcerated since then. Another
Joel Alog Reyes alias "Puppet," accused-appellant suspect Joel Alog Reyes alias "Puppet" was brought
Teodulo Villanueva and three other male companions to trial, during which he admitted to having committed
entered AAA’s house, taking several pieces of jewelry the crime and stated that he was alone in committing
with them, to wit: (a) four gold necklaces; (b) three said crime.12
women’s gold necklaces; (c) three men’s gold
bracelets; and (d) three assorted gold rings. The On 15 June 2006, the trial court convicted13 accused-
group also took a Nokia 5210 cellular phone appellant of Robbery with Homicide and sentenced
belonging to BBB. The valuables amounted to him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, ruling
₱90,000.00. A few minutes thereafter, BBB, who was in this wise:
sleeping in the living room with her brother CCC, was
awakened when she felt a pillow pressed upon her WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, this Court
face. Afterwards, somebody pulled down her shorts. finds the accused Teodulo Villanueva, Jr. y Declaro
BBB resisted. She was then stabbed at the back three guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
times. BBB forced herself to stand up and saw Joel in robbery with homicide and the accused is hereby
front of her. BBB also saw accused-appellant standing sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua
near their dining table. BBB shouted. Thereafter, BBB and to further indemnify the heirs of CCC the amount
saw accused-appellant holding his brother of ₱75,000 as civil indemnity, ₱50,000 as moral
CCC.9 Upon hearing his sister’s cries for help, DDD damages and ₱25,000 as exemplary damages. He is
went out of his room to see what was happening. He further ordered to return to AAA the items he and his
saw CCC lying down bleeding with stab wounds. BBB co-accused had stolen from her or in restitution, to
then ran to DDD’s room and opened the room’s pay the amount of ₱90,000 representing the total
window and shouted for help. Meanwhile, DDD, who value of the stolen items as charged in the
ran to the living room, was also stabbed by Joel Alog information.
Reyes.10 BBB’s cries for help were heard by her Uncle
Boy, who immediately went to their house. Her Let a warrant of arrest against Kokak San Marcos and
grandmother and mother also arrived a little later. John Doe alias "Abet" be issued. The case against
CCC was initially brought to the Erlinda Hospital, but them is hereby ARCHIVED to be revived upon their
was transferred to Rizal Medical Hospital, where he arrest. Upon the other hand, considering that Russel
expired. The siblings DDD and BBB were taken to the San Marcos Pasangco alias "Ortego" was already
Cruz-Rabe Hospital, moved to the Rizal Provincial detained in the Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City
Hospital, and thereafter transferred to Medical City. since June 28, 2003 as per certification issued by
Juanito S. Leopando, PHD, Penal Superintendent IV
Both BBB and DDD were given medical assistance by dated January 17, 2006 the case against him is
Dr. Roberto Garcia, who found that BBB suffered four hereby REVIVED and ordered to re-raffle pursuant to
stab wounds: first, at the left side at her back; second, A.M. No. 02-11-17-SC.14
at the right side at her back; third, at her elbow; and
fourth, at her left forearm. According to Dr. Garcia, Accused-appellant filed a Notice of Appeal. In his
without the timely medical attention, the wounds appeal to the Court of Appeals, accused-appellant
would have caused her to bleed profusely leading to questioned the RTC conviction, claiming that the
her death.11 With respect to DDD, Dr. Garcia found prosecution failed to establish his guilt as a
that he suffered two stab wounds: first, at the left side conspirator beyond reasonable doubt. The defense
of his back; second, at his left thigh. Without timely argues that the inconsistencies in the testimonies of
medical attention, the same would have resulted in the victims BBB and of her brother DDD cast serious
DDD’s death due to bleeding. doubt on the credibility of their identification of
On 30 September 2008, the Court of Appeals affirmed in the morning on 6 December 2002. The victims were
the RTC conviction, disposing as follows: all still asleep at that time, while AAA was out buying
bread in a nearby bakery. BBB was awakened from
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing premises, her sleep upon realizing that somebody was covering
the instant appeal is hereby DISMISSED.15 her face with a pillow, and pulling down her shorts and
attempting to defile her. She resisted and shouted for
In his brief, accused-appellant ascribes to the trial help, resulting in her being stabbed by Joel Alog
court the lone error: Reyes. The succeeding commotion ensued with her
brothers also being stabbed, resulting in the death of
CCC. Thereafter, BBB ran inside her brother’s
bedroom to shout for help, upon which the criminals
left their residence. Their house was in disarray, and
some personal belongings were missing. It is only but
logical to conclude that the main purpose of the
criminals was to rob the victims of their personal
belongings. In committing the robbery, one of the
criminals attempted to defile BBB, which triggered the
commotions and resulted in the stabbing and death of
The petition fails. CCC.

Accused-appellant is charged with Robbery with Accused-appellant raises the defense of alibi and
Homicide, defined and penalized under Article 294, maintains the absence of conspiracy. He denies being
paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code: at the scene of the crime and asserts that he was
sleeping at home at the time the crime happened. He
Any person guilty of robbery with the use of violence further claims that presence at the crime scene is, per
against or intimidation of any person shall suffer: se, not a sufficient indicium of conspiracy, unless
proved to have been motivated by a common design.
1. the penalty of, from reclusion perpetua to death,
when by reason or on occasion of the robbery, the For alibi to prosper, it must strictly meet the
crime of homicide shall have been committed; requirements of time and place. It is not enough to
prove that the accused was somewhere else when
Our criminal justice system takes the stand that the the crime was committed, but it must also be
prosecution has the burden of proving the guilt of the demonstrated that it was physically impossible for him
accused beyond reasonable doubt. If the prosecution to have been at the crime scene at the time the crime
fails to discharge that burden, the accused need not was committed.17 In this case, the alibi of accused-
present any evidence. From the foregoing, the appellant is not airtight. The distance between the
prosecution must be able to establish the essential house of accused-appellant and the house of the
elements of robbery with homicide, to wit: (a) the victims, where the crime occurred, can be negotiated
taking of personal property with the use of violence or in a few minutes’ walk. Moreover, the crime happened
intimidation against a person; (b) the property belongs between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning. Accused-
to another; (c) the taking is characterized by animo appellant claims to have been sleeping at his home in
lucrandi; and (d) by reason of the robbery or on the XXX at 7:30 in the morning of said day. The evidence
occasion thereof, homicide (used in its generic sense) reveals, however, that it was not physically impossible
is committed.16 for accused-appellant to have been at the crime
scene at the time the crime was committed
The evidence on record shows that on 6 December considering that the distance (about 100 meters
2002, at around 7:00 o’clock in the morning, Joel Alog away) between accused-appellant’s house and the
Reyes, together with accused-appellant and other crime scene could have been traversed in a span of a
male companions, entered AAA’s residence at xxx. few minutes.
BBB was awakened when she felt somebody covering
her face with a pillow while her shorts were being Accused-appellant attempts to impugn the credibility
pulled down. Upon resisting, she saw Joel Alog of the prosecution witnesses by accusing them of
Reyes, who then stabbed her at the back. She stood inconsistencies in their testimonies in court vis-a-vis
up, shouted for help, and saw her brother CCC being their statements in the affidavits. Casting doubt on the
held by accused-appellant. DDD, upon hearing his credibility of the witnesses, the defense alleges that
sister scream for help, went out of his room, but was the affidavits of the prosecution’s two primary
then stabbed by Joel Alog Reyes. BBB went to her witnesses, BBB and DDD, point to the presence of
brother’s room and shouted for help near the window. only one assailant, who was already positively
BBB’s uncle and his companions arrived at the crime identified by BBB as Joel Alog Reyes.
scene, but Joel Alog Reyes and the rest of his
companions were already gone. The victims were According to the defense, the court testimonies of
robbed of the following: four gold necklaces; three BBB and DDD are inconsistent with their affidavits. In
women’s gold necklaces; three men’s gold bracelets; narrating the events, BBB testified:
three assorted gold rings, all valued at ₱82,000.00;
one Nokia 5210 cellphone worth ₱8,000.00, totaling Q Now, when you saw Joel Alog Reyes alias
₱90,000.00. Puppet inside the Sala, what did you do, if you
did anything?
The accounts of the witnesses indicate that the
accused went to the victims’ residence with robbery in A I shouted.
mind. The robbery took place between 7:00 and 7:30
Q Aside from Joel Alog Reyes and your A Yes, ma’am.
brother, was there any other person inside the
Sala other than them? Q What happened after that?

A There was. A I ran to the room.

Q And what was he doing at that time? Pros. Sagun –

A That person was standing near the dining Q And what did you do inside the room?
A I opened the window and begun shouting?
Q Was that the first time you saw that person
you saw standing near the dining table? Q And after that, after you shouted, what
A Yes, ma’am.
A I saw my uncles coming to our house.
Q If you see him again, will you be able to
identify him? Q And can you tell us the name of your uncle
who went to your house?
A Yes, ma’am.
A Tito Boy and Mac-Mac, the spouse of my
Court Interpreter – cousin.

Witness pointing to a man on the right side of Court –

the courtroom, seated on the middle of the
two other persons wearing yellow t-shirt with What happened as you have said earlier your
marking Levis Jeans, who answered by the brother came out, what happened?
name of Teodulo Villanueva.
A He was also stabbed by Puppet.
Pros. Sagun -
Pros. Sagun –
Q What else did Joel Alog do with you, if he
did anything?
Q And this Puppet is one of the accused
A No more because when I shouted, my
brother RJ came out of his room.
A Yes, ma’am.
Q By the way, who stabbed you at the back?
Q After he was stabbed, what happened next?
A It was Puppet, ma’am.
A I did not know what happened anymore
because I was already inside the room.
Q And while you were being stabbed by
Puppet, what was Teodulo Villanueva doing at
Q And you said that this Teodulo Villanueva
that time?
was also at the place or at the room where
you were stabbed, right?
A I do not know what was he doing because
there was a pillow covered on my face. When
A Yes, ma’am.
I stood up, that is the only time I saw him.
Q What was he doing when your brother was
Q And at that time you were not yet stabbed
stabbed by Joel Reyes?
when you stood up and the pillow was
removed from your face?
A He was holding one of my brothers.
A I was already.
Q What is the name of your brother?
Court –
A Jordan.
The pillow was already on your face, when
you were stabbed? Q And this brother of yours held by Teodulo
Villanueva is the one at the time with you
before your other brother came into the room,
A Even before I was stabbed, the pillow was
already on my face.
A No, ma’am, I was with him in the Sala.
Pros. Sagun –
Q And who was sleeping with you, right?
Q You said that you shouted and your brother
came into the Sala, right?
A Yes, ma’am.
Q And what happened to Jordan that was A I do not know, sir.
being held by Teodulo Villanueva, do you
know what happened to him? Q Who was the first person who arrived to
give you help?
A I do not know what happened.
A I do not know, sir, who arrived first.
Q Because you were already at that time
entered the room and shouted for help? Q How long did you stay in the room before
going out of the room?
A Yes, ma’am.18
A About two minutes, sir.
Atty. Lim –
Q What happened when you went out after
From the time the pillow was removed on your two minutes?
face, how long did it take you to get inside the
room of your younger brother DDD? How long A I saw DDD, my tita and Mac-Mac.
or how fast?
Q A while ago you were asked by the
A A minute. Honorable Prosecutor regarding the fact of
stabbing of DDD, your younger brother, you
Q So, it took about one minute from the time said that prior to your entering the room you
you woke up knowing that there was said you saw Joel Alog stabbing him, isn’t it?
somebody putting pillow or put a pillow on
your face up to the time you enter the room A Yes, sir.
and locked it, it took you about two minutes,
more or less? Atty. Lim –

A Siguro po. Q But that is not correct, isn’t it, because also
upon my questioning, you said that you never
Q What do you mean by "siguro"? saw the stabbing of DDD by Joel Alog, isn’t it?

A Hindi ko naman po nao-orasan yun.

Atty. Lim –
Q But it could be approximately correct
looking back? I think there was a hanging question, Your
A Yes, sir.
Q "Q – A while ago you were asked by the
Q You lock the door and DDD and Jordan Honorable Prosecutor regarding the fact of
were left inside the sala? stabbing of DDD, your younger brother, you
said that prior to your entering the room you
A Yes, sir. said you saw Joel Along stabbing him, isn’t it?
Your answer was, "Yes, sir." "My question is
but that is not correct, isn’t it, because also
Q From the time you locked the door, you do
upon my questioning, you said that you never
not know what is happening?
saw the stabbing of DDD by Joel Alog, isn’t it?
A Yes, sir.
A No, sir.
Q You don’t know what happened to DDD and
Q You also stated that you saw accused
Teodulo Villanueva near the table merely
standing there during the direct-examination,
A Yes, sir. isn’t it?

Atty. Lim – A Yes, sir.

Q You did not even see that they were Q But the truth of the matter Miss Witness is,
stabbed, you only know that they were it is also not the truth because Teodulo
stabbed when you came out of the room and Villanueva was never in the place or was
persons arriving thereat, is that correct? never in that house of yours where the
incident allegedly happened on December
A Yes, sir. 2002, isn’t it?

Q Could you please tell us, from the time you Prosec. Yson -
entered the room at about approximately what
time did the first person to help you arrive in Already answered, Your Honor.
the house?
Already answered. Sagot: Wala na po.21

Atty. Lim - The Court is aware of the general rule that if there is
an inconsistency between the affidavit and the
I am confronting her with her testimony. To testimony of a witness, the latter should be given
test her accuracy, Your Honor. more weight since affidavits being taken ex parte are
usually incomplete and inaccurate. The Court likewise
Court: subscribes to the doctrine that where the
discrepancies are irreconcilable and unexplained and
they dwell on material points, such inconsistencies
Already answered. She said that she was.
necessarily discredit the veracity of the witness’
claim.22 Indeed, the certainty as to the presence of the
Atty. Lim - accused in the crime scene and eyewitness
identification are not just trivial matters but constitute
That was on the direct-examination, Your vital evidence, which in most cases are determinative
Honor. of the success or failure of the prosecution. The
inconsistency concerned cannot simply be brushed
Prosec. Yson - aside. Although the general rule is that contradictions
between a witness’s statements in an affidavit and his
She answered again, yes. testimony do not necessarily discredit him. Where the
purported inconsistency concerns points of
Atty. Lim - importance, the same cannot simply be ascribed to
failure to remember, for which reason the witness’s
I never heard her answer. credibility becomes suspect.23 1avvphi1

Prosec. Yson - Corollary to this point, where any inconsistency has

been sufficiently explained and stands the rigorous
tests of direct and cross-examination, such will not
It is on the record, she said yes. discredit the credibility of the witness, as in this case.
Judicial notice can be taken of the fact that
A She was there, sir. testimonies given during trial are much more exact
and elaborate than those stated in sworn statements.
Atty. Lim – When asked why she said "wala na po" to the
question propounded above, BBB explained that she
Q Do you know that if you tell a lie and you was in a confused state of mind at the time her
are caught lying you could be prosecuted? affidavit was taken, and that she was worried about
the condition of her two brothers who were stabbed. It
Court: is also clear that her statement was taken right after
the incident, when she was undergoing treatment for
That was not necessary. She knows. her stabbing.

Atty. Lim – The alleged inconsistencies between the statements

of DDD in his affidavit and those in court, however,
are more imagined than real. In its maneuvering to
I am trying to find out conclusively whether
engender doubt as to accused-appellant’s presence
she knows.
at the crime scene, the defense harps on the fact that
the witness never indicated in his affidavit that there
Court: were other male persons involved in the crime, as
may be gleaned from the following:
There is no basis for such manifestation.
Q You never mentioned to the police
Atty. Lim – investigator investigating the case and taking
your statement that there were many other
Your Honor, my client’s life at least forty years male persons who participated in this crime,
will be wasted. I do not see any reason why I isn’t it?
could not ask that.
A Hindi po kasi gulong-gulo po ang isip ko
Court: noong panahon iyon.24

Because there is no basis for making such a This statement is in no way inconsistent with
statement. She has been answering all the DDD’s testimony in identifying accused-
questions. Answer the question. appellant as one of the perpetrators of the
crime; such statement does not exclude him
A Yes, sir.20 as an assailant. Moreover, the failure to
include him as a suspect in the affidavit was
BBB’s statement in her affidavit states: explained in the witness’ answer to the query,
saying that he was in a confused state of mind
at that time. The alleged inconsistency, if at
Tanong: May iba ka pa bang taong nakita sa
all, does not detract from his credibility. That
loob ng bahay ninyo na hindi nakatira sa inyo
ng mangyari ang nasabi mong insidente?
DDD saw accused-appellant at the crime A When I went out of the room, as I have said,
scene is clear. I saw CCC bloodied; my Ate BBB went inside
my room; and Ate EEE was upstairs.
Even if the testimony of BBB linking accused-
appellant to the crime were to be disregarded, Q How did you know then Mr. Witness that
the testimony of a single witness, such as Ate EEE was upstairs at that time?
DDD, if found convincing and trustworthy by
the trial court, is sufficient to support a finding A Because she sleeps upstairs, ma’am.
of guilt beyond reasonable doubt. On this
point, we see no reason to deviate from the Q After these male persons left the house Mr.
trial court’s observation that his testimony Witness, what happened?
bore the attributes of truth and was delivered
in a candid and straightforward manner, thus:
A My uncle arrived.25
Q You mentioned Mr. Witness that there were
Finally, findings of the trial court on the credibility of
male persons who suddenly left after you
witnesses deserve great weight, given the clear
were stabbed by alias Puppet. Please look
advantage of a trial judge in the appreciation of
around the courtroom and tell us if you can
testimonial evidence. And when his findings have
recall any of those male persons whom you
been affirmed by the Court of Appeals, these are
saw inside your house that morning and who
generally binding and conclusive upon this
left after you were stabbed by alias Puppet?
Court.26 Significantly, accused-appellant has not
imputed any ill motive to the prosecution witnesses for
A There is, ma’am. testifying against him. Absent any evidence to show a
doubtful reason or an improper motive why a
Q How many are they in the courtroom whom prosecution witness would testify against the accused
you can recognize? or falsely implicate him in a crime, the said testimony
is trustworthy and should be accorded full faith and
A Only one, ma’am. credit.

Q Can you please point to that person? In sum, the defense of alibi must fail, especially in
light of the fact that two of the prosecution witnesses,
Interpreter: BBB and DDD, positively identified accused-appellant
as one of the malefactors of the crime. Positive
Witness pointing to a person on the edge of identification, where categorical and consistent and
the bench at the right side of this courtroom without any showing of ill motive on the part of the
wearing yellow t-shirt, blue denim pants and eyewitnesses testifying on the matter, prevails over
black slippers who answered by the name of alibi and denial. These defenses, if not substantiated
Villanueva, Teodulo. by clear and convincing evidence, are negative and
self-serving evidence undeserving of weight in law. 27
Prosec. Paulino:
As to accused-appellant’s allegation that the
prosecution failed to prove conspiracy, we find
Let it be placed on record that the witness has
otherwise. Conspiracy may be inferred from the acts
identified in open court accused Teodulo
of the accused before, during and after the
commission of the crime suggesting concerted action
and unity of purpose among them. For this purpose,
Q You said Mr. Witness that you recognized overt acts of the accused may consist of active
Teodulo Villanueva as one of the male participation in the actual commission of the crime
persons whom you see inside your house that itself, or it may consist of moral assistance to his co-
morning. Where was he when you saw him? conspirators by being present at the time of the
commission of the crime, or by exerting moral
A I saw him in the living room or sala, ma’am. ascendancy over the other co-conspirators by moving
them to execute or implement the conspiracy.
Q Doing what Mr. Witness?
Indeed, jurisprudence dictates that mere presence at
A I cannot recall, ma’am. the scene of the crime at the time of its commission is
not, by itself, sufficient to establish conspiracy at the
Q Can you please describe to us Mr. Witness time of its commission, but it is enough that the
the condition or the appearance of your living malefactors acted in concert pursuant to the same
room that morning when you went out of the objective.28 Conspiracy is predominantly a state of
room, if you can recall? mind as it involves the meeting of the minds and
intent of the malefactors. The existence of the assent
A It was in disarray, ma’am. of minds of the co-conspirators may be inferred from
proof of facts and circumstances which, taken
Q And then you mentioned to me your siblings together, indicate that they are parts of the complete
CCC, EEE and BBB. When you went out of plan to commit the crime.
your room, if you can recall, what was their
condition and their appearance at that time Accused-appellant’s presence inside the house of the
Mr. Witness? victims does not appear to be a coincidence nor
seems to be an innocent act. Being a stranger, he had of Republic Act 9346,30 enacted on 24 June 2006,
no business in the house of the victims. To recall, one prohibiting the death penalty.
of the victims, BBB, testified to seeing him holding her
younger brother before he was stabbed by co- As to the award of damages, we have held that if the
accused Joel Alog Reyes. The other eyewitness, robbery with homicide is perpetrated with any of the
DDD, saw accused-appellant in the sala while attending qualifying aggravating circumstances that
everything was in disarray. The next instant, accused- require the imposition of the death penalty, the civil
appellant was no longer in the premises. In fact, even indemnity for the victim shall be ₱75,000.00. 31 The
accused-appellant’s behavior during and after the existence of one aggravating circumstance merits the
incident could hardly be described as innocent. If award of exemplary damages under Article 2230 of
accused-appellant was not in conspiracy with the the New Civil Code.32 Thus, the award of exemplary
others in committing the robbery with homicide, he damages to the heirs of CCC is proper. Consistent
would not have fled the vicinity with the loot and leave with recent rulings of this Court, however, the award
the three minors knowing they were wounded and of exemplary damages is increased from ₱25,000.00
helpless from the stabbings. In fact, accused- to ₱30,000.00. In line with prevailing jurisprudence
appellant went straight home without giving any aid to and the testimony of AAA, we modify the award of
the victims or calling for help for them. moral damages and increase the award from
₱50,000.00 to ₱75,000.00. Furthermore, accused-
Since conspiracy was established, it matters not who appellant is ordered to return to AAA and BBB the
among the accused actually shot and killed the victim. subject items stolen from them; or, if the return is no
The concerted manner in which accused-apellant and longer possible, the total amount of ₱90,000.00,
his companions perpetrated the crime showed beyond which is the equivalent value of all the items taken by
reasonable doubt the presence of conspiracy. When a accused-appellant and his co-accused.
homicide takes place by reason or on the occasion of
the robbery, all those who took part shall be guilty of WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is
the special complex crime of robbery with homicide hereby DENIED and the assailed Decision
whether or not they actually participated in the killing, AFFIRMED, with the following modifications: (1) the
unless there is proof that they had endeavored to award of exemplary damages is increased from
prevent the killing.29 No proof was adduced that ₱25,000.00 to ₱30,000.00; and (2) the award of moral
accused-appellant sought to avert the killing. Thus, damages is likewise increased from ₱50,000.00 to
regardless of the acts individually performed by ₱75,000.00. No costs.
accused-appellant and his co-accused, and applying
the basic principle in conspiracy that the "act of one is SO ORDERED.
the act of all," accused-appellant is guilty as a co-
conspirator. Being co-conspirators, the criminal
liabilities of the accused are one and the same.
Associate Justice
The crime committed was Robbery with Homicide, a
single indivisible crime punishable by Article 294,
paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code. Under Article
294 of the Revised Penal Code, when homicide is CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO
committed by reason or on the occasion of the Associate Justice
robbery, the penalty to be imposed is reclusion Chairperson
perpetua to death.
Treachery, as correctly found by the trial court, VELASCO, JR. B. NACHURA
attended the killing of the victim CCC. Article 14(16) of Associate Justice Associate Justice
the Revised Penal Code provides that there is
treachery when the offender commits any of the DIOSDADO M. PERALTA
crimes against persons, employing means, methods Associate Justice
or forms in the execution thereof that tend directly and
specifically to insure its execution without risk to ATTESTATION
himself arising from the defense that the offended
party might make. Anlayzing the events unfolding that I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision
day, the evidence on record points out that CCC was were reached in consultation before the case was
stabbed on his back and was unable to defend assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s
himself. The presence of alevosia, though, should not Division.
result in qualifying the offense to murder. The correct
rule is that when it obtains in the special complex CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO
crime of robbery with homicide, treachery is to be Associate Justice
regarded as a generic aggravating circumstance, Chairperson, Third Division
robbery with homicide being a composite crime with
its own definition and special penalty in the Revised
Penal Code. The generic aggravating circumstance of
treachery attending the killing of the victim qualifies
the imposition of the death penalty on accused- Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution,
appellant. and the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, it is hereby
certified that the conclusions in the above Decision
were reached in consultation before the case was
However, in the case at bar, the imposable penalty for
assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s
accused-appellant is still reclusion perpetua, in view
 Records. p. 15.
Chief Justice
 People v. Aniscal, G.R. No. 103395, 22

November 1993, 228 SCRA 101, 112; People

v. Casim, G.R. No. 93634, 2 September 1992,
213 SCRA 390, 396.
 People v. Alvarado, 312 Phil. 552, 563

 Penned by Associate Justice Bienvenido L. (1995).
Reyes with Associate Justices Mariflor
Punzalan Castillo and Apolinario D. Bruselas, 24
 TSN, 16 December 2003, pp. 18-19.
Jr., concurring; rollo, pp. 2-9.
 TSN, 16 December 2003, pp. 6-7.
 Records, pp. 212-227.
 Salvatierra, Sr. v. People, 416 Phil. 544

 Id. at 48-50. (2001).

 AAA is the mother of the victims, BBB, CCC,  People v. Arellano, 390 Phil. 273, 286

and DDD, who were all minors at the time of (2000).

the commission of the crime. In view of the
legal mandate on the utmost confidentiality of  People v. Dural, G.R. No. 84921, 8 June

proceedings involving violence against women 1993, 223 SCRA 201, 209.
and children set forth in Section 29 of
Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known as, 29
 People v. Reyes, 369 Phil. 61, 80 (1999).
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act of 2004; and Section 40 of A.M.  An Act Prohibiting the Imposition of the

No. 04-10-11-SC, known as, Rule on Violence Death Penalty in the Philippines.
Against Women and Their children effective
November 15, 2004, the names of the minor
 People v. Sambrano, 446 Phil. 145, 161
victims should appear as "AAA," "BBB,"
"CCC," and so on. Addresses shall appear as
"XXX" as in "No. XXX Street, XXX District,
City of XXX."
 People v. Cando, 398 Phil. 225, 241 (2000).

 Id. at 48-50.

 Id. at 28.

 Id. at 40.

 TSN, 17 May 2005, pp. 8, 20.

 TSN, 11 August 2003, pp. 3-8.

 TSN, 16 December 2003, pp. 4-5.

 TSN, 1 March 2005, p. 10-11.

 TSN, 10 February 2006, pp. 4-8.

 Records, pp. 212-227.

 Id. at 227.

 CA rollo, p. 107.

 People v. Guimba, 441 Phil. 362, 375



 People v. Pagsanjan, 442 Phil. 667, 686



 TSN, 11 August 2003, pp. 5-8.

 TSN, 11 August 2003, pp. 15-17.

 TSN, 4 November 2003, pp. 2-4.

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