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Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas

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Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
Móduloi Produce written materials
Resultado de Prepare to produce vocationally specific written texts
aprendizagem noii
Critério de Candidate must demonstrate ability to identify different types of vocational
desempenhoiii writing
Título da avaliaçãov Reading/Writing
Duração (em 90 minutes
Teaching of Science in the National Curriculum

Why should science be part of the National Curriculum? Society needs scientists
but only a minority of pupils go on to study science after Secondary Education.
Even fewer become what we would call ‘scientists’. For the majority of pupils,
studying science needs to be justified on broader groups.

Today, science is an increasingly important and prominent part of our lives.

Through the media we are bombarded with issues that require scientific
understanding. Climate change, cloning, nuclear power or DNA fingerprinting are
all major areas of public concern. Taking part in the moral and ethical debates
surrounding such issues requires a population that is scientifically literate. On a
personal level, understating science enables young people to evaluate evidence and
make their own decisions. Current concerns, for example, the risks of using mobile
phones, vaccinating babies, or eating genetically modified foods. Although few
students may become ‘scientists’, scientific knowledge can be of value in a wide
range of vocational contexts, from hairdressing to engineering. Finally, science is
one of the greatest achievements of human culture; a study of evolution or the
origins of the universe has a profound contribution to make towards an
understanding of what it is to be a human.

Choose the best alternative from ( A, B, C and D)

1. The second paragraph can be split into two paragraphs. The best place to start a
new paragraph would be before:
A. ‘Climate’ on line 3 B. ‘Current’ on line 7 C. ‘Although’ on line 8 D. ‘Finally’
on line 11

2. Which of the following statements is NOT used in the document as an argument

for studying science?
A. It aids understanding of work-related issues.
B. It enables people to be analytical when making decision

Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
C. Many pupils will progress onto science courses after Secondary Education
D. People need to have a general understanding of scientific principles

3. Without changing the meaning within the document the word ‘profound’ in the
article could be replaced by
A. considerable B. deliberate C. possible D.

4. The writer has used ‘hairdressing’ and ‘engineering’ in the article

A. because these are two main vocational areas that use science.
B. because they are the two most popular training courses for young people
C. to illustrate the wide range of occupation where scientific knowledge is required.
D. to show that both males and females need scientific knowledge.

5. The tone of the article could best be described as offering

A. a balanced discussion of issues B. advice on the use of science
C. instruction on curriculum issues D. justification for one point of

6. Beautiful, handsome, pretty, lovely, marvellous are opinion …

A. adjectives B. adverbs C. nouns D.

7. To bring up means to…

A. bring goods B. spoil someone C. educate D. take
another place

8. In which of these places do people sell meat?

A. bakery B. butchery C. grocery D.

9. The development of a country ________________ its people and government.

A. depend B. depend after C. depends on D.
depending on

10. Could you please help me ________________ the washing up?

A. about B. at C. by D. with


A. Infinitive or –ing. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, infinitive or

1. I want _______________(see) a film on TV this evening.

2. When did you finish __________________(paint) the kitchen?
3. I hate ________________(listen) to very loud music.
4. John Franz is American. He has a wonderful lifestyle and he thinks he needs
____________(share) it with an English girl. He enjoys______________(go) on
exotic holidays, but he wouldn’t like ________________(live) outside the United
States. He hopes____________________(find) an English wife through the English
Rose dating agency. He would love __________________ (meet) someone who is

Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
independent and who likes___________________(travel).

B. Put the following sentences into the Reported speech.

1. ‘Read the instructions before you apply the medicine to the animals’, he said to
2. ‘Don’t spray insecticides without wearing a mask’ I said to him.
3. ‘Gregory is building a big trough for the animals to wash’, said Ann to Bill.
4. ‘The way in which animals move is fascinating’, said the farmer.

C. Fill in the gaps with some, any, much, many, a lot of, a few, or a little.

1. I want to bake a cake but there’s ______________sugar left in the kitchen. Can
buy ____________more when you go to the shops?
2. Yesterday I went to a party and there were _______________ people but they
didn’t have ___________food.
3. Last weekend I went to a concert, but I didn’t get a ticket because there were
_______________ people and I arrived late.
4. Is there ______________petrol in the car?
5. Last Sunday I went to the theatre and it was almost empty. Only
_______________people were there.


A. Read the passage about Teaching of Science in the National Curriculum and
Choose from A, B, C and D the best alternative.

A. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, infinitive or –ing.
B. Put the following sentences into the Reported speech.
C. Fill in the gaps with some, any, much, many, a lot of, a few, or a little.

Tipo de teste I. Reading and Comprehension;

(prova)ix II. Language Use.
Soluções (respostas) Comprehension. ( 5.0)
pontuação/questãox A. 1. C; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B; 6. A; 7.C; 8. B; 9. C; 10. D

Language Use
A. Infinitives (4.5)

1. to see; 2. painting; 3. listening;

4. to share; going; to live; to find; to meet; travelling

Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
B. Reported Speech (4.0)

1. He asked me to read the instructions before applying the medicine to the

2. I told him not to spray insecticides without wearing a mask.
3. Ann told Bill that Gregory was building a big trough for the animals to
4. The farmer said that he was fascinated with the way the animals move.

C. Expressions of quantity (3.5)

1. a little; some
2. a lot of; much
3. a lot of
4. a few

Justificação para a At this stage the candidate must able to read and answer questions based on a
utilização do tipo de text and show their ability in and also be able to extract specific information
teste (prova)xi in it.
Recursosxii Paper rand pen
metodológicas para
o professor na Individual evaluation
utilização do tipo de
teste (prova)xiii

Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
Fonte a utilizar: Times New Roman
Estilo da fonte: regular ou normal
Cor da fonte: automatic
Tamanho da fonte: 12

Avaliação Sumativa 2
Habilidades Genéricas
Deverá ser preenchido pelo docente, transcrevendo exactamente, o título do módulo, que consta do documento

Deverá ser, igualmente, transcrito, pelo docente, o resultado de aprendizagem que consta do documento
INFORMAÇÃO GERAL DO MÓDULO, não se esquecendo de referenciar o respectivo número.

A cada resultado de aprendizagem estão agregados critérios de desempenho. Portanto, para cada formato de
avaliação, o docente deverá transcrever o critério de desempenho que corresponderá a avaliação em causa. Neste
caso, para cada um dos formatos a preencher será apenas um e só um critério de desempenho a incluir.

Este campo poderá não ser preenchido pelo docente, pois, só será feito posteriormente.

Para cada formato, isto é, avaliação, o docente deverá atribuir o título, de acordo com o elemento de competência
(ver o documento REGISTO DE UNIDADE DE COMPETÊNCIA) atinente ao critério de desempenho, por exemplo:
AVALIAÇÃO DA COMPETÊNCIA – FAZ(ER) MEDIÇÕES (este exemplo é da Habilidade Genérica de Matemática).

A duração prevista para a avaliação deverá ser estimada pelo docente, sendo o tempo mínimo recomendável de 45
minutos e máximo de 90 minutos.

Neste campo, o docente irá redigir o enunciado da avaliação, enumerando as questões do enunciado, caso seja mais
do que uma (questão).

Neste campo o docente deverá fornecer indicações muito claras de como o estudante deverá proceder para
responder à(s) questão(ões) do(s) enunciado(s).

Neste campo, o docente deverá mencionar que tipo de teste (prova) se trata, por exemplo: primeiro, referir se é
escrito ou oral. Segundo, se se trata de trabalho em grupo ou trabalho individual e terceiro classificar o teste (se é
escolha múltipla, verdadeiro - falso, preencher os espaços vazios, teste de ensaio, etc.).

Neste campo, o docente deverá apresentar as soluções (respostas) às questões do enunciado, bem como as
pontuações parciais e total.

De acordo, com as opções a serem efectuadas do número anterior, o docente deverá justificar essas mesmas opções
referindo ao (s) objectivo (s) do(s) conteúdo(s) a ser(em) avalia(dos).

Neste campo deverão ser indicados os recursos a serem utilizados para realizar a avaliação, por exemplo:
bibliografia recomendada, algum instrumento (s), papel A4, esferográfica, etc.

Neste campo, o docente irá propor as melhores estratégias para realizar a avaliação em causa, por exemplo, que
opções em termos de espaço físico para realizar a avaliação, em que momento deve ministrar a avaliação, o intervalo
do nível/grau de complexidade do conteúdo a considerar no processo de avaliação, como pode tornar a avaliação em
causa eficaz.

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