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Group 2 Major Component: 1. Main Pump

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3 1 2

9 5 6 4 7 8

Standard Recommended
Part name & inspection item replacement Counter measures
dimension value
between piston(1) & Replace piston
d D 0.038 0.078 or cylinder.
cylinder bore(2)

Play between
piston(1) & shoe caulking
0-0.1 0.35
(δ) Replace
assembly of
Thickness of shoe piston & shoe.
(t) t 5.4 5.0

Free height of cylinder Replace

spring(4) cylinder spring.
40.9 40.1

Combined height of set

plate(5) & spherical
13.5 12.5 retainer or set
bushing(6) h H

Surface roughness for Surface roughness

necessary to be corrected 3z
valve plate(Sliding
face)(7,8), swash plate Lapping
(shoe plate area)(9), & Standard surface 0.4z or lower
cylinder(2)(Sliding face) roughness (Corrected value)

Part name Inspection item Criteria & measure
Casing ·Existence of scratch, rusting or corrosion. ·In case of damage in following section,
replace part.
- Sliding sections of casing fore and
spool, especially land sections applied
with holded pressure.
- Seal pocket section where spool is inserted.
- Seal section of port where O-ring contacts.
- Seal section of each relief valve for
main, travel, and port.
- Other damages that may damage
normal functions.

Spool ·Existence of scratch, gnawing, rusting or ·Replacement when its outside sliding
corrosion. section has scratch(Especially on seals-
contacting section).
·O-ring seal sections at both ends. ·Replacement when its sliding section has
·Insert spool in casing hole, rotate and ·Correction or replacement when O-ring is
reciprocate it. damaged or when spool does not move

Poppet ·Damage of poppet or spring ·Correction or replacement when sealing

is incomplete.
·Insert poppet into casing and function it. ·Normal when it can function lightly
without being caught.

Around spring ·Rusting, corrosion, deformation or breaking ·Replacement for significant damage.
of spring, spring seat, plug or cover.

Around seal ·External oil leakage. ·Correction or replacement.

for spool
·Rusting, corrosion or deformation of seal ·Correction or replacement.

Main relief valve, ·External rusting or damage. ·Replacement.

port relief valve &
·Contacting face of valve seat. ·Replacement when damaged.
negative control
relief valve ·Contacting face of poppet. ·Replacement when damaged.
·Abnormal spring. ·Replacement.
·O-rings, back up rings and seals. ·100% replacement in general.

Part name Inspection item Remedy

Balance plate ·Worn less than 0.03mm ·Lapping

·Worn more than 0.03mm ·Replace
·Sliding surface has a seizure(even ·Replace
though small).

Shoe of piston ·Sliding surface has a damage. ·Lapping

assembly ·Sliding surface depression( ) ·Replace parts or motor
dimension less than 0.45mm or has a
large damage.

Piston of piston ·Sliding surface has a seizure(even ·Replace motor

assembly though small).

Piston hole of ·Sliding surface has a seizure. ·Replace motor

cylinder assembly ·Sliding surface has a damage. ·Replace motor

Taper roller ·In case 3000hour operation. ·Replace

bearing ·Rolling surface has a damage. ·Replace
Needle bearing
Roller bearing

Wash all parts disassembly in treated oil and dry in the compressed air.
Perform maintenance including replacement or corrections in accordance with the following criterion.

No. Parts Name Appearance Allowance Replacement parts

6 Piston sub When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8a Cylinder block kit /
assembly or high surface roughness There should be no Perform lapping (#1000).
are found on each seizure and remarkable Replace if flaws cannot
sliding surface flaws (over 0.02 mm in be completely removed.
When remarkable flaws Roughness : 1.2a
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on surface of seizure and remarkable
piston. flaws (over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.060mm Cylinder block kit
piston sub assembly and
cylinder block bore is
When looseness in shoe Looseness : 0.4mm
ball parts is great.
4 Cylinder Block When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8a Cylinder block kit /
or high surface roughness Perform lapping(#1000).
are found on the surface Replace if flaws cannot
with the valve plate. be completely removed.
When wear inside bore is Roughly : 1.6a Cylinder block kit
When clearance between Looseness : 0.4mm
piston sub assembly and
cylinder block bore is
When abnormal wear
and breakage
develop on mating
5 Valve plate When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a Cylinder block kit
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface flaws(over 0.02 mm in
7 Retainer plate When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a 7 Retainer plate
8 Retainer holder or high surface roughness There should be no 8 Retainer holder
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface. flaws(over 0.02 mm in

No. Parts Name Appearance Allowance Replacement parts

9 Swash plate When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a Swash plate / Perform
or high surface roughness There should be no lapping (#1000).
are found on sliding seizure and remarkable Replace if flaws cannot
surface with shoe. flaws(over 0.02 mm in be completely removed.
When remarkable flaws Roughness : 1.6 a Swash plate
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on sliding seizure and remarkable
surface with steel ball. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When remarkable flaws Sphere depth : 19.06mm
or seizure are found on
contact surface with steel
3 Shaft When remarkable flaws Roughness : 1.6 a Shaft
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on sliding seizure andremarkable
surface of oil seal. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When abnormal wear
and breakage
develop on mating
21 Brake piston When remarkable flaws Height : 50.5mm Brake piston
or high surface roughness Roughness : 3.2 a Friction plate
are found in each sliding There should be no
surface seizure and remarkable
flaws(over 0.02 mm in
19 Disk plate When remarkable flaws Thickness : 3.2mm Disk plate
or abrasion are found on
disks(friction material)
13 Roller Bearing When flaking and Roller Bearing
14 Roller Bearing abrasion develop on
rolling surface.
When indentation is
found on rolling surface
When abnormality is
found in rotation
(abnormal noise, irregular

No. Parts Name Appearance Allowance Replacement parts

11 Piston sub When remarkable flaws Roughness : 1.6 a Case kit / Perform
assembly or high surface roughness There should be no lapping (#1000).
are found on sliding seizure and remarkable Replace if flaws cannot
surface with swash plate. flaws (over 0.02 mm in be completely removed.
When remarkable flaws Roughness : 1.2a Case kit
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on surface with seizure and remarkable
case. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.030mm
piston sub assembly and
case bore is great.
When looseness in shoe Looseness : 0.7mm
ball parts is great.
2-2 Spool Assy When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a Base plate sub assembly
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.050mm
piston sub assembly and
case bore is great.
2-1 Base plate When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a Base plate sub assembly
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface with spool assy. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.050mm
spool assy and base plate
bore is great.
When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface with valve assy. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.040mm
valve assy and base plate
bore is great.
When remarkable flaws There should be no
or high surface roughness seizure and remarkable
are found on each sliding flaws (over 0.02 mm in
surface with spool assy. thickness).

No. Parts Name Appearance Allowance Replacement parts

9 Valve assy When remarkable flaws Roughness : 0.8 a Base plate sub assembly
or high surface roughness There should be no
are found on each sliding seizure and remarkable
surface with spool assy. flaws(over 0.02 mm in
When clearance between Clearance : 0.040mm
valve assy and base plate
bore is great.
2-7-10 Free piston When remarkable flaws There should be no Relief valve assy
or high surface roughness seizure and remarkable
are found on each sliding flaws(over 0.02 mm in
surface with base plate. thickness).
2-7-2 Housing When remarkable flaws There should be no
or high surface roughness seizure and remarkable
are found on each sliding flaws(over 0.02 mm in
surface with free piston. thickness).

Maintenance Criteria Remark
check item
Leakage The valve is to be replaced when the leakage Conditions :
becomes more than 1000cc/m at neutral handle Primary pressure : 30kgf/cm2
position, or more than 2000cc/m during operation. Oil viscosity : 23cSt

Spool This is to be replaced when the sliding surface The leakage at the left condition is
has worn more than 10μm, compared with the estimated to be nearly equal to the
non-sliding surface. above leakage.

Push rod



This is to be replaced when the top end has worn

more than 1mm.

Play at operating The pin, shaft, and joint of the operating section When a play is due to looseness of
section are to be replaced when their plays become more a tightened section, adjust it.
than 2mm due to wears or so on.

Operation stability When abnormal noises, hunting, primary pressure

drop, etc. are generated during operation, and
these cannot be remedied, referring to section 6.
Troubleshooting, replace the related parts.

Notes 1. It is desirable to replace seal materials, such as O-rings, every disassembling. However,
they may be reused, after being confirmed to be free of damage.
2. When loosening the hexagon socket head cap screw(125), replace the seal washers(121)
without fail.

Maintenance Criteria Remark
check item
Leakage The valve is to be replaced when the leakage Conditions :
effect to the system. For example, the primary Primary pressure : 30kgf/cm2
pressure drop. Oil viscosity : 23cSt

Spool This is to be replaced when the sliding surface The leakage at the left condition is
has worn more than 10μm, compared with the estimated to be nearly equal to the
non-sliding surface. above leakage.

Push rod



This is to be replaced when the top end has

worn more than 1mm.

Play at operating The pin, shaft, and joint of the operating section When a play is due to looseness of
section are to be replaced when their plays become a tightened section, adjust it.
more than 2mm due to wears or so on.

Operation stability When abnormal noises, hunting, primary pressure

drop, etc. are generated during operation, and
these cannot be remedied, referring to section 6.
Troubleshooting, replace the related parts.

Notes 1. It is desirable to replace seal materials, such as O-rings, every disassembling. However,
they may be reused, after being confirmed to be free of damage.


Part name Maintenance standards Remedy

Sliding surface with Plating worn or peeled due to seizure or contamination. Replace
sealing sections.

Sliding surface ·Worn abnormality or damaged more than 0.1mm Replace

between body and (0.0039in) in depth due to seizure contamination.
Body, stem other than
·Damaged more than 0.1mm(0.0039in) in depth. Smooth with oilstone.
Stem sealing section.

Sliding surface ·Worn more than 0.5mm(0.02in) or abnormality. Replace

with thrust plate.
·Worn less than 0.5mm(0.02in). Smooth
·Damage due to seizure or contamination Smooth
remediable within wear limit (0.5mm)(0.02in).

Sliding surface ·Worn more than 0.5mm(0.02in) or abnormality. Replace

with thrust plate.
Cover ·Worn less than 0.5mm(0.02in). Smooth
·Damage due to seizure or contamination Replace
remediable within wear limit (0.5mm)(0.02in).

·Extruded excessively from seal groove square ring. Replace

- Extrusion
Square ring

·Slipper ring 1.5mm(0.059in) narrower than seal Replace

groove, or narrower than back ring.
Seal set
1.5mm (max.)

·Worn more than 0.5mm(0.02in) ~ 1.5mm(MAX.) Replace


Part name Inspecting section Inspection item Remedy

Piston rod ·Neck of rod pin ·Presence of crack ·Replace

·Weld on rod hub ·Presence of crack ·Replace
·Stepped part to which piston ·Presence of crack ·Replace
is attached.
·Threads ·Presence of crack ·Recondition or replace
·Plated surface ·Plating is not worn off to ·Replace or replate
base metal.
·Rust is not present on plating. ·Replace or replate
·Scratches are not present. ·Recondition, replate or replace
·Rod ·Wear of O.D. ·Recondition, replate or replace
·Bushing at mounting part ·Wear of I.D. ·Replace

Cylinder tube ·Weld on bottom ·Presence of crack ·Replace

·Weld on head ·Presence of crack ·Replace
·Weld on hub ·Presence of crack ·Replace
·Tube interior ·Presence of faults ·Replace if oil leak is seen
·Bushing at mounting part ·Wear on inner surface ·Replace

Gland ·Bushing ·Flaw on inner surface ·Replace if flaw is deeper

than coating


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