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Dom Lab

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I M.Tech II Sem
DOM (2015-16)

Prepared by




Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

Experiment No.

AIM: To prepare the performance characteristic curves on porter governor

APPARATUS: Universal governor apparatus


The porter Governor mechanism is fitted with chosen weights to the spindle shaft. Ensure that the

nut & bolts of all the moving parts and of the spindle shaft are properly tightened. Then following

simple procedure is to be followed.

1. Keep the knob of the dimmer-stat in zero position before switching on the main supply.

2. Switch on the main supply and gradually go on increasing the speed of the motor. Due to this the

center sleeve rises from the lower stop aligning with the marking on the scale. This is initial lift of

the sleeve.

3. Note down the readings of the sleeve position and speed for this initial lift. Speed of the motor is

to be measured by hand tachometer, from the counter hole provided on the spindle.

4. Then increase the speed in steps to give suitable sleeve movement and note down the readings of

sleeve displacement and the corresponding speed. All the readings are to be entered in a tabular

observation table.

5. After completing the experiment bring the knob of the dimmer-stat to its original position i.e.

zero slowly and gradually. Then switch off the main supply.


a) Length of each link - L = 0.125 m.

b) Initial height of Governor – ho = 0.105 m.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

c) Initial radius of rotation – ro = 0.120 m.
d) Weight of each ball - W = 0.6 kg.
e) Weight of Sleeve weight = 0.5 kg.
Radius of rotation `r` at any position could be found as follows
a) Find height h = ho – X/2 m. ho = 0.10 m
b) Find “  “ by using  = Cos –1 (h/L) in Degrees
c) Then r = 0.05 + L Sin  m.
d) Angular Velocity ‘’ = 2N/60 rad/s


Sl. No. Speed Sleeve Height Radius of Force

Displacement rotation
N rpm X in meter h in m F = m 2 r
r in m
in N

Following graphs to be plotted:

a) Force Vs Radius of rotation.

b) Speed Vs Sleeve Displacement.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

1. Increase the speed slowly & gradually. Avoid abrupt use of dimmer-stat for controlling the


2. Take the sleeve displacement reading when the pointer is steady.

3. See that at higher speed the load on sleeve does not hit the upper sleeve of the Governor.

4. While closing the test bring the dimmer to zero position and then switch OFF the motor.



Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

Experiment No.

AIM: To prepare the performance characteristic curves on proel governor

APPARATUS: Universal governor apparatus


The proel Governor mechanism is fitted with chosen weights to the spindle shaft. Ensure that the

nut & bolts of all the moving parts and of the spindle shaft are properly tightened. Then following

simple procedure is to be followed.

1. Keep the knob of the dimmer-stat in zero position before switching on the main supply.

2. Switch on the main supply and gradually go on increasing the speed of the motor. Due to this the

center sleeve rises from the lower stop aligning with the marking on the scale. This is initial lift of

the sleeve.

3. Note down the readings of the sleeve position and speed for this initial lift. Speed of the motor is

to be measured by hand tachometer, from the counter hole provided on the spindle.

4. Then increase the speed in steps to give suitable sleeve movement and note down the readings of

sleeve displacement and the corresponding speed. All the readings are to be entered in a tabular

observation table.

5. After completing the experiment bring the knob of the dimmerstat to its original position i.e.

zero slowly and gradually. Then switch off the main supply.


a) Length of each link - L = 0.125 m.

b) Initial height of Governor – ho = 0.100 m.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

c) Initial radius of rotation – ro = 0.127 m.

d) Mass of ball - m = 0.6 kg.

e) Extension of length BG = 0.075 m.

Go on increasing the speed gradually and take the readings of speed of rotation ‘N’ and
corresponding sleeve displacement ‘X’. Complete the following observation table.
Sl. No. Speed Sleeve Radius of Force
Displacement rotation
N rpm X in meter F = m 2 r
r in m
in N

a) Find height h = ho – ( x/2 )

b) Find r in static condition for different sleeve displacement

c) Angular Velocity ‘’ = 2N/60 rad/sec

Following graphs to be plotted:

a) Sleeve Disp. 'X' Vs 'r' Radius of rotation.

To draw this graph proceeds as follows:

1) Keep the Governor in static position.

2) By lifting the Governor Mechanism manually measure the sleeve displacement and

corresponding radius of rotation ‘r’ of balls.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

b) Force Vs Radius of rotation 'r'.

c) Speed Vs Sleeve Displacement.


1. Increase the speed slowly & gradually. Avoid abrupt use of dimmer-stat for controlling the
2. Take the sleeve displacement reading when the pointer is steady.
3. See that at higher speed the load on sleeve does not hit the upper sleeve of the Governor.
4. While closing the test bring the dimmer to zero position and then switch OFF the motor.


Experiment No.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

AIM: To prepare the performance characteristic curves on watt governor

APPARATUS: Universal governor apparatus


The wattGovernor mechanism is fitted with chosen weights to the spindle shaft. Ensure that the nut

& bolts of all the moving parts and of the spindle shaft are properly tightened. Then following

simple procedure is to be followed.

1. Keep the knob of the dimmer-stat in zero position before switching on the main supply.

2. Switch on the main supply and gradually go on increasing the speed of the motor. Due to this the

center sleeve rises from the lower stop aligning with the marking on the scale. This is initial lift of

the sleeve.

3. Note down the readings of the sleeve position and speed for this initial lift. Speed of the motor is

to be measured by hand tachometer, from the counter hole provided on the spindle.

4. Then increase the speed in steps to give suitable sleeve movement and note down the readings of

sleeve displacement and the corresponding speed. All the readings are to be entered in a tabular

observation table.

5. After completing the experiment bring the knob of the dimmerstat to its original position i.e.

zero slowly and gradually. Then switch off the main supply.


a) Length of each link - L = 0.125 m.

b) Initial height of Governor – ho = 0.100 m.

c) Initial radius of rotation – ro = 0.127 m.

d) Mass of ball - m = 0.6 kg.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR
e) Extension of length BG = 0.075 m.

Go on increasing the speed gradually and take the readings of speed of rotation ‘N’ and
corresponding sleeve displacement ‘X’. Complete the following observation table.
Sl. No. Speed Sleeve Radius of Force
Displacement rotation
N rpm X in meter F = m 2 r
r in m
in N

a) Find height h = ho – ( x/2 )

b) Find r in static condition for different sleeve displacement

c) Angular Velocity ‘’ = 2N/60 rad/sec

Following graphs to be plotted:

a) Sleeve Disp. 'X' Vs 'r' Radius of rotation.

To draw this graph proceeds as follows:

1) Keep the Governor in static position.

2) By lifting the Governor Mechanism manually measure the sleeve displacement and

corresponding radius of rotation ‘r’ of balls.

b) Force Vs Radius of rotation 'r'.

c) Speed Vs Sleeve Displacement.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


1. Increase the speed slowly & gradually. Avoid abrupt use of dimmer-stat for controlling the
2. Take the sleeve displacement reading when the pointer is steady.
3. See that at higher speed the load on sleeve does not hit the upper sleeve of the Governor.
4. While closing the test bring the dimmer to zero position and then switch OFF the motor.


Experiment No.

AIM: To find the gyroscopic couple acting on a rotating disc

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


The motor is coupled to the disc rotor, which is balanced. The disc shaft rotates about ‘X-X’ axis in

two-ball bearing housed in the frame No.1. This frame can swing about ‘Y-Y’ axis in bearings

provided in the yoke type frame No.2. While in a steady position, Frame No.1 is balanced. The yoke

frame is free to rotate about vertical axis ‘Z-Z’. Thus freedom of rotation about three perpendicular axis

is given to the rotor.


1) Mass of Rotor (m) : 5.3 Kg.

2) Rotor Diameter (D) : 285 mm

3) Rotor Thickness : 10mm

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

4) Moment of inertia of the : m x D2/8

disc, coupling and motor : 0.538 kg.cm.sec2

rotor about central axis (I)

5) Distance of bolt of : 20.1cm.

weight pan from disc

center (L)

6) Motor : AC/DC, Fractional HP, Single Phase, 6000 rpm.


“The spinning body exerts a torque or couple in such a direction which tends to make the axis of

spin coincides with that of the precession.”

To study the rule of gyroscopic behavior following procedure may be adopted.

a) Balance the initial horizontal position of the rotor.

b) Start the motor by increasing the voltage with the dimmer, and
wait until it attains constant speed.
c) Process the yoke frame No.2 about vertical axis by applying necessary force by hand to the same

( in the clockwise sense seen from above).

d) It will be observed that the rotor frame swings about the horizontal axis ‘YY’. Motor side is seen

coming upward and the weight pan side going downwards.

e) Rotate the vertical yoke axis in the anti-clockwise direction seen from above and observe that the

rotor frame swing in opposite sense (as compared to that in previous case following the above rule).

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


“The spinning body precise in such a way as to make the axis of spin coincide with that of the couple

applied, through 90o turn axis.”

a) Balance the rotor position on the horizontal frame.

b)Start the motor by increasing the voltage with the dimmer and wait till the disc attains
constant speed.
c) Put weight ( 0.5 kg, 1 Kg. or 1.5 Kg.) in the weight pan, and start the stop watch to note the time in

seconds required for precession, through 30o or 90o etc.

d) The vertical yoke precise about OZ axis as per the rule No.2.

e) Speed may be measured by the tachometer

f) Enter the observation in the table.


Sr. Speed N Load Time Degrees p Tact Tth

No. (RPM) (w ) Kgs (dt) sec (d (rad/sec) (Kg.cm) (Kg.cm)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


Tactual = I x  x p, where (Kg.cm) Tact = Gyroscopic Couple

I = M.I. of disc Kg.cm.sec.2

 = Angular velocity of precession of disc in radians per second

2xπxN πxN
 = = rad/sec
60 30

Where N = RPM of disc

p = Angular velocity of precession of yoke about vertical axis - radians

per second.

d π
= x rad/sec.
dt 180

From above find

Tactual = I .  . p Kg.cm

L = Distance of weight
Tth = w.L (Kg.cm.) w = weight applied in kgs.

p is to be calculated for short duration of time, as the balance of rotation of disc about the

horizontal axis YY is due to application of torque, and because of which p goes on reducing


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


1.While measuring the speed with tachometer do not exert pressure on rotor shaft. Use of Non-
contact type tachometer or stroboscope for measurement of motor speed will give better results.

2.When the speed of rotor spin is changed, it takes some time to attain the constant speed due to
rotor inertia. Hence, it is advised to wait until the rotor spin reaches constant speed.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


Experiment No.

1. To determine the radius of gyration ‘k’ of given compound pendulum.

K2 + (OG)2
2. To verify the relation T = 2
g (OG)

Where, T = Periodic time in sec.

K = Radius of gyration about C.G. ... cm.
OG= Distance of the C.G. of rod from support.
L = Free Length of suspended pendulum - cm.
g = 981 cm/sec2


The compound pendulum consists of steel bar. The bar is supported in the hole by the knife edge.


1. Support the rod on knife edge.

2. Note the length of suspended pendulum and determine OG..

3. Allow the bar to oscillate and determine T by knowing the time for say 10 oscillations.

4. Complete the observation table given below.

Sr. L OG No. of Time for T sec K

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

‘n’ Osc. (Expt)
No. Cms Oscn Expt.
Secs. t/n

 Without Lumped Mass - -

OG1 - a) Dist. between first point of suspension & CG1 - --- cm

b) Dist between second point of suspension & CG1 - ---- cm.

 With Lumped Mass - Wt. 1

a) Dist. between first point of suspension & CG2 - ---- cm

b) Dist between second point of suspension & CG2 - ---- cm.

01. Find ‘k’ experimental from the relation

K2 + (OG)2
T = 2

Where, T = Periodic time.

T = t/n

t = Time for ‘n’ osc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

n = No. of osc.

Substituting for OG and T in the above formula

Time for T sec
Sr. L No. of K
OG1 ‘n’ Osc. (Expt) Experim-
No. Cms Oscn ental
Secs. t/n

CALCULATIONS for Lumped Mass.

01. Find ‘k’ experimental from the relation

K2 + (OG1)2
T = 2
Where, T = Periodic time.

K theo = L / 23

(For Determination of Moment of Inertia)

Experiment No.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

To determine the moment of Inertia of given specimen by using Tri-Filar suspension..


A uniform circular disc is suspended from the pendulum support frame by three parallel cords. Top

ends of the cords are gripped by the drill chucks fixed links. The three links are joined to each other at

1200 angle and this assembly is fitted by stud to the top end of the frame.. It is possible to change the

length of the cord.

The suspension may also be used to determine the moment of Inertia of any body. In this case the body

under investigation is kept in the centre.


1. Suspend the disc by the hook. The suspension length of each cord must be the same. Keep any

one specimen on the bottom disc in the centre.

2.Allow the disc to oscillate about the vertical axis passing through the centre and measure the periodic
time ‘t’ by knowing the time for say 10 oscillations.
3. Repeat the experiment by mounting the weights at equal distance from the centre.

4. Complete the observation table given below.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

Time for MI
Sr. L- a- No. of Periodic
MI of
‘n’ Osc. Time – of Ring.
No. mtr. mtr. Oscn Disc
T- ‘t/n’
- ‘t’ Secs.

Exp Theo. Exp. Theo.

For Tri-Filar suspension
W x D2
Mass Moment of Inertia of Disc - M.ITh. = Kg.m.s2
g x8

Where ‘W’ = Weight of Disc = _____ kgs.

‘D’ = Dia. of Disc = m

‘g’ = 9.81 m/s2

Mass Moment of Inertia of Ring = M.I.Th = ½ x W/g x (R12 + R22)

Where ‘W’ = Weight of Ring = ______ kgs.

‘R1’ = D/2 = ______/2 = ______ m : Outer Ring Radius.

‘R2’ = D/2 = ______/2 = ______m : Inner ring Radius.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

W/g x g x a2 x T2 W x a2 x T2
4 x 2 x L
4 x 2 x L

Mass Moment of Inertia M.I.Exp. =

= = =

Where, ‘a’ = distance of wire from centre of Disc - m.

‘W’ = Weight of Disc or Ring.

‘T’ = Periodic Time = t/n

‘L’ = Length of Suspension.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


Experiment No.

Aim: To study the dynamic balancing of rotating masses.

Apparatus: Dynamic balancing machine, weights, tachometer


1. Select weights for balancing.

2. Take a specimen weight which is having maximum weight in horizontal position i.e. in second
position from reference weight say weight no.2.

3. Assume distance between 4 weights as shown in figure below

5 1 2 3

3cm 3cm 3cm

4. Now with reference to weight no.1 as ref. plane prepare following table

Wt. No. Spe. Weights in Distance from Couple Angular

‘gms’ Wt.No.4 Position

5 224 0 0 1920

1 232 3 696 00

2 230 6 1380 230

3 226 9 2034 1950

5. Now draw couple polygon with Weight No.2 in horizontal position.

a) Draw horizontal line of scale (Wt.No.2).

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

b) Take (Wt. No. ) distance in compass and draw an arc.

c) Take (Wt. No. ) distance in compass and draw an arc from another end.

d) Connect horizontal line with intersection point to form a triangle.

e) Measure the external angle as shown in figure.



Couple Polygon 1
6. Now draw force polygon as follows :

a) Draw a horizontal line C1 scale at 232 (Actual weight).

b) Draw a parallel line to C2 scale at 230.

c) Draw a parallel line to C3 scale at 226.

d) Join the line to form a polygon as shown in figure.

F 3(226)

F5 (222 ) F 2 (230)

) Force Polygon 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

7. As per the angles obtained from Force and Couple Polygons fix the weights accordingly in the
main shaft.

8. Suspend total main frame by chains.

9. Attach belt to main frame and shaft the motor at low speed and observe vibrations on the frame.
It is necessary to suspend the machine before the experiments. Using the values of ‘Wr’
obtained as above, and if the angular positions and planes of rotation of three of four blocks are
known, the student can calculate the positions of other blocks for balancing of the complete
system. From the calculations, the student finally clamps all the blocks on the shaft in there
appropriate positions. Replace the motor belt; transfer the main frame to its hanging position
and then by running the motor, one can verify that these calculations are correct and the blocks
are perfectly balanced.


1. Before starting the experiment see that dimmer-stat at zero position.

2. Increase the speed slowly & gradually. Avoid abrupt use of dimmer-stat.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR


Experiment No.
Aim : To determine the Force, Torque & Power of a Rope Brake Dynamometer.

Introduction : Dynamometer is a device for determining the Force, Torque and Power. It is simple

to fabricate and inexpensive type dynamometer. It is extensively used for testing of I.C. Engines.

There are two types of Dynamometers as given below.

a) Absorption Type :

i) Mechanical Type :

a) Prony Brake Type.

b) Rope Brake Type.

c) Band Brake Type.

ii) Hydraulic Type.

b) Transmission type. :

i) Mechanical Type :

a) Belt Transmission Type

ii) Electrical Type.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

Description :

This dynamometer is designed and developed for the students undergoing Engineering courses, with

a view to make them understand the design features, construction, calculation of power, torque etc.

It consists of a base frame fabricated of MS Angle. A PMDC Motor is fitted on this frame. A small

drum is coupled to the motor directly to which a rope is wound. Loading frame having loading

screw with two spring balances are provided to measure load applied on the drum. One end of the

spring is hooked to the rope on the drum. Voltmeter & Ammeter is used to measure the input power

of the motor. A variable closed type dimmerstat is used to vary the speed of the motor.

Scope of Supply :

01. Base frame made from MS angle.

02. PMDC Motor : 1500 rpm, 0.5HP, 180 VDC.

03. Rope brake Dynamometer assembly coupled to the Motor shaft.

04. Loading screw with spring balances for applying load on the drum.

05. Dimmerstat : Closed Type, 0 – 2 amps, 230VAC.

06. Digital Voltmeter & Ammeter for measuring power input of the motor.

Procedure to conduct the experiment.

01. Before starting the experiment please ensure that there is no load on the drum. The both the

spring balance position should be at zero.

02. Switch on the power supply.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

03. Slowly go on increasing the motor speed say 300 rpm or 450rpm. Let it run for few minutes as

there should be a constant speed. Speed can be measured by a Tachometer (Not in Scope of supply


04. Apply some load on the drum with the help of loading screw, be 0.25 kg or 0.4 kg

on the spring balance ( difference of the spring balance ).

05. Note down this load – S1& S2, speed in the observation table. For this load, measure

the V & I readings and fill the observation table.

06. Apply some more load on the drum with the help of loading screw. Ensure that

the load is not much on the motor, as it will stop. After completing the

experiment for the particular load and speed, unload the motor and bring the dimmer

position to zero position.

06. Repeat the above procedure for different loads and speeds.

07. The motor should be switched off only after the dimmer knob is brought to zero


Observation Table.

Sr. No Speed Load on the Drum in N. Voltmeter Ammeter Torque

‘rpm’ S1 S2 Net ‘Volts’ ‘amps’ ‘Nm’

Kg. Kg.
‘W’ x

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

‘N’ S1 - S2 ‘V’ ‘I’ ‘T’

Calculations :

Constants / Data :

01. Drum Radius ‘R1’ : 150 mm.

02. Rope Diameter ‘D’ : 6 mm.

03. Speed ‘N’ : rpm.

Input Power ‘IP’ = V x I watts

Let ‘W’ = Net Load applied on the drum

= ( S1 - S2 ) x 9.81 ..... N

‘R’ = Effective Brake Drum Radius

= R1 + R 2 ... mtr. = 0.075 + 0.006 = 0.081mtr.

 Torque ‘T’ = W x R .. Nm
2x xNxT

Now, Output Power ‘OP’ = 60 …. Watt.

OP = …….. Watt.

Precaution :

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

01. Apply load on the drum gradually. Do not exceed load above _______Kgs.

02. Ensure ‘Zero’ position of the dimmer before starting the experiment.

03. Before stopping the unit, unload the applied load on the drum and bring

dimmer knob to zero position.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCET, CHITTOOR

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