Jacket Operational Breakdown
Jacket Operational Breakdown
Jacket Operational Breakdown
Sewing collar
Cutting and turning collar
Ironing middle collar seam
Hem front fuse and double bend
Ironing fuse behind neck
Sewing hangers for fuse
Sewing dart on pockets
Sewing elastic bar on pockets
Topstitch the pockets
Sewing sleeves
Topstitch the sleeves
Sewing side seam on sleeves
Hem Sleeves
sewing front parts
Top stitch the Front Parts
Drawing position sewing Pockets
Overloch seam on back
Sewing back
Top stitch the back
Sewing back with side parts to fly
Closing fly on the back with formation
Topstitch the back hem
Closing fly on the side to hem
Sewing Shoulders
Topstitch the shoulder on back
Attaching collar
Seaming front fuse with back fuse
Sewing fuse on back
Topstitch the fuse
Topstitch the collar ,Lapel to end front
fuse on hem
Sewing the side seam with label
Topstitch the back hem
Attaching sleeves
Placing Strips on the armholes
Sewing armholes
Sewing two Buttonholes
Mount the hanger
Putting Paper label
Name of Operation Machine Type Seams
Assembly part
Shoulder joint (lining)
Sleeve joint (lining)
Side seam joint (lining)
Sleeve panel joint (shell)
Sleeve panel 1/16 T/S (shell)
Sleeve joint (shell)
Armhole 1/4 T/S
Side joint shell
Placket mark
Placket make & 1/16 T/S
Placket with zipper joint
Zipper joint (right side)
Zipper joint (left side)
Mark for snap button 1 point
Punch and attach for snap button 1 point
Sleeve cuff joint
Lining sleeve with cuff joint
Sleeve mouth opening ruling
Shell and lining joint with front opening psn (right)
Shell and lining joint with front opening psn (left)
1/4 T/S psn at front opening psn
Faching joint with bottom hem (inside)
Bottom hem